August 27, 2015 CURRICULUM VITAE Jürgen Streeck Professor of Communication Studies, Dept. of Communication Studies Anthropology, and Germanic Studies The University of Texas at Austin (512) 471-1955 2504A Whitis Ave. [email protected] Austin, TX 78712-0115 http://www.jurgenstreeck.net/ Education 1981 Ph.D. (Linguistics), Freie Universität Berlin (‘summa cum laude’). Dissertation: “Die soziale Ordnung kindlicher Interaktion: Eine mikroethnographische Studie.” (“The social order of child communication: A micro-ethnographic study”) 1976-1978 Graduate studies in sociology (additional course-work in linguistics and anthropology), University of California, San Diego; scholarship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) 1976 M.A. (Linguistics), Freie Universität Berlin (‘summa cum laude’). Master’s thesis: “Das methodologische Problem des Fremdverstehens sprachlicher Handlungen.” (The methodological problem of understanding linguistic actions) 1972-1976 Undergraduate and master’s student, Freie Universität Berlin (Linguistics, Sociology, Philosophy) 1970-1972 Undergraduate student, Universität Hamburg (Linguistics, Sociology, Philosophy) Employment 2013- Professor, Dept. of Communication Studies, University of Texas at Austin 1995-2013 Associate Professor, Dept. of Communication Studies, University of Texas at Austin 2003- Associate Professor (concurrent zero-time appointment), Dept. of Anthropology, University of Texas at Austin 1999- Associate Professor (concurrent zero-time appointment), Dept. of Germanic Studies, University of Texas at Austin 1989-1995 Assistant Professor, Language and Culture, Department of Speech Communication, University of Texas at Austin 1983-1989 Hochschulassistent (Assistant Professor), Linguistics, Fachbereich Germanistik, Freie Universität Berlin 1979-1983 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter (lecturer), Linguistics, Fachbereich Germanistik Freie Universität Berlin Visiting appointments 5/2013-4/2014 Georg-Gottfried-Gervinus Fellow and Visiting Professor, Graduate College “Self-Making: Historical and Interdisciplinary Aspects of Subjectivitation”, Carl-von-Ossietsky University, Oldenburg, Germany Jürgen Streeck page 2 2000 Visiting Professor, Faculty of Arts (Communication- and Information- Science), University of Utrecht, Netherlands; spring semester 1999 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Applied Linguistics, University of Vienna, Austria; fall semester 1998 Visiting Scholar, Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany; June 1998 Faculty, International Graduate School in Language and Communication, Odense University, Denmark; July 1994 Visiting Scholar, Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany; June-July 1993 Visiting Scholar, Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, Germany; June-July 1985 Visiting Scholar, Institute of the Linguistic Society of America, Georgetown University, Washington D.C. (awarded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft); summer 1983 Visiting Scholar, Institut für deutsche Sprache, Mannheim; fall semester Honors and Awards 5/2013–4/2014 Georg Gottfried Gervinus Fellowship, Minister for Science and Culture, Lower Saxonia, Germany, Humanities Program (EUR 95,000/$ 120,000) 2011 Anneliese-Maier Price for Research Cooperation, Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Germany (EUR 250,00; nominated) 2010 NCA Language and Social Interaction Outstanding Scholarly Publication Award (runner-up) 2011 Senior Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Albert- Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany; June-July 2010 Senior Fellow, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), Albert- Ludwigs-Universität, Germany; January-June 2005 Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZiF), Institute for Advanced Study, Bielefeld University, Germany; October 2005-August 2006 2005 Fellow to the George Christian Centennial Professorship, UT Austin; summer 2004 Fellow, Center for Interdisciplinary Research/ZiF, Universität Bielefeld, Germany; May-August 2002-05 Inaugural President, International Society for Gesture Studies 1997 Dean’s Fellow, U of Texas at Austin; spring semester 1994 Fellow to the Joe W. Neal Centennial Fellowship, College of Communication, University of Texas at Austin (“Speech Handling”); summer 1993 College of Communication Research Award, U of Texas at Austin 1991 Summer Research Award, University Research Institute, The University of Texas at Austin (“Gesture in Human Communication: A Cross-Cultural Study”) Jürgen Streeck page 3 1990 Fellow to the William Hobby Fellowship, College of Communication, The University of Texas at Austin; summer 1976-77 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Scholarship, International Graduate Program (graduate studies at UC San Diego) Grants 2008 Undergraduate Mentorship “Micropolitics” (support for one graduate student and three undergraduate research assistants; $ 8.750) 2001 Research Internship ($ 11,000 and benefits, for recruitment of graduate student), Office of Graduate Studies, U of Texas at Austin 1997 Research Internship ($ 11,000 and benefits, for recruitment of graduate student), Office of Graduate Studies, U of Texas at Austin 1987 “Sprachliche Interaktion im typologischen Vergleich” (Verbal Interaction in Comparative/Typlogical Perspective); Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Science Foundation); principal investigator ($ 60,000). Linguistic field research, collecting of video- data, and data analysis on relationships between language type and interactional organization in the Philippine (Austronesian) language Ilokano Small and technical grants 1999 “World@Rap: Language, Culture, and Social Interaction in the Mirror of Hip-Hop.” FasTEX grant, The University of Texas at Austin 1998 “Streaming Technology in Research and Instruction on Language, Culture, and Interaction.” Project QUEST, The University of Texas at Austin. (Compaq Workstation) 1998 The Hewlett Foundation, “Unity in Diversity Initiative.” ($ 4000 for redesigning classes in Intercultural Communication to facilitate group- work; with Senem Güney) 1996 “Animating Language.” Motorola Small Grants Program ($ 2,000) 1995 “SILC Modules: Multimedia Components for Instruction in Social interaction, Language, and Culture.” Project QUEST, The University of Texas at Austin. (Apple PowerMac computer) 1993 “American Gesture: A Multimedia Gallery for Visual and Interactive Learning.” Jamail Research Grant, College of Communication, The University of Texas at Austin 1993 Project QUEST, The University of Texas at Austin. Development of a multimedia work-space for student projects in the analysis of human interaction 1986 “Konversationelle Interaktion im Kulturvergleich”. Freie Universität Berlin ($ 2,500) PUBLICATIONS: Books Jürgen Streeck page 4 forthcoming Self-Making Man. A Day of Action, Life and Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Under contract, ms. accepted. 483 + 122 pp. 2009 Gesturecraft. The Manu-facture of Meaning. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. (Paperback edition 2011) xii, 235 pp. Reviews: W.D. Crano, Contemporary Psychology, APA Review of Books. Vol. 54, Release 48, Article 7, 2009 N.J. Enfield, Pragmatics and Cognition. 18:2, 2010, 465-467 J. Wilcox, Sign Language and Linguistics, 13:1, 2010, 69-74 E. Sara Rovira, The Journal of Specialized Translation, 17, 2012, 295-6 K. Murphy, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 22, 1, 2012, 130-132 J. Haviland, Gesture, 12:2, 2012, 227-252 L. Monada, Language in Society, 42, 2013, 331-340 Review article: C. Meyer, Gestenforschung als Praxeologie: Zu Jürgen Streecks mikro- ethnographischer Theorie der Gestik. Gesprächsforschung – Online Zeitschrift zur verbalen Interaktion. 11, 2010, 208-230 Book notice: U. Sassenberg, Language and Dialogue, 1:2, 2011, 339-40 1983 Kommunikation in einer kindlichen Sozialwelt. Tübingen: Narr. xiv, 241 pp. 1983 Social Order in Child Communication. Amsterdam: Benjamins, B.V. (English version of Kommunikation in einer kindlichen Sozialwelt). vi, 130 pp. PUBLICATIONS: Edited books and special journal issue forthcoming C.Meyer, J.Streeck, & J.S. Jordan (eds.). Intercorporeality: Emerging Socialities in Interaction. Under contract, manuscript submitted. 631pp., Oxford University Press. 2011 Streeck, J.,C. Goodwin & C. LeBaron (eds.). Embodied Interaction. Language and Body in the Material World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. xiii, 308 pp. 2010 Streeck, J. (ed.). New Adventures in Language and Interaction. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. vi, 275 pp. 2009 Anticipation and Projection in Embodied Interaction. Special double issue. Discourse Processes, 46, 2-3, 2009. Eds. J. Streeck & J. S. Jordan. 175 pp. 1986 Children’s Worlds and Children’s Language. Eds. J. Cook-Gumperz, W. Corsaro & J. Streeck. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. x, 487 pp. PUBLICATIONS: Edited book in progress Modalities and Temporalities: Convergence and Divergence of Bodily Resources for Action. Eds. A. Deppermann & J. Streeck. In preparation for “Pragmatics & Beyond” book series. Amsterdam: Benjamins B.V. Jürgen Streeck page 5 PUBLICATIONS: Refereed journal articles 2015 Embodiment in human communication. Annual Review of Anthropology, 44, 419– 38 (invited publication) forthcoming Oshima, S. & J. Streeck, Coordinating talk and practical action: The case of service assessments. Pragmatics and Society. Accepted for publication. forthcoming Streeck, J. & K. Harrison. Children’s interactions in a face-to-face society. The case of a South-American plaza. Pragmatics and Society. 6:3, 2015, 305-338 2013 Interaction and the living body Journal of Pragmatics. Special issue on multimodal interaction. Journal of
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