Turkey Weather CIHr te partly cloudy and ceo. Rules ttlr. toUy. High. today ntar •• nust "provide for waiver of Partly clwdy te clwdy Ind ceo .... Iremium whi ch cannot be den io Iowan night. d by reason of health." In SPrt)ing the Univet'sily of 10IU and the People of loWG Cily Ilher words an employee may lecide not to pay his premlul115 Established in 1868 10 centl I COp)' Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa ~Wednesday, November 26, 1969 I~ring s ickn es~ or disability 1ithout suffering any change in lis conlract. • Sub ~ titut e retirement plans nust DUOW for stopping and Draft Lottery tarting premium payment, 1ithout pen ~ lty. This would Bio-Warfare Banned nake it possihle for an em· ,Ioyee to discontinue his pay. Becomes nents when absent or on leave rom h; ~ job. 1 Law Today WASHINGTON !AI - President Nixon In New Nixon Policy will sign into law today legislation set· ting up a random selection military L"nited had shown marked reluctance to ap­ draft aimed at inducting 19-year-olds , ASHI GTON (AP) - President 'hon announced Tu da\' th~ NOTES tate ' never wi ll use germ warfare - even if attacKed by an enemypr ading propriate money fo r germ warfare re­ first. search. And there were indications that Press secretary Ronald L. Ziegler bacteria. destruction of present stock plies of bac· said Tuesday that Nixon at the same The Pres ident also promised to destroy all existing stock-pill'<; or bactcriolog­ 7:30 p.m.·8 :00 p. m.: "Neuro­ teriological weapons would pose litt le lime will sign an executive order im­ ic:al weapons and to halt all further research on such weapon . ransmitters and Neuromodu· plementing the measure. problem since, it was under tood, they ators : Can Different FunctiOllaI Meanwhile. Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard In the futllre, the President tokl ------------ 'deteriorate rapidly. :ompartments be Visualized ?" I, C. Kleindlensl lold Congrell Tuesday newsm.n. research will bt confined to tlon ta Include firsl use of chemin II Nixon al50 annoUll<'ed the United 'y Lucas S. VanOrden, assist· that President Nixon plans to eUmin· effort. to counler any germ warfare at. ttlat mertly incapacitate rather than Sl3tes Is joining Canada as the second nt professor of pharmacoiocy. ate college def.rm.nts al part 01 his tack, luch al cIt\lelopll'l!l immunililion kill. nation to endorse "the principies and 8:05 p.m.·8:30 p.m.: "Cbtm· reform of Ihe draft law. Th. W hit e shots to protect the populltion. The Pre iden!'s announcement capped objectives" of a British· ponsored pro­ ~ al Nature of Attachment 01 )XJ:i31 for an International agreement to House promptly d.nled any luch pl.n. Because of the shift of research em· a six·month review of chemlcal and iiogenic Amines in the Cent· Congress has given Nixon the power biological defense policies and prer ban the use of biological warfare tac­ phasis, programs of this kind hence­ tics. But he said the United States wUl al Nervous System," with Spy. to s,lI'itch to a lottery system , but in forth will be supervised by the Depart­ grams , completed last week by the a­ idon G. A. Alivisatos, profes· req uesting the authority the President tional Security Council try to clarlfy some provisions of t b e ment of Health , Education and Welfare British prop.lsal "to a ure lhal neces· Dr of biochemistry at the Chi· did not say he would abolish college de­ rath er than by the Pentagon . ago Medical School. "On Ihe basis of this review," he told sary' safeguards are Incl uded ." ferments. In fa ct, his draft message Nixon also bl'Ol!dened the official pol­ reporters. "I made a number of deci· 8:35 p.m.-9:00 p.m.: "Role 01 Jast May called for continuing them. In setting a new policy of renouncing leurotransmitters in Behavior· icy on use of chemica l weapons - not· sions which 1 believe will sharply reo Kleindienst referred to the coming abl y poison gas - in war. lirst u.. of Incapacltotil'l!l chemical., I Action of Drugs, " l>y John duce the chance that these weapons, ei­ change in the Selective Service System While the United Stat.. long ago re· ther chemical or bacteriological w I J I Nixon exempted t.. r ..., herbicide. [arvey, professor of psychol· during testimony before a House Ju­ and riot conh-.I agentl. gy. nounced firll use of lethal chemical ever be u ed by any nalion." . diciary subcommittee on a bill calling weaponl. Nillon extended the renuncll. Th President &eted alter Congress However, he a ked the Senate to act . • • lor the creation of additional federal EUROPEAN SOCIALISM speedlly on a GeDeva protocol dating judgeships. b2ck to 1925 -already endor ed by most Georges Haupt , professor 01 Contribuling to Ihe problem of in· nations - to prohibit first use of "a · Istory, at the Ecole Prati­ creasing case loads in the federal phyxiating, poi:;onous or other gases or ue Des Hautes Etudes in Par­ courts, he said, arl Ihe large numbtr UI Black Students Ask of bacteriological methods of warfare." i, will speak on "European 01 ClSti involving violalions of tht St­ ociaJism and the Second In· IlCtiv. Service law. Although the United Slat.. has long !rnational " at 3:30 p.m. to­ Kleindienst disagreed with the obser­ supported the oblectiv.. of the 1925 ay in the Union Yale Room. vation of subcommi ttee Chairman Em· For 'Kerner' Group Here agreement, NI~on .11d he fttl. for,", I • • anuel Celler (D-N. Y.) that the number ratification by the Senale Ie warranted at \ ~.I ~ tim. "to relnforc. aur conllnulng ~IELD HOUSE SCHEDULE 01 such cases could be expected to di­ Formulation of a local "Kerner-type It The students presented a tatement min ish in the fu ture. commission to in vestigate racial prob­ to Boyd that they had drawn up early .d~ocacy of Internallonal constraints on Field House recreation facil· the use of these weapons." ies will be available as fol· Citing "the attitude of young people lems here was the main order of busi­ Tu day morning. 'ws during Thanksgiving va· today," Kleindienst said resistance to ness Tuesday for the Unive rsity's ce nt· In It, they charged the University While term ing his decisions "major ltion : Today and Wednesday the dra ft could be expected to continue ra l admin istration. with responsibility to insure an "atmos­ initiatlves In the disarmament field," · normal schedule. Wednes· even under a lottery system . Up, Up ane/ Black students discussed plans for phere that is conducive for black stu­ the Nixon ,tatement said the moves he Iy evening Is family night. "If it (the draft) lak .. a young man such a commission in meetings with dents' educaltonal growth and develop­ was tllking will not I e a v e the United hursday - closed. friday, who otherwise wou Id have gone to col­ lizzie two University administrators Tue day ment." States "vulnerable to surprise by an Iturd ay and Sunday - I p.m. lege. it could lead to an incr.... In - one Tuesday morning with University The tatement said the University enemy who does not observe these ra· , 5 p.m. violations," he said. Pres . Willard Boyd and a second Tues­ tional restraints." Evorybody ta lks about the weather, could not "abdicate this responsibility Asked by newsmen after the hearing day afternoon with Philip Hubbard , to black st udents." whether his reply meant college defer­ and some people make it more lun to dean of Academic Affa irs and Univer­ LEGAL PUBLICATION The statemenl Ilid thaI when black men ts would be eliminated under the talk about. Michael Ellenft ldt, G, Iowa sity vice pr.ovost. students "Iry to got at the root of the Protesting Sole/iers '!tc:cC!tM C~IT "'('\TICE lottery system, Kleindienst said "That The impetus for the discussions came City, top, literally started the balloon early Tuesday morning, when two white evil (dlscriminalion problem.) and ell· ) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: is my understanding." May Face Penalties Notlee Is hereby given that • Gerald L. Warren, Ni xon's deputy rolling when np inflated a giant six·fool students and one bl ack student w ere pl.ln Ih. hows . nd whYI of Ih ls racis m, at al1d ,lIIc hedule are now on Ille we art mel with inaction on the pari the offloe of the Clerk or h. press secretary, after bein g informed of wCilther balloon at the corner of North arrested by Iowa City police after a unltlpallty of Iowa City. low •. 117, 1I7 h of the Un iverilly admlnislration." For 24-Hour Fasts lowfnft assessments orOJ)05erl tn Kleindienst's comment, said he knew Capital and Market Streets and at· fight broke out at Ga llery S. ! made lor and on accl}lInl or lhp of no change in previously announced Clinto n St. The students ~ uggested that a solu­ PLEIKU, Vietnam (M - Army field ·sl or conslruction of 7" 00l11,nd tempted to roll it down the hill and 11'110 ment concrete DavinS! with Int. ... plans to retain student deferments in Clly j)Olice Sl id the incident btgln tion to local problems might be a com­ hOb pita I soldiers planning a 24·hour ~ 1 curb "nd 6" oortland t'E'mlSnt the Iowa River. The unlortunate thing after Richlrd Step.nek, A3, Lyons, III ., l1crete .Uey pavlnJt. On the fnl· the administration's planned revision of ml ion similar to the Kerner Commi - Thanksgiving Day fa t to protest the wIng streets.
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