1952 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 2607. then surplus properties. No amount of May we give ourselves loyally and received by any political committee from hindsight can change that fact. wholeheartedly to the things which we any corporation, labor union, individual, in­ The energy congressional committees have believe and know are righteous and just dividuals, or group of individuals, committee, put into running down criminality, favorit­ or partnership. ism, waste, and inefficiency in the Govern­ and true. We beseech Thee that we may endeavor 5. The violations, if any, of the following ment is having a wholesome result. The statutes of the United States: effort has the public backing. to do Thy will· more perfectly, for in But currently, some Members of Congress the doing of Thy will is our peace. (a) The Federal Corrupt Practices Act. seem to be losing their tempers and their Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. (b) The act of August 2, 1939, as amended, perspective. That has led to charges or relating to perniciqus political activities. in~plications that cannot be sustained, and The J0urnal of the proceedings of commonly referred to as the Hatch Act. results in the confusion of the public. That yesterday was read and approved. (c) The provisions of section 304, Public will be the effect of the statements of Sen­ Law 101, Eightieth Congress, chapter 120, ator WILLIAMS and Representative SUTI'ON first session, referred to as the Labor-Man­ unless people assume that they are just cry­ DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, FEDERAL SE· ageme;nt Relations Act, 1947. ing over spilled milk. CURITY AGENCY, AND RELATED IN­ (d) Any statute or legislative act of the United States, or of the State within which Mr. MAYBANK. Mr. President, I have DEPENDENT OFFICES APPROPRIATION BILL, 1953 a candidate is seeking nomination or reelec­ not interposed objection to the various tion to the House of Representatives, the requests to have insertions made in. the Mr. FOGARTY, from the Committee violation of which Federal or State statute, RECORD. However, I do not desire to have on Appropriations, reported the bill or statutes, would affect the qualification of the people of the country. receive the <H. R. 7151) making appropriations for a Member of the House of Representatives impression, because of the absence of the Department of Labor, the Federal within the meaning of article I, section 5, of objection-for, after all, such insertions Security Agency, and related independ­ the Constitution of the United States. ent agencies, for the fiscal year ending 6. Such other matters relating to the elec­ can be made only by unanimous con­ tion of Members of the House of Repre­ sent-that I am in accord with every­ June 30, 1953, and for other purposes senta';ives in 1952, and the campaigns of thing stated or set forth in the various <Rept. No. 1602), which was read a first candidates in connection therewith, as the articles and other matters which Sen­ and second time and, with the accom­ committee deems to be of public interest, ators have requested unanimous consent panying papers, referred to the Com­ and which in its opinion will aid the House to have printed in the RECORD. mittee of the Whole House on the State of Representatives in enacting remedial leg­ Furthermore, while of course I shall of the Union and ordered to be printed. islation, or in deciding any contests that Mr. SCHWABE reserved all points of may be instituted involving the right to a not undertake to commit the present seat in the House of Representatives. Presiding omcer, the distinguished sen­ order on the bill. 7. The committee is authorized to act upon ior Senator from Alabama [Mr. HILL] its own motion and upon such information yet I do not believe that he agrees with SPECIAL ORDER GRANTED as in its judgment may be reasonable or all the statements and assertions con­ reliable. Upon complaint being made to the tained in the various matters which have Mr. FURCOLO asked and was given committee under oath, by any person, candi· been inserted in the RECORD. permission to address the House for 15 date, or political committee, setting forth I make this statement merely because minutes on tomorrow, following the leg­ allegations as to facts which, under this reso­ islative program and any special orders lution, it would be the duty of said com­ of·what I believe may be the effect on the mittee to investigate, the committee shall minds of the people of the country of heretofore entered. investigate such charges as fully as though having these various matters printed in it were acting upon its own motion, unless, the RECORD. I believe their printing in SPECIAL COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE after a. hearing upon such complaint, the committee shall find that the allegations the RECORD may create a false impres­ CAMPAIGN EXPENDITURES sion. in such complaint are immaterial or untrue. I wish it distinctly understood that in Mr. SABATH, from the Committee on All hearings before the committee, and be­ making this comment I am not reflecting Rules, reported the fallowing privileged fore any duly authorized subcommittee resolution <H. Res. 558, Rept. No. 1603), therwf shall be public, and all orders and in any way on the Senator or Senators decisions of the committee, and of any such submitting the matters for printing in which was referred to the House Cal­ subcommittee shall be public. the RECORD. endar and ordered to be printed: For the purpose of this resolution, the Nevertheless, I do raise this question; Resolved, That a special committee of five committee, or any duly authorized subcom­ and I also question whether such inser­ Members be appointed by the Speal:er of the mittee thereof, is authorized to hold such tions should be made in the RECORD House of Representatives to investigate and public hearings, to sit and act at such times merely because the Senators making the report to the House not later than January and places during the sessions, recesses, and insertions have been requested to do so. 3, 1953, with respect·to the following matters: adjourned periods of the Eighty-second Con­ 1. The extent and nature of expenditures gress, to employ such attorneys, experts, made by all candidates for the House of clerical, and other assistants, to require by ADJOURNMENT TO MONDAY Representatives in connection with their subpena or otherwise the attendance of such campaign for nomination and election to witnesses and the production of such cor­ Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, as such office. respondence, books, papers, and documents, in legislative session, I move that the 2. The amounts subscribed, contributed. to administer such oaths, and to take such Senate adjourn until Monday next, at 12 or expended, and the value of services ren­ testimony, as it deems advisable. Subpenas o'clock noon. dered, and facilities made available (includ­ may be issued under the signature of the The motion was agreed to; and (at 6 ing personal services, use of advertising chairman of the committee or any subcom­ space, radio and television time, office space, mittee, or by any member designated by such o'clock and 30 minutes p. m.) the Senate moving-picture films, and automobiles and chairman, and may be served by any person adjourned until Monday, March 24, 1952, other transportation facilities) by any indi· designated by any such chairman or member. at 12 o'clock meridian. vidual, individuals, or group of individuals, 8. The committee is authorized and di­ committee, partnership, corporation, or labor rected to report promptly any and all viola­ union, to or on behalf of each such candi· tions of any Federal or State statutes in con­ date in connection with any such campaign nection with the matters and things men­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES or for the purpose of influencing the votes tioned herein to the Attorney General of the cast or to be cast at any convention or elec­ United States in order that he may take such THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1952 tion held in 1952 to which a candidate for official action as may be proper. the House of Representatives is to bP. nomi­ 9. Every person who, having been sum­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. nated or elected. moned as a witness by authority of said The Chaplain, Rev.Bernard Braskamp, 3. The use of any other means or influence committe or any subcommittee thereof, will­ (including the promise or use of patronage) fully makes default, or who having appeared, D. D., offered the following prayer: for the purpose of aiding or influencing the refuses to answer any question pertinent to Most merciful and gracious God, may nomination or election of any such candi· the investigation heretofore authorized, shall our moments of prayer inspire us to live dates. be held to the penalties prescribed by law. worthily, faithfully, and helpfully. 4. The amounts, if any, raised, contributed, That said committe is authorized and di­ and expended by any individual, individuals. rected to file interim reports whenever in the Grant that we may see and under­ or group of individuals, committee, partner­ judgment of the majority of the committee, stand more clearly that the measure of ship, corporation, or labor union, including or of a subcommittee conducting portions our faith and trust in Thee will be the any political committee thereof, in connec­ of said investigation, the public interest will measure of our joy and courage. tion with any such election, and the amounts be best served by the filing of said interim 2608 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE March 20 reports, and in no event shall the final report INDEPENDENT OFFICES APPROPRIATION 000 constitute an increase of $51,600 over of said committee be filed later than January BILL, 1953 the current fiscal year, so I propose, 3, 1953, as hereinabove provided.
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