Latvian Standard Postmarks Described but doubtful, unlikely or not existing more or less confirmed segm. type index ref Jak. ref v H P.O. bars Remarks Abrene (Abrene) PITALOVA 5 A ? Doubtful, not seen / unknown - provisonal only 4.2 0004 Ādaži (R īga) ADAŽI PAGASTS 6 A 9 pmk:s probably seen partly only and mixed with 7.1 0006.3 ADAŽI PAGASTS 10 A - ROPAŽI PAGASTS 7.2 0006.4 Aizkalne (Daugavpils) Opened 26.08.1926. Type 2 pmk cannot exist as those 468.1 0476.1 JASMUISCHA 2 - - wasn't produced as late as in 1926. Aizpute (Aizpute) AIZPUTE 10 B - Unlikely as type 6 found as late as -4 VI 45 0026.11 Allaži (R īga) Not known - postal agency until 01.11.21 ALLASCHI ? ? ? (different provisional marks known) 0041 on 06.12.21 the ALLAŽI type 6 cancel was delivered Alsvi ķis (Valka) Doesn't exist - A-operations only until 01.12.27 - Ķ 43.1 0044 ALSVI I 6 A ? ALSVI ĶIS type 6, seen fr. -28.1.32. (proof -1.1.28) Alšvanga (Aizpute) Not seen or known 44.3 0045.3 ALŠVANGA 6 C 9 why three pmk:s at such a small p.t.k.? Al ūksne (Valka) AL ŪKSNE 10 B - Unlikely as type 6 found as late as 21 III 41. 0046.15 AL ŪKSNE 10 C - Unlikely as type 6 found as late as -8 VI 41. 0046.16 Amula (Tukums) AMULA 10 A - Unlikely as type 6 found as late as -2.10.42. 49.2 0050.2 Andrupene (R ēzekne) ANDRUPENE 10 A - Unlikely as type 6 found as late as 21 III 44. 0055.3 Apeltiene (Madona) Not seen / nor known, p.n. opened 1940 or later in O ļi parish - 59.1 0061.1 APELTIENE 10 A - Oļi - Apeltiene - O ļi ? No Latvian standard pmk! Apukalns (Valka) APUKALNS ? ? ? Such p.o. not known - must be OPEKALNS! 0069 Āstere (Valmiera) Unlikely - p.n. opened 17.07.35 79.1 0080.1 ASTERI 6 A 9 ĀSTER E type 6 seen -4.12.35 Atašiene (R ēzekne) Very doubtful, type 6 seen 29.12.40 10 81.5 0082.2 ATAŠIENE B- but LPSR type pmk seen 11.4.41. Auce (Jelgava) AUCE 10 A - Unlikely as type 6 seen as late as 19 VII 44 0086.8 AUCE 6 E 9 Not known / not seen! 0086.7 1 © Juris Mors 2013-06-08 Latvian Standard Postmarks Described but doubtful, unlikely or not existing, more or less confirmed segm. type index ref Jak. ref v H P.O. bars Remarks Auguliena (Valka) AUGULIENA 10 A - Doesn't exist as type 6 has came in private hands 0093.2 Aus āji (Abrene) Not seen - not known ! Auz āji p.p.n. opened 01.03.28 Ā 0099 AUS JI 6 A ? AUZAJI type 6 seen fr, 11.2.31. Balbinava / Balbinawa see Indra Baltezers (R īga) Type 6 doesn't exist - A-oper. only as late as 1937 and 1938, BALTEZERS 120.1 0123 6 A ? cancel type 10 produced in 1939, seen -9.12.39. Baltina (Daugavpils) Baltina shall be Balti ņi (Daugavpils). Opened 03.11.26 pmk BALTINA 0124 6 A ? type 6 BALTI ŅI seen 12 II 27 (proof 16 XI 26) Bārta (Liep āja) Doesn't exist - p.p.n. opened 01.04.23, BAHRTA 2 - - pmk type 6 (B ĀRTA A) delivered already 01.03.23. 129.1 0133.1 Type 2 pmk:s not produced as late as 1923 Unlikely - BARTA type 6 seen -2.6.39 but Ā 129.5 0133.4 B RTA 6 B 9 type 10 in -1.4.40 Bauska (Bauska) BAUSKA 10 A - Unlikely, type 6 seen -4 12 40 131.4 0135.6 Bēne (Jelgava) BĒNE 10 A - Unlikely, very doubtful - type 6 latest seen -9 XI 43 0140.6 BĒNE 10 B - Unlikely, very doubtful - type 6 latest seen -7 IX 43. 136.6 0140.7 Bērġi (R īga) BĒRGI 10 A - Unlikely - type 6 latest seen 21.3.41. 139.4 0143.3 Bērzaune (Madona) BOR ĶI prov. Not seen - not known - doesn't exist 145.2 Bērzciems (Tukums) Unlikely, type 6 w/o accentuation seen 18.6.38. Ē 146.2 0151.2 B RZCIEMS 6 A 9 but type 10 is seen 27.9.38. Bērze (Jelgava) Unlikely, B ērzmuiža (renamed B ērze 10.04.40) BĒRZE 6 A 9 seen 22.12.39., B ērze type 10 seen 19.4.40. 150.3 0150.1 (Note! Segm. bars partly seen) Bērzi ņi (Abrene) Unlikely, type 6 w/o accentuation seen -9.VIII.38 Ē Ņ 0153.2 B RZI I 6 A 9 but type 10 is seen 29.XII.38 Bērzkalns (Abrene) BERZKALNE 6 A ? Not known - renamed Berzkalne nowadays only 149.1 Bi ķernieki (Daugavpils) Opened 08.03.41. Latvian type of pmk doesn't exist. BI ĶERNIEKI 10 A - Soviet type of postmark can exist. 158.1 0163.1 Two German Occupation time pmk:s are known © Juris Mors 2013-06-08 2 Latvian Standard Postmarks Described but doubtful, unlikely or not existing more or less confirmed segm. type index ref Jak. ref v H P.O. bars Remarks Birznieki (R īga) BIRZNIEKI 10 A - Unlikely as type 6 found as late as 23.3.41. 165.2 0170.2 Bl īdene (Tukums) BL ĪDENE 6 B ? Doubtful - not known 0174.3 Būri ņozoli (Kuld īga) Very doubtful, “U” w/o accentuation seen Ū Ņ 0217.2 B RI OZOLI 6 A 9 as late as 15.5.40. but type 10 seen x5.9.42. Cēsis (C ēsis) Unlikely - ZEHSIS type 6 latest seen -1 3 35 but CESIS 229.5 0236.6 6 A 9 CĒSIS typ 6 (w. accent. mark) earlest seen 13.4.35. CĒSIS 10 A - Unlikely as C ĒSIS, type 6 seen 18.5.43. 0236.13 Unlikely - ZEHSIS type 5 latest seen 18 XII 34 but CESIS 229.7 0236.7 6 B 9 CĒSIS typ 6 (w. accent. mark) earlest seen -4.3.35. CĒSIS 10 B - Unlikely as type 6 seen -3.9.43. 0236.14 Unlikely, seen without accentuation 30.XII.38 Ē 0236.11 C SIS 6 C 9 but type 10 seen -1.IV.39. CĒSIS 6 D 9 Is the machine cancellation with city slogan 0236.12 CĒSIS 10 D - Is the machine cancellation with city slogan 0236.16 Cesvaine (Madona) CESVAINE 10 A - Unlikely as type 6 seen -5.5.42. 0238.6 Cīru ļi (Talsi) Doesn't exist - C ĪRU ĻI wth accentuation mark from the 0246.1 CIRULI 6 A 9 beginning - wrongly assigned Čiekurkalns (R īga) Abc operations from 12.08.39, pmk type 10 from the Č 244.2 0251.1 IEKURKALNS 6 A 9 beginning. Before that A-oper. only - no postmark exists Dagda (Daugavpils) DAGDA 6 - 9 w/o index letter, doubtful - bad cancellation only? 0254 Daudzeva (J ēkabpils) Doubtful - not seen - provisional cancels until end of 1920 DAUDSEWA 2 - - type 5 pmk from late 1920 (seen -4 9 20). 257.1 0264.1 Not likely that type 2 should be produced in 1920/21 Daudzene see Jaundaudzene Daugavpils (Daugavpils) DAUGAVPILS 10 A - Doubtful - not seen - type 6 seen -3.12.40 262.10 0269.22 DAUGAVPILS 10 D - Doubtful - not seen - type 6 seen 26 XI 1940 262.16 0269.25 DAUGAVPILS 10 F - Doubtful - not seen - type 6 seen -5 7 40 0269.27 DAUGAWPILS 5 G 9 Doesn’t exist - type 6 seen 10 VI 21 (Neboiss) 262.8 0269.8 DAUGAVPILS 10 G - Doubtful - not seen - type 6 seen 27 XII 40 0269.28 DAUGAVPILS 10 H - Doubtful - not seen 0269 DAUGAVPILS 10 J - Doubtful - not seen - type 6 seen -3.I.41. 262.25 0269.30 Daugavpils-stacija Doubtful - not seen - provis. cancels until beginning of 1920 DAUGAWPILS DS. ST. 2 a - type 5 in late 1920 (seen -2 10 20). 264.1 0271.1 Not likely that type 2 produced in 1920/21 3 © Juris Mors 2013-06-08 Latvian Standard Postmarks Described but doubtful, unlikely or not existing, more or less confirmed segm. type index ref Jak. ref v H P.O. bars Remarks Dauksti (Madona) DAUKSTI 6 B ? Ref. Jakimovs - not seen / not known - mistake? 267.3 Dobele (Jelgava) DOBELE 10 C - Unlikely as type 6 seen 29.10.43 0287 Dric ēni (R ēzekne) Doubtful - p.tf.p.n. opened 26.11.26. 287.1 0294.1 DRICANI 6 A 9 DRIC E NI A (type 6) seen -5 II 27. Druva (Tukums) Ref. Jakimov's manuscripts (illustrated).Mystical not seen note DRUWA (w/o LATWIJA) a type of cancel, mix German - Russian? Dūre (Valka) Ref. Petrevics - very doubtful - not seen. Why a "B" pmk at DURE 6 B 9 this p.p.n.? Only reason: "A"-pmk stolen and a new produced? 0316.2 Nothing found in the Archives. Dūrupe (Kuld īga) DŪRUPE 10 A - Doubtful - not seen - type 6 seen 10.3.41. 310.3 0317.3 Dzeguze see Dzeguži Dzeguzes (Bauska) Doubtful - type 6 seen xx.10.38 356.2 0364.2 EZERIEŠI 10 A - renamed DZEGUZES from 10.04.40 Dzeguži (R īga) DZEGUZE Wrongly named, pmk doesn't exists 312.1 0319.1 Dzelzava (Madona) DZELZAVA 10 B - Unlikely as type 6 seen as late as 20 X 43 314.5 0321.5 Dz ērbene (C ēsis) DZERBENE 6 B 9 Not seen - not known 318.4 0325.3 DZERBENE 6 C 9 Not seen - not known 318.6 0325.4 DZ ĒRBENE 10 C - Not seen - not known 0325.9 Dž ūkste (Jelgava) DŽUKSTE 6 C 9 Wrongly assigned / mistake it is index "B"! 328.6 0336.4 Ēda (Kuld īga) ĒDA 10 A - Unlikely as type 6 seen 31.12.4(1).hw.
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