ENGLISH Tel Megiddo National Park, Tel. 04-6590316 Tel. Park, National Megiddo Tel The horizontal tunnel of the water system water the of tunnel horizontal The passageway was discovered that ran beneath Megiddo’s city wall. wall. city Megiddo’s beneath ran that discovered was passageway * I 3639 I www.parks.org.il 19. The ‘gallery’ – – ‘gallery’ The 19. Southwest of the water system a narrow narrow a system water the of Southwest taking the path to the left that skirts the water system. water the skirts that left the to path the taking Adi Greenbaum Adi Production: Before descending into the water system, you can visit the ‘gallery,’ ‘gallery,’ the visit can you system, water the into descending Before INPA Archive; Israel Antiquities Authority Archive Authority Antiquities Israel Archive; INPA Photographs: palaces in Assyria, albeit on a smaller scale. smaller a on albeit Assyria, in palaces Doron Nissim Doron photograph: Cover Assyrian building techniques. The plan of both structures resembles resembles structures both of plan The techniques. building Assyrian Shalom Kveller Shalom Map: the southern one; the elaborate construction of the latter reveals reveals latter the of construction elaborate the one; southern the Miriam Feinberg Vamosh Feinberg Miriam Translator: Assyrian district. The northern of the two palaces was built before before built was palaces two the of northern The district. Assyrian Prof. Israel Finkelstein and Prof. David Ussishkin Ussishkin David Prof. and Finkelstein Israel Prof. Consultants: governor during the period when Megiddo was the capital city of an an of city capital the was Megiddo when period the during governor Inbal Samet Inbal Writer: of palaces – administrative structures that served the Assyrian Assyrian the served that structures administrative – palaces of palaces – palaces Assyrian The 18. North of the path are remains remains are path the of North Dr. Tsvika Tsuk Tsvika Dr. Editor: north-south and two running east-west. running two and north-south personnel. The excavations revealed an orderly network of streets, two running running two streets, of network orderly an revealed excavations The park by given or signposted are that instructions all Follow ■ path are vestiges of the city built after Assyrian conquest (732 BCE). BCE). (732 conquest Assyrian after built city the of vestiges are path value. Please keep the park clean. park the keep Please – – quarter Assyrian The 17. ■ The structures to the right of the the of right the to structures The a religious and spiritual testimony of outstanding universal universal outstanding of testimony spiritual and religious a the site. the 6 – The three tells, through their mentions in the Bible, constitute constitute Bible, the in mentions their through tells, three The – 6 ■ at souvenirs collect not do and antiquities the damage not Do The reconstructed stable reconstructed The ■ arrative. n biblical the through history Do not climb structures or walls. or structures climb not Do 4 – The biblical cities exerted a powerful influence on later later on influence powerful a exerted cities biblical The – 4 ■ ■ the public. the logies. logies. no h c te collection to open not are that sites enter not do and only trails marked Use themselves in town planning, fortifications, palaces, and water- and palaces, fortifications, planning, town in themselves ■ and the biblical cities of the Iron Age. These cultures manifest manifest cultures These Age. Iron the of cities biblical the and pits and active excavation areas. excavation active and pits disappeared – that of the Canaanite cities of the Bronze Age Age Bronze the of cities Canaanite the of that – disappeared open of Beware ongoing. are site the at excavations Archaeological ■ 3 – The three tells are a testimony to civilizations that have have that civilizations to testimony a are tells three The – 3 ■ Rules of Behavior at Tel Megiddo National Park National Megiddo Tel at Behavior of Rules create a distinctive local style. local distinctive a create styles that merged Egyptian, Syrian and Aegean influences to to influences Aegean and Syrian Egyptian, merged that styles routes and alliances with other states, and manifest in building building in manifest and states, other with alliances and routes that an enemy besieging the city would not discover its location. its discover not would city the besieging enemy an that throughout the ancient Near East, forged through extensive trade trade extensive through forged East, Near ancient the throughout spring was sealed with a massive stone wall, concealed with earth so so earth with concealed wall, stone massive a with sealed was spring 2 – The three tells represent an interchange of human values values human of interchange an represent tells three The – 2 could draw water while standing at the top. The outer entrance to the the to entrance outer The top. the at standing while water draw could ■ so the water would flow to the bottom of the shaft and the inhabitants inhabitants the and shaft the of bottom the to flow would water the so four criteria, as follows: as criteria, four foot of the mound outside the walls. The tunnel was cut on an incline incline an on cut was tunnel The walls. the outside mound the of foot Heritage List. The biblical mounds were inscribed after having met met having after inscribed were mounds biblical The List. Heritage head to the Assyrian quarter and the Assyrian palaces. Assyrian the and quarter Assyrian the to head horizontal tunnel extended to the spring, which emerged in a cave at the the at cave a in emerged which spring, the to extended tunnel horizontal (other than Criterion 6) is enough to place a site on the World World the on site a place to enough is 6) Criterion than (other From here, pass the water system, to which you will return later, and and later, return will you which to system, water the pass here, From dug a gigantic, 36-meter-deep shaft, from which a 70-meter-long 70-meter-long a which from shaft, 36-meter-deep gigantic, a dug UNESCO determined six criteria for inscription, even one of which which of one even inscription, for criteria six determined UNESCO * paved floors. One of the five stables has been reconstructed. been has stables five the of One floors. paved I 3639 I www.parks.org.il city without having to exit the walls. To this end, Megiddo’s inhabitants inhabitants Megiddo’s end, this To walls. the exit to having without city are gates, walls, temples, storehouses, stables and water systems. water and stables storehouses, temples, walls, gates, are The horses would pass through this hall to side rooms with stone- with rooms side to hall this through pass would horses The during the period of the Israelite kings, in order to bring water into the the into water bring to order in kings, Israelite the of period the during of Israel in particular. Among the impressive archaeological vestiges vestiges archaeological impressive the Among particular. in Israel of Each structure featured a central hall with a thickly plastered floor. floor. plastered thickly a with hall central a featured structure Each 20. The water system – system water The 20. Megiddo’s huge water system was hewn hewn was system water huge Megiddo’s peoples of the land of Israel in general, and the history of the people people the of history the and general, in Israel of land the of peoples horses on the troughs, as well as holes, probably to tether animals. animals. tether to probably holes, as well as troughs, the on horses produced exciting finds that shed light on the history of the various various the of history the on light shed that finds exciting produced pillars flanking troughs. The excavators discovered bite-marks of of bite-marks discovered excavators The troughs. flanking pillars National Park National pavilion via a path along the foot of the mound. the of foot the along path a via pavilion archaeological excavations carried out at these mounds have have mounds these at out carried excavations archaeological was divided into three lengthwise units separated by rows of stone stone of rows by separated units lengthwise three into divided was a car waiting for you there. If not, you can return on foot to the entrance entrance the to foot on return can you not, If there. you for waiting car a best examples of cities from the time of the Bible. The intensive intensive The Bible. the of time the from cities of examples best training ground, with a square trough in the center. Each structure structure Each center. the in trough square a with ground, training Megiddo system will exit to a parking lot outside the site. It is preferable to have have to preferable is It site. the outside lot parking a to exit will system in the Bible, were chosen out of approximately 200 tells as the the as tells 200 approximately of out chosen were Bible, the in It includes five lengthwise structures that opened onto a large large a onto opened that structures lengthwise five includes It steps should now return to the entrance pavilion. Visitors to the water water the to Visitors pavilion. entrance the to return now should steps universal significance. These mounds, mentioned frequently frequently mentioned mounds, These significance. universal stable complexes dating from the period of the Israelite kings. kings. Israelite the of period the from dating complexes stable way to end your visit to Megiddo. Visitors who have difficulty with the the with difficulty have who Visitors Megiddo. to visit your end to way Hazor and Beer Sheva as World Heritage Sites of outstanding outstanding of Sites Heritage World as Sheva Beer and Hazor 16.
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