THE WflATHEK NEWS STALLS Yesterday's Temperatures Max. 3C. Minimum 5C. Kabul Times is available at; - . Khyber Restaurant; Spinzar Sun sets today- at 5.16 pjn. Hotel; Kabul Hotel; Shax-e- Sun rises tomorrow at 6.4S i.m.. ar Cloudy Naw-ne- Park Cinema; Kabul Tomorrow's Outlook: MIES International Airport Forecast by Air Authority VOL. in, NO. 272 KABUL, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1965, (DALV 5, 1343, S.H.) PRICE Af 2 Commerce Minister Foresees His Majesty Visits Five Million Dollar Rise New Building Of In Value Of Afghan Exports' Government Press KAB.UL, January 25. KABUL, Jan. 25. His" Majesty Ministry of Commerce anticipates that when the current the King yesterday inspected the THE new - year ends in the middle of March not only the balance of building of the Govt. Press is expected in the eastern part-o- f Ansary Wat last year's exports will be maintained but it that and expressed more of last year's.; - delight at the pro- volume of exports will be than that gress of the construction work. During the last year Afghanis Actual - construction work on the tan's total value of exports reacn- Special Court " new building is completed and it ed $68.9 million; it is expected is exnected that the machmo ins that this figure will rise to $73-- tallation, wiring, ; plumbing,' ,and million this year. Although due to Tries Syrians decoration will be finished with- the severe cold last winter 30 in the next three months. per cent of the livestock were Breaking New Law The work on the new building destroyed, resulting in a decrease was started two years ago by the in karakul ard wool exports, this DAMASCUS, Jan. 25, (Reuter). "Afghan Construction Unit So 59 loss was compensated for by ex Syria's recently-forme- d special far million afghanis have been porting greater quantities ot iruu military court met here last night spent on this building. The cost 100 per cent more than last to try person "who have hindered of the machines which have been year. Likewise greater exports of the execution of the " nationalisa- bought for the new Press build- carpet and grains will also help tion laws and instigated disorder, ing amounts to $700,000 dollars. boost this year's total exports. strike and resistance against secu- The newly purchased machines ' include The Minister of Commerce rity personnel", : Letter Press, Offset press. said Linotype and cameras. Mohammed Sarwar Omer An official communique said ver- " that Afghanistan's imports are in- dicts of the court; presided over Explanations were given by (1960-6- 1) years Lieutenant-Colon- el Ai-Da- Mohammad Ibrahim creasing. During the by Salah lli, Kandahary, im- and (1961-6- 2) Afghanistan would be carried out President of government" Press, ported consumer goods worth after they con- and Abdul Hai Kazi, President of were the Afghan $49 million while this figure rose firmed by the of-- Construction Unit. chairman the j- to $60 million during the year presidency council. - - .v - r.iiTiiriii "4 Belgians Killed -- (1963-6-4) in which the import of Tha court is empowered to pass for develop- sentences some materials used ranging jfrom hard la- Prime Minister looking at plan broad- . for the new In ment projects is alsjLincluded. bour to the death penalty. casting Congo By Band The statistics for Hie first nine station. Others in the picture are from right to months of the current Afghan The communique--- : left, Engineer Masa, Engineer Attayee, and M.H. L said that a . Of Insurgents V year indicate that the total im- number of capitalists and reac- $60 ports will amount to over tionary elements had been "arrest- LEOPOLD VILLE, Jan. 25, (Ren- million and of course with the in- ed in the Syrian capital's ancient Premier Advocates More, ter). Three Relcrionc i;m.i crease of population, improved Hamidiyeh bazaar charged - with J and two wounded yesterday .when of living, and increasing instigating ; standard the people to screate Local, Foreign a soaii Dana ot insurgents cross- needs of people the volume of im- disorder and strike In" protest investment ed into the Congo " -- ' and took the ports will become greater in the against recent nationalisation 'v - KABUL, January 25. settlement 200 " of Nkolo miles . laws. future, he added. "TIE Prime Minister Dr. JVlohammad YoustfJ inspected a num- north of Leopoldville, it was re- Although the value of Afghan The Syrian trades" union fede- ber, of projects which are nearing completion in Kabul ported here today in. yesterday.- export is greater proportion ration last night called on . Survivors from Nkolo, ar-- of imported all who to the value workers to stand together On his tour of inspection the Prime Minister was accom- " puuic saia two consumer goods yet if the against "a reactionary plot plann- panied by Mohammad Hashim were shot when thev instalments ed by capitalists MaiwandwaL the Minister of tried to payment of loan and those work- Press and Information and Mohammad Hussain Masa, the jump on rebels who lined them and interests,- - international obliga- ing under the guise of religion". " Minister of Mines and Industries. - and five other men against a wall tion, students and patients' ex- for execution. penses, insurances and other so- Dr. Yousuf first visited the new woolens mill Xc. Kabul's industrial Another Belgian was shot in a cial costs are taken into consider- house where he and other whites, ation the imports have been sector. Work on the factory be- who Americans, gan 11 ago, worked for plywood com greater than exports in. the last French, Soviets months and the mill pany Nkolo, now is already operative on ex- in tried to defend several years, Omer stated. themselves against the insurgents.. All the developing countries are Send Messages perimental basis. The factory was One To British through the of of the survivors said the encountering such problem be- built investment - insurcrtnts Kofr.ro nnn ; k German concern, & . WllUlg cause such nations lack financial Mourning the Vorwerk said: "we are here to get revenge Churchill's Co. and technical potential which is ' Death for Stanleyville". indispensable for setting up and r XONDON, January "'25, f The Prime Minister expressed A government appreciation for work by Afghan, air reconnais- developing industries, he said. QUEEN Elizabeth. will lead the mourninfor S wSw sance mission reported lateT that Rapid development and building Churchill at his funeral service and foreign engineers who .took the at St Paul's Cathedral part in building this factory. He insurgents, who had stolen a of a nation, is therefore, impossi- next Saturday (January 30). company said, completion of, pro- truck, appeared to be ble without foreign loans and the this near Nganya 20 residents and Prime. Ministers in niidafternoon with a small ject good for- village miles east technical assistance and a periodi- from many countries will join is a example to the of Nkolo. gap in group of reporters, said he hopes eign investors because it gives cal in the balance of pay- paying a last tribute to Chur- to "the On their flight they ambushed ments. attend funeral in London's them an opportunity to see Afgha- Congo chill., St. Paul's Cathedral next Satur- a army patrol, wounding In this era which can be label- Sir Winston, who nistan's and its wil- three soldiers. refused manv day. "I want very much to go" lingness to provide facilities for Another army pat- ed as an economic transitional high long'iife-tim- e, rol later honours during his The President said. "It all depends foreign investment. moved into Nkolo anrt era, the developing cations aspire will receive his nation's high- oh how I feeL" found the place deserted. to bring stability in their econo- est of respect The .operation and management Three light planes token now that he The President reported that he of the plant can also evacuated 15 mics through increase of produc- is state serve as an whites from the town including, dead a funeral. .felt much better Sunday. example to" local tion after the development pro- officially as- investors. three women and Parliament will be From Paris General de Gaulle Later inspec- three children. jects are completed; Omer said. ked to approve the state funeral the Prime Minister Three Belgians and a visiting in a message of . condolence to ted' the short and medium Now that the country's economic which usually ro- wave priest were evacuated from is reserved for Queen Elizabeth said for him and of Af- the infrastructure which is necessary to- transmitter stations Radio nearby mission at Yumbi. yalty when it meets again the French people Sir Winston ghanistan. Engineer Atayee, for economic development is near-in- g morrow. the completion, Churchill would always remain Chief of the Technical Depart- a fresh look should Sir Winston Churchill...is expect- the man who contributed greatly ment of Radio Afghanistan accom- be given to the expansion of ex- ed to be buried in. the Oxfordshire to the saving produce furniture for sal nn tht ports and establishing light indus- of the French people panied "him. market. village of Bladon near his parents and of the freedom of the world. tries which will lead to cutting rather than within the cold marble The shop was set up with a ca- the importing of consumer goods. President rde Gaulle said "France Eighty per cent of the construc- pital splendor of his nearby birthplace, is deeply conscious investment of five million, The Minister of Commerce con- of the loss tion work on these stations has The Primo Mini Blenheim Palace.
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