WHA Rf;.QLLY IJI.Q "Hac(.cing can get you in a who(e (0+ �ore +rout>(e than you +hink and if a co�p(ete(y creepy +hing +0 do." - lXlJ wet> page ai�ed a+ kidf +0 difcourage hacking (www.u5doj.!Jov/k.jd5pa!Je/do ..do nt/reck.(e55.ht�) s'rll If If 2600(lSSN 0749-3851) is published Editor-In-Chief quarterly by 2600 Enterprises Inc. Emmanuel Goldstein 7 Strong's Lane, Setauket, NY 11733. Second class postage permit paid at lavoUI and Design shapeSHIFTER Setauket, New York. Cover Design snc. The Chopping Block Inc. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to OfficeManager P.O. Box 752, Middle Island. NY Tamprut 2600, 11953-0752. Wrilers:Bernie S .. Billst. Blue Whale. Copyright (c) 1999 2600 Enterprises. Inc. Noam Chomski. Eric Corlev. Dr. Delam. Yearly subscription: U.S. and Canada - Derneval. Nathan Dortman. John Drake. $18 individual, $50 corporate (U.S. funds). Paul Estev. Mr. French. Thomas Icom. Joe630. Kingpin. Mm. Kevin Mitnick. The Overseas - $26 individual. $65 corporate. Prophet. David Ruderman. Seraf. Silent Back issues available for 1984-1998 at $20 Switchman. Scott Skinner. Mr. Upsetter per year. $25 per year overseas. Individual issues available from 1988 on Webmaslers:Kerrv. Macki at $5 each. S6.25 each overseas. Nelwork Ooeralions:CSS.lzaac Broadcasl Coordinalors: Juintz. ADDRESS ALL Shihlock. AbsoluteO. silicon. cnote. Anakin SUBSCRIPTION CORRESPONDENCE TO: IRC Admins:autojack. ross 2600 Subscription Dept., P.O. Box 752. Insoiralional Music: Joe Strummer. Middle Island. NY 11953-0752 Svd Barrett. real earlv Flovd. Ron Geesin ([email protected]). ShoUI OUIS: Hippies From Hell. etov. claudus. The Stony Brook Press. 112. FOR LETTERS AND ARTICLE www.indvmedia.org.Studio X. and everyone who stood UP in Seallle SUBMISSIONS, WRITE TO: RIP: Krvstalia 2600 Editorial Dept., P.O. Box 99, Middle Island, NY 11953-0099 Good luck: Nahali ([email protected], [email protected]). 2600 Office Line: 516-751-2600 2600 FAX Line: 516-474-2677 Viulencer Vandalsr Victims As the 90's fade into history, it's not down the USIA for eight days. This is how likely the unhealthy trends of our society long it took them to lnstall decent security, will do the same anytime soon. In many something they had never bothered to do In ways we've become practically enslaved to the first p1ace:He didn't take away their se­ the corporate agenda, to the great detriment curity - fhey never had it to begin with. But of the individual. this fact wasn't seen as relevant In any of the The signs have been around for a while. stories that ran. And what about the act of You've seen them repeatedly in these pages. taking a oung person away from his People interested in technology who ask100 friends an family for more than a year and many: questions or probe too aeeply or thor­ forcing himJ to live with potentially danger­ ougnly are seen as a threat because they ous cnminals? Well... that's justice. might adversely affect profits or embarrass In both cases that which is most precious those in authonty. The net has steadily been to our society - the individual- was made to transforming from a place where freedom of suffer because their actions and form of ex­ speech is paramounf to one where it all re­ pression caused humiliation of some greater volves around the needs of business. power. We've seen this before in the hacker Now there's nothing wrong with com­ world with Bernie S. and Kevin Mitnick mprce, people making a profit, or even peo­ (who is at last scheduled for release on Janu­ ple wHo just don't care about the thIngs ary 21, 2000). Peor.le who go to forbidden others value. After all, there's room for all places, utter. forbiad�n speech, or are just types in the world as well as on the net. But seen as an Inconvemence are stepped on, that's not how it's panning out. Increasingly, abused, even tortured. the needs of the individual are bein� saCrI­ Why: punish such relatively harmless in­ ficed for the needs of big business. "Corpo­ dividuals, whether they be hackers or rate mentalitv is replacIng our sense of demonstrators, with such passionate individual liberty. And ifs pointing us vengeance? Could it be that their very exis­ down a very dark road. tence constitutes a real threat that the au­ Consider things that have happened in thorities have no idea how to handle? the very recent past. In Seattle, the disparities between what A teenage hacker from Washington State happened and what was reported were al­ pleaded guilty to hacking several prominent mos1 comical - vandalism of commercial government web sites, including the White property being reported as violence whereas House and the United States Tnformation viofence agaInst individuals was mostly Agency. Despite there being no damage glossed over, with the exception of certain caused to any: of the sites (apart from embar­ foreign and alternative media. What kind of rassment ana having the index.html file re­ a sOCiety are we turning into when commer­ named), the government felt that 15 months cial losses are more important than the hu­ in prison ana a $40,000 fine was appropri­ man injuries? How couId the good people of ate. Rej?orts say: he could have gotten 15 years Time/Warner (CNN) have missed this? Or and a $"250,000 fine. Microsoft and General Electric (MSNBC)? Later that same month coincidentally in Or even Disney !ABC)? Why would SUCh the same state, police fired tear gas and shot bastions of journalism Ignore the real story:? rubber bullets at a crowd of peaceful Were they maybe more concerned with demonstrators who were protesting the whether the WTO would continue to look World Trade Organization's meeting in Seat­ out for them and their interests? tle. Many said it was the worst civIl unrest We ma indeed have developed a horri­ since Vietnam. bly cynicar outlook on society. fi's hard not At first glance, you might not think these to when things like this are so often toler­ stories have very much to do with one an­ ated. But the flipside is that our view of the other. But when you analyze them a little individual has only strengthened. If there's more closely, it's not difficult to see that they one thing we've learned from recent events, are both symptoms of the same disease. it's that people aren't as brain dead as we Much of the un\Jfovoked brutality in­ were led to Believe. People do care, they are flicted by the Seattle Police went unre­ paying attention, and tHey see the ominous ported, despite the abundance of sound and fanes of the future. Few persons seem to r.icture images. But every major network trust the government anymore, big business dutifully ran a story about the "violent anar­ is increaSIngly seen as a threat to our free­ chists" who started all the trouble. In the dom, and individual troublemakers are fill­ end, whenever the word "violence" was ing our expanding prison system. mentioned, one thought only of those peo­ It's nof very difficult to see how we got ple. to this sorry state. All of the mergers and Zyklon caused no damage to any of the consolidation of power have carried a heavy systems he got into. Yet tfie mass media and inevitable price. The real question IS painted him as someone dangerous. He re­ how do we regaIn control of our destinies? named a file. But all reports say that he shut 'smU'."'S.1,1.'tI,'*}1 Winter 1999-1900 Page S files on the 0.62 boot disk. Follow the in­ structions for unzipping and making the The fOllo�Tn��Ws described boot disk and the data disk. If you can't for the purposes of education. I'm aware get this far, you have no business doing this procedure could be and has been this in the first place. used to circumvent the security of any When this is done, copy ntfs.o to the Windows NT machine which the user has boot disk, edit the Modules file, add the physical access to. I do not condone the line "ntfs" to it (no quotes), and save the use of this information for illegal pur­ file. At this point it is best if you boot the poses, nor am I responsible for anything disk a few times, first to test it and sec­ stupid anyone does with this information. ond to get familiar with what will happen NTFS support in Linux is still Beta, read­ and how Trinux will respond to com­ ing and copying from the drive is safe, mands given it. This way there are no but copying to the drive is an "at your sunrises. own risk" deal. WHAtl'JERt Now take the two floppies to the ma­ �One of the many misconceptions about Windows NT is that it's a secure chine you want to access. Boot the first operatin9 system and that by formatting disk. When it asks if you have a data disk, a disk with NTFS and properly setting put in the second disk and type "y" then permissions, nobody can access the in­ hit return. It will then ask you again. Type formation on that disk without permission "n" and hit return. to do so. When it is finished booting, you will There are two problems with this the­ have a "Trinux 0.61" prompt. Type "ins­ ory.
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