Elizabeth Miller From: Elizabeth Miller [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, August 06,20124:13 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: Arts & the Military Dear Casey: I wanted to share with you some of the recent National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) programs that support our men and women serving in the military. The latest issue of the NEA's magazine, The Soul of America: The Arts ond the Militarv, highlights two new NEA initiatives for our troops: Operation Homecoming, the ground breaking inclusion of creative writing and visual arts therapies in the clinical treatment of troops at Walter Reed's National Intrepid Center for Excellence (NICoE). This is a landmark partnership between the NEA and the Department of Defense to help troops cope with a range of physical and psychological ailments, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Traumatic Brain Injury. Blue Star Museums, a program that grants free museum admission to our active duty service members and their families during the summer. Your active duty military constituents can still take advantage of this program at over 1,800 participating museums through Labor Day, September 2, 2012. The publication also takes a look at several historic intersections of the arts and the military: combat visual artists programs of the U.S. Army and Marine Corps, the men and women who serve in the 158 U.S. military bands, and the work that the USO-a 2011 recipient of the National Medal of the Arts-does to bring great artists to our troops since 1941. I hope you enjoy reading about the shared history of the military and the arts, as well as the latest innovations in bringing arts therapy into the ongoing care of our troops. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you would like more information regarding this or any other matter concerning the NEA. Thank you, Liz Miller ARTWORKS, Ill" \;'l!1�\ f!allk" C<:!][t'f Ii 00 ['cflll'lhafll.t .·\\'Cllllt' �--J\X! \\.I.-.hin",lOf!. !)( . :()'i()(d)()O I NATIONAL :02!(,x: 'i-I i,t ENDOWMENT FOR THEARTS A great ndtlon deserves great art. Dana Gioia Chairmml January 13. 2009 The Honorable Paul D_ Ryan United States House of Representatives Washington. DC 20515 Dear Representative Ryan: I wanted to make certain that you had a copy of this important new reading survey from the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). This report provides the first truly good news in a quarter century a substantial and almost universal rise in adult literary reading. (""Literary reading" is a good surrogate for general reading since it measures adults who have read any novel. short story. poem or play in the past twelve months.) Conducted in partnership with the U.S. Census Bureau. the survey found that between 2002 and 2008: • Literary reading by adults rose for the first time in 26 years. • A majority (50.2%) of American adults now do literary reading � a rise of 16.6 million new adult readers. • Literary reading increased most rapidly among the youngest adults (aged 18-24) with a 21% increase. • Literary reading rose among whites (+8%). African Americans (+15%). and among Hispanic Americans (+20%). • Literary reading rates grew or held steady for adults of all education levels with rates climbing significantly for adults who did not complete high school (+47%). Good news seems rare in culture these days. so th is positive trend is a welcome development. It renects the programs. activities. and advocacy for reading supported by Congress over the past few years. especially the NEA' s BiX Read program. Thank you fIX your support. Sincerely. Dana Gioia Chainnan rhc' :--';;I!Il\ hllb ( ,'1i!U 11 Uf) Penn', Iv,.!IlLl '\\1'I111t' :'<\X' \\;I';iJiilt;i<lll. 1)(' }()"O('f)OO 1 NATIONAL END OWMENT FOR THE ARTS A great nation deserves great art. December 17.2008 The Honorable Paul Ryan 20 South Main Street, Suite 10 lanesville. WI 53545 Dear Representative Ryan: We invite your community to participate in a national program to restore reading to the center of American culture calIed The Big Read. To date. more than 500 communities have organized Big Read programs that have engaged readers and non-readers across generations in reading and discussing classic American literature. The next application deadline is February 3, 2009 for Big Read programs taking place between September 2009 and lune 20 I O. We ask that you share the enclosed information with community leaders. educators, librarians. and non-profit organizations in your district who may be interested in organizing a Big Read program. In addition to a grant. the National Endowment for the Arts provides participating communities with reader's guides. teacher's guides. and audio guides. For more information and to apply. please visit ww\\.nt:abil1.rt:ad.org The National Endowment for the Arts is deeply committed to engaging Americans in reading literature. [f you have any questions about the program or how to apply. or if you would like to receive additional copies of our materials. please contact our Office of Government AtTairs at (202) 682-5434. Sincerely. Dana Gioia Chairman COMMITIEE ON THE BUDGET I PAUL RYAN l�r DISTR!CT, WISCONSIN RANKING MEMBER Wi\SHiNG1.QN QEE"E, ' COMMITIEE ON 111 3 LONGWOATH HOUSE Off-ICE BUll,DING �ongre55 of tbe Wniteb �tate5 WASHIN(;TON, DC 20515-4901 WAYS ANDME ANS (202) 225-3031 SOCiAL SECURiTY FAX: (202) 225-3393 11)ouse of �epres£ntatlhes SUBCOMMiTTEE ON TOLL· FREE: .. SUBCOMMITTEE ON 1·888-909 RYAN tNTERNET: WWw,hodse_yoviryan mruashingtott, 1»(( 20515-4901 SELECT REVENUE MEASURES September 10, 2008 Ms. Ann Guthrie Hingston Director, Office of GovernmentAffairs National Endowment for the Arts 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Room 516 D.C. 20506 Dear Director Guthrie Hingston: (b)(6) 1 was recently contacted by a constituent, Wisconsin, regarding the difficulties she is experiencing with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). Please note that (b)(6) serves as the (b)(6), (b)(4) (b)(4) As I understand it, the submitted an application to the Learning in the Arts for Youth Program Grant, via Grants.gov. Due to technical difficulties involving the electronic submission process on Grants.gov, the applicant was unable to electronically submit their application before the June 9 deadline expired. (b)(6) reported that even th,mgh the NEA extended the application deadline as a result of these technical difficulties, their agency was unsuccessful in its continued attempts to electronically submit their grant application. Therefore, (b)(6) called Grants.gov support staff for additional assistance. She said that Grants.gov representatives advised her that she should stay on the phone from 10 a.m. until Midnight and attempt to resubmit their proposal every 1.5 hours (case (b)(6) (b)(6) I. When told the Grants.gov staff that their request was unreasonable, they advised her to hire someone to perform the recommended duties instead. Although the (b)(4) (b)(4) submitted a hard copy before the deadline passed, (b)(6) reported that their application will not be considered for funding by NEA. (b)(6) has requested that the NEA consider their application for funding (if possible). Please understand that the (b)(4) received a sub-grant from the (b)(4) (b)(4) for a capacity building project (which was funded by(b)(4) (b)(4) ). The sub-award funds were paltially used to hire a consultant to teach their staff grant writing techniques, as well as coach their staff in completing the Arts for Youth Program Grant application. Please understand that (b)(6) is not only frustrated that their application was not considered for funding, but also frustrated about the waste of federal funds which were invested into their capacity building project (as a result of their (b)(6) application not even being considered for funding). I have enclosed a copy of 's letter for your review, which includes additional details. I would appreciate it if you would look into this matter to determine if anything can be done­ consistent with all law and regulations - to assist her in resolving this problem. JANESVILLE KENOSHA R,\CINE CUNSnYUENl St:'HV!CFS C()f'JS'ilTUf:Nf Sf'AV!CFS CI::NTTR SEHVICf,S CEN H:.r� 20 $OUTH MAIN SrHrrT, 10 5)12 7n1 AVENUE 216 6H� SU':!E',t:T JANf:SV!LU:, W! S3545 KENOSHA, WI 53140 Ri\ClI<JE. WI :-)3403 .. (W8) '/52-4050 FAX: ,6031 7524711 (262) ,i54 1901 FAX: 12621654-·2156 126216370010 FAX: (2621 6:rl- 5689 P'HIN rED ()N RECYClfO PAPER Please address your response to my lanesville office at 20 South Main Street, Suite 10, Janesville, Wisconsin, 53545. Should you have any questions about this request, my Constituent Services Representative, Susie Liston, can be contacted at (608) 752-4050. matter. __ Again, thank you for your assistance in this � _� forward to your timely response. Paul Ryan Member of Congress Enclosure " . ., \ � ",.: , L : � r V· r { i1£Nill1tr(UOH� • 11:1 LO,"<l""Qft"T>4 Ha"i>Ii 0 FI"Ci au:�DlNG l!ongrt5S Or rue �tliteil &tatt� COMMITT'":;e ON \'II":lI-<I�Cn'ON, OC 2e-l>'G-4n1 WAYS AND MFAN5 (2tJ:!) l'l>-31)�1 �AX: (2t:l�) :!J5-SSS3 .oust of t\epregentattbrJ' Sv�COMM'r"iE � �()l_."II�!: l-i!lIlHll�·"\'A" '"/9%6\ .�il1!ltot1. lit 20515-4901 'NTE!!iI'l!T' <NWw.I>OIJ ••• g6Wn,'· S'LEC"!' .�I'.IEN'';O: W.EA'lJntl� pri�acy Act Rele��e/Casewor.��£guest Fo.rm SEP 04 2nox (b)(6) (b)(4) Name .__ E-Mail:. (b)(4) AddreJs: (b)(4) City and Zip Code: �ate of Birth: ___.
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