Volume 26 Issue 4 U.S. - Mexico Transboundary Resource Issues Fall 1986 Index--Volume 26 Natural Resources Journal Recommended Citation Natural Resources Journal, Index--Volume 26, 26 Nat. Resources J. 918 (1986). Available at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nrj/vol26/iss4/22 This Index is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Journals at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Natural Resources Journal by an authorized editor of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]. natural resources journal INDEX VOLUME 26 Helen Rucker Editor School of Law The University of New Mexico Albuquerque, New Mexico NATURAL RESOURCES JOURNAL [Vol. 26 LEAD ARTICLES-TITLES BINATIONAL USES OF TRANSBOUNDARY AIR RESOURCES: THE INTERNATIONAL ENTITLEMENT ISSUE RECONSIDERED-GuntherHandl ..... 405 CANADIAN-AMERICAN PROBLEM OF ACID RAIN, THE-Anthony Scott ........... 337 COLUMBIA RIVER TREATY-WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE?, THE-Neil A. Swainson ................................................................. 243 COMPETITION IN OUTER SHELF OIL AND GAS LEASE AUCTIONS: A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF WINNING BIDS-Walter J. Mead, Asbjorn Moesidjord, and Philip E. Sorensen ..................................................... 95 CONFLICTUAL INTERDEPENDENCE: UNITED STATES-MEXICAN RELATIONS ON FISHERY RESOURCES-Biliana Cicin-Sain; Michael K. Orbach; Stephen J. Sellers; and Enrique Manzanilla ..................................................... 769 CONGRESS OF THE UNITED MEXICAN STATES DECREES FEDERAL ACT RELATING TO THE SEA-Decree ........................................... 819 CONSTRAINTS TO EXPANDED FOOD PRODUCTION: A NORTH AMERICAN PERSPECTIVE-John T. Pierce and Owen J. Furuseth .......................... 15 DEPARTURE FROM THE SURFACE DESTRUCTION TEST FOR THE ALLOCATION OF "OTHER MINERALS" IN TEXAS--Giffen H. Ott ........................... 113 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF OKLAHOMA'S OIL AND GAS FORCED POOLING LAW, AN-Larry S. Eubanks and Michael J. Mueller ................................. 469 ENERGY ON THE U.S.-MEXICO BORDER-Ross L. Shipman ..................... 711 FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION IN CANADA-Peter N. Nemetz ....... 551 "GETTING TO YES" IN UNITED STATES-CANADIAN WATER DISPUTES-W.R. Derrick Sewell and Albert E. Utton ........................................... 201 GREAT LAKES 1955-1985, THE-Leonard B. Dworsky ........................... 291 "HAMMER" CLAUSE OF THE RECLAMATION REFORM ACT OF 1982, THE-Ray G. Huffaker and B. Delworth Gardner ......................................... 41 HYDROCARBON DEPOSITS OF THE BORDER REGION BETWEEN MEXICO AND THE UNITED STATES: A PRELIMINARY REPORT-Carmen Pedrazzini and Joaquin T. Teyssier ......................................................... 695 IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF FEDERAL TIMBER SALE PROCEDURES: AN UPDATE-DennisD. Muraoka and Richard B. Watson .......................... 69 INTEGRATING DROUGHT PLANNING INTO WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT-Margaret S. Hrezo, Phyllis G. Bridgeman, and William R. Walker . 141 INTERNATIONAL LAW OF SUBMARINE TRANSBOUNDARY HYDROCARBON RESOURCES: LEGAL LIMITS TO BEHAVIOR AND EXPERIENCES IN THE GULF OF MEXICO, THE- Alberto Szekely .......................................... 733 INTRODUCTION TO U.S.-MEXICO TRANSBOUNDARY RESOURCE ISSUES-Will R . K nedlik ................................................................ 66 1 MANAGEMENT OF CANADA-U.S. BOUNDARY WATERS: RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT, THE- Barry Sadler ............................................. 359 MANAGING FISHERIES IN DEVELOPING NATIONS: A PLEA FOR APPROPRIATE DEVELOPMENT-Dean E. Cycon ........................................... I ON AN INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT FOR DEVELOPING OIL AND GAS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO-Albert E. Utton and Paul D. McHugh .................. 717 OPTIONS FOR FINANCING ACID RAIN CONTROLS-James L. Regens and Robert W. Rycroft ............................ ............................. 519 PRECONDITIONS TO COOPERATION IN CANADA-UNITED STATES BOUNDARY WATERS- David G. LeMarquand ............................................ 221 SCIENCE VS. THE GRASS ROOTS: REPRESENTATION IN THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT-Dorotha M. Bradley and Helen M. Ingram ..................... 493 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE INTERNATIONAL LAW OF SUBMARINE TRANSBOUNDARY HYDROCARBON DEPOSITS, A-Alberto Szekely ........... 833 SKAGIT-HIGH ROSS DAM CONTROVERSY: NEGOTIATION AND SETTLEMENT, THE-Jackie K. Kirn and Marion Marts ....................................... 261 Fall 19861 VOLUME 26 INDEX TRANSBOUNDARY ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEM SOLVING: SOCIAL PROCESS, CULTURAL PERCEPTION-JosephNalven ................................... 793 TRANSBOUNDARY RESOURCES: A VIEW FROM MEXICO-Alberto Sze4kely ....... 669 WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT AS AN ISSUE IN ENVIRONMENTAL DIPLOMACY- John E. Carroll ............................................. 207 LEAD ARTICLES--AUTHORS BRADLEY, DOROTHA M. & INGRAM, H. M.-Science vs. the Grass Roots: Representation in the Bureau of Land Management .............................. 493 BRIDGEMAN, PHYLLIS G.; WALKER, W. R. & HREZO, M. S.-ntegrating Drought Planning Into Water Resources Management .................................... 141 CARROLL, JOHN E.-Water Resources Management as an Issue in Environmental D iplomacy ................................................................ 207 CICIN-SAIN, BILIANA, ORBACH, M.K., SELLERS, S.J. & MANZANILLA, E.- Conflictual Interdependence: United States-Mexican Relations on Fishery Resources ... 769 CYCON, DEAN E.-Managing Fisheries in Developing Nations: A Pleafor Appropriate D evelopm ents ............................................................. I DWORSKY, LEONARD B.-The Great Lakes 1955-1985 .......................... 291 EUBANKS, LARRY S. & MUELLER, M.J.-An Economic Analysis of Oklahoma's Oil and Gas Forced Pooling Law ................................................ 469 FURUSETH, OWEN J. & PIERCE, J.T.-Constraints to Expanded Food Production:A North American Perspective .................................................. 15 GARDNER, B. DELWORTH & HUFFAKER, R.G.-The "Hammer" Clause of the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982 .............................................. 41 HANDL, GUNTHER-Binational Uses of TransboundaryAir Resources: The InternationalEntitlement Issue Reconsidered .................................... 405 HOWE, CHARLES W.-Project Benefits and Costs from National and Regional Viewpoints: Methodological Issues and Case Study of the Colorado-Big Thompson Project ................................................................... 77 HREZO, MARGARET S., BRIDGEMAN, P.G. & WALKER, W.R.-ntegrating Drought Planning into Water Resources Management ............................ 141 HUFFAKER, RAY G. & GARDNER, B. D.-The "Hammer" Clause of the Reclamation Reform Act of 1982 ........................................................ 41 INGRAM, HELEN M. & BRADLEY, D.B.-Science vs. the Grass Roots: Representation in the Bureau of Land Management ........................................... 493 KIRN, JACKIE K. & MARTS, MARION-The Skagit-High Ross Dam Controversy: Negotiation and Settlement .................................................. 261 KNEDLIK, WILL R.-introduction to U.S.-Mexico TransboundaryResource Issues ..... 661 LEMARQUAND, DAVID G.-Preconditionsto Cooperation in Canada-UnitedStates Boundary Waters .......................................................... 221 MCHUGH, PAUL D. & UTTON, A.E.--On an InstitutionalArrangement for Developing Oil and Gas in the Gulf of Mexico ............................................ 717 MANZANILLA, ENRIQUE, CICIN-SAIN, B., ORBACH, M.K. & SELLERS, S.J.- ConflictualInterdependence: United States-Mexican Relations on Fishery Resources ... 769 MARTS, MARION & KIRN, J.K.-The Skagit-High Ross Dam Controversy: Negotiation and Settlem ent ............................................................ 26 1 MEAD, WALTER J., MOESIDJORD, A. & SORENSEN, P.E.-Competition in Outer Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Auctions: A StatisticalAnalysis of Winning Bids ............. 95 MOESIDJORD, ASBJORN, SORENSEN, P.E. & MEAD, W.J.-Competition in Outer Shelf Oil and Gas Lease Auctions: A StatisticalAnalysis of Winning Bids ............. 95 MUELLER, MICHAEL J. & EUBANKS, L.S.-An Economic Analysis of Oklahoma's Oil and Gas ForcedPooling Law ............................................. 469 NATURAL RESOURCES JOURNAL [Vol. 26 MURAOKA, DENNIS D. & WATSON, R.B.-mproving the Efficiency of Federal Timber Sale Procedures:An Update ........................................... 69 NALVEN, JOSEPH-TransboundaryEnvironmental Problem Solving: Social Process, Cultural Perception ........................................................ 793 NEMETZ, PETER N.-Federal Environmental Regulation in Canada ................. 551 ORBACH, MICHAEL K., SELLERS, S.J., MANZANILLA, E. & CICIN-SAIN, B.- Conflictual Interdependence: United States-Mexican Relations on Fishery Resources ... 769 OTT,GIFFEN H.-Departurefrom the Surface Destruction Test for the Allocation of "Other Minerals" in Texas .................................................. 113 PEDRAZZINI, CARMEN & TEYSSIER, J.-HydrocarbonDeposits of the Border Region Between Mexico and the United States: A PreliminaryReport ...................... 695 PIERCE, JOHN T. & FURUSETH, O.J.-Constraintsto Expanded Food Production:A North American Perspective .................................................. 15 REGENS, JAMES L. & RYCROFT, R.W.--Options for FinancingAcid Rain Controls .. 519 RYCROFT, ROBERT W. & REGENS, J.L.-Options for FinancingAcid Rain Controls.
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