ISSN 2617-6106 (print) ISSN 2617-6114 (online) Agrology, 2(4), 205‒208 AGROLOGY doi: 10.32819/019029 Оriginal researches Spatial Organization of the Vallonia Pulchella (Muller 1774) Ecological Niche in Sod-lithogenic Soils on Loesses-Like Clays in the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin Received: 04 September 2019 A. K. Umerova Revised: 09 September 2019 Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine Accepted: 10 September 2019 Bohdan Khmelnytskyi Melitopol State Abstract. The influence of edaphic and phytoindication parameters on the spatial organiza- Pedagogical University, Hetmanska Str., 20, tion of the micromollusc Vallonia pulchella (Muller 1774) ecological niche was experimentally Melitopol, 72312, Ukraine investigated. The field experiment was conducted in June 2015 at the research polygon within the Nikopol Manganese ore basin (sod-lithogenic soils on loam loesses-like clays). A promi- Tel.: +38-096-057-17-84 sing area of research is the issue: what exactly edaphic factor and phytoindication parameters E-mail: [email protected] is the most important determinants of micromolluscs distribution. The experimental polygon was consisted of 105 samples located within 7 transect (15 samples each). The Vallonia pul- Cite this article: Umerova, A. K. (2019). chella average density was 2.54 ind./sample. The average penetration resistance of the soil was Spatial organization of the Vallonia pulchella found as a result of the experiment studies to increase with depth down the profile. The analy- (Muller 1774) ecological niche sis of aggregate fractions showed that the number of molluscs is unstable and varies in the in sod-lithogenic soils on loesses-like clays in the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin. Agrology, range of 5.17% to 25.45%. The snails were found to prefer the aggregate fractions 1‒2 mm or 2(4), 205‒208. doi: 10.32819/019029 in less extent – the 0.5–1.0 mm. The elevated level of carboxylic salts was detected by means of phytoindication methods as well as the insignificant content of free nitrogen in neutral soil. In the paper the soil and vegetation properties were considered as a indicators of the living or- ganism habitats. It allowed to assess the Vallonia pulchella ecological niche marginality and specialisation. The results obtained may be usful in the evaluation of artificial soil structures. Keywords: vegetation; soil penetration resistance; aggregate fractions; terrestrial molluscs; population dynamics; population. Introduction origin, after the disappearance of the geographical isolation, due to resettlement from a refugium after climatic changes, during The biosphere transformation is due to anthropogenic influ- the temporary colonization of micro stations as a result of the ence. This process has reached a global scale and impacts on all displacement by invasive species. Thus, ecological niche optima ecosystems, that has led to the structural and functional changes may be presented by the integral variables such as marginality in communities. The study of the ecological niche theory is one and specialization axes and maybe plotted in geographic space of the urgent problems of the modern ecology, indicating different by means of habitat suitability index reproduction (Yorkina, levels of the organization of living (Pianka, 1981). The theory of Maslikova, Kunah, & Zhukov, 2018). ecological niche describes the value of species in the community. The spatial distribution of land-snail species and individuals This theory distinguishes the concept of “population”, “communi- has been extensively investigated (Myšák, Horsák, Svobodová, ty” and “ecological system” (Smyntyna, 2013). Hutchinson (1957) & Cernohorsky, 2013; Faly, Kolombar, Prokopenko, Pakhomov, proposed a more formal, quantitative approach based on this theory. & Brygadyrenko, 2017). Mollusc populations may be relatively He conceived of the niche as a hyper-volume in multi-dimensio- evenly distributed or highly aggregated (Kralka, 1986; Locas- nal environmental space delimiting where stable populations can be ciulli & Boag, 1987). Studies at a large scale level have made it maintained (Kearney, Simpson, Raubenheimer, & Helmuth, 2010). possible to determine the role of edaphic factors in the spatial The Ecological Niche Factor Analysis (ENFA) is based on the as- distribution, abundance, and diversity of molluscs communities sumption that a species are not randomly distributed with respect to (Nekola & Smith, 1999; Juřičková et al., 2008; Szybiak, Błoszyk, ecogeographic variables (Hirzel & Guisan, 2002). Koralewska-Batura, & Gołdyn, 2009). The researchers found ef- The concept of the ecological niche is based on a study of the fects on the distribution of species that are commonly spatially relationship of organisms in natural communities. The analysis of structured as community also have spatial structure (Dray, Leg- its structure makes it possible to identify the specific behaviou- endre, & Peres-Neto, 2006). These patterns may be associated ral, ecological and morphological traits of organisms. With this with the distribution of microhabitats (Kralka, 1986; Hylander, in mind, is maybe better understood as a historical process of the Nilsson, Jonsson, & Gothner, 2005). The main edaphic factors formation of species. The research of the ecological niche theory that affect the lives of molluscs, mainly include the soil chemical is popular and important. Now the object of study of ecology is composition and ions and moisture (Čejka& Hamerlík, 2009) and worth the following question: how many ecological niches can calcium gradient (Hubricht, 1985). The spatial scale and the hi- accommodate biogeocoenosis and how many of these species can erarchy of factors acting on molluscs are of special interest (Bo- exist together. Also necessary to find out the value of a competi- han, Glen, Wiltshire, & Hughes, 2000; Myšák et al., 2013; Nekola tion in the divergence of organisms for ecological niches and the & Smith, 1999). The habitat is characterized by the presence of formation of communities. resources and conditions for given species in some territory, as The pedobionts ecological niche can occupy for various rea- a result of which the colonization of this territory becomes pos- sons: as a result of the overlapping of the faunas from different sible, including its survival and reproduction (Hall, Krausman, AGROLOGY | Volume 2 | Issue 4 205 A. K. Umerova Spatial organization of the Vallonia pulchella (Muller 1774) ecological niche in sod-lithogenic soils on loesses-like clays in the Nikopol Manganese Ore Basin & Morrison, 1997). The identify the characteristics of the envi- ‒ Table. On the test site is a characteristic monotonic increase in soil ronment that make the place suitable for the species existence penetration resistance with increasing soil depth. Its average value the choice of habitats (Calenge, 2006). This is the called “envi- is increased from 3.66 MPa to 9.28 MPa to the surface at a depth of ronmental standard” species (Gilyarov, 1965) the need for each 50 cm down the profile. The highest coefficient of variation is ob- species in a certain complex environmental conditions. The aim served at a depth of 0‒5 cm (37.44%), and at 15‒20 cm, it is reduced of our work is to study the spatial organization micromolluscs V. 4,3 times (8.7%). The acquires stable value at the level of 30‒50 cm, pulchella (Muller 1774) population in terms of the edaphic prop- ranging (18.85‒17.39%) ‒ Table. erties and properties of the vegetation cover in the sod-lithogenic In the test site the average values of soil penetra- soils on loam loesses-like clays in Nikopol manganese ore basin. tion resistance was greater than the critical value for the growth of plant roots (3.0‒3.5 MPa), starting with 0‒5 cm Material and methods of soil layers. In the according to penetrometer indicators: 3 MP indicates soil compaction, which counteracts root The studies were conducted at the research station within- growth (Faechner, Pyrcz, & Deutsch, 2000). Also, may be Nikopol Manganese ore basin in June 2015. Tests were done in that this soil layer formed by the most appropriate condi- sod-lithogenic soils on loesses-like clays. The polygon consisted tions according to the criterion of penetration resistance for of 7 transects. Each transect was made up of 15 sampling points. the growth of herbaceous plants. Exceeding the limit to the The distance between rows within the polygon was 3 m. The level of soil penetration resistance of plant roots (3 MPa) calculation soil invertebrates were conducted by soil samples di- (Zhukov, Andrusevich, Lapko, & Sirotina, 2015) to was 7.84. sassembly. Samples consisted of single blocks of soil, 0.25×0.25 m The coefficient of variation of this value is significant and deep, dug out quickly. Measurement of soil mechanical imped- amounts to was 18.48%. ance was carried out in the field using a hand penetrometer Ei- The analysis aggregate structure indicates that the predomi- jkelkamp, to a depth of 50 cm at intervals of 5 cm. The ave- nant fraction is 1‒2 mm (25.45%), they determine the resis- rage error of the measurement results of the device is ±8%. tance of soils to erosion under the influence of water. Some- The measurements were made by a cone with a cross-sectional what lower, given the relative proportion, fractions 2‒3 mm and dimension of 1 cm2. Within each measurement point, the me- 3‒5 mm, the other fractions (<0.25 mm; 0.25‒0.50 mm and chanical impedance of the soil was made in a single replication. 0.5‒1.0 mm. 5‒7 mm. 7‒10 mm and > 10 mm) are at the level Measurement of the electrical conductivity of the soil in situ, 5.17‒7.83%. It was found, that molluscs V. pulchella are sen- the sensor HI 76305 was used (Hanna Instruments, Woodsocket, sitive to the soil aggregate structure: the highest number – ac- RI). This sensor works in conjunction with the portable device counted for aggregate fractions of 1‒2 mm, in less extend – HI 993310. Apparatus estimates the total electrical conductivity 0.5‒1.0 mm (due to exposure to sunlight and drying mollusc).
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