TUESDAY Outdoor titiventure ivith PARTAN DAILY the Motoititineers Nol. loo, N. 6; Published fin- San lose State University since 1934 Iticsd.1\ , MAN I 199 i ofSJSU Senate votes to cut funding for athletics NASLk 11)11s Currently the athlet IL s depart- The athletic director and with the vote v, as strong het.ause of by the lack of consultation by the were not consulted in this man- ter ment is receiving $2.4 million, several coaches, who have been "the fact that there is a minority subcommittee. ner." After weeks of debating on which comes to 2.1 percent of the attending the senate meetings for report, the fact that there is a "I am most surprised with how The Senate Special Committee financial support for intercolle- general budget. The cut would the last few sessions, reacted to close vote, and the fact that there the subcommittee indicated that on Intercollegiate Athletics, made giate athletics, the Academic Sen- mean a yearly loss of income of the vote with great sadness and really wasn't an opportunity for it was very much a consultative up of five members, recommend- ate finally voted Monday in favor about $1 million to the athletics disappointment. the subcommittee to consult very experience in process. The sub- ed by a 3-2 vote to reduce the of a budget cut . programs. SJSU's Athletic Direc- broadly." committee met with me for only general fund support by $1 mil- The 20-19 vote, with 2 abstain- No one took the vote harder torThomas Brennan criticized "I don't think this is a very one hour. lion to the Academic Senate on ing, calls for cutting intercolle- than those who will be directly the subcommittee for its lack of strong statement or a sense of "I've heard from many alumni April 19. giate athletics' share to 1 percent effected by it, if it passes through consultation before making its senate resolution," he said. and supporters of the program," of the university's general budget. the university president's office. decision. Brennan did not think Brennan said he was surprised he said. "They're surprised they See SENATE, Page 4 Operatic Operations New semester, new log-on for library system kl \ IN FURNER new modems that will be Writer installed during the summer. For those of you who want to Internet is a collection of log on to the library's resources world-wide networks with with Internet, a computer net- sources from universities, busi- work system, be prepared for ness, military and science net- some changes. works. It's like a network of net- "In the summer, we're chang- works, according to "The Internet ing Internet's log-on procedure," Companion," a book by Tracy said Judy Reynolds, head of the LaQuey. Library Education and Assistant "If you have an Internet Program (LEAP). "The way stu- account you wouldn't have to pay dents used to dial may not work for the call," Reynolds said. Stu- in the future." dents in the past had to pay a tele- The version of Kermit, a soft- phone charge. Now the students ware program for Internet, will can call Internet directly through also be changed by the Computer the CIC, according to Reynolds. Information Center (CIC) in Through Internet, students Washington Square Hall 117. and faculty have access to differ- This change will make the log-on procedure compatible with the See COMPUTER, Page 4 cHRISTINA MACIAS -- SPARTAN! iAlt Y Men's group: gone TOP: Julie Ness, a vocal performance but not forgotten student, and Mike York, a senior music major, portray the characters Mimi BY TRACY BLAKELY others at Islilpitas High School. and Rodolpho in a scene from the Spartan Daily slat! Wnter "1 did a workshop for Job opera "La Boheme" during practice in Leaders of the seemingly Corps and some male support the Music Building Monday afternoon. defunct San Jose State Male Issues groups. I don't know what's going "La Boheme" will be performed Satur- Group still lend support at a few on with the (campus) male issues day evening as part of "An Evening area job fairs. group now. I know they've done With Opera," which is put on by SJSU's Reaching out into the commu- some work with the Job Task said. School of Music Opera Workshop The- nity was the group's main priority Force Comittee here," Cason a focus on helping younger "Any community outreach or atre. with men better themselves. any way I can help with children's Last year, LEFT: Professor David Rohrbaugh, bot- they held a campus shelters and students at risk is tour for residents of the Santa what I'm doing now." tom left, conducts while Jason Harvey, Clara County Children's Shelter Plans for a revived Male Issues right, who portrays Benoit, practices to show young boys college life Group are in the works. his scene in Act One of "La Boheme" and how to reach their goals. According to Amy Gotliffe, as Martin Philip, right, who plays Mar- According to Bryan Cotton, who heads a women's issues cello, listens in the background. one of the group's founding mem- group called W.I.N.G.S., a revived bers, group interest has died after group would be beneficial for a lot of hype in the early stages. young SJSU males. "When it was first formed, it "I think it's a good idea. As a got national press and everyone woman they don't let me in on a made a big deal. As of now, it no lot of what goes on. They did a lot longer exists," said Cotton. of things last year, especially with a TM-PH R fil.t Wil Cason, the group's former freshman males, but they're get- president, now takes matters into ting started next semester with a his own hands as a role model for new peer adviser:' she said. Possible competition worries Camera 3 El Teatro Campesino presents Latino culture BY ELAINE MEITZLER However, lack Nyblom, owner of of an art film going mainstream. There BY LAURA KLEINMAN The second play, "How Else Am I Sup Spartan Daily Mali Writer Camera One Theater and Camera 3 is a !imited supply of arts films they *Av.?) Writer posed to Know I'm Still Alive," was writ- The AMC Theater chain is continu- Cinemas, located near the proposed make up 2 percent of the films released The El Teatro Campesino will be per- ten by Evelina Fernandez. The play won ing with its proposal to build a new site, see possible problems. in a year. The bigger ones subsidize the forming for the campus community the 1989 Nuevo Los Angeles Playwriting theater on First Street between the "Well, the way we look at it, our smaller ones." today and Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the contest. It was produced by the Los Pavilion Shops and the Federal Build- seven screens would be competing The Camera Cinemas addressed SJSU University Theatre. Angeles Theatre Project that year, and ing. with the proposed 16 screens the AMC these issues in a newsletter and created Hosted by the programs of Under- later adapted into a screenplay and The new building will be one-and - theater wants to put up. Our main fear a petition to support art films in San graduate Studies, El Teatro will present filmed for the American Film institute a-half stories, according to Vicki Hure, is that we would compete for art films Jose. "We're up to 8,000 signatures on two plays. and Universal's I 'spank: Film Project. the Pavilion Mall manager. Funding is with them," said Nyblom. our petition:' Nyblom said. The first play, "Simply Maria:' was "Simply Maria" will be directed by coming from the AMC Theater chain Occasionally art films like "The Concerning movie release policies written by Josefina Lopez, who studied at Amy Gonzalez, who directed the pre- and the Simon Organization, which Crying Game" go mainstream and between the two factions, Nyblom New York University's Tisch School of miere production in 1989 for El Teatro owns the Pavilion. larger chains pick them up, he said. said, "We don't know, we are iust the Arts dramatic writing department. Campesino. "I was then, and still am, Hure said theater patrons would "If (a movie) started out as an art reacting to the building deal." The play was first produced by the Cali- drawn by the simplicity and youthful park in the existing spaces. film we would release it',' Nyblom said. "They're working on (the blue fornia Young Playwrights Project at the "The Pavilion had a theater planned "But there would always be competi- prints) but they haven't been written Gaslamp Quarter Theatre in San Diego. See TEATRO, Page 4 there for a long time. The project goes tion to show it if it went mainstream. Hure said. Construction should back about 10 years," !lure said. 'The Crying Game' is the ultimate case begin within a year, he said. 2 14 ,st: MAE SPARTAN DAILY Forum & Opinion EDITORIAL Summer sessions should provide financial aid summer sessions at SJSU must do, especially during the sum- provide an opportunity for mer months. eligible students to get nec- Therefore, necessity for financial essary units for graduation and to aid is much higher. further their education. As SJSU is primarily a commuter Many, however, cannot afford the school, many students are not steep fees. enrolled full time during the academ- Financial aid should be available ic year.
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