ENJOY MAYTIME CHARITY FUND FESTIVITIES NEEDS YOUR TONIGHT SUPPORT It's here because it's true, not truebecause it's here. VOL. 2. No. 25. PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., MAY 7, 1937 5c a Copy. 100 P. C. SENIORS Swing Music for Maytime Festival MAYTIME DANCE INVESTED WITH WILL CONCLUDE CAPS, GOWNS SOCIAL SEASON Father Dillon Addresses Jimmie Walsh's Orchestra Graduates; Geary and Will be Featured Hughes Speak at Festival Addresses by the Very Rev. John J. The Maytime Dance, final event of Dillon. O.P.. president of Providence the collegiate social year, will be held College, and by Andrew J. Geary tonifcht in Harkins Hall under the md E. Riley Hughes, ranking mem• auspices of the Junior Class. "Jimmie" bers of the graduating class, featured Walsh and his orchestra, long popular he traditional Cap and Gown Day with Providence College dancing cir• ceremonies here Monday morning. cles, have been engaged to provide the musical entertainment. Celebration of Low Mass by the Rev. John B. Reese. O.P., Chaplain, According to an announcement at a meeting of the committee yesterday, opened the investiture ceremonies, a floor show featuring Mr. and Mrs. and was immediately followed by the Larry Simonds. well known local investiture of scholastic caps and dancing team, will be presented. gowns of one-hundred members of •Jimmie" Walsh and his orchestra, the Senior Class. Afterwards Father which have been featured at numer• Dillon addressed the assembled grad• ous dances, both at the College and uates and students. other collegiate and high school Making his first Cap and Gown Day dances throughout New England, have address, the President congratulated been again selected for a Junior class the graduating class and reminded dance. The group, which includes solo• them that their work "does not ter• ists, both vocal and instrumental, have minate with commencement and played at several previous Providence urged them to continue to labor and College dances. Jimmy Walsh's Orchestra which "ill furnish the music for t might's Junior Dance, the con• to persevere in their "habits of in• Novel decorations will be carried cluding event of the '36-'37 social season. dustry, constancy, and self zeal". out in the color scheme of coronation "Live By Truth- blue and white with an attractive He warned them against pride of center piece. Refreshments will be intellect and advised that they "seek Dinner Planned served. :he truth and always live by it, no ALUMNUS SPEAKS STAFF ENJOYS This dance will be the last activity natter how difficult it may be. Your By Debate Union sponsored by the class of '38 before rained minds and wills." he said, the completion of the present term. along with the grace of God. will ON JOURNALISM President and Dean Will ANNUAL PICNIC Some of the most successful dances lelp you on the road to success." Speak at Testimonial in the history of Providence College have been conducted by the class of Reminding them of the chief obsta- Publication Group Revels Edward S. Doherty, Jr. to Moderator '38, and under their direction floor les to a trained will, he cited lack of Discusses Make-up and At All-Day shows have been introduced. Orches• effect ion and indecision as exterior A testimonial dinner to the Rev. Headline Writing Outing tras not within the reach of other lefects. and false human respect and A. P. Regan. OP. moderator, will be classes have been continually brought >ad example as the two exterior ab• tendered by the members of the Edward S. Doherty. Jr., ex-presi• The entire staff of The Cowl ac• to Harkins Hall by the appreciative bacies. "The discipline of the will is Providence College Debating Union. dent of the Providence College Alum• companied by the Rev. William R. response of the students. mportant because it means the dis• Sunday evening. May 9. at the Bilt- ni Association, returned to his Alma Clark. O.P.. moderator, and the Rev. The committee, headed by Harry cipline of the entire man." more Hotel at 8 o'clock. The dinner Mater last Tuesday to lecture to the Paul C. Perrotta, O.P., under whose Brennan. includes Bernard McKenna, After encouraging his listeners to will be attended by the Very Rev. supervision The Cowl was established, journalism class on newspaper make• John J. Dillon, O.P.. president, and Frederick Rogers. Dominic Minicucci, lave the courage of their convictions held its second annual outing yester• up and headline writing. He was the Rev. Arthur H. Chandler, O.P., Frank De Pasquale. William Dodd, in matters concerning your holy day at the Cavanaugh Pavilion at graduated from Providence College in dean. and William Thompson. faith and in questions concerning po• 1924 and has been employed as a Slack's Reservoir. Greenville, R. I. The customary semi-formal dress The formal closing of the 1936-37 litical, social, and moral topics," he newspaperman for the past 13 years. With the destination a mystery to all will be worn. debating season will take place, when concluded by saying that they should but the leading driver, the party left Doherty. who is now makeup edi• the official announcement of the new <eep their "own houses in the or• the College at 10:30, following the tor of The Providence Journal, lec• officers for next year will be announc• der of personal righteousness by good• celebration of Mass in the College tured to the class on the importance ed Frank McGovern. president of the Senior Classbook ness in word, deed, and example." chapel by the Rev. John B. Reese, of headline writing and news ar• union, will act as master of cere• Tree Dedicated OP. student chaplain. rangement in a paper. He explained monies, and will introduce the speak• Will Appear Soon The traditional tree planting was the policy of headline writing by ers of the evening. A sports program was carried out held on the campus immediately after pointing out what not to use in The banquet will be attended by under the direction of Israel Siper- Distribution of Senior Book "heads." The size of the head is de• 'he President's address. Led by Lau• (Continued on Page 3. Col. 4) (Continued on Page 4, Col. 3) Expected to Start rence Walsh, Treasurer of the Senior termined by the importance of the Class, as cross-bearer, the Seniors pro• story, according to Doherty. He also May 15 ceeded to the Campus for the tree explained and illustrated the various "Soup and Fish" Troupe Feted program. types of "heads" used in the daily Copies of the Veritas. Providence After the blessing of the tree by paper, saying that newspapers should College year-book, will be ready for always be conservative in their head• At Seekonk Gun Club Program Father Dillon the dedicatory address distribution Saturday, May 15. The was delivered by Andrew J. Geary of lines. Committees for 19 3 8 backwoods roads. After the arrival of proof-reading was completed this Somerville. In his address Geary After his lecture, Doherty answered the group a supper was served. Comedy Announced week, and all copy is now at the ^Continued on Page 3, Col. 2) questions concerning news writing in Eugene McElroy was master of cere• at Supper press. general. He also gave advice to "our monies for the evening. Unprepared The reappearance of a year-book at future sports writers." though he was for this sudden honor, AVIATION OFFICER WILL Feasting, merrymaking, singing, When questioned about his ideas on he displayed true showmanship by the College after an absence of nine dancing, speech making, and plan• ADDRESS P. C. STUDENTS entering journalism as a profession, the adroit way in which he handled years has been long awaited by the ning for the musical comedy of '38, Doherty explained; the proceedings, and his many clever were the highlights of the banquet student body. The editor. E. Riley Today at 12:20 o'clock in room 17, •If a student feels that he has the and social gathering tendered by the quips, both old and new. drew gales Hughes, and his associates have an officer from the U. S. Aviation ability and sincerely desires to be an Pyramid Players to the participants of laughter from the audience. Wil• Base at Squantum. Mass.. will address editor. I wish to encourage him. News worked industriously for the past few in the recent musical comedy "Soup liam "Notanka" Cunningham was the •11 students interested in aviation. writing is like any job. It is hard months, with the result that a most and Fish.'' at the Seekonk Fish and first entertainer and he responded He is being sent to Providence Col• work and often discouraging, but if attractive and interesting book is ex• Gun Club last Wednesday evening. with two vocal solos. "Swinging's Got lege through the courtesy of Lieuten- you are good, you will make the Me Down" and "Sweet Sue". Arthur pected. •nt Howard L. Jenning. Commanding grade. However, if you have any A calvacade of cars left the College "Burbling Water" Pike then gave an Bound in black leather and bearing Officer of the Base. doubt as to your not liking news grounds at dusk and proceeded by imitation of a dairy maid discoursing The speaker will outline the oppor• writing, stay out of journalism." various routes to their destination. A the College seal, the "Veritas" con• on her loved one. Freddie Abbot, the tunities open to youth in aviation, and Edward Doherty was prominent in trip to the Seekonk Club would not tains pictures and information on each be complete unless some of the cars Little King of Soup and Fish, and the requirements demanded for suc• furthering athletics while he was a member of the Senior Class, and of a little fellow with a pleasing voice cess in that calling.
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