SEASONAL AND BATHYMETRIC CHANGES IN FEEDING HABITS OF THE BENTHIC RED CRAB PLEURONCODES PLANIPES (DECAPODA, ANOMURA, GALATHEIDAE) OFF THE PACIFIC COAST OF BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, MEXICO BY DAVID AURIOLES-GAMBOA and R1CARDO PEREZ-FLORES Centra dc Invcstigaeiones Biologicas del Noroeste, S. C. Aparlado Postal 128, La Paz Baja California Sur, Mexico') ABSTRACT Stomach contents of bcnlhic red crabs {Pleitroncodcs plaiupcs) were analyzed lo document number of items and composition. The crabs were caplured along a series of latitudinal transects covering depths from 50 to 250 ni, during March (12 stations) and September I'J'X) (8 stations). The number of food items decreased .signilicantly from March to September at 150 and 200 m depth, the only strata compared since red crabs are usually absent from ilic coast above 100 m in summer. The particulate organic matter (POM) varied from 60 to 70% of total food items. The zooplanklon fraction, mainly cruslaceans, foraminilerans, and radiolarians, was second in importance. Phyloplankton was ihe next most important group, and was represented by 17 genera in March and 11 in September. The mean number of diatoms in stomachs per station decreased signilicantly (73.5 versus 7) from March to September. The number of gencra/stalion showed Ihe same pattern (5.36 versus 3.6). The most abundant (number of cells) and Ircqucni (presence over number of stations) diatom genera in March were Niizschia, Mclosim and Cocconeis in llial order, accounting lor 74% of the relative importance index. In September, Cyclolella, Nilzscliia and Melosira accounted for 42% of ihe importance index. The stomach contents in benthic red crabs indicate a decreasing availability of food in the area from winter-spring through the summer. This pattern correlates well with ihe diminishing intensity of the coastal upwclling system and weakening of the California Current. The amount of stomach contents in red crabs decreased as the density of the crustacean species increased. RESUME Des conlenus stomacaux des crabes benlhiqucs Plammcodcs planipe.s out etc analyses alin dc determiner les nombres ct la composition des elements alinienlaires. Les crabes ont etc captures le long d'une seric de sections laliludinalcs eouvrant des prolondeurs dc 50 a 250 m, en mars (12 stations) ct scpteinbrc l'J90 (8 stations). Le nombre des elements de nourriture a deem ') Present address: Centra Inlerdisciplinario de Cieneias Marinas, Institulo Politccnico Nacional, Avenida Politccnico Nacional No. I, Apartado Postal 592, La Paz Baja California Sur. Mexico. © Koninklijke Brill, Leiden, 1997 Cmslaceana 70 O) FEEDING HABITS PI.EURONCODES 273 ile facon signilicalivc tie mars a seplembre a 150 et 200 in de prolondeur. les seuk's slrales companies putsque les erahes soiu habiluellements absents dc la cote au-dessus dc 100 in en etc La matiere organique parlieiilaire variail enlrc 60 el 70% dcs elements alimcntaires tolaux. La fraction /.ooplancton, surtout dcs crustaees, dcs l'oiaminilcrcs cl dcs radiolaircs, venail en second par I'iniportance. Le phyloplanclon etail ensuitc le groupe le plus important et elait represenle par 17 genres en mars et par 1 I en seplembre. Le nomhrc de diatomees dans I'cstomac par station a deem de facon significative dc mars a septembre (7.1,5 contrc 7) et il en a etc dc mcnic pour le nombre dc genres (5,36 contrc 3,6). En mars, les genres de diatomees les plus abondanls (en nombre dc cellules) ct les plus frequents (presence par rapport au nombre des stations) out etfj, dans I'ordre, Nilzschia, Melosiru, el Cocconeis, comptant pour 74%< dans I'index d'importance relative. En septembre, Cycloiella, Nilzschia et Melusira on! compte pour 42% dans cet index Les contenus slomaeaux de ces crabes bentiques indiquent unc disponibililc decroissante dc la nourrilure dans ectle /.one du debut du printemps a I'cte. Ccei correspond bicn a la diminution d'intensite du .systeme d'upwclling cdlicr ct a I'affaiblissement du Courant de Calilornic, Les contenus stomacaux dcs crabcs out aussi decru alors que la densite des especes dc cruslaccs augmcnlail INTRODUCTION The pelagic red crab (Pleuroncodes planipes Slimpson, 1860), known as lan­ gostilla in Mexico, spends its first year (larvae, juvenile and young adults) as part of the micronekton. This species then alternates between pelagic and benthic environments until the 3rd year of life. Upon reaching a cephalothorax length of 32 nun, the langostilla becomes strictly benthic, and inhabits depths between 200 and 500 m (Boyd, 1967; Aurioles-Gamboa, 1992). The standing stock of the benthic-phase population on the continental shelf off Baja California is estimated to be from 300 to 500 thousand metric tons (Erhardl et al., 1982; Aurioles-Gamboa, 1995). Maximum densities reach 40 crabs/m2 (Aurioles-Gamboa, 1995), but may even be higher. Arana & Ziller (1990) re­ ported densities around 100 individuals/m2 for Pleuroncodes monodon (H. Milne- Edwards, 1837) off the Chilean coast. The major ecological importance of langostilla in the food web off the west coast of Baja California was noted by Blackburn (1969) and Longhurst et al. (1967). The red crab is known to graze heavily on phytoplankton in the upwelling ecosystem of Baja California (Longhurst et al., 1967; Smith et al., 1975). The langostilla is food for many predators including cetaceans (Mathews, 1932; Boyd, 1962), pinnipeds (Boyd, 1962; Lowry et al., 1990), birds (Glynn, 1961; Boyd, 1962; Longhurst, 1967), turtles (Villanueva, 1991), and fish (McHugh, 1952; Quasi, 1968; Glynn, 1961; Boyd, 1962; Alverson, 1963; Balart & Castro-Aguine, 1995). 274 D. AURIOLES-GAMBOA & R. PEREZ-FLORES The feeding habits of the langostilla are poorly known. Longluirst el al. (1967) reported that the pelagic red crab feeds mainly on phytoplankton cells such as Coscinodiscus and Ceratium. Boyd (1962) showed that Pk'iironcodes can filter cells as small as 30-80 p.m and Beklemishev (I960) observed that radiolarians constitute a large part of their diet. Perez & Aurioles-Gamboa (1995) observed that breeding benthic red crab fed mainly on organic matter (approximately 60%), and that food composition varied with depth. We suspect important seasonal changes in the feeding habits of the langostilla because of their mass bathymetric migration. During winter-spring (breeding season), the crabs occupy the whole continental shelf. In summer, they move into zones deeper than 100 m and cooler than I6°C (Aurioles-Gamboa, 1992; Aurioles-Gamboa et al., 1994). In this work, we report seasonal and spatial changes of the stomach contents of benthic red crabs inhabiting the continental shelf off Baja California. MATERIALS AND MBTIIODS Benthic red crabs were sampled in winter-spring between 9 and 13 March 1990 and in summer-fall from 2 through 12 September 1990. Benthic samples were collected with a 20 in shrimp bottom trawl (3 cm mesh size) from aboard the R/V "El Puma" (Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico). We followed a plan of seven transects perpendicular to the coast, trawling at 50, 100, 150 and 200 m depths. Bottom temperatures were taken directly from sediment collected by a Smith-Mclntyre dredge at each station (table I). Thirty specimens were randomly selected from each station and fixed in a solution of 4% formalin (Knudsen, 1972; Sumich & Dudley, 1980). In the laboratory, all specimens were sexed, weighed and measured for cephalothorax length. The stomachs (cardiac and pyloric sections) were excised and the total contents place on a slide preparation. From preliminary observations, this part of the digestive system offered the best possibility of identifying the food contents (e.g., diatoms or foraminiferans) (Perez & Aurioles-Gamboa, 1995). Even though the whole stomach content was analyzed, it is likely that very delicate structures may have been destroyed by the crustacean before identification. Food contents were identified with the help of several keys (Sumich & Dud­ ley, 1980; Heurck, 1962; Cupp, 1943; Newell & Newell, 1963; Wickstead, 1965; Licea-Duran, 1974; Casimiro, 1988; Garate, 1988). Only diatoms were identi­ fied to genus level, some zooplankton organisms were identified to class level and both groups counted individually because they appeared as whole organisms. FEEDING HABITS t'U'.URONCOMiS 275 TABLE I Location and depth o( stations for positive bentliic red crab captures during March and September 1990, off the west coast of Baju California Sur, Mexico Transects Location Depth Red C'nih linttum in density Iciuperature individual/nr °C March 1990 Tl 26°09'N, lLVIO'W. 105 4.6 12 Tl 26°t)5'N, ll.riVW. 150 ;i 13 T2 25°39'N, 113°00'W. 219 0.5 15.5 T2 25°42'N, I12°55'W. 150 0.1 15.6 T2 25°46'N, l!2°49'W. 108 16.3 12 TJ 25°I8'N, II2°36'W. 207 0.1 12 T4 24°2()'N, II2°09'W. 237 0.8 14 14 24°2I'N, II2°03'W. 154 0.9 13 T4 24°24'N, lll°59'W. 104 10.3 13.5 T5 24" 1 I'N. ltl°.18'W. 149 2.1 13 T5 24"I2'N. !II°29'\V. 100 2.0 n T5 24°I5'N, lll"26'\V. 52 16.2 13.5 September 1990 Tl 26"OI'N. 113"I9'\V. 218 5.7 11.5 12 25°38'N, II2°59'\V. 217 5.6 11.5 T3 25°18'N, II2°37'W. 209 0.1 12.5 T3 24°42'N, II2°3I'\V. 204 10.8 11.8 T4 24°22'N, 1I2°08'W. 194 5.6 12.5 T4 24°20'N, 1!2°02'W. 147 25.4 13.5 TS 24°04'N, lll°53'\V. 187 4.8 1.3 T5 24" 1 I'N, !H"38'W. 149 7.0 13 a. Not estimated. Crustaceans, however, were found in fragments, so we counted them as pieces because it was not possible to reconstruct the organisms.
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