Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC September 1986 Daily Egyptian 1986 9-9-1986 The aiD ly Egyptian, September 09, 1986 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_September1986 Volume 73, Issue 12 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, September 09, 1986." (Sep 1986). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1986 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in September 1986 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Council opposes tournament during Halloween By Toby Eckert The recummendalion was !lim that rug!:y players were I don't think there have ~'laffW""'" yean. Gus Bode contained in a memo from involved in the throwing of been a::r majol" problems with Despite the protests of SIU· Dixon IA> council members. beer cans at last year's s:.>'eet the rugby players." C Rugby Club President David The memo contained several festival. 'rJ],-, club ba.' been holding Grahm, the Ci ty Council other recommendations to Grahm answered Dixon's the toornament 'lIl Halloween Monday overwhelmingly promote safety at the aUegations by saying that in weekrod for t~~ past eight t~ supported City Manager BiU HaUow"" " (p.stiva l. the last four years no problems yew'S, Grahm said, ,-=" \ '~ Dix'>n 's recommendation ttloG: Although Dixon daimed he have been experienced with " My .. omments are not Ii "U 'l SI1.I t; officials he encouraged was not singling out the rugby therlayers' behavior. directed at f:i1J students or SIU La ?r~Ven l '-!"~ annual All tourna;nen. as heing par· .. think you may be basin! rugby pleyers." Dixon sai.d. Gua '.Y' there .r. more GhOuls Tournament from ticularly detrimenUllto safety your opinions of the rugby cluo " We realize that rugby plaYl!rs do ngerou. crtllel'O tho. rugby taking place Halloween at th~ celebration, he said on past behaviors," Grahm 111pl. _y .r. prOWlin g . bou' on weekend. several sources had informed said. "But within the past four _ COUNCIl, Palla 5 Daily'Egyptian Southern Illinois University at Carbondal" Tuesday. September 9. 1986. Vol. 73. No, 12 16 Pages ~Bush--~--~~ promises~--~ to~~~ ricf -~~= U.S. of drug problem By PatricIa Edward. ond JoOe Rlmar Patchett charged that hi s He called D!l.niloffs arrest a opponent, Rep. Ke., Gray, D· StaHWrrt.... trumped·v;; charge that was West Frankfort. he.:; b ~oken bounci I{) ,nake U.s.-Soviet MOUNT VEl'NON _. Vice promises. reIP.tions more strained unless President Geo:'::c: '? Bust, " Ken Gray promised in 1954 tJv: Soviets release Danil.:Jff. pledged Monday t;, ':id tbe to bring jobs t , Southern Commending P r esident United States of ""'erena ..." of llIinois. ThiJ ty·two years later Rea~'tn 's record on fOi:eign death" by eradicating the there is still unemployment." affairs. 8ush said the ,nvasi')" country's drug problem. Patchett sain of Grenao.: and bomtiilg of Bush, on a visit I{) M.IWlt Commenting on full·page Libya "were ~roud moments Vernon campaigning for ads taken out In local in the history of t.~is countrj ," Republican congressional newspapers by Gray, which " I am glad t.. ....-ve a candidate Randy P~tcbeU, included a 1985 pholA> of Gray president who doo"n't go said that the key iD solving the and 8ush. Patchett said. ''I'm around dP o logi.i n ~ f or nation's drug problem is an glad hespenl the money on il." America." educational process and saying the ads helped !lush Bush said of Libyan leader commended NanC)' Reagan's more than Gray. Moammar Gadhafi. " We will Bush said his wife, B.rbara bit bin; again." " J~~N~r~tter in. baa jai:led an eflarllD """,,be' Pabil~U pIedpd ID &ina terview that be would ~ lllitoracy. ancIuqed!be nation more ..,,_.........,.. to snr: voilmtary drug latina bul to renew Ita empbua ... !be C cleepite an auIer7 by !be warned against manaatory traditional values 01 reading. studeJll popuIatiao apiDst two drug testing except in writing and arithmetic. proress:rs who bave already pro(l'SSiDll:; ",here drug use He said the nation .IvJUld receive.! flI'8nta for research creates a speci11c hazard-air "get the federal control out of on the Stir W'U'S anti-missile traffic contro1J,n. police of· the schools and parental program, ficers and firefigblerll. for control back in. and get the " I think that the research eumpie, drug dealers off the campuses dollars are going to go Patchett said many drug and out of the scbooIs." somewhere." Patchett said, problems occ:u- w ben youths Refer ring t" iou~D8list "We need the jobs and W~ need are ffifluer....... -I by rock stars. NicboWJ DaniJolf. Bush said the researclL We'd like to bave athletes and movie stars, He DanilofI sai:J the Soviets some of our un!versities in· said he will woric toward the " grabbed (Daniloff) just volved in it because it is going 118ft P~ by loot! 0 _ educational aspects of drug because we picked up a spy in • oJ happen and it is going ID be a !'dorm. which, he a dded. "is New York, fDl md biro red­ Jot of money, It·s going to be a VJce "'-'dent Q-ve Bual. and "'a wife. 1eItI.... ..... Air an unportant issue for both handed spyl-,g. now tbey have Fon» T_ln fIIIoo~~i Vernon on their W8Y to a tv ......"" dinner RepublicallO and Democrats," IA> go and rntaliate.·· _ 1IUIIt, P_ 5 I: .........n ~_1oneJI cendIdIttIt lie..., Petchett. P,ssassination attempt sparks violence in Chile SANTIAGO. Cbile (IJP Il - Monday::.ftc. spending the attacked Pinochet's motor· including two U.S, and two tbe British news agency Security forces. empowered night at a vilia soulheal!t 01 the cade with machiJ~ and Fr6icb missionaries, church aetJters Crom dispatchillg with state-of-siege authority cap'!tal. rocket fire. Five of i".uocbet's officials said. DeW1i on Cbile under the stat&­ because of an assauInation 'The coo.mtry must decide guardo were killed and 10 were The reason (or the priests' of-ciege authority, A military attempt a~t Pr1!Sident between die cbaoa promoted wounded, Pinochet sufCered a arrest ~d not been diacloeed. edict ordere<! the agency ID AuguslA> Pinochel, arrested 11)' that Dock of ciegellenle slillhtwoundt~bisleftband, The American priesta, MSPeIId its DeW1i NerVlces ·.;otll opposition leaders and priests politlcilJll and the JOVenI- 1'inocbet vowed to get tough memben of the M.atyImoIJ further notice. Monday. cracked down ... the ment, whIcI: is seeIdDg a with Marxists and said: "All ordeI-. were ldeatlfied as Tom "We don't Itno w what the reaaon is for tbito measure," lli::a::r~=<!!8~ ~~;--""~ldto=cy~ =~=:.:.= ~~~~II~ Raltfn s':.!fer Luis Alvarez ''ThiII is a war bet7een cbeeringlUlJP(ll'lers be expelled Crom the eountry o.DieI Carriet iuId Pien'e said. Marmm and democra-:y." Interior 'Iilinister Ricardo or locied up," r~. .. 110 bOth,..,., In the PiDocbet declared at the 'Mcia declared the atale ol Police conducted bcJuae.~ _~ abanty ,-,Q 01 t. No otber fot. wecIla bad ~tlal ~ce in S'lD- .. Sunday nilht, hours bouse searches and arrested V1I!IGrIa. to.l affected i.oy the atale 01 liago. where lie returned after 15 suapected leftist rebeJa silt Roman Catholic priesll. The pe."'IIIDeIII;alao benned alICe, This Morning l Voter registration drive falling short 01' goal ., ~ voters bave r'lCiltered. The ball caIeterina and a abortaIe RothsOOw 8l1li_.. USO .oaIwaa to recIater 10.000 01 .ty ~ u1d outraQ.9OUS The ~y total frGm the ..., voter~ cIuriIII September. MadIeiiIr. "but ~ ' :'f l ~iIII Under.ra'::uate Studeat "We pr'CJWbIy _ ...·t make a.IanI: DOW." -Page6 MadIIaer. In addllkm to ~tz'!.b.t on' a vot er !be ..... bIit tbII Ian·t a tioa drive baa Duvid eluctlon." adJUltIa& the ~oal, bal r:=~l ac:ratebed tw;o 01 !be C_ 00rr laJ .lerlts MadleDer _dInIl~'" ID the team injl1..1es drawinl boerd, ''U we caD ncilter S 000 or raJIJea acbeduIed [0." the Free Madleaer. the USO voter 4,000 people It wlII ,.tiD be 0IIII Forum aree. !naiad IIf ba>'lnl ~.ny W~'ay In II of tile larpat dr'1fta In tile • _ell -Spor1s16 ~tratioo coordInalAil'. re­ lie p! .... to} haft thIn1dD& hII plan ~~ the alale,"li e UId. SeJItembeI:. drive Iiu not .uraeted as The »w IIII'DCIIt baa to.l nilIea 00 Sept::'1 and sept. M. The re-l\IIra~ _10, maD)' studer.iII u be first ~ by not ba'rial flnt nlly. """".nIgh re.~... mw1e by The apee~ - ooly lOG -.. tabIIa set up !t: ,!be reaIcIeace rOl- .!. rp;;;"-st;T;iii--l I~ . I. I ICUT~';6.'50 /f 1 ~ ewswrap I Tu ... ·Sot. .1. /j ------- 5 OO 1:t: : I nation/world 15:00 I Iby I I . tu.u.~u..JU~1 Paris bomb kills woman; jApp!. ~ 529·16221 I Across from I pOlice suspect Arab group L __. __ ~~!..~j PARIS (UP!) - A bomb exploded Monday just before closing ****~************ time in the crcwded post o."fic;; at the Paris city hall. killing 8 : 'NE INST ALL : woman and injuring 18 other people. including a three-year-o,<j ~!. ~\1jce said. There was no immediate claim of respoo!:ibitlty t STEREOS : lor the bo"'!:i~ , ,.hich occurred a week after a shado.... y Arab : SALES 'N' SERVICE: gr"I.'Up warned tt would renew a campaign of bombing ;>ublic places in the cit} = Pion.. , - NC - Fultron : : Car & l,.jome Syster11s : Kurds take eight hostages with fake grenades PARIS (UP! ) - Ten Kurds with fake grenades took eight :New & Used Equi~ment: bostages MooWiy at an Iraqi Airways office.
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