REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA MAPLE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL 7LPH Monday, June 10, 2019 Tahoma School District Central Services Center (VWLPDWLRQ 7:00 p.m. 25720 Maple Valley Black Diamond Rd SE 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. FLAG SALUTE/ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS Now is time for public comment. Time is limited to 3 minutes per person, or 5 minutes per organization. If anyone from the audience would like to address Council at this time, please come to the podium and state your name and address for the city clerk. PLQ Introduction of New Employees: Kim Holben PLQ PRESENTATION: Puget Sound Regional Council 4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA PLQ 5. CONSENT CALENDAR (a) Approval of Minutes of the Special Meetings on May 28, 2019 and June 3, 2019 (b) Approval of voucher checks, wire transfers, electronic funds transfer, payroll, and benefit checks numbered 29616-29643, 501129-501133 voided check(s) 29586, and direct deposits June 5, 2019 for a total amount of $426,485.62 (c) Resolution No. R-19-1341 authorizing the City Manager to accept the Deed of Dedication for pathways (d) Resolution No. R-19-1342 authorizing the City Manager to execute Lease Agreement with the South King County Food Coalition (e) Resolution No. R-19-1344 authorizing the City Manager execute a Discretionary Work Request with King County Road Services for the 2019 Pavement Overlay Program 6. PUBLIC HEARING 7. BOARD, COMMISSION, COMMITTEE REPORTS PLQ 8. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER ................................................. City Manager (a) City Hall update (b) Sign Code update (c) Farmers Market update 9. COUNCIL REPORTS Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reasonable accommodations provided upon request. Please call Shaunna Lee-Rice, City Clerk, at 425-413-8800. PLQ 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS (a) Resolution No. R-19-1345 accepting and authorizing the implementation of the 2019/2020 Strategic Communications Plan ........................................... ................................................ Communications Specialist Jennifer Cusmir 11. ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, AND MOTIONS 12. NEW BUSINESS PLQ (a) Resolution No. R-19-1343 authorizing the City Manager to enter into a 36- month fiber Agreement with Centurylink .............IT Manager David Hartline (b) Resolution No. R-19-1340 accepting the bid submitted by Maroni PLQ Construction Inc., for the Lake Wilderness Phase 2 parking and entrance improvements project P-16 and authorizing the City Manager to execute a Public Works Construction Ccontract with, Maroni Construction Inc., for construction services for the Lake Wilderness Phase 2 parking and entrance improvements P-16 ................................City Engineer Bill Bullock PLQ 13. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER ............................................................ Council (a) Maple Valley Days debrief ............................................................... Council (b) Meeting with Legislators in September ...................................... Mayor Kelly (c) Legacy Site ................................................................................ Mayor Kelly 14. PUBLIC COMMENTS Now is time for public comment. Time is limited to 3 minutes per person, or 5 minutes per organization. If anyone from the audience would like to address Council at this time, please come to the podium and state your name and address for the city clerk. 15. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Monday, June 17, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. Lake Wilderness Golf Course 25400 Witte Road SE, Maple Valley, WA REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING Monday, June 24, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. Tahoma School District Central Services Center 25720 Maple Valley Black Diamond Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA 16. EXECUTIVE SESSION (a) Executive session to discuss with legal counsel potential litigation pursuant to RCW 42.30.110(1)(i) 1RILQDODFWLRQ 17. ADJOURNMENT Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) reasonable accommodations provided upon request. Please call Shaunna Lee-Rice, City Clerk, at 425-413-8800. CITY OF MAPLE VALLEY, WASHINGTON CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING MAY 28, 2019 Lake Wilderness Lodge 22500 SE 248th Street 1. CALL TO ORDER Mayor called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. 2. FLAG SALUTE/ROLL CALL Anakin and Laura Philpot led the Flag Salute. Councilors present: Linda Olson, Les Burberry, Erin Weaver, Syd Dawson, Linda Johnson, Deputy Mayor Parnello, and Mayor Sean Kelly. City Attorney Patricia Taraday was present. 3. PUBLIC COMMENT: PROCLAMATION(S): Tahoma Robotics, Gun Violence Awareness Day, Memorial Day and Golden Maple Leaf PRESENTATION: Greater Maple Valley Veterans Memorial update presented by Brett Habenicht. PRESENTATION: Maple Valley Days – Shaunna Kipling gave an update on the Maple Valley Days work to date and the new aspects to this year’s Maple Valley Days. Lindsey Habenicht announced the Neighbors Helping Neighbors Golf Tournament fundraiser is June 7, 2019. 4. APPROVAL OF THE AGENDA MOTION to approve the amended agenda made by Councilor Burberry seconded by Councilor Johnson. Motion carried, 7-0. Deputy Mayor Parnello requested to move 12 (a) to a future Study Session. 1 MOTION made to amend the agenda by removing 12 (a) for discussion at a future meeting by Councilor Dawson seconded by Deputy Mayor Parnello. Motion carried, 7-0. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR – SPECIAL ACTION ITEMS (a) Approval of Minutes of the Regular Business and Special Meetings on May 13 and May 20, 2019 (b) Approval of voucher checks, wire transfers, electronic funds transfer, payroll, and benefit checks numbered 29559-29615 and 501121-501128, voided check(s) 29574, 29582, 29609, and direct deposits May 22, 2019 for a total amount of $3,371,954.37 (c) Resolution No. R-19-1337 authorizing the City Manager to execute Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Maple Valley and Gaffney’s Grove Disc Golf Association the maintenance and use of the disc golf course at Lake Wilderness Park (d) Resolution No. R-19-1336 authorizing the City Manager to execute the Economic Development Partnership Agreement with the Port of Seattle MOTION to approve the Consent Calendar was made by Councilor Olson and seconded by Councilor Johnson. Motion carried, 7 – 0. 6. PUBLIC HEARING: None. 7. BOARDS, COMMISSION, COMMITTEE REPORTS: (a) Library Advisory Board annual update Board Members Ken Kinnear and Viki Kychakoff presented the annual update. 8. REPORT OF THE CITY MANAGER (a) City Hall update City Manager Laura Philpot addressed the: x Maple Valley Days x Legacy Site discussion-Roundabout design x Council availability for x Council Special Study Session Monday, June 3, 2019 x SR169 Open House Wednesday, June 5, 2019 x Stormwater Manager Halley Kimball attend Stormwater conference in Portland 2 x Request for weekend sign emphasis starting in June x Request for Mayor’s Police ride-a-long 9. COUNCIL REPORTS: (a) EMAC Emergency Drill Councilor Olson gave an update on her participation/observation Complex Coordinated Terrorist Attack drill. The drill next year is set as a tabletop exercise and in 2021 will be a full scale and multiple location exercise. (b) Meeting with King County Executive Mayor Kelly gave an update on the meeting advising they discussed the Be the Hope Walk, Open Space, and Summit Place. 10. CONTINUED BUSINESS: (a) Resolution No. R-19-1339 accepting Terra Dynamic, Inc.’s Summit Park Bid Alternate Nos. 2 & 3 as submitted by Terra Dynamics, Inc. on July 9, 2018, and authorizing the City Manager to execute same Parks Capital Project Manager Greg Brown advised that staff is requesting authorization as per the discussion at last month’s Council meeting concerning the project status. MOTION made to approve Resolution No. R-19-1339 by Councilor Burberry and seconded by Deputy Mayor Parnello. Motion carried, 7-0. 11. ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS, AND MOTIONS: None. 12. NEW BUSINESS: (a) Ordinance No. O-19-668 amending Title 12 entitled “Streets, Roadways and Public Spaces” to add a new chapter, Chapter 12.45, entitled “Honorary Street Naming,” This item was removed to be discussed at a future study session. (b) Resolution No. R-19-1338 approving the 2019 Solid Waste Comprehensive Waste Management Plan for the King County Solid Waste System Public Works Programs Project Manager Diana Pistoll introduced this item. King County staff Pat McLaughlin and Meg Moorehouse presented the PowerPoint from the packet. Mayor Kelly asked that it be noted to plan to discuss the future options with regards to solid waste and the landfill. MOTION made to approve Resolution No. R-19-1338 by Councilor Dawson and seconded by Councilor Weaver. Motion carried, 6-0. 3 (c) Ordinance No. O-19-667 amending Title 3 of the Maple Valley Municipal Code entitled “revenue and finance,” to add chapter 3.45 entitled “Donations of property to City” City Attorney Patricia Taraday addressed this item. MOTION made to adopt Ordinance No. O-19-667 by Councilor Burberry and seconded by Councilor Olson. Motion carried, 7-0. (d) Board and Commission application and interview question review City Manager Laura Philpot and City Attorney Patricia Taraday. There was extensive discussion and recommended changes, which will be amended by City Attorney. MOTION to approve as amended made by Councilor Burberry and seconded by Deputy Mayor Parnello. Motion carried, 7-0. 13. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER: (a) August Recess Mayor Kelly addressed this item asking Council to confirm the recess as no meetings expect the annual Town Hall meeting on August 26, 2019. MOTION made to approve by Councilor Dawson and seconded by Councilor Weaver. Motion carried, 7-0. Councilor Dawson-attended the Memorial Services at Tahoma National Cemetery with Mayor Kelly. Councilor Weaver-unable to attend June 3rd Visioning due to graduation at her school. Mayor Kelly-kudos to Police Chief for safety plan update at Tahoma School District, Tri-City Meeting tomorrow night at Covington City Hall 14. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Justin Gillmor, 27748 212th, thanked Council for approving the MOU with the Gaffney’s Grove Disc Golf Association. He also advised that the disc golf course has been recognized as the most popular in the region. Father’s Day tournament on Saturday, June 15th. 15. ANNOUNCEMENT OF NEXT MEETING SPECIAL MEETING Monday, June 3, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.
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