e-Ticker News of Claremont !1 Councilor Resigns, Council Seeks e-Ticker News Applicants to Fill Seat; page 6 [email protected] of Claremont www.facebook.com/etickernews www.etickernewsofclaremont.com May 3, 2021 Nursing Home County Looks to Highlight Its Offerings Renovation Project Through New Branding Initiative Stalls By Phyllis A. Muzeroll e-Ticker News By Phyllis A. Muzeroll e-Ticker News NEWPORT, NH—Answering the question “Who are we?” is an initiative Sullivan County is continu- UNITY, NH—It appears that a decision re- ing to work on to help showcase the area through garding the future renovation of the Sullivan its own regional identity. County nursing home will remain on hold for a At Wednesday night’s City council meeting, while as county delegation members recently county manager Derek Ferland presented the his- failed to come to an agreement regarding the tory and highlights of the project. Also participating project’s direction. On Friday, Sullivan County in the presentation was Penelope Whitman, Delegation Chair, Rep. John Cloutier, and Ex- Economic & Community Development Field Spe- ecutive Finance Committee Chair, Rep. Sue cialist for UNH Cooperative Extension. Gottling, released a joint statement detailing The path to where the project now lies began the stalemate: several years ago through the Sullivan County Regional Economic Profile (REP) effort (2017- “Monday, April 26, 2021 at 9:30 pm, the Sul- present) engaging in many community endeavors through stakeholders meetings, creation of livan County Delegation Chair, Representative task forces, multiple projects and other engagements and presentations involving Realtors, John Cloutier, recessed a Delegation meeting area Chambers and other regional stakeholders and local leaders. Regional identity was men- after the Representatives reached an impasse tioned early on in the process. The LoveSullivan Project, a crowdsourced mapping effort on the cost and funding of the renovation and aimed at capturing community members’ favorite places and building awareness of the re- addition to the County nursing home facility in gion’s many assets, identified recreation as a major asset of Sullivan County and helped to Unity. County Commissioners were asking ap- launch the path. Often grouped in with the terms “Upper Valley” and “Dartmouth-Lake proval to seek a $40,000,000 bond that would Sunapee”, there was a general consensus that neither truly reflects the county’s offerings, as- partially cover the projected cost of sets and strengths. As a result, there has been a push to “brand” itself in a new way. “We’re $55,000,000. Presently the project does not really defining who we are, what we’re doing and what we’re proud of,” said Ferland. have a guaranteed maximum price, nor has a Based on a new recognition of the region’s natural resources and its history and through the price ceiling ever been put forward by the REP task force projects, a regional branding concept has emerged, one that is nature-based, Commissioners or the Delegation. It is likely connects the communities of the county, has powered the communities and speaks to the the final cost of the project as designed would area’s recreation-based quality of life: the Sugar River. In 1874, The Statistics and Gazetteer of exceed $55,000,000,” wrote Cloutier and Got- N.H. published the following: “Sunapee Lake is the principal source of the Sugar River. Flowing tling. from the Lake, in a westerly direction, through Sunapee into Newport it receives the waters of “Earlier, on Friday, April 23, the Executive the South Branch, coming from Lempster, Goshen, and Unity; thence flowing in a northerly di- Finance Committee (EFC), in a 4 – 1 biparti- rection, by the course of the river, about three miles, it unites with the North Branch, having its san vote, approved a motion to advise the source in the towns of Springfield, Grantham and Croydon; thence turning and running wester- Delegation to turn down the Commissioner’s ly thirteen miles, through Newport and Claremont …” Fogg, Alonzo J. request at this time. However, when Represen- The proposed logo reflects a number of features well known in the county: the river; single tative Sue Gottling, Chair of the Executive Fi- mountain peaks; geese, symbolic of Sunapee, the principal source of the Sugar River; maple nance Committee, presented the motion to de- (Continued on page 9) (Continued on page 2) e-Ticker News of Claremont !2 Renovation, from page 1 building new or renovating, and the location, in wanted drugs. Unity or at a more accessible site. [We] believe “Everything we do is geared toward protect- fer bonding of the project, a series of parlia- a pause in the process is the responsible way ing American families and communities,” said mentary maneuvers by Republicans made it forward.” DEA Special Agent in Charge Brian D. Boyle. clear no vote was possible that evening,” said The deadline to participate in the July munic- “Thanks to the public, over 46 tons of unwant- the joint statement. “The Chair recessed the ipal bond sale was April 30. ed, expired, unused, prescription drugs have meeting and will look for a likely way forward The project has been on the drawing board now been taken out of harm’s way across New before re-opening the meeting.” for several years; county officials have looked England. The event is only made possible Cloutier and Gottling went on to say that they at both renovating the current facility and con- through the hard work of our law enforcement, believe “the scope and cost of the project and structing a brand new facility, either in Unity or coalitions and community partners, and DEA its effect on property taxes must be re-exam- in another community. However, just purchas- thanks each and every one of them for their ined in light of the dramatic rise in the project- ing the necessary land for a relocated facility efforts in making this initiative a huge ed cost from $34,000,000 in November 2019 was estimated to add another $500,000 to the success.” to $55,000,000 by December 2020. Other pricetag. Design costs for the renovation The following is a breakdown of collected pressures on property taxes exist, such as the project have totaled around $1.5 million. weights in pounds for the six New England proposed state budget that significantly under- States: funds support to our schools and infrastructure 46 Tons of Prescription CT – 9,690 lbs projects. An increase in property taxes as high MA – 30,386.20 lbs as 15% is possible in some communities. Can Drugs Collected During ME – 27,340 lbs we justify the $350,000 cost of one bed in the NH – 13,149 lbs present plan when the average cost of a home 20th National Prescription RI – 4,552.50 lbs in many county communities is far less? The VT – 7,165.03 lbs same project, at a lower cost, was rejected by Drug Take Back Day Total- 92,282.73 lbs the Republican-majority Delegation on Sep- tember 25, 2020. Minutes from that meeting BOSTON, MA—The fi- www.facebook.com/etickernews also revealed no consensus on two issues, nal tally is in from the 20th National Prescrip- tion Drug Take Back e-Ticker News of Claremont LLC Day on April 24. The is published Mondays Drug Enforcement Ad- Index ministration’s New Eng- Commentary……………………….4-5 Phyllis A. Muzeroll land Field Division and its Classifieds…………………………10-11 Publisher/Editor partners, over the course of Mayoral Notes……………………..13 four hours, collected 92,282.73 pounds or over Business News……………………15-16 Eric Zengota 46 tons of expired, unused, unwanted pre- Sports……………………………….21 Contributing Writer/Photographer scription drugs, electronic vaping devices and cartridges at 565 collection sites throughout Inspiration………………………….22 ––––––––––––––– New England. This is in comparison to the first Calendar/Events………………..…23-26 [email protected] National Prescription Drug Take Back Day in Claremont Senior Center………..26 September 2010, when the division collected Snail mail to: Claremont Fire Dept. Log……….27 25,810 Obituaries………………………….28 6 Osgood Ave. Claremont, NH 03743 pounds City Council Agenda……………..29 603-542-7319 of un- NH Lottery Numbers e-Ticker News reserves the right to reject/decline/edit any material submitted that is deemed inappropriate 05/01/2021 for our publication. NH PowerBall The opinions expressed in articles, Letters to the 35 36 47 61 63 3 Editor or columns are those of the writers and NH Mega Millions 04/30/2021 do not necessarily reflect the opinion 8 19 26 48 49 5 of the e-Ticker News Advertisers are solely responsible for the Tristate Megabucks 05/01/2021 content of their advertising. 2 18 28 32 40 1 Member, NH Press Association For more lottery numbers, Member, Greater Claremont Chamber of Commerce https://www.nhlottery.com/ e-Ticker News of Claremont !3 CHOPPED COMPETITION DETAILS WHO IS CLAREMONT’S GRILLMASTER? Chopped Competitors: Ed Morris - Claremont City Manager Derek Ferland - Sullivan County Manager Alex Herzog - SRVRTC Director Local Chef Judges: Rocky Beliveau - Rocky’s Taqueria Momo Brown - Sweet Fire BBQ Mike Hammond - Epic Food Truck Chopped sponsored by: Doors open 3:30pm eTickets on Sale Now! @claremontoperahouse.org Chopped Competition 4-6pm $25 Adults Music by COH Orchestra 5-7pm $10 Students Beer/wine service by Sweet Fire $10 of every adult ticket goes BBQ in restricted adult only area directly to CSK’s Summer Lunch Feeding Program for area youth Food and beverage concessions by Claremont Soup Kitchen e-Ticker News of Claremont !4 Commentary ty taxes will impact Sullivan County taxpayers is a significant NH House Happenings concern. The state budget as proposed by the Governor and passed by the House, will hike local taxes substantially.
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