THE BOSTON COLLEGE USPS MAILING ADDRESS ChroniclePublished by the Boston College Office of News & Public Affairs INSIDE: BC officer honored BC student a kids Spring arts and 3 for saving life 5 book illustrator 8 humanities events JANUARY 20, 2011-VOL. 19 NO. 9 Changes Seen As Strengthening Mission and Ministry Division adds FYE, tersections Project and the Center — who is an associate professor of for Student Formation, which will political science — with establish- other programs, now work in partnership in an ef- ing and animating the University’s revamps Intersections, fort to enhance student formation. galvanizing initiative of student Student Formation Office Jennie Purnell, the inaugural formation. “Jennie is a consum- director of the Center for Stu- mate professor who possesses an dent Formation, will become the BY OFFICE OF excellent theoretical understanding newly established chair of Intersec- NEWS & PUBLIC AFFAIRS STAFF of formation. She can help to shape tions. Together with Burt How- our outreach through her work in Staff members of the Division ell, the director of Intersections, the classroom along with her new of Mission and Ministry met this the restructured office will work role as chair of Intersections.” week to discuss a series of changes with faculty and administrators in Mike Sacco, the former associ- that will increase the size of the advancing the University’s educa- ate director of Intersections, has division and change its organiza- tional and religious mission and been named director of the Center tional structure. student formation. for Student Formation. To foster Under these changes, Campus Vice President for University the intellectual aspects of student Ministry and the Center for Igna- Mission and Ministry Jack Butler, formation, Lonergan Center As- tian Spirituality will be joined by SJ, said that Purnell’s role as first sociate Director and influential the Office of First Year Experience, director of the center, combined instructor Kerry Cronin will be- Faculty Outreach and Program As- with her experience as a faculty come a fellow of the newly revised Vice President for University Mission and Ministry Jack Butler, SJ (center), sessment, the Montserrat Program member, will allow her to engage center. talks with division administrators (L-R) Jennie Purnell, Mike Sacco, Kerry and Channel 46. The changes also her peers in enhancing student Although the center finds its Cronin and Burt Howell Tuesday after a meeting with Mission and Ministry include a reorganization of the In- formation. Butler credits Purnell Continued on page 3 staff to discuss organizational changes. (Photo by Lee Pellegrini) IN STEP WITH THE SEASON Arbella Gift Establishes Loan Forgiveness Program and Forgiveness Program, which BY JACK DUnn will expand the law school’s cur- DIRECTOR OF NEWS rent loan repayment program, & PUBLIC AFFAIRS will encourage BC Law graduates The Law School will estab- to embrace careers in public in- lish the Francis X. Bellotti Loan terest law by providing funds to Repayment and Forgiveness Pro- help pay down the student loan gram in honor of Arbella In- debt of those actively engaged in surance Group founder, current public service, as well as loan for- Arbella board Vice Chairman giveness for new graduates who and former Massachusetts Attor- are committed to careers in pub- ney General Frank Bellotti, who lic interest law. graduated from BC Law in 1952. Loan repayment and forgive- The program is made possible ness programs have become vital through $3 million in gifts to tools in encouraging law gradu- BC Law — $2 million from the ates to pursue careers in the less Arbella Insurance Group Chari- lucrative field of public interest table Foundation and $1 million law, given the growing disparity from individuals associated with between the median salaries of The “spring” semester may be under way, but Boston College was definitely in winter’s grip this week, as Arbella and Bellotti. attorneys in the public and pri- a pair of recent storms brought snow and ice to campus. (Photo by Gary Wayne Gilbert) The Bellotti Loan Repayment Continued on page 5 Francis “Frank” Campanella, 1936-2011 Manager, Innovator, Leader Changed BC Francis B. “Frank” Campanel- taught finance in BC’s Carroll fiscal planning that helped Boston la, whose 25 years of management School of Management, served College to emerge from near in- innovation and operational leader- as the University’s executive vice solvency in 1973 to become one ship as Boston College’s executive president from 1973 until 1991, of the nation’s 40 wealthiest uni- vice president helped the Univer- when he returned to teaching. In versities in endowment. His skill sity to become a national leader 1993, he was asked by then-Bos- at architectural planning and con- in higher education, died Jan. 14 ton College President J. Donald struction management also pro- from complications following a Monan, SJ, to accept another term duced some of Boston College’s stroke. He was 74. as EVP, serving until 2001. In most important buildings, includ- Visiting hours will be held at his executive leadership role, Dr. ing Merkert Chemistry Center, St. Ignatius Church in Chestnut Campanella was responsible for the renovated Higgins Hall hous- Hill today from 1:30-3:30 p.m. all internal management of the ing BC’s biology and physics de- and 4:30-8 p.m. A Mass of Chris- University as well as long-range partments, the BC Law Library, tian burial will be celebrated to- operational and fiscal planning, O’Neill Library, Conte Forum, morrow, Jan. 21, at St. Ignatius capital planning and information Robsham Theater and the stu- Church, beginning at 11 a.m. technology. dent residence halls lining Com- Francis B. Campanella Dr. Campanella, who also He played a central part in the Continued on page 4 THE BOSTON COLLEGE Chronicle JANUARY 20, 2011 A ROUND C AMPUS Herzlich Selected for Rudy Award Boston College senior football player Mark Her- zlich has been named the winner of the 2010 College Football Rudy Award, which honors student-athletes who demonstrate exemplary character, courage, con- tribution and commitment as members of their col- legiate football teams. Herzlich was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma and missed the 2009 season, but returned to action last fall. He was third on the team in total tackles (65) and solo stops (50), led the Eagles in forced fumbles (two) and was second in interceptions (four). Herzlich completed his Boston College career on Will the performance of Coco No No (above) help a BC alum win a “best Jan. 9 in the Kraft Fight Hunger Bowl with five tack- amateur commercial” contest for the Super Bowl? les and a forced fumble. Pug-nacious Disconsolate Patriots fans in Knipe went on to earn a master’s in film studies from the University A place for Poe the Boston College community still have something to look for- of Southern California, where he Just in time for Edgar Allan war of words as snarky as any from non-profit organization that seeks ward to on Super Bowl Sunday. was part of a tight-knit group of Poe’s 202nd birthday yesterday, a that time, and is based on a misun- to honor Poe in the city where he Patrick Knipe ’03 is a finalist BC alums that launched the pro- version of “The Raven in the Frog derstanding of the importance of was born and to promote cultural in the Doritos “Crash the Super duction company responsible for Pond: Edgar Allan Poe and the City Boston to Poe’s development.” tourism in general. Another co-cre- Bowl” contest, a national compe- “Pug Attack.” of Boston” — a Boston Public Li- The original “Raven in the Frog ator of the foundation is Patricia tition that invites amateurs to sub- “If there is something I want to brary exhibition curated by Profes- Pond” exhibition, which was on Bartevian, who is donating office mit commercials for Super Bowl say to the community, it is to en- sor of English Paul Lewis that drew view at the Boston Public Library space to the foundation in a build- Sunday, Feb. 6. Knipe, who ma- courage people who are interested record crowds during its display from December 2009 — the bi- ing she owns at 160 Boylston Street, jored in English and minored in in film to get involved with the last winter — has been launched centenary year of Poe’s birth — to steps away from Poe Square — the film studies at BC, created a com- film program at BC,” said Knipe. at www.bc.edu/schools/cas/english/ last March, sought to set the record intersection of Boylston and Charles mercial along with two friends “BC is where I learned a lot of poebostonexhibit. straight on the complicated Poe- Street South that was renamed in that may very well win $1 mil- what I do and is the genesis of this The website’s de- Boston relation- 2009 after the author. lion. production.” but is one of several ship, featuring The Edward Ingersoll Browne The commercial [which can When he’s not munching on recent efforts to un- materials from the Fund has awarded a $10,000 grant be seen at www.pugattack.com] Doritos, Knipe is getting ready derscore Poe’s Bos- extensive collec- to the foundation to develop a plan depicts a man taunting a Doritos- to direct his first feature film, ton legacy. Lewis says tions of the BPL, for the installation of a permanent crazed pug through a glass door. “Apocalypse New Jersey.” The “one of the best-kept the American An- work of art in Poe Square. The The spot is one of three finalists supernatural thriller, inspired by secrets in Boston’s lit- tiquarian Society, monies for this grant are interest earning votes daily.
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