Letters Case Letter Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the lung in a 63-year-old man with left flank pain Vinay Minocha, MD, and Fauzia Rana, MD Department of Oncology, University of Florida College of Medicine iffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) metabolic panel, and hepatic function tests were of the lung is a rare entity, and although unremarkable. A chest radiograph showed a Dthe prognosis is favorable, its biological wedge-shaped opacity within the left lung base features, clinical presentation, prognostic markers, and a subsequent computed tomography (CT) and treatment have not been well defined.1,2 It is scan of the chest confirmed the presence of a soft the second most common primary pulmonary tissue mass of 8 ϫ 4 ϫ 5 cm that abutted the left lymphoma (PPL) after mucosa-associated lym- pleura (Figure 1). A CT-guided core biopsy was phoid tissue (MALT). PPL itself is very rare; it done on the following day. represents 3%-4% of extranodal non-Hodgkin The flow cytometry and cytomorphology of the lymphoma, Ͻ 1% of NHL, and 0.5%-1.0% of tissue sample was consistent with a diagnosis of primary pulmonary malignancies.2,3 A review of DLBCL (Figure 2). Flow cytometric analysis of the literature indicates a lack of data on pulmonary the lung mass tissue revealed a large lymphoid DLBCL. The objective of this case report is to population which was positive for HLA-DR, highlight areas in which further research may be CD19, CD20, CD38, CD10 and lambda light pursued to better understand this disease. chain. The CD10 positivity was indicative of a follicular cell origin for this tumor. To complete Case presentation the staging, a bone marrow aspirate smear and A 63-year-old man presented to the emergency de- biopsy with flow cytometric analysis were done partment with the complaint of shortness of breath and they revealed no overt evidence of a B-cell on minimal exertion, chronic nonproductive cough, lymphoproliferative disorder. and worsening left lower chest and flank pain. The Further investigations aimed at staging and de- shortness of breath had been worsening progressively termining the patient’s prognosis using the Revised over the past several months and at the time of International Prognostic Index (R-IPI) were done. presentation it significantly limited his activities of This included obtaining a lactate dehydrogenase daily living. The chest and flank pain had appeared level and evaluating for extranodal spread of the during the previous week and was described as a disease with a positron emission tomography–com- constant dull ache. He had a 60 pack year smoking puted tomography scan. The PET–CT scan dem- history and his past medical history was significant onstrated avid fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) uptake in only for prostate cancer treated with proton beam the left lower lobe mass with a maximal standardized radiotherapy. uptake value (mSUV) of 37.24 and it also showed a Physical examination at the time of initial pre- small non-FDG avid left pleural effusion (Figure 3). sentation was remarkable for decreased air entry at The patient was calculated as having an R-IPI the left lung base and mild left-sided lower chest score of 2, which indicated a good prognosis based wall tenderness. Initial lab investigations, includ- on his age (older than 60 years), a good performance ing complete blood count with differential, basic status, an LDH level greater than upper limit of normal (271), no extranodal sites of spread, and Manuscript received July 13, 2013; accepted August 9, 2013. stage II disease. He was subsequently started on an Correspondence Fauzia Rana, MD, Department of Oncol- R-CHOP (rituximab, cyclophosphamide, doxorubi- ogy, University of Florida College of Medicine, 1600 SW Archer Rd, Gainesville, FL 32610 ([email protected]fl.edu). Commun Oncol 2013;10:333-336 © 2013 Frontline Medical Communications Disclosures The authors have no disclosures. DOI: 10.12788/j.cmonc.0062 Volume 10/Number 11 November 2013 Ⅲ COMMUNITY ONCOLOGY 333 Letters FIGURE 2 A, Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, histopathologic view; note loose, dispersed arrangement of monomorphic large lymphoid cells that are larger than smaller darker background normal lym- phocytes. These sheets of cells efface the underlying alveolar archi- tecture of the lung (hematoxylin and eosin stain, original magnifi- cation x40). B, Imprint smear cytology shows dyscohesive, monomorphic round cells with basophilic cytoplasm. This favors a lymphoid population, most likely a lymphoma, diffuse large cell variant (Diff-Quik-stained smear, original magnification x40). chyma and/or bronchi) in a patient with no detectable FIGURE 1 A, A computed tomography angiogram of the chest showing a large soft tissue mass within the inferior left hemithorax extrapulmonary involvement at diagnosis or during the measuring approximately 3.2 ϫ 1.6 in. B, A CT angiogram of the subsequent 3 months of diagnosis.4 chest showing left apical pleural thickening and a very small left The incidence of primary pulmonary non-Hodgkin’s pleural effusion. Within the left lower lobe laterally is a soft tissue mass of 3.3 ϫ 1.6 ϫ 2.2 in. that abuts the pleural surface and lymphoma (PPNHL) peaks in the sixth and seventh de- demonstrates acute angles with the chest wall. cades of life, and the ratio of males to females is close to 1.5 PLL-DLBCL often occurs in patients with underly- cin, vincristine, prednisone) regime followed by involved ing immunosuppression such as human immunodefi- field radiation. ciency virus or those that have undergone solid organ (heart or lung) transplantation with cyclosporine A or Discussion OKT3 immunosuppression.4 However, as in this case, Primary pulmonary lymphoma is defined as clonal lym- PLL-DLBCL has been identified in nonimmunosup- phoid proliferation that affects 1 or both lungs (paren- pressed patients and does not show any clinical difference 334 COMMUNITY ONCOLOGY Ⅲ November 2013 www.CommunityOncology.net Case Letter TABLE 1 Staging classification for extranodal lymphomas1 Stage Description IE Involvement of lung only (can be bilateral) II 1E Lung and hilar lymph nodes II 2E Lung and mediastinal lymph nodes II 2EW Lung and adjacent chest wall or diaphragm III Involvement of lung and of lymph nodes below diaphragm IV Diffuse involvement of 1 or more extralymphatic organs or tissues techniques such as flow cytometry using bronchoalveolar lavage fluid may establish the diagnosis. However, more invasive approaches are superior for confirmatory diagno- sis as there are a number of nonmalignant reactive con- FIGURE 3 Fused PET-CT scan revealing that previously seen left ditions that can simulate the immunohistochemical find- lower lobe mass demonstrates avid FDG uptake with maximal stan- ings in malignant lymphoma.1,6 dardized uptake value of 37.24. The mass appears stable in size and is about 3 ϫ 2.1 in. There is small non-FDG avid left pleural In the current case, clinical staging workup was com- effusion. pleted by bone marrow aspiration and PET and CT Abbreviations: FDG, fluorodeoxyglucose; PET-CT, positron emission scans, which showed no evidence of extrathoracic lym- tomography-computed tomography. phoma at the time of diagnosis. PET and CT has emerged as a highly sensitive and specific tool for the to the clinical presentation in the immunosuppressed 2 detection and localization of Hodgkin lymphoma and setting. aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The current data This case describes a patient who presented primarily indicate that mSUVs are much higher in DLBCL than in with the respiratory symptoms of cough and shortness of 7 other primary pulmonary lymphomas. In our case, the breath with left-sided chest pain. Based on the current lung tumor displayed avid FDG uptake with an mSUV of literature, cough, and dyspnea were the most frequently 37.24. Further studies may be required to evaluate reported symptoms of primary NHL of the lung. How- whether FDG uptake by pulmonary lymphomas has ever a significant percentage of patients presented with prognostic significance. constitutional symptoms such as fever, weight loss, or DLBCL of the lung is currently staged by using the fatigue and a smaller subset were asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis.1 Ann Arbor staging system with Cotswold modification, which was originally developed for staging of Hodgkin The radiographic appearance of primary pulmonary lym- 8 phoma can show a variety of findings from nodule or mass lymphoma and has been adapted for staging NHL. The 6 staging classification used for these extranodal lympho- (single or multiple) to atelectasis. In various studies of pa- 1 tients with pulmonary DLBCL, the most common radio- mas is shown in Table 1. In our case the patient pre- logic findings were a pulmonary infiltrate or mass lesion. sented with stageIEasitinvolved lung parenchyma only. Pleural effusion is also often present.1,4 In this case, the The prognosis of patients with primary pulmonary 6 patient was found to have a pulmonary mass and pleural NHL is known to be relatively favorable. However, fur- effusion. However, any radiological abnormality of the lung ther studies are required to identify specific prognostic parenchyma contains the possibility of lymphoma.6 factors. A poor overall survival rate in patients with pri- An adequate tumor sample was obtained by a CT- mary pulmonary lymphoma was found in patients with an guided transthoracic needle biopsy in our patient. Various elevated serum LDH level, non-MALT PPL, hilar/me- case series report that surgical procedures such as video- diastinal LAP, B symptoms, or stage II disease or assisted
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