the guide 2010/2011 www.warwicksu.com WELCOME TO YOUR UNION On behalf of everyone here at your Students’ Union, I would like to give CONTENTS you the warmest possible welcome to Warwick! 3 Y o u r U n i o n i s t h e h e a r t o f c a m p u s , a n d Welcome aims to not only make sure you have the best experience possible, but to Representation 4 give you opportunities to try things you’ve never even thought of before. There are numerous ways to get Democracy 6 involved, with an endless number of sports clubs, societies, student-run 10 W e l c o m e t o W a r w i c k S t u d e n t s ’ U n i o n a n d y o u r events and officer positions. Your Union definitive guide to what we do, how we do it and Alongside these opportunities, the why you should get involved. The opportunities Union is great for excellent food, drink Welfare 12 for participation are staggering, from clubs and a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t . C o m e h a v e a b e e r s o c i e t i e s t o d e m o c r a c y a n d v o l u n t e e r i n g , and burger at the Dirty Duck or the best Campaigns 14 campaigning and representation to training hot chocolate on campus at Curiositea. and employment. At night, the Union comes alive and Warwick SU already has a reputation as one becomes the place to listen to your Societies 16 of the biggest and the best in the country, but favourite DJs and bands. we are not complacent. Students’ Unions are There are so many different ways to Sport 18 constantly evolving and Warwick SU is no get involved, so take advantage and exception - we are constantly striving to increase immerse yourself in what Warwick and improve our services to you, our members. has to offer. Remember, this year is Events 20 Our goal is to make sure that you have the what you make of it! most fulfilling and rewarding time whilst here, striving to achieve our mission statement: Daniel Stevens Eating and Drinking 26 WARWICK SU PRESIDENT ‘This Union is directed by its members and [email protected] aims to enhance the experience of students International Students 30 whilst at the University of Warwick’ We aim to become one of the most innovative Postgrads 32 and inclusive Students’ Unions in the UK and only you can help us do that. Get involved in events like One World Week, Go Green Week, Jobs and Volunteering 34 The Real Ale Festival, Warwick Student Arts Festival or any of the other brilliant festivals that take place throughout the year. Be part Staff Support 36 of demonstrations on issues that matter to you, campaign for change at a regional and Officer Directory 38 national level, vote in elections or run for office - anything that means something to you and can help make a difference. Whatever you decide Societies Directory 40 to do, you have the Sabbatical Officers and staff who will listen, advise and assist you. Sports Directory 52 Read on and find out how to get involved in your Union. 3 REPRESENTATION O n e o f t h e p r i m a r y p u r p o s e s o f W a r w i c k S U i s t o r e p r e s e n t y o u . W h e t h e r i t ’ s t o y o u r a c a d e m i c d e p a r t m e n t , t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y , t h e l o c a l c o u n c i l o r n a t i o n a l l y , w e ’ r e a g r e a t p l a c e t o g e t s u p p o r t and help. This is most obvious when it comes to academic issues such as appeals and complaints, but can cover anything from housing issues to healthcare. Remember that our collective voice is stronger than a sole one - use your Union to represent you. Student-Sta SSLC Liaison Committee Made up of students, staff and heads Warwick SU runs an access scheme of departments, the SSLCs provide an called Inspire which involves students accessible arena for students to discuss any visiting an array of mixed comprehensive concerns they have with teaching, learning schools in the West Midlands area. and student support services with the academic staff from their department. Students will talk about their life as a student at Warwick, and chat with pupils They also provide an opportunity for the about their perceptions of the University department to receive feedback from experience. Participants will have the students, particularly if changes to a chance to give something back to the course are proposed. This is the strongest local community and hopefully motivate the mechanism for getting involved with how next generation of University students, your academic life at Warwick is shaped. many of whom may not have considered You can run for election as an SSLC University as an option. Representative in the first few weeks of Term One. Communication and presentation skills are developed and the scheme always Don’t just talk about these issues - change proves to be very rewarding for both [email protected] them. Visit www.warwicksu.com/sslc to pupils and students, something to help 024 7657 2779 make your voice heard. boost those crucial career prospects. Level two, SUHQ We aim to take a full minibus to each warwicksu.com/education session and would love a wide range of students from across our diverse student body to take part, absolutely any student can apply. T h e s c h e m e r u n s a t t h e e n d o f t h e s e c o n d term so look out for information on notice boards or the SU website on how to apply or send an email to the Education Officer via [email protected] to find out more. Have the courage to Inspire! Inspire students at a local school 44 IN BRIEF Improving your academic experience - ▪ Your Union exists to represent you to t h a t ’ s w h a t I ’ m h e r e f o r ! I ’ m S e a n , t h i s the University on all academic issues. year’s Education Officer. My job is to print r e p r e s e n t e a c h o f y o u t o t h e U n i v e r s i t y ▪ The SSLCs give you the opportunity a n d e v e n t h e g o v e r n m e n t o n a c a d e m i c to give department-specific feedback shop issues. I’m also able to give advice (and being on an SSLC looks great and support on individual cases on your CV!). when you need it most. ▪ With the fees review this year there’ll be some big education campaigns Part of my job involves co-ordinating to get involved in – make sure you’re the Student-Staff Liaison Committee up to date. ( S S L C ) s y s t e m t h a t a l l o w s y o u r v o i c e t o be heard on how your course is run. I also sit on University committees discussing aspects of academic life at Warwick, always fighting the students’ c o r n e r ! I w i l l b e r u n n i n g b i g c a m p a i g n s on issues ranging from fees to feedback, so keep an eye out on how you can get involved and have your say on issues that matter to students. Finally, if you have any problems Warwick SU Print Shop is an innovative relating to your course or department, print and design service based in the o r a m o r e g e n e r a l p r o b l e m a b o u t a n y Marketing department of SUHQ, aspect of your academic experience, available for any Warwick University feel free to send me an email or student, club or society. drop into my office so I can do my level best to help you out. We provide great value for money don’t forget to visit and an excellent service, including: Sean Ruston Large & Small Format Posters EDUCATION OFFICER www.warwicksu.com □ [email protected] □ Photo & Canvas Printing □ Flyers & Leaflets □ Booklets □ Banners □ Thesis & Project Printing □ Stickers & Labels □ Clothing A professional design service is also a v a i l a b l e . I f y o u h a v e o t h e r r e q u i r e m e n t s please get in touch and we will provide you with a quote.
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