.«pf~- „ % * * Miss Savannah State College—Irene Elmore, a senior from Savannah, Georgia, majoring in Business Administration. SAVANNAH STATE COLLEGE BULLETIN HOMECOMING EDITION 1964 d ?eThat was the Year that was And ye, who have met with adversity's blast, And been bow'd to the earth with its fury; To whom the twelve months that have recently pass' Were as harsh as a prejudiced jury— I Still, fill to the Future! and join in our chime, The regrets of remembrance to cozen, And having obtained a New Trial of Time, Should in hopes of a kindlier dozen. Hood THE YEAR THATS AWA' Here's to the year that's awa'! We will (greet) it in strong and in swa'; And here's to ilk bonnie young lassie we lo'ed, While swift flew the year that's awa'. Here's to the sodger who bled, And the sailor who bravely did fa'; Their fame is alive though their spirits are fled On the wings of the year that's awa'. Here's to the friends we can trust When storms of adversity blow; May they live in our songs and be nearest our hearts, Nor depart like the year that's awa'. hjohn_„._Dunlop President Dr. Howard Jordan, Jr. Director of Public Relations and Editor-in-Chief .. Wilton C. Scott Issue Editor Carolyn. R. Screen^ Feature Editor J. Randolph Fisher Photographer Robert Mobley Volume XVIII October, 1964 Number 1 The Savannah State College Bulletin is published yearly in October, December, February, March, April, and May by Savannah State College. Second Class mail privileges authorized at Savannah, Georgia. PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Greetings to Alumni and Friends On Homecoming Day The Savannah State College family joins me in extending a sincere and hearty welcome to you, the alumni and friends, who have come to observe the 1964 Homecoming activities with us. We greet you with the wish that this day will be one long remem- bered in the years to come as you renew old acquain- tances, meet new friends, and reawaken some of the pleasant memories of your days at SSC. We look forward each year with pleasant expectancy to this day on which we, too, greet old friends and make new ones. In your homecoming, we hope you see the prog- ress the College is making toward providing a better educational program for the young people of today and the world leaders of tomorrow. We are in the midst of a building program which will, not only enhance the beauty of the campus, but insure the continued development of the institution toward its highest potential. We are happy to welcome our friends and visitors from Morris College; and as the two teams compete on the gridiron in friendly athletic rivalry, we know we shall see a display of the finest quality of colle- giate sportsmanship. Again, we extend to you every good wish for an enjoyable celebration on this occasion of Home- coming. HOWARD JORDAN, JR. President GREETINGS FROM MORRIS COLLEGE Morris College joins me in extending our greetings to you on the happy occasion of your Annual Homecoming. Our presence here today affords a personal opportunity to commend you for the challenges which you have met and conquered in expanding your educational efforts. It is our hope that this spirited and challenging experience on the gridiron will prove not merely rewarding in the sense of athletic skill and power, but that it will strengthen the ties that bind our two growing institu- tions of higher learning in a common cause — a devotion to and dedication in intellectual adventure. 0. R. REUBEN, President QUEEN Years know more than books. \ George Herbert Miss SSC and Attendants — Left to right: Freda Hunter, a Senior from Fitzgerald, Georgia, majoring in Elementary Education; Irene Elmore, Miss SSC, a Senior from Savannah, Georgia, majoring in Business Administration; Mary E. Smith, a Senior from Car- tersville, Georgia, majoring in Biology. We spend our years as a tale that is told. QUEEN Old Testament Miss Morris College — Miss Albertha Graham, a Senior from Georgetown, South Carolina, majoring in Biology. CAMPUS QUEENS A thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch H in the night. Old Testament Miss Senior—Sherbie Best, a graduate of William Miss Sophomore—Jacqueline Mack is a Sophomore, James High School, Statesboro, Georgia, is majoring majoring in Business Education, and a graduate of in Social Science. Sol C. Johnson High School of Savannah, Ga. Miss Junior and Attendants—Left to right: Lillie Miss Freshman—Patricia Belcher, a graduate of Car- Kyles is a graduate of Sol C. Johnson High School, ver High School of Columbus, Georgia, is majoring Savannah, Georgia; Brenda Jordan, Miss Junior, is a in Sociology. graduate of Boddie High School, Milledgeville, Ga.; Patricia Ryan is a graduate of Monitor High School, Fitzgerald, Georgia. 4 CAMPUS QUEENS In marks outrageous and austere The years go by in single file; But none has merited my fear, And none has quite es- caped my smile. Elinor Wylie Miss Camilla Hubert Hall- Miss Wright Hall—Catherine Elizabeth Simpkins. Shavers. SJSlJwS>_ Miss Scroller — Jacqueline Miss New Girls' Dormitory- Miss Social Science—Frances Ryles. Murnace Coleman. Smith. Miss Technical Science and Miss Lampoda—Iris Wright. Attendant — Left to right: Marie Butler; Gwendolyn Mil- ler, Miss Technical Science. CAMPUS QUEENS The years teach much Which the days never know. All sorts of things and weather Must be taken together, To make up a year. Miss Kappa Alpha Psi and At- Miss Sigma Gamma Rho— tendant —Left to right: Eloise Eleanor Allen. Glover; Vivian McMillan, Miss Kappa. Miss Delta Sigma Theta and Miss Zeta Phi Beta — Ruth Miss Alpha Phi Alpha—Pa- Attendants — Left to right: Ziegler. tricia Ann Gardner is a Sopho- Florence Rhaney; Miss Delta, more from Magnolia, Missis- Minnie Thompson; and Har- sippi, majoring in Elementary versteen Harris. Education. Miss Omega Psi Phi and At Hss Phi Beta Sigma—Left to Miss Alpha Kappa Alpha and tendants—Left to right: Paul right: Ira Troup; Blondell Og- Attendants — Left to right: ette Johnson; Miss Omega, den, Miss Phi Beta Sigma; Donnie Pickett; Shirley Betty Gordon; and Frances Theresa Tillman. Bunche, Miss AKA; Margie Southerland. Simmons. FACTS ABOUT SSC Savannah State College is located off Taylor a sound and well-rounded, educational program for Road and Falligant Avenue, in the historic city of all of our students. The Board of Regents of the Savannah, Georgia, which is the oldest city and chief University System has authorized the following ad- seaport of the state, as well as the first capital. ditions to the physical plant at the College: The campus, comprising one hundred and thirty- 1. Another dormitory for 180 women at a cost six acres, presents a setting of matchless natural of approximately $520,000 will be constructed on beauty. Among the more outstanding buildings are: Taylor Road, south of Powell Hall and west of the Camilla Hubert Hall, Adams Hall, and Meldrim new dormitory for women completed this quarter. Hall, consisting of administrative offices, the audi- It is planned for occupancy in September, 1965. torium, and classrooms. 2. A two-story air-conditioned classroom build- There are several new buildings on the campus ing at a cost of approximately $500,000 is in the which include: a million dollar technical science final stages of planning, and will be built on Taylor building; a half-million dollar library; Wiley Gym- Road, south of the Technical Science Building across the street from Powell Hall. plant will nasium, which is annexed to Willcox Gymnasium; This consist Richard R. Wright Hall; a sewage disposal system, of 15 classrooms, data processing facilities, a lan- and a heating plant. guage laboratory, a reading clinic, and an adminis- tration area with office space for 33 instructors. A dormitory to house 100 women students was 3. A four-unit, all weather, lighted tennis court opened at the beginning of the Fall Quarter, 1964. has been erected adjacent to the athletic field, This two-story brick structure was constructed at a and now is in use. cost of approximately $280,000. It includes groom- ing rooms for beauty culture, a snack kitchen, a 4. A $400,000 annex to Wiley Gymnasium. laundrette, and a combination room for lounging, This new physical education facility will consist of reception and recreation. Two young ladies are a swimming pool, classrooms, and additional spec- housed in a room. tator seating for indoor sports. The science building has been remodeled, and 5. Plans and specifications for a dormitory to the College has a language laboratory equipped with accommodate 180 men are in the final stages. This various types of machines, and a reading clinic with dormitory will be built at the entrance of the cam- modern facilities. Hill Hall has been remodeled and pus, on the corner of Falligant Avenue and Taylor now houses a beautiful center, post office, snack bar, Road. It will be a modern three-story facility, and bookstore, the offices of Student Personnel Services, will consist of nine bedrooms of the studio type. and Testing and Guidance. Morgan Hall has been The building will include a lobby, recreational areas, remodeled and houses the business department. The and apartment for the house director, barber shop, College Infirmary, a modern eighteen-bed structure, room for TV viewing and laundromat. This new provides for students who require treatment or con- facility will be completely air-conditioned and con- finement for minor illness, has also been remodeled. structed at an approximate cost of $600,000. It is estimated that this dormitory will be ready for oc- The College now includes six divisions and 14 cupancy in September, 1966.
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