www.citizentimes.com ❚ SATURDAY, JANUARY 19, 2019 ❚ 9A The First Amendment Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to Opinions petition the Government for a redress of grievances. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Let federal workers eat cake I think the American public should know how poor the pundits Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter live. They both live in Palm Beach just a hop skip and jump from the president. I don’t think they have to worry about their mortgage, food, utility bills and are not pawning their jewelry to pay bills. Stanley Cohen, Fairview Asheville sent a heartwarming message I am writing to thank Asheville residents for shar- ing the true meaning of Christmas. There was a gen- erous response to pack shoe box gifts for Operation Christmas Child. Locally we collected 19,000 shoe box gifts. The shoe boxes gifts filled with fun toys, school supplies and hygiene items will demonstrate God’s love to children affected by poverty, disease and di- sasters. Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child has delivered more than 157 million gift-filled shoe boxes to children in more than 160 countries and territories. Volunteers at the local drop off locations loved hearing stories from the community about why they love donating to these children. Many families have donated year after year. Shoe box gifts can be packed any time. Continue served by Mission’s rural hospitals, they felt those the spirit of love in the upcoming Valentine season. hospitals were more vulnerable to closure. Go online and pack a personalized shoe box gift Standing up Others in the community had additional concerns. atsamaritanspurse.org/buildonline. Select toys and While talented business and legal minds would be gifts, write a note; sending love to a child in need. For necessary to ensure compliance with the sales agree- many recipients, it may be the first gift they have ever for Aunt ment, many community members were concerned received. Thank you again to everyone who partici- that the Dogwood Board lacked the diversity to ade- pated in this project. These gifts, packed with love, quately reflect the entire region. After all, women and send a message to children worldwide that they are minorities were seriously underrepresented on the loved and not forgotten. Mary Ann’s board. Margaret Thomas, Swannanoa The Health Equity Coalition was born of these con- cerns. Together with REACH, HEC organized town Where’s Mitch, Richard and Thom? health care halls, wrote letters-to-the-editor, called their local of- ficials, and got online to make sure Josh Stein knew The vast majority of Americans acknowledge that Your Turn about their issues. As the Attorney General, he had to there is a toddler in the White House. He has been a Sen. Terry Van Duyn approve the sale. little bully all his life, so he is not going to change his Guest columnist Their advocacy worked! Attorney General Josh behavior now. However, President Trump, with his Stein took the public input he received seriously, and many flaws, could be curtailed if the Senate would do tasked his staff to address each issue. HCA, Mission its job. Health, and the Dogwood Foundation came to the ta- The government shutdown was caused by Trump, My Aunt Mary Ann lived in Madison County, and ble, open and willing to negotiate a better deal. As a as he took guidance from the font of all knowledge, suffered with congestive heart failure. A lung cancer result, protection for our rural hospitals was extended Fox News, but it continues because the Senate, run by survivor, the aggressive treatment that cured her can- from five years to ten years. HCA also committed to McConnell and assisted by the likes of Burr and Tillis, cer left her with a damaged heart. She was neverthe- building a new Angel Medical Center in Franklin, and will not perform its constitutional duty as an equal less always pleasant and upbeat. An avid crafter, she a much-needed, 120-bed outpatient behavioral health and separate power to the executive branch. McCon- quilted security blankets for sick children, knitted facility in Asheville. nell’s refusal to bring any legislation to a vote in the caps for premature babies, and loved her weekly sew- And I’m relieved to say the updated agreement ad- Senate that the President isn’t guaranteed to sign, is a ing circle at the Beech Glen Community Center (Their dresses my own concerns about the services people clear dereliction of duty. group won a 1st place prize one year at the Asheville like my Aunt Mary Ann depend on. Providing addi- So, we have a toddler in the White House; the baby- Quilt Show!). Mary Ann had an enormously generous tional oversight by an independent monitor and the sitter, Mitch, nowhere to be found; and other sup- heart, but keeping it beating required complicated Attorney General makes it more likely rural hospitals posed adults, like Burr and Tillis, who are either look- medical tests, monitoring, and an occasional rush to will remain open. ing the other way, or worse yet, encouraging the tod- the ER when things got out of balance. Furthermore, the Dogwood Foundation is commit- dler to rant and rave. When Mission Health announced they were going ted to an open and inclusive process around their Meanwhile, we have almost a million people not to be acquired by for-profit HCA, I thought of people grant making. There will be a national search for an being paid and a countless number of other people like my aunt. Mission operates five rural hospitals. executive director, better ethnic, gender and rural rep- and businesses affected by the partial shutdown as Would a for-profit hospital system have the same resentation on the board, and public meetings across these government workers can no longer afford their commitment to keeping rural hospitals open that our the region to gather input about how it can fulfill its goods and services. All this, not for national security, local, non-profit system had? Rural hospitals struggle mission to improve health. but because talk show pundits tell the toddler that he to provide healthcare to a population that is dispro- The revised sales agreement demonstrates how must build a wall. It’s time for intelligent leadership in portionately uninsured. If they couldn’t generate a good things happen when public officials listen to America and the GOP has shown it cannot provide it. profit, what would happened to the people they their constituents and stakeholders are willing to Larry Heyl, Asheville served? work together for a common goal. I am so proud to live A group in Yancey County called SEARCH had sim- in a region united in our quest for a vibrant and Trump is only keeping his promise ilar concerns. They came together after the Labor and healthy Western North Carolina. Delivery Department closed at Blue Ridge Regional This is how good governance works. This government shutdown is not about a border Hospital in Spruce Pine and were already organized Sen. Terry Van Duyn (D-Buncombe) is a member of wall. It’s not about whether illegals can climb over or when the Mission-HCA acquisition was announced. the NC Senate representing District 49. tunnel under a wall. It’s not about whether a wall They viscerally understood what it means to live in should be concrete or steel. It’s not about how much it rural North Carolina and lose access to healthcare ser- costs. It’s nothing but pure politics and a total disre- vices. gard for the wellbeing of federal employees. SEARCH closely examined the Mission-HCA sales EDITORIAL BOARD Democrats know that building a wall and securing agreement. When a non-profit is sold to a for-profit the Southern border was the centerpiece of Trump’s entity, the proceeds of the sale remain with a non- campaign for office. Americans elected him based on profit, in this case, the newly formed Dogwood Foun- Dedicated to the that promise. Democrats know if they can prevent dation. Dogwood would ensure that HCA complied upbuilding of Western him from fulfilling that promise, it will give them with the provisions of the sale agreement and would North Carolina since 1870. something to run on in 2020, especially since they establish a process to use the income generated from now have nothing. the proceeds of the sale, $1.5 billion, to address un- Letters Policy With all the promises Trump has already kept, derlying causes of illness, otherwise known as social We invite Letters to the Editor of 200 words or less written Democrats fear that allowing him to keep his signa- determinants of health, throughout the region. by the submitter for the Citizen-Times. Please include your ture promise will assuredly guarantee his reelection. SEARCH members had serious concerns that the name, mailing address, daytime telephone number and This is the real reason they are willing to keep the gov- HCA-Mission sales agreement did not adequately email address. ernment shutdown, despite their past support for protect Mission’s rural hospitals. Their concerns Mail to: Letters, Asheville Citizen-Times, P.O. Box 2090, walls and border security. seemed justified when members of the Dogwood Asheville, NC 28802-2090. Don’t be fooled by the Democrat’s rhetoric! This is a Foundation Board were announced. Although the ini- E-mail: [email protected] power struggle over the office of the presidency and tial appointees to the board were an impressive group For information: Call Casey Blake at 828-232-5841 or email nothing more.
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