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AU5100-1869 ISBN: 978 1 921515 92 7 This book was kindly loaned to Archive CD Books Australia by Flinders University www.lib.flinders.edu.au Navigating this CD To view the contents of this CD use the bookmarks and Adobe Reader’s forward and back buttons to browse through the pages. Alternatively use any table of contents or book index to look for specific information and then use Adobe Reader’s page navigation controls in the status bar at the bottom of the window to go to the relevant page. Searching this CD • This CD is searchable using Adobe Acrobat Reader 4 or later. It is also FASTFIND enabled, giving very fast searches of all files on the CD at once! The FASTFIND search enhancement only works with Adobe Reader 6 or later. Use the Binoculars/Search icon in Adobe Reader or “Search” under the Edit menu to initiate all searches. • For more information on advanced searching and other tips for the best search results click here • Generally 95% - 99% of the words can be searched. Where the original type was poor the words may not be recognised for searching. The technical advancements that allow this searching bring a wonderful finding aid but there is still no substitute for reading the book! This is one of over 1000 Australian and New Zealand products and over 3000 internationally from the international Archive CD Books project Click on this box for the full online catalogue www.archivecdbooks.com.au FREE download samplers available for most Australian and New Zealand products Archive CD Books Australia exists to make reproductions of old books, documents and maps available in digital form, and to co-operate with family and local history societies, libraries, museums and record offices to digitise their collections in return for other benefits. Copyright © 2008 Archive CD Books Australia Pty Ltd. All Rights Reserved iw ET-M9N Dra 5 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENTGAZETTE. 1869. 10 I ADELAIDE : BY AUTHORITY, W. C. COX, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, NORTH-TERRACE. 1870. INDEX. Page. Page. Aliens (see Nat. tralization). Appointments (continued)- Allen, James, notice under impounding Act ........ ..... 1464 Bussell, J. W., Clerk, Engineer-in-Chief's Depart- Aird, A. B., deceased, administration of effects, claims against ment .. 163 estateof, to be rendered............................ 795 Buttfield , James Parker , Special and Stipendiary Aldenhoven , H., assignment of effects .................... 1787 Magistrate .............................. 386 Allerton , E., assignment of effects ........................ 948 Cavanagh, Hon. W., Commissionerof Crown Lands Arnold, E ., assignment of effects ........................ 1619 sad Immigration , oath of office administered to 243, 383 Ashton, Charlotte , assignment of effects .................. 716 Colley, R. B., J.P., Visiting Justice, Adelaide Gaol.. 600 Ashton, Albert, assignment of effects ...................... 1619 Colton, Hon . John, Commissioner of Pub lic Works, A liffe , Henry, assignment of effects ............. 514 oath of office administeredto .... ........... 243, 383 A bott, Samuel, farmer , insolvency notice...... .... 347, 348, 819, 1014 Connor, 0 . H. T., Member Board of Management, Abrahams , Heinrich , farmer , insolvency notice .... ........ 1681 AdelaideHospital .......................... 106 Adams , Andrews, contractor , insolvency notice .. .. 713, 907, 946, 1528, Cramond,J. S. S., Bailiff at Local Court, Two Wells 1402 1624,1736 Davenport, Saml., J.P., Member Board of Governors, Aitkins, C., oyster-bed licence granted . .. 1784 BotanicGardens .......................... 470 Angel, Wm ., jun., farmer , insolvency notice ..:... 233, 234 , 1061, 1264, Deering, Samuel , Clerk, Court of Appeals .. ...... 35 1311, 1459 Deering, Samuel , Extra Aid -de-Camp ............ 244 Austin , Saml ., storekeeper , insolvency notice ... .. .. 277 Deering, Samuel , Secretary , Attorney -General . , .. 1028 Acraman , J., Main , G., and Lindsay , J., partnership dissolved 1496 Delany, Wm ., Bailiff, Local Court, Gawler ........ 471 Aubert,F. & G. Heard, partnershipdissolved .............. 1765 Drummond , A., Curator, Truro Cemetery .......... 978 Aldersey , Mary Ann, deceased , claims against to be rendered.. 692 Dyke , J. T., Accountant, Agency of Savings Bank, Andrews, R. B., title of " Honorable " conferred upon ...... 800 at Port Elliot. ... 1768 Armour , Amos, distillation licence granted to .............. 789 Edgoumbe, Hon. C. E., Private Secretary and Aid- Atkinson,A., distillation licencegranted to ................ 1520 do-Camp . 244 Appeals, Court of- Esau, H. C. F., Returning Officer, District of Onka- Appeals to be heard ......... .... ........... 837, 389 paringa .................................. 1402 Clerk , resignation and appointment of ............ 35 Farmer, Swithen,Clerk, Local Court, Port MacDonne ll 697 Clerk , appointment of .......................... 1232 Farr, Rev. G. H., M.A., Member Board of Governors, Appointments- South Australian Institute .................. 162 Allen, F . W., Bailiff, Local Court, Robe .. ........ 882 Ferguson, Robt . H., President , Marine Board ...... 386 Ayers, Hon. H., M.L.C., Member Board of Governors, Fiddian, S., B.A., Member Board of Governors, South BotanicGardens .......................... 470 Australian Institute. ... ......... ......... 1438 Begot , Hon. J . T., Chief Secretary , oath of office ad- Fdelsche , P., Sub -Inspector of Poli ce, Northern ministered to .............................. 243, 383 Territory................................ 1768 Barrow, Hon . J. H., Member Central Board of Edu- Formby, John , J.P., Warden , Marine Board .... 198 cation.................................... 697 Fuller, H . K., Visiting Justice, Adelaide Gaol...... 386 Beck, L . R., Cadet, Savings Bank ................ 1174 t Fuller, H. R., Visiting Justice, Stockade .......... 600 Benson , J., Medical Officer , Campbelltown ........ 926 Giles, Thos ., J.P., Visiting Justice, Stockade ...... 600 Blackmore , E. G., Clerk Assistant and Sergeant-at- Gill, Thos., Clerk in Destitute Board Office ........ 1354 Arms, House of Assembly .................. 1813 Goose, Wn7., M .R.C.S., Member Board of Manage- Blyth , N., Member Board of Management , Adelaide ment, Adel aAe Hospital ........ ......... 106 Hospital.. 106 Graves, Thomas, Member Board of Management, Boothby , Josiah, J .P., Trustee , Savings Bank ...... 470 Adelaide Hospital ...... .. ... 106 Boothby; W . R., Comptroller of Aonvicts .......... 470 Green, M., Licensed Surveyor under Real Property Act 1117 Boothby, W . R., Visiting Justice , Stockade ........ 297 Gwynne, His Honor E . C., Acting Chief Justice .... 162 Bonney , Charles, Superintendent of Railways and Hack, Theodore , Storekeeper , Railway Department 163 Tramways ... .... .. .. 749 Hallett, Alfred, Member Central Road Board ...... 126 Borrow, J . M., Third Class Clerk, Crown Lands Office 1232 Hamilton , E. L., Registrar Births, &c., District of Bowman, W ., Member Local Board Main Roads, Gumeracka .. ... .. 1354 Port Augusta ... ................. 1028 Hamley , F. G., Lieut .-Colonel, Member of H onorable Breton , H., Medical Officer, Robe ................ 1276 ExecutiveCouncil ........................ 244 Bright, H. E., M.P ., Member Central Road Board .. 126 Hardy, Charles, Keeper of Gaol, Wallaroo ........ 163 Brind , W. J., Trustee of Savings Bank ............ 1354 Harris , C. H., Licensed Surveyor ................ 1116 Browne , J. S., S.M ., Visiting Justice , Mount Gambier Hay, Alex ., Member Board of Management , Adelaide Gaol ....................................15 Hospital.................................. 106 iv. INDEX. Page. Page. Appointments (continued)- Appointments (continued)- Her.rick, Martin, Bailiff, Local Court, Blinman .. 471 Tilley, Thos., Member Local Road Board, Mount Hughes, Hon. H. K., Treasurer, oath of office ad- Gambier. 800 ministeredto. ........ 243,383 Tomkinson, Saml., Visiting Justice, Adelaide Gaol 386 Hutchins, S., Clerk, Local Court, Woodside........ 1174 Townsend, Win., Member
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