NEWS AND NOTES 937 APPOINTMENTS AND STAFF CHANGES . Harold F. Alderfer has returned to his po- George I. Blanksten has been promoted to sition as professor of political science and ex- an associate professorship at Northwestern ecutive secretary of the Institute of Local University. Government at Pennsylvania State College after an absence of two years. During the two- Ralph J. D. Braibanti, associate professor of year period, he served in Greece with the Eco- government at Kenyon College, served during nomic Cooperation Administration, and, later, the past summer as political adviser to the with the Mutual Security Agency. United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands. Luther Allen, a member of the political sci- ence staff of the University of Delaware during Gordon K. Bryan has been advanced to the https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms the academic year 1951-52, is teaching at rank of professor at Mississippi State College. Amherst College during the current academic John Tyler Caldwell resigned as president of year. the Alabama College for Women to accept the Karl M. Arndt has been promoted to the presidency of the University of Arkansas, ef- rank of professorial lecturer in the part-time fective July 1, 1952. faculty of the department of political science William Cape, formerly instructor in politi- and public administration of American Uni- cal science at the University of Kansas, has versity. joined the faculty of the University of South Charles S. Ascher has been on partial leave Dakota. from Brooklyn College during 1952 to act as Raymond Carmon has been promoted to the associate director of the Public Administration position of assistant director of the Bureau of Clearing House. He is in charge of the New Government Research and appointed instruc- York Office of the Clearing House. tor in political science at the University of Elton Atwater of Pennsylvania State Col- Kansas. lege was dean of an International Service , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Gwendolen M. Carter is on leave from Smith seminar held at Woodstock, Vermont, from College for the academic year 1952-53 to June 20 to August 9, 1952. The seminar was study the party system in South Africa. Her one of five such meetings held during the sum- study is being conducted under an area re- mer under the auspices of the American search grant from the Social Science Research Friends Service Committee. Council and, also, under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. 01 Oct 2021 at 02:45:59 William M. Beaney, Jr., has been advanced to an assistant professorship in the department , on Harold Chase of the University of Delaware of politics at Princeton University. has accepted a lectureship in the Woodrow Kenneth Beasley, instructor in political sci- Wilson School of Public and International Af- ence at the University of Kansas, has been ap- fairs at Princeton University. pointed to the staff of the Bureau of Govern- Taylor Cole will be on leave from Duke Uni- ment Research of that institution as coordi- versity during the academic year 1952-53. He nator for an expanded program of training has been awarded a Fulbright Research Fel- schools for public officials. IP address: lowship for work in Italy. Alfons J. Beitzinger, formerly of Marquette Kenneth W. Colegrove retired from his posi- University, is an acting instructor in political tion as professor of political science at North- science at the University of Wisconsin for the western University on September 1, 1952. academic year 1952—53. Robert F. Curtis, recently a graduate stu- A. LeRoy Bennett has returned to his posi- tion as assistant professor of political science dent at Georgetown University, has been ap- at Michigan State College after spending a pointed to an instructorship in the department year in research and observation at the United of political science at the University of Michi- https://www.cambridge.org/core Nations headquarters under a Ford Founda- gan- tion grant. Manning J. Dauer of the University of https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400070222 Downloaded from 938 THE AMERICAN POLITICAL SCIENCE REVIEW Florida was a visiting member of the political full professorship at Vanderbilt University. He science staff of the University of Alabama dur- has been awarded a travel grant by the Social . ing the second term of the summer session of Science Research Council for study in Yugo- 1952. slavia on the subject of the impact of the Tito- Stalin break upon domestic Yugoslav politics Harry R. Davis is on leave from Beloit Col- and government. lege for the academic year 1952-53 for work under a Ford Foundation fellowship. He will James W. Drury has been advanced to an spend the year at the Union Theological associate professorship in political science at Seminary and Columbia University. the University of Kansas. Jesus de Galindez, who during the academic William Ebenstein, professor of politics at year 1951-52 served as lecturer in the Latin Princeton University, taught at the University American Studies Program offered in the of Pennsylvania during the summer session of https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms School of General Studies of Columbia Uni- 1952. versity, will continue to serve in that capacity for another academic year. He is offering Murray Edelman of the University of Il- courses in the government and foreign rela- linois is affiliated with the University of Vienna tions of Latin American countries. during the academic year 1952-53, while studying Austrian governmental organizations Alfred de Grazia has been appointed as as- which are responsible for wage stabilization sociate professor of political science at Stan- policy. His study is being conducted under a ford University and as executive officer of the Fulbright grant. Stanford Committee for Research in the Social Sciences. He will devote one-half of his time to Henry W. Ehrmann is on leave from the teaching and research in the department of University of Colorado for the academic year political science, in which he will concentrate 1952-53. He has been awarded a Social Science attention in the field of political behavior, and Area Travel grant and is spending the year in one-half of his time to the work of the Com- France, where he is engaged in a study of mittee. French management organizations. , subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at Karl W. Deutsch has been advanced to a full Lynn W. Eley, formerly a graduate assist- professorship in history and political science in ant at the State University of Iowa, is engaged the School of Humanities and Social Studies at in work as a trainee in the junior management the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In. assistant program of the Office of Budget and addition to teaching at the Massachusetts In- Finance of the United States Department of stitute of Technology, he served during the Agriculture. 01 Oct 2021 at 02:45:59 academic year 1951-52 as associate in the Uni- Thomas H. Eliot, lawyer of Boston, Massa- versity Seminar on Organization at Columbia , on chusetts, and former member of Congress, has University, and is serving during the current been appointed chairman of the department of academic year as research associate with the political science at Washington University, St. rank of visiting professor at Princeton Uni- versity. Louis, Missouri. Leon D. Epstein, on leave from the Uni- Alfred Diamant has been promoted to an versity of Wisconsin, is spending the academic assistant professorship at the University of year 1952-53 in England under a grant from . IP address: Florida. the Ford Foundation. Paul Dolan has been named chairman of the Alona E. Evans has been advanced to an department of political science at the Uni- associate professorship at Wellesley College. versity of Delaware. William J. Evans has been advanced to the Thomas C. Donnelly, formerly professor of rank of professor at Mississippi State College. government and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences of the University of New Mexico, James W. Fesler, professor of government at was named president of New Mexico High- Yale University, was a member of a team of four Yale social scientists who spent the sum- https://www.cambridge.org/core lands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico, ef- fective September 1, 1952. mer in British East Africa, Northern and Southern Rhodesia, and the Belgian Congo, Alex N. Dragnich has been advanced to a under a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0003055400070222 Downloaded from NEWS AND NOTES 939 Wesley R. Fishel has been appointed assist- demic year 1952-53. He is teaching American ant director of the Governmental Research government, public administration and politi- . Bureau of Michigan State College. lie will be cal theory. in charge of research relating to foreign areas and psychological warfare. Frederick H. Hartmann has been promoted to an associate professorship at the University Russell II. Fitzgibbon of the University of of Florida. California (Los Angeles) taught at Ohio State University during the summer session of 1952. H. Fields Haviland, Jr., has been advanced to an associate professorship in political science William A. Glaser, recently a graduate stu- at Haverford College. dent and teaching fellow in the department of government at Harvard University, has been John N. Hazard of Columbia University will appointed to an instructorship at Michigan spend the winter session of 1952-53 at Cam- https://www.cambridge.org/core/terms State College. bridge University on a Fulbright fellowship. Charles II. Goodman has been promoted to Richard H. Heindel, deputy director of the the rank of professorial lecturer in the part- staff, United States National Commission for time faculty of the department of political sci- UNESCO, offered a course in international ence and public administration of American understanding and world affairs at the Insti- University.
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