.......................... .... 'v., OlJR FIRS1' (1\ND~OS'f0~~F.NOF.~Lll(£L'i N'lN\JJ\L) J)~ll(\111~a.oN ~1:l0-W ~ND F.1(~~llVll(\111N$ll7PN\ S\JNDhY 1hNDhRY 30 SPECIAL GllES1S LORE'f'f ~ L)':NN ~ND. 1>~ 'fS)': CLINE NllARY 28 M fRIDAY, 1A BAllER BASH gp 1HDA l' 1\NDY H1\ppy BIR ~ ~ ~ ~ ht ,_-, 1tt1I rr1I lllle1111l1I ~~~~ · PAGE 2 __ ••••••••••••••• ••.••••••.••••••.•••• ••••• T:.T ••JA_N_U_AR_•Y•2 •B•- _ F_EB_RU•_•RYA _3_._19_B3 ••••••• 1'-_ 713i522-7616 23.3 RICHMOND HOUSTON PAGE 4 TWT JANUARY 28 - FEBRUARY 3, 1983 .-CON TENTS_ January 28 - February 3, 1983 Volume 8, Number 45 Did you know that for as little as $25 per month (plus $50 start-up fee) you can belong to the Fitness Exchange? To ensure our members the best workout in the least amount of time, we tailor a program to meet your needs, and supervise you on our double lines of Nautilus Equipment. Available also are aerobics classes, SunTana sun systems, Free weights, jacuzzi, sauna, juices, great music and more. LlZA MINNElLI AND JOEL GRAY HOURS: MON-FRI 6AM-IOPM SAT IOAM-8PM SUN NOON-6PM CAMP IT UP! Memberships reciprocal between Dallas and Houston INFORMATION CAMP FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT 11 TWT NEWS 34 MOVIES 29 BOOKS GANDHI CROSS BURNINGS, BETTE: THE LIFE OF BETTE DA VIS ART FEST AXED .. REVIEWED BY REVIEWED BY DAVID FIELDS GEORGE KLEIN 61 HOT TEA SOPHIE'S CHOICE CAMPY GOSSIP ... 44 FEATURE REVIEWED BY. 91 CALENDAR TEXAS FILM SOCIETY HARRY DEUTSCH 95 THE GUIDE ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS BY GEORGE KLEIN 40 ENTERTAINMENT -TEXAS DEPARTMENTS 50 SHOWBIZ RUSSIAN FILM FEST, TALLULAH BANKHEAD DONNA CORLEY ... 21 COMMENT BY ROB CLARK PUBLIC FORUM BY JACK V ARSI 67 SPORTS 54 CAMP: A GAY POOL TOURNEY ... COVER 71 STARSCOPE SENSIBILITY (FROM TOP, BY ART TOMASZEWSKI FULL MOON COUNTERCLOCKWISE) 79 CLASSIFIED RUBY KEELER. 56 HIGHS & LOWS JOAN BENNETT. KATHRYN GRAYSON, OF CAMP HENRY WILCOXON, BY GEORGE KLEIN BUTTERFLYMcQUEEN. BILLY BARTY, 58 SUMMER AND LUISE RAINER CAMP? ILLUSTRATION BY JOIN NOW AND GET 3 MONTHS FREE!!I BY WELDON GRAHAME FRED HINTON TWT (This Week in Texas) is published weekly by Asylum Enterprises. Inc., at 2205 Montrose. Houston, Texas 77006; phone: (713 DALLAS HOUSTON 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photo 2615 Oaklawn 3307 Richmond Ave. graph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orienta ~fITrrIB'$ tion of said person or organization Subscription rates: $55 per year; $35 per half-year Rates cover cost of first-class postage Suite 101 Houston Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. First-class postage paid at Houston. Texas. Copyright (£ Dallas, TX 75219 Texas 77098 1983 by Montrose Ventures, Incorporated. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, art! ele or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. 214/526-1220 ~XCIH~ 713/524-9932 NAUTILUS FOR MEN TWT JANUARY 28 - FEBRUARY 3. 1983 PAGE 7 .i 0:: c( LLI Q. :I: I- o0:: z: e- , -en o Ie N \\9W NEWS _ THISWEEK IN TEXAS playing with matches." HOME OFFICE Ray Hill, executive director of HHRL, 2205 Montrose had recently championed the rights of Houston, Texas 77006 (713) 527-9111 Rastafarians, a black religious group, DAlLAS OFFICE against published policy of harassment 3409 Ook Lawn, Suite 206 before City Hall and on a radio talk- Dallas. Texas 75219 show aimed at prisoners and their (214) 521-0622 friends and families. While it could not PUBUSHERIEDITORChuck Patrick Ku Klux Klan·type cross burned at Fred Paez Community be established that a direct link be- FEATURESEDITOR Blose DIStefano Center on January 24. TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark TWT NEWS staff photo tween this recent anti-HHRL action and NATIONAl SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jock verst Klan vandalism existed, it was thought NEWS/SPORTS EDITOR Chuck Patrick CROSS BURNING there could possibly be some connec- POETRYEDITOR Art Tomaszewski tion, TWT NEWS learned. CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Jim Boone, Susan Collins, Harry Deutsch, David Fields, IN MONTROSE Weldon Grahome, Christopher Hart, Paul Herrero, HOUSTON - An unknown person or Harold Hovo, George Klein, Dean Malone, KS COMMITTEE Joseph MIChael. linda Parks, WJ, Quigley, persons planted a burning cross on the Dennis Walker grounds of the Fred Paez Community SEEKS VOLUNTEERS ARTDIRECTOR Steven Douglas Fritz PRODUCTION MANAGER Dennis Walker Service Center, 401 Avondale at approx- HOUSTON - The board of trustees ASSISTANT ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow imately 11:45pm, Sunday, danuary 23. It of the Kaposi's Sarcoma Committee GRAPHIC ARTISTSThom Bisping, Fronk White, was the second such incident. Forty- (KSC) of Houston voted at its monthly Mardi Coleman, Fred Hinton, Cherokee, Sam meeting on January 21 to expand its T'II'OGRAPHERS W,J, Quigley, Leslie Holmes five minutes earlier, Justice of the STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS Ell Guklch, Peace, Precinct 7 Judge AI Green, who services to help meet the increasing Scott Taylor, Greg Hovicon AI Macareno, was endorsed by this city's Gay Polit- needs of local victims of Acquired Im- Jim Hamilton, J, Robert Araya, Tom Davis, Cart Nell, Blose DiStefano ical Caucus in 1981. was also targeted. mune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). But While no communications had been help is needed to accomplish this im- SALES received by either the staff of the portant work. EXECUTIVESALES MANAGER Jim Veteto center, the Houston Human Rights In the past, KSC had asked for Advertising rates are available on request League (HHRL) or the authorities, it was money, but now, your time as well as by telephoning the salesperson in your generally presumed that the incident your money will be needed. Volunteers nearest city, from 10am-5pm, weekdays, was the work of the Knights of the Ku ' with a variety of skills and abilities are DEADLINEFOR ALL ADS: Klux Klan or perhaps Klan sympathiz- needed to help with such things as Friday, one week' prior to publication, ers. However, a Klan leader denied any clerical work, mailings, secretarial and AUSTIN involvement. organizational assistance, and patient Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0253 DALLAS When asked by TWT NEWS as to why services such as helping homebound Richard Rogers. (214) 521-0622 the Klan had targeted the center, Rev. AIDS patients with cooking, cleaning, FORTWORTH George F. Barnhardt explained, "I shopping, rides to doctor appointments Jerry Cassidy. ,. (817)335-0742 HOUSTON believe most of us on the staff here and just talking. Jim Veteto. ,(713) 527-9111 regarded it as only a matter of time be- Statistics clearly indicate that the SAN ANTONIO Alan Gellman. ,(512) 492-6894 fore the Klan got miffed about all the AIDS problem is growing nationally and locally. "We need to coordinate more CLASSfFl'Em:;lRECTORS positive and favorable publicity the Houston-Cheryl Chamberlain Human Rights folks were getting down services immediately for those in need Dallas-Chuck North in Montrose, and decided to pay us a and in preparation for others who will ACCOUNTING-Doug Felix call. And, I suppose, they can read a be affected in the future," Craig Row- OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Cheryl Chamberlain CIRCULATION MANAGER Leslie Holmes telephone book as well as anyone. land of KSC explained to TWT NEWS. DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Danlal Rogers "It's just a pity these poor bedeviled Volunteers should contact KSC at ASYlUM ENTERPRISES. INC, fools don't have the courage of their P.O. Box 1155, 3317 Montrose Blvd., The Corporation convictions enough to come out in the Houston, Texas 77006. "Give a general PRESIDENTJames D, Cagle VICE-PRESIDENT/TREASURERCharles M. Patrick daylight and debate the issues openly," outline of what you can do, when you SECRETARYJim D. Chappell Rev. Barnhardt continued, "instead of can be available, and how you can be sneaking around at night like little brats contacted," Rowland detailed. TWT JANUARY 28 . FEBRUARY 3, 1983 PAGEii PAGE 10 TWT JANUARY 28 - FEBRUARY 3, 1983 for secretary, is unopposed for his sec- OAK LAWN BAND ond-term bid. LOS ANGELES BOUND At the January 19 GPC meeting, the DALLAS - TWT NEWS has learned vice presidential race became com- from the newly-elected president of the petitive as Gregg Russell placed hi" Oak Lawn Symphonic Band, Judith At- name in the race against incumbent wood, that the organization is about to Terry Harris. undertake its most ambitious season In the treasurer's race, Mike Latt ever. "Not only will the band present its more entered the field against incum- annual spring and fall concerts, and par- bent Norman Guttman. ticipate in the Gay Pride Week activi- For board positions, several races ties, but we are going to Los Angeles tightened up as additional GPC mem- in 1984 to participate in the first annual bers launched their campaigns. Posi- National Gay Band Conference," she tion One-incumbent Bill Etheridge o explained. challenged by Scott Miller. In Position "We plan a lot of changes in 1983. Three-Paul Carollo and Jerry Mays will c We are a professional organization and face off against incumbent Ray Hill in we intend to grow; it's going to be a a three-way election. And in Positon new beginning for the Oak Lawn Sym- Four-incumbent Gary Grant is oppos- phonic Band," Atwood continued. ed by Joe Thornton. J. Jacobs, the group's elected vice Only GPC members may vote at the president, confirmed that both he and Wednesday night annual election, the new treasurer, Michael Pugh, would which will be held at the Holiday Inn on be working to complete the group's South Main at the Southwest Freeway. non-profit corporate status.
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