1894. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 3125 Whereas the withdrawal or !laid appropriations will work great injury to SENATE. agriculture and agricultural education: 'l'here!ore, Be it resolved. by the G~neral Auem'Jl1! of Marvland, T'.aat the Senators and TUESDA..Y_. March 20, 1894 •. Represent!ttives from Maryland in the Congress of the United States, be and they are hereby requested to use their best etrorts and endea.vors to defeat Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D. the passa.ge of sa..U bill liiO fa.r a& the same a.pplies to agricultural expert­ The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. mental station2 and a,."Ticultural education; and be it !urther Resolved, That. the governor be and he is hereby directed to forward, un­ TRANSFER OF MILITARY RECORDS. der the grea.t se3.1 of the State of Maryland, a copy of these resolutions to each of the Se:na.tors a.ad Representative3 of Maryland in the Congress or The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ the United Sta.te3 at a.s early a. day as possible. tion from the Secretary of War, in response to a resolution of Given under our hands this 14th day o! February A. D. 1894. JOHN WALTER S-r.llTH, the Senate of the 14th instant, relative to the proposed transfer President of the Senate. from the Treasury :tnd Interior Departments to the War De­ JAMES H. PRESTON, part.mentof the military recocds of the American Revolution and Speaker a.f t!M Hduae of JJele{lates. the war of 181:2, as authorized by an act of Congress approved STATE OJi' MARYLAND: I, Frank Brown, governor of the State of Ma.ryltmd, do hereby certify, June 24, 1892; which was referred to the Committee on Military that the foregoing is a full and true copy of the joint resolutions of the Gen­ Affairs, and ordered to be printed. eral Assembly of Maryland, of which H purports to be a copy. Wit nesS"'my ha.nd a.ud the great seal or Maryland. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Done at ths city of Annapolis on the 20th day of February, in the year of Mr. BERRY presented petition of citizens of Arkan­ our Lord, 189•. a st~ndry (SEAL.) FRANK BROWN. sas, praying that fraternal and society journals be admitted to By the governor: the mailsa.sseoond-class matter; which was referred to the Com­ WILLIAM T. BRANTLY, mittee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. Secretm·v of State. Mr. TITRPIE presented a memorial of sundry citizens of La­ Mr. GORMAN pres;mted the petition of Mrs. Julia Nolan, ·of grange County, Ind., remonstrating against the passage of the Baltimore, Md., widow of Charles Nolan, late of Compa.ny C, Wilson tariff bill; which was referred to the Committee on Fi­ Second Regiment United States Dragoons, praying that she be nance. granted a pension of $12 per month; which was referred to the Mr. STOCKBRIDGE presented the memorial of Peter White Committee on Pensions. and sundry other citizens of Marquette, Mich., and the memo­ H e also presented a petition of the State Medical Society, rial of J. M. Longgear and sundry other citizens of Marquette, known as the Medical and Chirurg leal Faculty of .Mary laud, pray­ Mich., ~emonstrating against the passage of the Wilson tariff ing for the passage of Senate bill No. 1153, creating a bureau o} bill; which were referred to the Committee on Finance. public health; which was referred to the Committee on Epidemic Mr. PROCTOR presented the petition of H. M. Goddard and Diseases. 16 other citizens of South Royalton, Vt., -praying for the enact­ He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Emmitsburg, ment of legislation to suppress the lott-ery traffic; which was re­ Md., praying that the preamble to the Con11titution of the United ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. States be 510 amended as to recognize the Deity; which was re­ He also presented a memorial of Local Union No. 264, Cigar ferred to the Committee on the Judiciary. Makers' International Union of America, of Rutland, Vt., re· He also presented the petition of Thomas J. Packard and sun­ monstrating against an increase of the internal-revenue tax on dry o ther citizens of Maryland, and a. petition of the Society of cigars; whioh was referred to the Committee on J:i'inance. Friends, of Baltimore, Md., praying for the enactment of legis­ Mr. WASHBURN presented a petition of the Chamb0r of lation to suppress the lottery traffic; which were referred to the Commerce of St. Paul, Minn., -praying that an approprhtion of Committee on the Judiciary. $10,000 be made for the examination and survey of a c:.tnal to He also preseu ted the memorial of Fred Deruhard and sundry connect the waters of Lake Superior and the Mississippi River; other citizens of Baltimore, Md., and the memorial of W. Hoff­ which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. man and sundry other citizens of Boonesboro, Md., remonstrat­ He also presented sundry memorials of cigar manufacturers of ing against the imposition of an income tax, and also against St. Cloud, Minn., remonstrating against an increase of the in­ an increase of the tax on distilled spirits; which were referred ternal-revenue tax on cigars; which were referred to the Com­ to the Committee on Finance. mittee on Finance. He also presented a memorial or sundry employes of William Mr. FRYE presented sundry memorials of cigar manufac­ J. Hoope1· & Co., of Baltimore, Md., and a memorial of sundry turers of Portland, Saco, and Biddeford, all in the State of Maine, employes of th~ J. J. Johnson Company, of Baltimore, Md., re­ remonstrating against an increase of the internal-revenue taxon monstrating against any change being m~de in the present du­ cigars: which were referred to the Committee on Finance. ties en cotton and .flax fish nettings, webs, seines, etc.; which Mr. HAWLEY -presented a petition of William A. Willard were referred to the Committee on Finance. aud 1\:l other citizens of H :.wtfoi·d., Conn11 and a petition of B. H. He also presen~d petitions of Robert E. Green, W. T. Allen, Webb Council, No. 702, Royal Arcanum, of Hartford, Conn., and sundry other clt1zens of Maryland; of William H. James, praying that fraternal society a.nd college journals be admitted R. J. Wilson, Richard Grady, H. M. Fuller, George Damman, to the mails as second-class matter; which were referred to the jr., William N. Hildebrand, S. H. Ranneker, J. Spencer Clarke, Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. and G. A. McGaw, s.nd sundry other citizens of Baltimore, Md.; Ml'. LODGE preaented the petition of D. W. Thompson and of Acma Council, No. 858, Royal Arcanum, of Baltimore; of 40 other citizens of Williamstown, Mass., praying for the enact­ John A. Murray and sundry other citizens of Williamsport; of ment of legislation· to enable the States to enforce State laws reg­ John 0. McKeby and sundry other citizen!! ofPhcenix; of Levin ulating the sale of substitutes for dairy products; which was re­ F. Morris and sundry other citizens of B.1th; of William E. Taw ferred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. and sundry other citizens of Marion; of Edward P. Allen, -presi- ­ He also presented the me-morial of Frank W. Francis and 15 dent. and sundry students of Mount St. Mary's College, Em­ other cig-ar manufacturers~ of Bedford, Mass., and the memorial mitsburg, and of W. A. Trader and sundry other citizens of Sal­ of Joseph V. Broderick and 32 other employes of.F. P. ~orton, isbury, all in the St:tte of Maryland, praying that fraternal so­ cigat· manufacturer, of Boston, Mass., remonstratmg aga1nstan ciety and college journals be admitted to the mails as second­ increase of the internal-revenue tax on cigars; which were re­ class matter; which were referred to the Committee on Post­ ferred to the Committee on Finance. Offices and Post-Roads. Mr. GORMAN presented a memorialof the General Assembly Mr. GORDON presented the petition of Fayerweather & of the State of Maryland, remonstratinicr against the passage of Faden, of Flintstone, Ga., praying for the retention of the duty House bill No. 2001, to repeal certain aws relating to perma­ on sole leather; which was referred to the Committee on Fi­ nent a,nd indefinite appropriations, in so far as the same repeals nance. the laws making appropriations for the support of agricultural He also presented a memorial of P. S. Clark & Co. andsundry expedment stations and in aid of agricultural colleges; which other druggists of Georgia, and the memorialof John W. Good­ was read and referred to the Committee on Agriculture and wyn, ch11irman of the Georg~ Board of Pharm!Lcy, of Macon, Forestry, as follows: Ga., remon.strating against an increase of the duty on alcohol; THE STATE OF MARYLAND, Executive JJepartmmt. which were referred to the Committee on Finance. Joint resolutions request.in~ and urging the Senators and Representatives He also -presented the petition of Charles A. Conklin, of At­ in th~ Congress or the Umtect $La.tes from the !::hate of Maryland, to use their best efforts and endeavors to defeat the passage of a bill now pend­ lanta, Ga.! praying that the time of putting into effect the clause ing in Congress known as" House bill No. 2001," entitled, "A bill to repeal of the Wilson tariff bill affecting tin plate be postponed until certain laws relating to permanent and indefinite appropriations," intro­ October 1, 1894; which was referred to the Committee on Fi­ duced in the House or RepTescntatives by Mr.
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