--- OFFICF"" • QL4aries ~. 1!mt*tteh Jnst ~n. 1 THE AMERICAN LEGION ~.9 January 22, 19~ Mr. Ugo Carusi Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization Franklin Trust Building 1500 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, a, Pennsylvania Dear Mr. Commissioner: At our last meeting on Monday, January 13th, 1947 of the Charles A. Learned Post No. 1 of the American Legion~ State of Michigan, a motion was made by Comrade _ ;and unanimously passed by the members of the Post, tJ!at,the traitor known as "Axis Sally" shall not be permitted under any circum­ stances, to return to the United States. t- -"I Comrade ~who made this motion, was • a gunner in the ffnited States Air Corps and was one of the first men to be shot down while on a bombing mission over Germany. He was held there as a prisoner of war for approximately 2 1/2 years. During the entire time of his imprisonment, he had to listen to broadcasts by Axis Sally and knows of his own knowledge of her traitorous comments and exhortations against the United States. In view of the above and of her general history the Charles A. Learned Post No. 1 of the American Legion composed of nearly 1100 members wishes to go on record ~ Unitedas being states unutterably of the womanopposed known LtooYath1leya, as "Axis dmlsslon Sally". to the/ _...:t:.f-, ~ 1---------:---- _ .. -. .. J c; '/ _ ~ _ ! ) (1 / . Charles A. Learned Post No. 1.:.:: ilP;:~I~~~ '~4/ ,:;~ I I GRIM. ~-n~TER~-::- ... L c:ccn':ITY SEC. I .J JJ*CMS \(.. -" ... ~'" l I 'Ir1ah to MkDDwleltce reoe1pt, of ",.1" letter dated Januarr rt, 1947. ~ to the Attornel aen.ral. - &TH'\q apPZeGate 7O\U' GCMUrMa7 in &ciY1a1D& tM / Departwnt tba, ,. hRzodi;1dM4o ••te .fl'C* a- tar -Az1a saU,.- and ~ JO'I oan «1ft the ~ the nau mel 8ddrH... ot ,.oG1" totMr eoIIl'&de. 1n tht 450th aa.tdDl Oronp wbo -7 be able to ~:fW ua turt.Mr WomaUGa. \'ba JlIIpuWmt. 1a lAto.-cl tba'\ t.bue _1"8 two broa.Q... _tan who"N ):JOpllar1, nfarnd to by the troo,. .. "Ax1a ~. en. of __, l6.,8 Rtta Lout.. Zuoaa, bl'OlASllut troa • • taUaa. 1n ltal711b1... UDder 0eJ'MIl eoaVol. ADd the other, 111M IlUd.ftCl 01111l'11, ~ ~ tIM natiaa zwar Berlin. 4!Doe Zuoa ... an lWiaa uattOD&l. JIG PI\l••• tlYI aoUon oan be ;u. 111. "CUd to her. ~ the oClrtcw of )"O\lr let"%" l' &l)pA:N Uaq ~" tb4I ~ 1Ib1oh ,. aD4 J'O'U' canda bMrIl1n ltalJ lI8r. ... by JI1U ZUcca ~:tt.r thin b7 J8.8. (UlliN. It ,. taD turm.m tbI tIe~t, 111 th .,. add1t1oa&1 1zatu.UoA 1rb1G1\ 1rGUld en.b~ u to 1d81lU17 1h8 aaot aource ttl ~ bNlMloaftll Wb1.m ~ bta:rd, ... WOQ14 appNGiate rttCfdv1Dc IWIIl t\lrther intOma'\1oa tna ,.. ~-.-------- ---.---~ : -.:-~ "', ) ".1 ,'! \-;.,-;;-/ ii' . l :"" ..... .LJ f.: FtC-- ~.~i ... ". _.-1 -I .. - I I L. ClJJDlZ .--.....I •- munr .. <'4 .. w;.~ ..;..:,,_.~,_, .....~ .lttoma7 QeQeral cct Recorda"" ~ lfoerlleid.e · ~ ~.;. :-:'<1 . .;' ~ ~~~ '-.: .. "- =:.::.~ I.... ~~:::"~:';'Jj '.'!,~ e ~ Irk \ \ \ TI.CaVClIMb I wUb to ackzr.owl.edp reoe1pt ot ,.our letter dated JAnUal";1 26, I'll{!, -sdn.MCi te tM Honorable 'lOla C. Glal't, Attol1:W;r OeDeral. '%he iJstonatioD oorrs.1Md 111 70V lUter baa taHa ~ nat.e4. 1fe appraa1&te TfJr'7 JlUeh ~r Mlp.tUl. aooperaUon in We _'t.er. , ,j Ba~.. ;\. For the Attoma,. Gcmeral. \\~ SIGN ED 1"-)10 r,1AILED FEB -1 l ~t;7 L ~ t. CLUDIE .-------~--- .ud.atant lttornoy Oonaral. CCI Raoo_~ Clu'ono Woerheida ( 26, 1947 The Hon. Tom Clarke, Attorney General o~ the United States, Department o~ Just~ce, Wash~ngton, D.C. Dear S~r: I am taking the liberty o~ writing to you concerning Mildred Elisabeth GILLARS, known as "Axis Sally" since I heard on the radio tonight that the Department o~ Justice was interested in obtaining names .~,witnesses o~ her activ~ties at the German short-wave station during the war. On the chance that some or all ot my in~ormation is already known to the investigators handling he case~ I should like to pass it on to you anyway, particularly as I believe that GILLARS should be,made to guf~er the consequences of her activity. At the time o~ her arrest in Berlin in March 1946 I was stationed there as a member o~ the "Berlin District Interrogation Detachment", and I was attached to the Counter-Intelligence Corps as a special interrogator. (I am now a graduate student at Harvard University.) While GILLARS was still at large, I was ordered by the CIC to check on her acquaintances in Berlin. I happen to have retained the slip o~ names o~ persons upon whom I called in this connection. Some o~ these persons were employed at the Nazi "Kurzwellensenderw at Koenigswusterhausen, were GILLARS did her dirty work. As ~ar as I recall, all the persons on this list knew her well. I remember de~in1tely that one(or two)o~ these persons was very co-operative in discussing his acquaintance with GILLARS, that he had worked beside her at the radio station, etc. I believe it was Mr. WAGNER (below), who said that he remembered that GILLARS had told him' they had asked hero~~icially atter Pearl Harbor whether she wanted to continue her work at the stationJ upon which she had decided after some consideration to do so. \At the time o~ her arrest she reportedly remarked that "the trouble is, I was in love with both countries".) Here is a list o~ names o~ persons associated with Glilars, some o~ whom were ~ellow-workers o~ hers at the radio­ station: "-l'/)( ---- -'- ,---- JAN 28 :47 - 1 - , ',v! , Iregret that I cannot be more specific in describing the individual relationshipe of theee pereons with GILLARS. Unfortunate th~ details of my talks with them have slipped my memory. I believe however, that it should be quite simple to check their degree of aquaintanee and their possible uee as witnesses. I case the radio report regarding your interest in these mattere wae incorrect, I appologize for taking your time. Respectfully youre, TLC,VCW ...b 1.b1'U&l"J" 4, 1947 " ,-' \'\ ~J : \\ -' / It?( I nab to aclmowt.die yr:N1' re~ let,ter 7c- addrH.. ct to the Honorable TOIl C. Cl&rk, U~ted State. Attorney GeMral. !he new. which :fO'l haw expn•• ect.~ yao.r letwr baTe· been uMfull,. noted. lour aourtGay in oacu:am1aat1ng ld.th t'l:w iAip&ril:ient ot Juatice t. appNOiated.. t n.aputt\tl.l7. )'01" tU At.torne7 o.~ral \ \1, '. ntE1lJN L. CAtrom Aaa1atan~ AttorMl" aeneral. ~eooros/ '. Chrono VIoerheide ; \ ·" l'LC.~.IJrJ hbl'Ul'74, 1947 1.46-7-51-1?os II .r..~ 1hl.a 1d.U acknowledge yoar let.ter ot noent date. addrelleed to the AttorD8)" General, coneern1ng -lxi. ~.- the oontent. of 7ft1" letter ha.... been dul:r noted "-~ am 70Il U7 rut. ulllHd that. 1be _t-.re -at1oDeC! b71'0Il are y~ reoe1:r1q l"per at.wllU.oa b7 th1a Depv....... 7e- .. ~, lor the A'~ Qaeral ftJROBL.C1UDU Ua1atut A'torDIT 08Deral ;-~::,:, ::-'~~--- ----~- : \..... ' .. ! ~ L;..,. ~ \ i'~~' ;;"; .. ;" { . '. ~ _. _i ; 1 001 ~. - ------- 1Ir. Ander.on , '. t. \ .. /7 .J -- ... « ;;. ~ -..::=. _i I 'J .- j 1*'1 : •• IN 28 AT 7G- '1'LC. VOl ... Dt.l ,eb!'UJ"7 6, 1947 You.r 1"eOeIlt letter addreeMd to the s.cn-.t.&r7 of State baa been referred to the De~ ot hat1oe. The Tin. expreeaed in )"O'Clr letter llant been oare1'ul.l7 DOted. '7tV - 'fBlIROX L. QAIJDtI AMi.tan, .~tol'Dll7 GeMral ~NSP'TD AND MAILED COMMUNIOATIONS SEO. FEB r, 1947 AJ ees Reeords-~- Cbron. Mr. Woerhside .. J t'tC. VOir. DT J l_l"UJ7 21., 1947 I nBh to aoltnaBl.edge recei.p", b7 tbII DepartMnt of JIln1ce of copt•• at letter. addre •• to ~ b1 OODOCII'DiDC tM !IIlld.n& of cc-tain record1n&. tor broIIdcan purpo•• bJ a taala ea-plQ1H '--;/ J -' ,~ ot the Gel'll&D radio 1Ibo bu been 1deA\i.t1e4 •• 1114.. or Mad.p, /1 1 , c-/ Axl. Sal.l7 or Berlin S&1.ll'. Year COUJ'teq 1.i1 tOl"W&l'Ci1na til _ter1&l to the Dep&naeat ot Juat10e ~ appno1&te4. a.8p80~, FC' tile A'~ a-n1 SIGNED AND MAILED 1 'fBl!atm L. C&UDLI . AI.ta.... At'-I" OIMral FEB::23 19 L1· 7 i DIVISIO}f C.:!' E.EOORI:S ~ ~ 001 Reoord.-~/ Chron. Xr. Yoerhe1de DREW PEARSO_ WASHINGTON MERRY - GO - ROUND 1313 Twenty-ninth Street, Washington 7, D. C. ~ebr~ar7 13, 1947 !.'lr. Vic tor ·.,·oerheide CrLuinal Division t~i\C Justice Department \ '7 L.- ~ashinGton, D. c. Hr. ?earson has asked me to send you the ene losed copy of' a letter ·wri tten to him by relating to Axis Sally. Very s incerel:r, [Secretary 'l'1IJ. VOW t Dr .1 .~, I I with to aoknowlAtdp JOUl' latur da»d Febru.ar7 4, 1947, addrened to the I.tt.omq aeDU'&l. '.< 00: ReoordJl - _________ Chron. 1Ir. lfoerheid. , NiP'Tl, :'>.:; D MAILE OOM"N'"D~;:- \' • ''''''n~s SEO M~ , ~. 1 ~)4 7 EC Nderans of 1Jioreign mars February 4, 1947. Hon. Tom Clark, Attorney General of the U. E. Washington, D. C. Dear Sir: It has come to n.he attention of this Post that some female who is referred to as "Axis Sally" is seeking admittance to the United States claiming citizenship on some grounds or other. It is our request that you and members of your staff do what you can to prevent her entrance to this country, since acts reported to have been committed by her were definitely un-American and against all the aims of Democracy.
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