Type Iax Supernovae Saurabh W. Jha with Curtis McCully (LCOGT/UCSB), Ryan Foley (UC Santa Cruz), Max Stritzinger (Aarhus), et al. Supernovae Through the Ages Rapa Nui August 12, 2016 78 GARNAVICH ET AL. Vol. 509 H with a Gaussian prior based on our own Type Ia SNs this result beyond a cosmological-constant model because 0 result including our estimate of the systematic error from of the possible time dependence ofax. But for an equation the Cepheid distance scale, H \ 65 ^ 7 km s~1 Mpc~1 of state Ðxed after recombination, the combined constraints (R98a). It is important to note0 that the Type Ia SNs con- continue to be consistent with a Ñat geometry as long as straints on()m, ) ) are independent of the distance scale ax [ [0.6. With better estimates of the systematic errors in but that the CMB" constraints are not. We then combine the Type Ia SN data and new measurements of the CMB marginalized likelihood functions of the CMB and Type Ia anisotropy, these preliminary indications should quickly SNs data. The result is shown inFigure 3. Again, we must turn into very strong constraints(Tegmark et al. 1998). caution that systematic errors in either the Type Ia SNs CONCLUSIONS data(R98a) or the CMB could a†ect this result. 6. Nevertheless, it is heartening to see that the combined The current results from the High-z Supernova Search constraint favors a location in this parameter space that has Team suggest that there is an additional energy component not been ruled out by other observations, though there may sharing the universe with gravitating matter. For a Ñat be mild conÑict with constraints on) from gravitational geometry, the ratio of the pressure of the unknown energy " lensing(Falco et al. 1998). In fact, the region selected by the to its density is probably more negative than [0.6. This Type Ia SN and CMB observations is in concordance with e†ectively rules out topological defects such as strings and inÑation, large-scale structure measurements, and the ages textures as the additional component, and it disfavors of stars(Ostriker & Steinhardt 1995; Krauss & Turner domain walls as that component. Open models are less con- 1995). The combined constraint removes much of the high- strained but favor ax \ [0.5. Although there are many ) , high-) region that was not ruled out by the Type Ia intriguing candidates for the x-component, the current m " SN data alone, as well as much of the high-)m, low-) Type Ia SN observations imply that a vacuum energy or a region allowed by the CMB data alone. The combined con-" scalar Ðeld that resembles the cosmological constant is the straint is consistent with a Ñat universe, as ) \ )m most likely culprit. THE ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL, 116:1009È1038, 1998 September 0.94 0.26 for MLCS and 1.00 0.22 for totm (B) Combining the Type Ia SNs probability distribution with ( 1998. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. ] ) \ ^ ^ * (1 p "errors). The enormous redshift di†erence between15 the constraints of today from the position of the Ðrst acoustic historicalCMB and the Type Ia SNs prelude makes it dangerous to generalize peak in the CMB power spectrum provides a simultaneous OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE FROM SUPERNOVAE FOR AN ACCELERATING UNIVERSE Garnavich, Jha, + High-Z Team (1998) AND A COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT ADAM G.RIESS,1 ALEXEI V. FILIPPENKO,1 PETER CHALLIS,2 ALEJANDRO CLOCCHIATTI,3 ALAN DIERCKS,4 PETER M. GARNAVICH,2 RON L. GILLILAND,5 CRAIG J.HOGAN,4 SAURABH JHA,2 ROBERT P. KIRSHNER,2 B. LEIBUNDGUT, M. M. PHILLIPS, DAVID REISS, BRIAN P. SCHMIDT, ROBERT A. SCHOMMER, HE STROPHYSICAL OURNAL 6 7 4 8,9 7 T A J , 509:74È79, 1998R. C DecemberHRIS SMITH 10 , J. SPYROMILIO, CHRISTOPHER STUBBS, ( 1998. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. 7,10 6 4 NICHOLAS B. SUNTZEFF,7 AND JOHN TONRY11 Received 1998 March 13; revised 1998 May 6 SUPERNOVA LIMITS ON THE COSMIC EQUATION OF STATE ABSTRACT PETER M. GARNAVICH,1 SAURABH JHA,1 PETER CHALLIS,1 ALEJANDRO CLOCCHIATTI,2 ALAN DIERCKS,3 High-Z Team SN Ia + We presentLEXEI spectralILIPPENKO and photometricON observationsILLILAND ofRAIG 10 TypeOGAN Ia supernovaeOBERT (SNeIRSHNER Ia) in the redshift range 0.16A z V.0.62.F The luminosity,4 R L. distancesG of these,5 C objectsJ.H are determined,3 R byP. methodsK that,1 employ π πRUNO EIBUNDGUT HILLIPS AVID EISS DAM IESS relations betweenB SNL Ia luminosity,6 M. and M. lightP curve,7 shape.D CombinedR ,3 A withG. previousR ,4 data from our ground-based CMB (1st peak) High-z Supernova SearchBRIAN TeamP. SCHMIDT and recent,8 ROBERT resultsA. bySCHOMMER Riess et, al.,7 R. this CHRIS expandedSMITH, set9 of 16 high-redshift ASON PYROMILIO HRIS TUBBS ICHOLAS UNTZEFF supernovaePublications of andthe Astronomical a setJ of Society 34S nearby of the Pacific supernovae,6, C119: 360–387,S are 2007 used April,3 N to place constraintsB. S on,7 the following cosmo- ᭧ 2007. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific.JOHN All rightsTONRY reserved.,10 Printed AND in U.S.A.SEAN M. CARROLL11 logical parameters: the Hubble constant(H ), the mass density()M), the cosmological constant (i.e., the vacuum energy density,) ), the decelerationReceived 19980 May parameter 28; accepted(q ), 1998 and July the 10 dynamical age of the universe (t ). The distances of the high-redshift" SNe Ia are, on average, 10%0 È15% farther than expected in a low mass0 ABSTRACT density ()M \ 0.2) universe without a cosmological constant. Di†erent light curve Ðtting methods, SN Ia Wesubsamples,The use Type Peculiar and Ia supernovae prior SN 2005hk: constraints studied Do unanimously Some by the Type High- favor Iaz Supernova Supernovae eternally expandingSearch Explode Team models as to Deflagrations? constrain with positive the1,2,3 properties cosmo- oflogical an energy constant component (i.e.,) that[ 0) may and have a current contributed acceleration to accelerating of the expansion the cosmic (i.e., expansion.q \ 0). With We noÐnd prior that 4 " 5 6,7,8 9,10 11 0 11 12 forconstraint aM. Ñat M. geometry Phillips, on massWeidong the density equation-of-state Li, Joshua other A. than Frieman, parameter) º 0,S. the I. forBlinnikov, spectroscopically the unknownDarren component, DePoy, conÐrmedJose´ SNe L.a Prieto, IaP / areoP., Milne,statisticallymust be less Carlos Contreras,4 Gasto´n Folatelli,4 NidiaM Morrell,4 Mario Hamuy,13 Nicholas B. Suntzeff,x \14 Miguelx x Roth,4 thanconsistent0.55 with (95%q con\ 0Ð4 dence) at the 2.8 forp anyand4 3.9valuep con ofÐdence, and levels,5 it is and further with) limited[15 0 at to the 3.0 p 5and0.60 4.0(95%p [ Sergio Gonza0´lez, Wojtek Krzeminski, Alexei V. Filippenko,)m Wendy L. Freedman," Ryan Chornock,ax \ [ conÐdence levels,5,16 for two di†erent15,17Ðtting methods,15 respectively. Fixing15 a ““ minimal ÏÏ15 mass density, 15) \ conÐdence)Saurabh if Jha,)m isBarry assumed F. Madore, to beS. greater E. Persson, thanChristopher 0.1. These R. values Burns, arePamela inconsistent Wyatt, David with Murphy, the unknownM 0.2, results in the weakest5 detection,) [5 0 at the 3.0 p conÐ5dence level from18 one of the two19,20 methods. componentRyan being J. Foley, topologicalMohan Ganeshalingam, defects such" asFranklin domain J. D. walls, Serduke, strings,Kevin or Krisciunas, textures. TheBruce supernova Bassett, (SN) data For a Ñat universe21 prior () ]7,22) \ 1), the11 spectroscopically con18 Ðrmed SNe23 Ia require) [7,240 at 7 p are consistentAndrew Becker, with a cosmologicalBen Dilday,M J." constant Eastman, (Peterax \[ M.1) Garnavich,or a scalarJon Holtzman,Ðeld that hasRichard had, Kessler, on" average, an equation-of-stateand 9 p formalHubertparameter statistical Lampeitl,25 signiJohn similarÐ Marriner,cance to forthe8 S. the cosmological Frank, two11 di†erentJ. L. Marshall, constantÐtting11 methods.Gajus value Miknaitis, of A universe1 over8 Masao the closed Sako, redshift26 by ordinary range of 27 19 [ 28 z matter1 to (i.e.,the present.)M \ 1) is SNDonald formally and P. cosmicSchneider, ruled out microwaveKurt at the van 7 derp backgroundto Heyden, 8 p conandÐ observationsdence Naoki level Yasuda for give the complementary two di†erent Ðtting con- B Received 2006 July 1; accepted 2007 March 22; published 2007 April 24 straintsmethods. on the We densities estimate the of matter dynamical and age the of unknown the universe component. to be 14.2 If^ only1.7 Gyr matter including and vacuum systematic energy uncer- are tainties in the current Cepheid distance scale. We estimate the likely e†ect of several sources of system- considered,ABSTRACT. then the currentWe present combined extensive ugriBVRIYJHK data′′′′ sets provides photometry direct and evidence optical spectroscopy for a spatially of the ÑatType universe Ia with atic error, including progenitor and metallicity evolution, extinction, sample selection bias, local ) \ ) ]supernova) \ (SN)0.94 2005hk.^ 0.26 These(1 p data). reveal that SN 2005hk was nearly identical in its observed properties to SN totperturbationsm 2002cx," in which the has expansion been called rate, “the most gravitational peculiar known lensing, Type Ia and supernova.” sample Both contamination. supernovae exhibited Presently, high- none of Subjectthese headings: e†ectsionization appearcosmology: SN 1991T–like to reconcile observations premaximum the data spectra, with È cosmology: yet) low\ 0 peak and luminosities theoryq º 0. È like supernovae: that of SN 1991bg. general The spectra " 0 Key words:revealcosmology: that SN 2005hk, observations like SN 2002cx, È exhibited supernovae: expansion general velocities that were roughly half those of typical Type1. INTRODUCTION Ia supernovae. The R and I light curves of both supernovaecannot were accelerate also peculiar the expansion; in not displaying therefore, the if taken at face secondary maximum observed for normal Type Ia supernovae.value Our theYJH observationsphotometry of SN demand 2005hk reveals an additional the energy com- Matter that clusterssame peculiarity on the in scale the near-infrared.
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