Texas Architect

Texas Architect

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INGS, GA ~Oo'i- Circle 1 on Reader lnqwry Card 6 101 South Broadway Su1Le300 CLIENT Tyler Texas 75703 21 4 /591-1112 CONSTRUCTION 14951 Dallas Parkway SuILe237 Dallas Texa!> 75240 MANAGEMENT, 214 /991-2091 INC. "The Best Assistant an Architect Ever Had!" When we were designing the East Texas Sm•ings Center btdldingfor Trammell Crow, u·e had the opportunity /0 11•ork 11'ith Client Construction Management as the construcrion managers. Their expertise in the construction business helped save our client thousands of dollars. Their abiliry c11 mlue engineering is an asset any architecr can appreciate! Dallas Taylor, A. I .A. Taylor-Hewlett. Inc. Architects • Planning · Interior~ Client Construction Management, Inc. 1s an organization of management professionals with a unique knowledge of the building indus­ try, each providing their skills and ab1lit1es for the benefit of our clients. The name of our company tells the whole story. We can assist you with turnkey management of con­ struction project s which includes: • Value Engineering • Assume Single Sour ce Responsibility • Assume Total Financial Responsi­ bility for Pr ojects • Budget and Cost Control • Quality Control ; . i ; ! ~ ... ~ .. _..... ,,__ . ' ... CLIENT East. Te>tos Sa11111y s Cant.er Tyler. Texas CONSTRUCTION MANAGEM ENT. Circle 2 on Reader Inquiry Card Arch11.ectl:i Tavtor·Hewlett, Inc INC Owner Trammell Crow Company ft,11, ArchllC'(t ''f"'NrWdu, t1l'ftt'J ,,,..irJ, 1" 1hfo r,.,,.s.i1tw,,.,-t~rtlutt"rl~. IJ/ft-.t&1l,n1~t11t)11hi111,(11i,1r.uu Rt,:lonfJ/ CONTENTS ,,., .Amerk'Ullf ln•IJIMI( , , J\tTlttlt"NS n,, ,~,,,., ,,,., 1111. / ,,1.-rn'f'\1, rl'rttlf.lnlt l!lllOR lt..-1 ";"'"" &rn..i A\\f)(' IAII 1.1)1 roR A\\11(:IAII· PUH i ISHEI! i lo.it/,. f (;IJ/l.U,,t t lk(l I .Al ION MANAObR /11,l K,111,n(ul, AIA .\II\ I IOI\IN(; ASSISTANT 1'1 Ill lCArlONHl:.CRlil ARY ALTERNATIVE HOUSING ,,.,,h.,,n;i 8,;to-n11t lll)Ol(KEl!l'ER '""'''"""""' 4 r,,, PIJlll trATIONSC'OMM11Tbl:. LETTERS llt1(lt( 0 Nlfflrn~Mffl. l"'1ll,.utrlto1rmurtl llu l R11ttJ,. AM Wl<'hu• F11Jh, SorAn.o r.,,,.f"t,,tiJn·IIUilfle. AIA. S011.Anmnlu, TJdd PRACTICE 7 lldMlft1111. A/A Arlltittun, Grlb,-rt 1/,.q,..,,,,. MA , 1/11,mM, Rnbrrt ,,,,.,-,,,. Ray Bailey, FA /A. describes a strategy for bringing new life tn a 111 1anr," W,llh W1ntff,t "IA. l>c;llur, / tn.£, f'U\'d! I'' l/ot1-ilf#t NtUOI"" llf/unt.,lfl 1 Class-8 office h11ilding . AH P.,U,u, ( MmlSrll,- AJA nu/1,u 8 I 1J/s fRIIIUTIN<l EOIT(lltS /Ja,IJ IN THE NEWS /t,...i,11. JAi.A. DolW• Dm•i,I DJll,111 fJ,,11,u. Stt[IN'n Fo1, l/01"111n Gm,rd The new City Hall opens i11 Corp11s Christi; Crmsrruc:tio 11 starts It ~itrr¥J,AIII. """"'"'• u,rn Gwd ~M f).,r1.,_, _n.,,idl\,l<td1-.1rA A/II. RINA. 011 Team HOU's Sesquicentennial Park in /1011sro11: Nine Texans t ,,11,,:,rStiUU-#'t are named AJA Fellows. t·<'l'>"'h' l~K1 h)'tht ,,,., 'i<l<ic1ro< .\11. hilt\ h C:o.-buJled, Ut.Ulatlon TSA DESIGN AWARDS CALL FOR ENTRIES 15 ro,, • .._-c P-'td M A\ht111 •M lid.iliuun11I ,n1ul1nj()r1lc.c, Rules. i11formatio 11 . and e111ryfnrmsfor the 1988 TSA Design H J'O~IMAS1 ~1l SrnJuJJrwri..,.,.,,,, f c-1u1,A,c,h1tc4,;t Ill '4-'ttr 111ts,,,.., i'wu, Awards competition. /4rlf/ ll"'IIA rrWJ 78'/()/ r.1,,w .., uo1~111,7JII(). 24 "~ ,t lfplNll'l,.,,,fflJ $11 OOpn wurjo, AVl ON VILLAGE'S ENDURING VALUES 1 1 """'1/,,r10,./S/~JJIJ/r,r~ , "' JJrtur> w,11fln ,,.,....,,"""'"' Willis Wi111ers tracks rite origins and fate of the ho11si11 g project t ,eu,Jltau-1 Rl1"' ..tdwllt11t,(u/Jor-pa,t f,.l,to1mll"luu,,u ••lthtJMt wr,ttt'ft for defense workers 11ear Dallas desiined by Richard Neutra and '"''"''" "., 1.a r,nc-tf) pn1l11IH1rd U,, OJ ,....,l'l'r,J(Jnd1'"4AVI rff"odMNIMtlfrn,·kn Da1•id R. Williams and b11ilt in 194 1. lfltt1ll,r, f'dllt•rlo/ ,;r Uihffffltn, J,,.,., /ICM ,.,.,.111tulf01ttndi>rJr"'1CNbt. TSAm-AIA ANOTHER HOUSTON 30 •w ikw, ,,l11ortlll tc>Mfflttll ntt,uur1/) rt/ltt. '"'" •ffatus/ "''"'""' lt/rut.ff tlf'fU"ll41JHl,- A network ofg roups is fighting to preserve houses in Ho11sro11 ·s /f\N 1#"4l-'/711 low- and middle-income neighborhoods. By Joel Warren Barna 24 Af~ltu,,,v.n P,,;b/,ruuon• .-\wJ11 •{c·trrMl.mm lrtr rc,a"Archircct,•1amfo~u,,lm ,l1rArf'n TWO STRATEGIES FOR LI FECARE HOUSING 36 lttJr• ufArrlt,rtrrurul P(rrt"Jidh ah mtllabl, In IMJI~ l,Nut11'1 Han,•ood K. Smith and Parmers wkes the high rise and Good. I , ~ OFFlCEJ\.S J"hn ()n/1 G""• C',d, Haas & Fulton wkes the low rise. By Joel Warren Barna !uatwn Prt"d,,u, Ra, B Built, 1- AIA ltfMIJWti P1f't1dt11t•Eln t; Jam,11 F NBC BANK BOERNE 40 ~ lmr LMhhtH 4 \ 11,. Pr,stdrnr. '"" Do­ ' M. f\mortll1,. \,, r Prnufrnt Cltarl,., f llumtu r,t,, ~,,, P,r1iJ,nt G,uliuml A hank by Marmon Barclay Souter Foster Hays deftly balam.:es Luh". 11,001mt \ ur Pn,ldtnt. D",;.J \f,urn.mlli'I MiJland.Shr,ron. N Don scale and materials appropriate to its small-tow11 site. F"ftr1,'ft Aw1rirt Trrw11rtr a,., f(n·ltw C'Al:.lf,.,, 14M "',."',, Uttllm,'1,r, BOOKS 42 Put1Jrnt TS-' BOARl> OI' l>IRHTORS Hl1l Wru,~rr/, AMrn, Cllu/•trr. l),uw/J E ROOFING: NEW TECHNIQUES AND MATE RLALS 45 f~rktnt11J . Atnurilln Clt'1,trr, I.Jui lron • rtttf Claqttr- J1i1l,u~ M U11t.,., 8r";"1 A special advertising section explores del'elop 111e11ts in mo[i11g. , • r1trr Grot~t E. CIIMtl Jr C'1H1•u., 40 t •,uu Clwt""· Ru "'-ml I Mu,At11t /Jul/a, Cltapttr: Jam" II w,,,r,,,,/ II Pa,,,nC:lwr1rr; K Putru! H,,.Jr1• , 1-,,o W,,n~ Clwpur W11/1am II //111/, //,..,, MUSINGS/DAV ID B'RADEN 58 h•n C'ltap,,r R•d1,lph I' C11111,: u... rr Nm Ctantk Vullt"I' C'IIUI>''' Jom,, M LaNirru. L,ihbt>i l Clrupttr Gm,ld 8 /Jrai;. NMll,ari Tr.uu Clu111,rr C'11rtol)n ON THE COVER: Harwood COM ING UP: Design and re­ Prtrn:nrr. Sa" Ant11nfn Cltaptrr Puul K. Smith & Partners. Inc .. search on making the working 1/,n s,.. ,1r,,m T,.,a, C'lwptrr. Jmrrh Ruu,, J, • W11<1• Chupw. J.,_, H Rh" Dallas. emphasized residential office work; a ponfolio of de­ ,..,nMrrr. Jr _, Wtn Tr.uu Cltupltt .. JUt A,r II L,,..,._ ,J,. W,rlt1roFo/l&Chap,rr · Dr cale in the Heanhstone. Sun sign showrooms; and a special Arm· f rrrmart Lr,_So1t Anmnir, t l'uhlk Mr,..i,,,1 City, Ari z. Photography by R. advertising focus on office Greg I lursley. furn ishings. I r rm Ard111rr 1 Mt1y lime 1988 3 LETTERS THORO SYSTEM [8PRODUCTS EDITOR: I have just rece ived my normally concealed behind the cornices copy of the I Mar/ Apr 1988 1 issue of on the fifth floor is d osed so that 80 Texas Dealers Texas Architert that contains Ray Don percent of the di reel sunlight is blocked. TiJley·s story about MBank Dallas·s This was a result of a sun-angle study new corporate headquarters. As project run at the Solar Lab at UT Arlington. Besl Service Building Materials manager for MCorp. I feel obliged to The "Soun::es"· column omiued Rich­ PO Box 17379 San Amorno 1exas ~0217 correct a few errors and omissions. ard L. Kreut z. 3D/1 principal-in-charge 512 349-4301 The gener.11 design theme of the bank for the project. I !is contributions during Blue Diamond Company hall interi or was produced by John Bur­ the crucial la!.t year of development and PO Bor 15787 Da11as Texas 7521 S gee Architects with Phi lip Johnson in implementation are immeasurable and I 214 428 1331 close association with 3D/lntemnrional would like 10 sec hb pan recogni zed. Lynwood Building Materials 1201 Wesl Elsmere (3D/I). 3D/I is singularly responsible Las1ly. we don·, agree thnt our bank San Amomo Texas 78201 for the interior design layou1 or the trad­ hall interior stands in delilli'lcc of any­ 512 732 9052 ing floor. the design and selecti on of all th ing. It does speak of our bank ·s phi­ Featherlite Bu ilding Producls Corp. PO Box35:, furnishings. and all work spaces that do losophy and its inherent optimism. The Abilene Texas 79604 not abut the "edges .

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