^f%. '^..A^ Director. Z'^: /iU^M, ^i i^?-15 — NORDHEIMER "Quality Tone" PIANO The Artistic Standard of Canada The Nordheimer Piano possesses a singing qual- ity of tone which appeals to the vocal student as Drawing Room Grand well as to the exacting pianist. Let us mail description of our small upright, specially designed to meet the require- ments of the small drawing room or apartment. We will also be glad to send our complete catalogue. MUSIC ELEMENTARY PIANO CLASSICS A folio of piano solos in the earlier grades—just published carefully edited and fingered —entire contents are examin- ation numbers. 50 cents net. PRIMARY PIANO CLASSICS A new and revised edition of this popular book has been published. Every piece has teaching value. 75 cents net. EDITION PETERS The best and most reliable edition of musical classics and studies—Complete stock. The Comftlete Conservatory Syllabus Music Always in Stock. THK NORDHKIMKK PIANO & MUSIC CO. LIMITED 15 KING ST. KAST. TOllONTO Toronto Conservatory of Music Twenty-Eighth Year Book Toronto, 1914-15 W. R. Phillips & Co, PRINTERS TORONTO — — —— — Table of Contents PAGE PAGE Sheet Music Lending Library. , 54 Admission to Local Choral Socie- Sight-singing and Chorus Prac- ties 60 tice 59-60 Advantages of Conservatory In- Sight-Singing Examinations struction 11-12 Junior 61 Board of Governors 5 Intermediate 61 Certificates 15 Senior 62 Conservatory Branches .51-52 Post-Graduate 62 Conservatory Orchestra 43 Conservatory Eesidence 53 Special Certificates 17 Departments of Instruction 12 Term Calendar 4 Diplomas 15-16 Theory, Harmon}'', Counterpoint, Ensemble Classes 43 etc 44-45 Evening Instruction 54 Lessons by Correspondence 45 Examinations 14 Text Books 45-46 Faculty List 6-7 Elementary Examination 46 Free Advantages, etc 12-13-14 Primary Examination 46 History, Objects, etc 9-10-11 Junior Examination 46-47 Myers ' Music Method 58 Intermediate Examination ..... 47 Office Staff 5 Senior Examination 47-48 Marks 48 Organ Examinations Examination Papers 49 Graduation (L.T.C.M.) 26-27-28 University of Toronto Curricu- Post-Graduate 28-29 lum 49-50-51 Organ School 23-24-25-26 Violin Piano and Organ Practice 54 Department 29 Pianoforte Department 17-18 Violin Examinations Graduation (L.T.C.M.) 29-30-31 Pianoforte Examinations Viola, Violoncello and other Or- Local Centre 18 chestral Instruments 43 Graduation (L.T.C.M.) . 18-19-20-21-22 Violoncello Examinations— . Post-Graduate (F.T.C.M.) 22 Graduation (L.T.C.M.) 31 Preparatory Courses for Children. 57-58 Vocal Department Professional Situations 55 33 Eules and Eegulations 55-56 Vocal Examinations Scholarships . 56-57 Graduation (L. T. CM.) Sheet Music 53 34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41-42 The Toronto Conservatory of Music CALENDAR 1914-15 SEPTEMBER, 1914 Board of Governors SIR JOHN ALEXANDER BOYD, K.C.M.G. President J. A. MACDONALD, LL.D., and W. K. GEORGE, ESQ. Vice-Presidenis A. S. VOGT, MUS. DOC. Musical Director SIR JOHN GIBSON, K.C.M.G. W. R. WADSWORTH, ESQ. W. P. GUNDY, ESQ. GEORGE EDWARD SEARS, ESQ. G. T. SOMERS, ESQ. ELMES HENDERSON, M.A. CHARLES N. CANDEE, ESQ. HERBERT C. COX, ESQ. Office Staff H. J. BOHME, Secy.-Treas. MARION G. FERGUSON, Registrar JENNIE LAWSON, HELENE SWITZER, ANNIE McCRIMMON LILLIAN BATH, GLADYS KIDD, ADA LUCK Auditors— Clarkson , Gordon & Dilworth Bankers-^TuE Dominion Bank Faculty A. S. VOGT, Mus. Doc, Musical Director. MRS. B. DRFX'HSLER ADAMSON— ETHEL MAY CRANE—Piano. Violin. JENNIE A. CREIGHTON, L.T.C.M.— LIN A D. ADAMSON—Violin. Piano. JKSSIF: M. ALI.EN—Piano. A. T. CRINGAN, Mu«. Bac—Voice, Music in Public Schools. JESSIE I. ANDERSON, L.T.€.M.— H. T. Piano. CULLEY—Flute. LEX IE F. DAVIS, Mus. Bac—Piano. ETHF:L S. armour, L.T.C.H.—voice and Sight-Singing. JOY DENTON—Voice. G. D. ATKINSON—Piano and Organ. EDITH DICKSON, F.T.C.M.—Piano and Organ. EDNA V. BAGGS—Piano. J. DINEEN—Saxophone and Clarionet. EMILY M. BAKER, A.T.C.M.—Piano. MARY ENDICOTT, L.T.C.M.—Piano. MONS. PAUL BALBAUD—French. EDITH M. FITCH—Voice. MAUDE BARCLAY—Piano. E1X5AR FOWLSTON—Voice. HAZEL BARR^Piano. HOWARD MASSEY FREDERICK— ETHEL BASS—Piano. Voice. MONA BATES, L.T.C.M.—Piano. MAUDE E. GILLMAN, A.C.S.E., Post- MARJORY BIOICELL—Piano. Grad. School of Expression—Chil- dren's Classes. FRANK E. BLACHFORD, L.T.C.M.— MADAM NATALIE Violin and Conservatory String Or- GILLMAYR—Ger- man, Italian and Spanish. chestra. ELLA BLACK—Piano. MRS. W. D. GOLDING—Voice. MRS. MACLEAN BORTHWICK—Voice. MAUD GORDON, L.T.C.M.—Piano. MR. MACLEAN BORTH WICK—Voice. MARGARET R. GROVE— Piano. MRS. J. W. BRADLEY—Voice. ANNIE HALLWORTH, L.T.C.M.— Voice. EDITH M. BRECKENRIDGE—Piano. ALBERT HAM, Mus. Doc. Trinity Col- M. F.T.C.M., ADA BRIGGS, Mus. Bae. lege, Dublin; Mus. Doc. (Honoris Piano. — Causa), Toronto University; F.R.C.O., BROOME, Mua. Voice EDWARD Doc— England, and L.T.C., London— Voice and Organ. and Organ. MARION A. BROWN, L.T.C.M.—Piano. MA HJ ( )R I E HARPER^Piano. MURIEL E. BRUCE, L.T.C.M., L.Mus. J. W. F. HARRISON—Piano an«l (Tor.)—Voice. Organ. OLIVE BRUSH, L.T.C.M.—Piano. (JEOKGE F. HAYDEN, A.C.S.E.—Voice. Culture, Expression, Public Speaking, MARGUERITE BULLOCI^—Piano. Dramatic Art. F. H. Burt, Mus. Voice. Bac— LENA M. HAYES, L.T.C.M.—Violin. B. HA YUNGA CARMAN—Piano. MARGUERITA HAYNES, A.T.C.M.— MAUDE E. CLAXTON, L.T.C.M.— Piano. Piano. A. MABEL HENDERSON—Voice. E. GRACE CLOUGH', L.T.C.M Piano. DONALD HERALD, L.T.C.M.—Piano. VI DA S. COATSWORTH, A.T.C.M.— (}. E. HOLT_ Voice. Piano. EVA IRENE HUGHES, A.T.C.M.— ALMA CO(?KBURN, Mus. Bac, L.T. Piano, and Myers' Music Method. CM., L.MtiB. (Tor.)—Piano. CARL HUNTER^Voice. ANNIE M. CONNOR, F.T.<:.M.—Piano. JEAN E. M. HUNTER—Violin. MARY G. CONNOR, F.T.C.M.—Violin. RUBY LILLIAN HUNTER—Piano. FRANX'IS COOMBS—Voice. OTTO JAMES. A.R.C.O.—Piano and VIRGINIA COYNE, L.T.C.M.—Piano. Organ. ' ANNIE JOHNSON, A.T.C.M.—Piano MURIEL M. ROGERS, A.T.C.M and Theory. Piano. VIGGO KIHL—Piano. MADELINE SCHIFF, L.T.C.M.—Piano. ALICE M. KIMBER, A.T.C.M Piano. H. ETHEL SHEPHERD, L.T.C.M.— F. H. KIRiKPATRICK, Ph.D.—Princi- Voice. pal of School of Expression. EDNA S. SHERRING—Piano. FRAULEIN M. C. A. KITTELMANN DAVID DICK SLATER—Voice and the German and French. Art of Accompanying. G. H. KNIGHT, Mus. Bac. Victoria JOHN D. SLATTER, Bandmaster 48th University, Manchester; Associate of Highlanders—Cornet, French Horn, Trinity Coll., London—^Organ. Slide Trombone, Euphonium and Tuba. VERA KNOWLSON—Piano. MARY HEWITT SMART—Voice. H. J. LAUTZ Voice. LEO SMITH—Violoncello. LILY LAWSON, A.T.C.M.—Piano. MARIE SMITH—Violin. MADAM BENITA leMAR Voice. ISABEL SNEATH, L.T.C.M.—Piano. PHYLLIS LEATHERDALE^Piano. WINNIFRED L. STALKER, L.T.C.M. LUCY V. MACDONALD, A.T.C.M.— —Piano. Piano. ALBERTA STAPLES—Piano. MARY M. MACKINNON, L.T.C.M.— AMY STERNBERG—Classical, National Piano. and Folki Dancing. L.T.C.M.— SADIE A. MACTAVISH, M. M. STEVENSON—Voice. Voice and Sight-Singing. ANGELA von SZELISKA—Voice. MRS. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN,, L.T. FRITZ THIELE^Piano and Organ. CM.—Piano. LULU McGILT^Piano. ALMA F. TIPP, L.T.C.M.—Piano. LILLIE Mcknight—Piano. FLORENCE TURNER—Piano. RUSSELL G. McLEAN—Voice. ADA J. F. TWOHY, Mus. Bac—Piano and Organ. W. J. McNALLY—Piano. L.T.C.M.- MRS. JAMES W. MALLON—Piano. ELIZABETH L. WALKER, Voice. A. D. MARTIN, L.T.C.M. CONSTANCE ALICE WARK—Piano. —Piano. Guitar, Mandolin and MARY MORLEY, L.T.C.M.—Piano. L. N. WATKINS— Banjo. THELMA M. MUIR—Piano and Myers Music Method. BEATRICE M. WELLINGTON, A.C. EDITH MYERS, L.T.C.M.—Piano and S.E.—Physical Culture, Principles of Myers' Music Method. Reading. Piano. MABEL O'BRIEN, L.T.C.M.—Piano. PAUL WELLS— Piano. F. ARTHUR OLIVER, L.T.C.M.—Piano FRANK S. WELSMAN— and Organ. MARY WIDNER^Piano. ESTELLE M. ORTON—Voice. REVA WIDNER—Piano and Myers' T. J. PALMER, A.R.C.O.—Piano and Music Method. Organ. R. F. WILKS—Piano Tuning. PAMPHYLON, A.T.C.M.— EVELYN MABEL B. WILL, L.T.C.M.—Piano. Piano. F.R.C.O Theory MRS. H. W. PARKER, L.T.C.M.—Voice. HEALEY, WILLAN, and Composition. MINERVA PERRY, L.T.C.M.—Piano. LILLIAN E. WILLCOCKS, L.T.C.M M. BREST, L.T.C.M.— BEATRICE Piano and Voice. Violin. EUGENIE QUEHEN, L.T.C.M., L.R. JEAN E. WILLIAMS, L.T.C.M.—Voice. A. M Piano. RACHAEL E. A. WILSON, Mus. Bac— Piano. S. MARJORIE RATCLIFFE, L.T.C.M. L.T.C.M.—Piano. —Voice. HELEN R. WILSON, LOUISE M. RISDON—Piano. CHARLOTTE WITHERIL.—Piano. — Toronto Conservatory of Music History, Objects Etc. The Toronto Conservatory of Music, founded by the late Dr. Edward Fisher in 1886, and opened to the public in Septem- ber, 1887, may justly claim the honor of being the pioneer institu- tion of its kind in the Dominion of Canada. The name "Con- servatory" had been used by several institutions prior to 1886. These, however, possessed none of the distinctive features of a genuine Conservatory of Music in the sense in which that term is understood in some older countries. The objects of the Conservatory, as stated in its charter, are manifold, but of chief public interest are the following: To furnish instruction in all branches of the Art and Science of Music, Voice Culture and Expression, and to furnish instruction in such other subjects as may be considered necessary for the fullest development of the students' mental and physical faculties preparatory to their pursuing music as a pro- fession, with full power to acquire and hold by lease, purchase or otherwise all lands, buildings, real and personal property, instruments and appliances, patents, systems, licenses, rights or privileges necessary for the thorough equipment and maintenance of a Conservatory of Music, or 'beneficial directly or indirectly thereto; to furnish board and lodging for teachers, students and other persons in any way connected with the said Conservatory of Music, and to exercise all such powers as may be calculated to advance musical culture and appreciation.
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