Fantasy Hero The Fantasy Hero Grimoire TABLE OF CONTENTS A Book Of Spells For Fantasy Hero Author: Steven S. Long Introduction .........................3 ENCHANTMENT ........117 Editing and Development: Allen Thomas ALCHEMY .......................6 Armor ..........................117 Layout and Graphic Design: Andy Mathews CONJURATION .............21 Clothing ......................119 Cover Art: Chris Stevens DIVINATION .................32 Rings ............................123 Interior Art: Nate Barnes, Storn Cook, DRUIDRY .......................38 Shields .........................126 Bob Cram, Jr., Jefferson Cram, Andrew ELEMENTAL MAGIC ....63 Staffs.............................128 Cremeans, Keith Curtis, Jonathan Daven- port, John Grigni, Jeff Hebert, Scott Heine, Air Magic ......................63 Wands ..........................131 Nick Ingeneri, Scott Johnson, Cara Mitten, Earth Magic ..................73 Weapons ......................134 Scott Ruggels, Greg Smith, Chris Stevens Fire Magic .....................87 Miscellaneous Water Magic................101 Enchanted Items ........137 A WORD OR TWO Spells Of The NECROMANCY ...........140 OF APPRECIATION Lesser Elements ..........108 SORCERY .....................167 Special Thanks: We’d like to thank Geoff Speare, Ice Magic .....................108 THAUMATURGY ........188 Tom McCarthy, and the other Digital Hero playtesters Magic Of Light WITCHCRAFT ............203 and testreaders who reviewed this book. Their help spotting typos and inconsistencies and, most impor- And Shadow ...............111 WIZARDRY .................220 tantly, checking the math is deeply appreciated. DIVINE MAGIC ...........245 Hero SystemTM ®Sample is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted infile any form or by any means, Hero System © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or computerization, or by Champions © 1984, 1989, 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Fantasy Hero Grimoire © 2003 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Publisher: DOJ, Inc., 1 Haight Street, Suite A, San Francisco, California 94102. Star Hero, Justice Inc., Danger International, Dark Champions, Pulp Hero, Printed in the U.S.A. First printing September 2003 Western Hero © 2002 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. Produced and distributed by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. Stock Number: DOJHERO501 • ISBN Number: 1-58366-020-8 http://www.herogames.com The Fantasy Hero Grimoire 3 INTRODUCTION ne of the most difficult and time-consum- Enchantment, the Art of crafting and using ing chores facing a potential Fantasy Hero enchanted items. GM is the need to create spells for the cam- Necromancy, magic pertaining to life, death, Opaign. Unless the GM is willing to let the undeath, and related subjects, usually considered a players create their characters’ spells, he has to go black and evil Art. to considerable effort to design the spells characters can choose. Sorcery, magics of the mind, thought, illusion, and To help the GM with this task, The Fantasy deception, regarded by many with suspicion and Hero Grimoire presents thousands of pre-generated fear. spells in a wide variety of categories — alchemy, Thaumaturgy, the Art of transforming, altering, and necromancy, divine magic, and more. If you can’t redirecting energies and matter, including shape- find the spell you want in this book, you can easily shifting and related spells. use its contents as guidelines for designing your Theurgy, magics pertaining to various Divine and own spells. Infernal powers of Turakia (and as such too closely related to the setting to be included in this book). The Turakian Age Witchcraft, an Art combining various lesser aspects Magic System of other arts, such as Alchemy, Conjuration, Dru- idry, Elemental Magic, and Necromancy, as well Although The Fantasy Hero Grimoire is as hedge magics and other “low spells,” but no less designed for use with any Fantasy Hero campaign, powerful than the other arcana for all that. the spells in it come from a particular setting — the Wizardry, a catch-all term for magic and spellcast- Turakian Age, which is detailed in the book of the ing in general, but also used to refer to any spells or same name from Hero Games. The historical notes bodies of mystic lore not a part of any other arcana, and spellcasters associated with each spell, as noted such as spells of general utility (e.g., spells that in the spells’ descriptions, come from the Turakian detect or dispel magic), naming-magic, spells of world. sheer mystic power, and the like. The Turakian Age was chosen as the “back- drop” for The Fantasy Hero Grimoire because it has To cast spells from an arcana, a spellcaster a simple, straightforward magic system relatively must have a Power Skill for that specific arcana. similar to the “average” sort of magic system used Spellcasters buy their spells individually — they in the “average” Fantasy Hero campaign. Therefore, can’t buy them in Power Frameworks, though they adapting the spells in the Grimoire to another set- can sometimes define a single spell as a Framework ting becomes an easy matter, requiring little (if any) — but they divide the Real Point cost of the spell by extra work on the part of GMs and players. 3. (The spells presented in this book do not list the Briefly put, in the world of the Turakian Age, cost divided by 3, just the final Real Point cost.) wizards organize magic into twelve arcana, some- Priests’ spells — divine magic — do not belong times referred to as “colleges” or “schools” of magic: to any arcana. Instead, they’re all cast with a version Alchemy, the Art of creating potions, elixirs, and the of the Power Skill called Faith. Paladins also use like by mixing and activating various substances this Skill for their powers. and, in the process, unlocking the magical essences All spells, arcane or divine, must take Requires within them. A Skill Roll as a Limitation unless the GM allows Conjuration, the Art of summoning beings from this an exemption. Attack spells must also take Spell and other planes of existence, and of controlling (-½) as a Limitation (see Fantasy Hero, page 246). and banishing them. No other Limitations are required, though OAF, Gestures, and Incantations are extremely common, Divination, the Art of finding and foretelling. and several others (Concentration, Extra Time, Side Druidry, spells relating to, using, or affecting ani- Effects, Ritual, and the like) are also used. Samplemals, plants, and nature in general. (When cast by Turakian Age spellcasters may buy Endurancefile a druid, Druidry spells are a form of divine magic; Reserves to power their spells. If a character buys see below.) a Reserve, and it’s depleted or lost, the character may use his personal END to cast spells, but they Elemental Magic, spells related to the four Greater cost double their normal END cost. If a character Elements — Air, Earth, Fire, and Water — as well as chooses to use only his normal END for spells, they the Lesser Elements (such as Ice and Light). have their normal END cost. 4 Hero System 5th Edition OTHER RESOURCES For more information about the Turakian Target/Area Affected describes who or what the spell magic system, please refer to the Turakian Age set- affects. An attack spell usually indicates “one char- In addition to Fantasy ting book. acter” or the area covered due to the Area Of Effect Hero, Hero Games pub- or Explosion Advantages. “Self” indicates the spell lishes many other books only works on the character using it (though it may Fantasy gamers may How To Use This Book still “affect” other characters; for example, other find useful when select- The Fantasy Hero Grimoire is a game aid characters can perceive the effects of Shape Shift, ing or designing spells. even though it’s a “Self” spell.) These include: for both players and GMs. It allows GMs to start Fantasy Hero campaigns without having to create Casting Time indicates how long it takes to cast a The HERO System Besti- dozens or hundreds of spells, and it lets players spell. Most are Half Phase (the default for spells, ary, a collection of 180 select spells for their characters without having to as discussed on page 256 of Fantasy Hero) and/or monsters and animals spend time calculating costs. It’s particularly helpful Attack Actions. for campaigns where spellcasters can buy spells in that will provide any Casting Procedures lists the procedures a character GM with plenty of Multipowers or Variable Power Pools. adversaries for the PCs. has to go through to cast a spell. Focus, Gestures, WHAT THIS BOOK IS NOT and Incantations are the most common. Monsters, Minions, And Having noted what this book is, it’s also Duration lists the spell’s duration, typically Instant, Marauders, a book of important to note what it is not. Constant, or Persistent (see the HERO System 5th monsters specifically for First, it’s not a book of magical items, except Edition, Revised, page 98). “Uncontrolled” indicates Fantasy Hero. insofar as the “spells” of the Alchemy and Enchant- the spell has that Advantage. ment arcana require the book to include such Range lists the range for the spell. Ranged spells The Ultimate Martial items. The topic of enchanted items is vast enough Artist and Ninja Hero, usually have a range in inches (Active Points x 5” to merit a book of its own. However, you can easily in most cases), but may have “LOS” (Line Of Sight) which contain dozens convert most of the spells in this book to enchanted of martial arts abilities or “RBS” (Range Based On STR) range. “No Range” items by applying the appropriate Power Modifiers, you could convert into indicates the spell has No Range; “Self” that the spells. such as Focus and Charges. spell only affects the character using it; “Touch” that Second, it’s not comprehensive.
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