\ AVEBAOB DAILT ODUJDLATIOM fw the Moatb et Deeombar, 1997 WBATHEB Forecast of D. S. Weather Bureaii, Hartford 6.047 Member of the A aflt ^ e r a l l y fair and aUghtly eoMer ____ BamM of olwnliHnaa tonight; Friday fair foOowed by snow Friday night or Saturday. MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHa S[ V0L.LVII„N0.88 (CKaaoUled A dverhsbig on P age iS ) MANCHESTER, CONN„ THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1938 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C E im FDND-MATCHING MOSES FOX IS Mine Explosion Fatal to Ten RELIEF SCHEME, DEAD; HEAD OF GRAND JURY ORDERED m raOPOSAL t FOXAND CO. TO MEET JANUARY 25 on Of L ite President Be* Leadmg Business Man And . Bevel Present WPA Pro- PUIantliropist Of Hart- TOR PARKWAY PROBE {Fun Costs Exactly Twice ford, Passes Away In 83rd ‘ f As Much As It Should. Year After Short Illness. Superior Court Judge Foster FRENCH CABINET F. D. R ADVISES Washington. Jan. 13.— ( A P I - Hartford, Jan. 13.— (A P )—Moses Names 18 Members To Cbarlo* P. Taft recommended Fox, president of G. Fox A Co., for IN CRISIS OVER LESS CREDIT IN CongroM today a Federal-atato many years one of the leading busl- fund-matching relief program ress men of Connecticut, died at Undertake Investigatub which Federal allotments to states 8:30 this morning at hia home, 1040 Prospect avenue. He was 87 years LABOR FRANC AUTOJELLING would be according to a stipulated Of Ifighway Departmoirt old. formula. Mr. Fox succumbed to a cerebral Testifying as chairman of the thrombosis, occasioned by arterio- No Decision To Resign But Topic One Of Those'Said To Spendmg; No Practidog MoblltzaUon for Human Needs, solerosls. Ha was taken seriously National association of community 111 on January 3, and gradually weakened until the end came this Premier Decides To Take Lawyer On The List chests. Taft recommended that the morning. Ha?e Been Talked Orer amount and character of work re- Moses Fox was known aa one of lief and thoee eligible should .te left Hartford's foremost phUanthropists, Strike And Drop In Ex- primarily to the sUtes.r under With Business Leader^ Bridgeport, Jan. 13.— (A P ) and many Institutions In the city owe standards of administration set up their fostering to hia beneficences. —Judge Carl Foster in SupaH^ by the Federal government. Local On the occasion o f hia 88Ui birth- change To The Deputies. Condemns Orer-Sellmg. or Court today ordered an ex- programs would te tied in closely to day in 1938, he made glfta totaling the general program hy the states. $40,000 to the hoapttala of the city. traordinary Grand Jury im- The son of the late President and emplo?e“ rttr X e ‘’’Surtte H panelled on Tuesday, JaniMty Although at the time no statement were underground. SDect«tn« .rJ “ d « foremen and repalrmeh Paris, Jan. 13.— (A P )—Members Washington, Jan. 13 — (AP) Chief Justice Taft also proposed waa forthcoming from members of underground. Spectators are shown at the mine tipple. 26, to undertake an investigae of the Cabinet announced today President Roosevelt was reported national commission, "divorced from tte family. It was understood that that Premier Camille Chautemps politics," *0 draft a long-range Mr. Fox'a gifts were made In a today In usually reliable quarters to tion of the spending of |6,0M,- New lief program. had decided to take the govern- te negotiating In hia conferences 000 by the State Highway . spirit of thankfulness for the bless- ment's grave labor and monetary Hu Federal-state-local plan, be ings that came to him throughout with biulness leaders for a curtail partment in purchasing Hghtil problema before the chamber ot ment of credit on Installment buy- said, "undoubtedly will make possl his lifetime. PRICES OF MEATS of way for the Merritt Paric* ble genuine economy both In local One of Many Gifts SAMOAN CUPPER CREW deputies. The announcement ckrae ing. Informed persona said be bad after a special Cabinet session that way. and Federal administration, without Of this large gift, $20,000 was suggested to the motor Industry a lowering standards of relief." given to Hartford hospital for a lasted almost three hours. Although tightening of sales credit In line Judge Foster, In naming the TAKE BIG DROP political circles speculated on chanc- Funds for .'^tatea fiw bed there, and commenting on ALL KILLED IN CRASH with hts previously expressed inten' 18 members who will serre on this, the late Dr. Lewis A. Sexton, es of a Cabinet resignation, the tlon of eliminating "high pressure ‘The Federal government should the Grand Jury, directed Hen- appropriate to- the state a sum of then superintendent of the hospital ministers declhred there bad been salesmanship." said: money according to a stipulated no decision to resign. This waa one of the topics the ry P. Lyons, derk of the Supe- formula to carry out a general re- The creating of this gift for the "W e are all stlU ministers." said President waa said to have discussed rior Court, to draw warraott poor merely adds another to the Naval Craft Returning From Nine To 50 Per Cent Decline lief program. Including work Marx Dormoy, minister of Uit In- Tuesday with Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., for the jurors and have theaa lief,’’ Taft, a Cincinnati attorney, many glfta Mr. Fox has made to terior. He announced the premier chairman of the General Motors said In a prepared statement the hospital since hia ofllclal connec- Scene Of Blast Find The LA T E NEWS In Wholesale Markets Fig- Corporation, and four other promi- "served forthwith.” tion with the Institution. would make a declaration before "Hm amount appropriated by the the chamber later today on the nent Industrlallsta. No practicing ’ lawyer was "In addition to hia valuable Federal government should te Cabinet's difficulties arising from service he has rendered during this Wreckage Of Plane But ures Since September. On* well-posted government offi- named on the Grand Jury. definite sum available only upon FLASHES! labor troubles and a weakened cial said the President had proposed Thomas J. Bowen, hat manu- condition that It te nutched by the 1?."*^ years) as a mem- D6r of tho board, ha haa made many franc. that the auto Industry limit lU ix - facturer, of Danbury, who Is tates In prescribed proportions substantial gifts, among which was No Signs Of Bodies. The premier had called his minis- tension of credit on the purchSM ot each state to apportion to local DEATHS IN STORM. Chicago, Jan. IS— (A P )—One of ters Into session especially to con- Number 18 on the jury lisL a free bed which he gave on March cars to 38 per cent, but that Sloan oommunlUes upon any basla It may 3, 1894.” Boston, Jan. 18.— (A P )— The the sharpest drops la meat prices aider France's plague ot strikes and had rejected the suggested oa too formerly practicckl law in Nau- dedda eompatJble with relief needa. Gift To 84, Francis Pago Pago, Samoa, Jan. 13. __ wlnter'a heaviest snowstorm today on record—9 to 60 per cent In the falling currency. Pierre Fournier, drastic. gatuck. George E. Crawford, *TJie determination of the amotmt Another $10,000 of hsl 88th anni- ta New Engiand. claimed at least governor of the Bank of France, 'nm e Not DIsdoaed (A P )—a e a r Indication that the wholesale market since September president of the Bridgepact and choncter of work relief and of versary gifts was offered to Bishop —•*"‘‘*"8 • flahing was called Into the meeting shortly those eligible for relief should be giant Samoan Clipper and her crew according to market figures today__ Whether Mr. Roosevelt had pro- Chamber of Ckimmerce, Is Maurice F. McAuilffa for a free bed aelMNmer. dlaniptlng traffic and before Its close. posed that this limitation ba Im- FTtmarlly the reeponsIMUty o f the M B t Franda hospital. Five years of aeven were destroyed In a fire oemmanloatioaa and clothing the hoa put butcher shop converaatloa Number One on the list. back on a weather and neighborhood After the Cabinet meeting the pooed immediately or at ooma fu- state and leeal community. Tbia btfore. In 19M, his daughters had and explosion was brou ^ t to -Pngp • wblto blanket from foor .premier's, office Issued this com- In ordering the Grand Jury called racommendation is not to te taken to Inchea deep. gossip basts. — . —. ture time when there were evi- given $10,000 to St. Francis hospital Pago today by the minesweeper munique: Jedgw Fcoter directed that aervtea aa opposing a Federal program for recognition of Mr. Fox'a 80th • • • Housewives now let the butcher dences of over-aelUng was nirt dll- AvoceL "The premier and finance mtnls- of the warranta te mada by HIM pubUo works on ajion-ralief basis.' anniversary. 71 INDICTED FOB LOTTERY. talk of pleasant subjects. Tha em- closed. ______ / The naval craft returned to port phasis DO longer Is on the high price Sheriff Edward A. Platt or hia do)>> Need Not Be HaU The remaining $10,000 of Mr with charred fragments of the fly- Binghamton. N. Y , Jaa. 18. utles by person and that the la- He said the Federal-state match- Fox'a 88th anniversary gift was of pork chops, beef ribs, bacon and (Oonrinued On Page Eight) (Conttnoed'oD Page Bight) ing boat after an all day search (A P )—Sixty-nine men and two other Items In the meat budget. ablllty of anyone cglled to aorva be ing need not necessarily te on a 80- [tven to the board of directors of reported to the oourt at once.
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