SOUTH AFRICAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY (SATS) Programa Doctoral Latinoamericano (PRODOLA) SLAVIC IMMIGRATION AS AGENT OF MISSION: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE IN THE PROVINCE OF MISIONES, ARGENTINA By Pablo Lewczuk A Dissertation submitted to the Latin American Doctoral Program on graduate studies of Theology, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Theology (Ph.D) December 15th, 2016 1 Acknowledgments No man is an island. A research of this kind requires the concurrence of many people to get accomplished. Among the many that helped me during these several years of investigation, development and writing phases, the author like to acknowledge the particular contribution of: The Staff and PRODOLA´S board, for support, tolerance and motivation in every stage of the project in course. Specifically, to Pablo A. Deiros and Norma Calafate for self-denying financial and loving care in the study and investigation process. The all of family members, for an unconditional support at all moments and circumstances. With their motivations, inspiration and cooperation, this project would have never been completed. The people who were Key informants and providers of texts, information, books and ideas. Without them the research would have never been enriched and exhaustive. Names are not mentioned to not be debtor of anybody. The list of mentions is ample and of high value by each one of the generous aid. The contribution of each of the translators from Spanish to English who worked, even against the clock, so that the work was delivered in the times established in the PRODOLA´s schedule. The Lord, Source of all wisdom and health so that the written work, even under pressure, is of inspiration, help and a tool of mission for the expansion of the God´s Kingdom. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Guideline of the study problem ……………………………………………….... 9 2. Justification ……………………………………………………………………... 10 3. The overall research objective …………………………………………………. 11 4. The research´s great question …………………………………………………. 12 5. The research´s specific questions ………………………………………………. 12 6. Specific objectives 13 ………………………………………………………………. 7. Definitions ………………………………………………………………………. 13 8. The subject delimitation ………………………………………………………… 19 9. The investigation method ………………………………………………………. 19 9.01. Kind of investigation ………………………………………………………… 19 9.02. Population study ……………………………………………………………. 20 9.03.Validation of methodological procedures …………………………………… 21 CHAPTER 1 THE IMMIGRATION AS AN AGENT OF MISSIO DEI IN THE BIBLE …………. 23 1.1. An approach and definitions of concepts related to immigration and mission in the Bible 23 ………………………………………………………………………………. 1.2. Immigration and mission in terms of the Old and New Testament ………………. 39 1.3. The biblical and theological foundations: Immigration and mission in the Bible 47 1.3.1. The image of God and Immigration …………………………………………… 47 1.3.2. Immigration in Patriarchal context 51 ……………………………………………… 1.3.3. The Missio Dei and immigration in exiles and diasporas ………………………. 54 1.3.4. Immigration care: the hospitality, the laws for strangers and foreigners ………. 60 1.3.5. The relationship between Missio Dei and Immigration in New Testament ……. 66 1.3.6. Jesus: An Immigrant? 67 …………………………………………………………… 1.3.7. Jesus and his relationship with foreigner………………………………………... 70 1.4.8. Early Christian and immigrants ………………………………………………… 73 CHAPTER 2 DIAGNOSIC AND INTERPRETATION OF HISTORICAL AND CURRENT SLAVIC IMMIGRATION IN THE PROVINCE OF MISIONES, ARGENTINA …. 78 2.1. The reasons for the arrival of the Slavic immigrants……………………………… 78 2.2. The context of Slavic immigrants in Europe 80 ……………………………………… 2.2.1. The immigrants and socio- political and geographical context in Europe …… 82 2.2.2. The social and religious context of Slavic immigrants in Argentina …… 86 2.3. The context of the National Provincial land of Misiones 87 …………………………. 2.4. The distinctive signs of the Christian faith in the immigrant´s endurance ………. 96 2.4.1. The Polish Roman Catholic, Byzantine and Orthodox Christians ……………… 96 2.4.2. The Slavic Evangelical Protestants …………………………………………… 106 2.4.3. A fragile unity ………………………………………………………………… 107 2.4.4. The great ideological referents: Foreign dilemma……………………………… 110 3 2.5. The historical contributions of Slavic communities in the origins of the National Territory of Misiones, Argentina ……………………………………………………… 120 2.5.1. The new demography…………………………………………………………… 120 2.5.2. The Provincial development ……………………………………………………. 122 2.5.3. The cooperative movement ……………………………………………………. 127 CHAPTER 3 THE SOCIAL, CULTURAL, ETHNOLOGICAL AND RELIGIOUS DIAGNOSIS OF SLAVS IMMIGRANTS IN THE PROVINCE OF MISIONES, ARGENTINA… 131 3.1. The social and cultural hallmarks of Slavic immigrants …………………………. 131 3.1.1. Definitions on social and cultural concepts ……………………………………. 131 3.1.2. Slavic idiomatic and dialects gyres through history …………………………... 132 3.1.3. Russian hybridization language between the different Slavic groups 139 3.1.4. The expansion and variants of the Slavic languages by the first immigrants…… 141 3.1.5. The Slavic immigrations and its linguistic patterns ……………………………. 144 3.1.6. The Slavic multilingualism and Christian religious life ………………………. 149 3.2. The social, cultural and religious roles of the Slavic immigrants on the provincial development …………………………………………………………………………… 164 3.2.1. The adaptive process: The colono style (Estilo colono) ………………………. 164 3.2.2. The immigrant´s influence on the individual and social provincial ethos ……. 170 3.2.3. The promoting a diverse Christianhood ………………………………………. 177 3.3. The correlation between socio – religious influences in the founding period and today …………………………………………………………………………………… 178 3.3.1. The Byzantine rite in Catholic Church ………………………………………… 178 3.3.2. The Ukrainian Church of the Byzantine rite…………………………………… 179 3.3.3. The Russian Orthodox Church: Moscow Patriarchy…………………………… 180 3.3.4. The called Russian Orthodox Church exile ……………………………………. 180 3.4. The Evangelical Churches………………………………………………………… 183 3.4.1. Evangelical Christian and Baptist Slavic Churches ……………………………. 183 3.4.2. The influence of Evangelical movement ………………………………………. 183 3.4.3. The influence from European evangelical movement …………………………. 185 3.4.4. The influence from North American Slavic movement ………………………. 187 3.4.5. The Evangelical Slavic Pentecostalism ………………………………………. 189 CONCLUSION 4.1. The project validation ……………………………………………………………. 192 4.1.1. The Bible and theological bases for immigrant issues: Old and New Testaments 192 4.1.2. The Christian Slavic Immigrations: An historic lesson for contemporary issues. 199 4.1.3. The contribution of social sciences to immigrant´s mission dilemma in 21st century…………………………………………………………………………… 202 4.2. The project groundwork ………………………………………………………… 204 4.3. The missiological contributions …………………………………………………. 207 4.3.1. United States of America ………………………………………………………. 210 4.3.2. Europe …………………………………………………………………………. 213 4.3.3. Latin America …………………………………………………………………. 215 4.3.4. The ethics dilemma and immigration today …………………………………… 218 4.3.5. The attitudes to immigrants today ……………………………………………… 220 APPENDIX 4 1. Tables: Geographical, political and demographical maps……………………… 223 2. Figures: Research for interviews and information gathering …………………. 228 3. Tables: Contemporary socio – demographical and cultural outputs …………… 240 4. Tables: Definition about “Evangelicos Protestantes.”…………………………. 246 BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………………… 249 BIBLE AND GENERAL ABBREVIATIONS Old Testament Genesis Gen. 2 Chronicles 2 Chron. Ezekiel Ezek. Exodus Ex. Ezra Ezra Daniel Dan. Leviticus Lev. Nehemiah Neh. Hosea Hos. Numbers Num. Esther Est. Joel Joel Deuteronomy Dt. Job Job Amos Amos Joshua Josh. Psamls Ps. Obadiah Obad. Judges Judg. Proverbs Prov. Jonah Jonah Ruth Ruth Ecclesiastes Eccl. Micah Mic. 1 Samuel 1 Sam. Song of Song Nahum Nah. Solomon 2 Samuel 2 Sam. Proverbs Prov. Habakkuk Hab. 1 Kings 1 Kings Isaiah Is. Zephaniah Zeph. 2 Kings 2 Kings Jeremiah Jer. Haggai Hag. 1 Chronicles 1 Chron. Lamentations Lam. Zechariah Zech. Malachi Mal. New Testament Matthew Matt. Ephesians Eph. Hebrews Heb. Mark Mark Philippians Phill. James James Luke Luke Colossians Col. 1 Peter 1 Pet. John John 1 Thessalonians 1 Thess. 2 Peter 2 Pet. Acts Acts 2 Thessalonians 2 Thess. 1 John 1 John Romans Rom. 1 Timothy 1 Tim. 2 John 2 John 1 Corinthians 1 Cor. 2 Timothy 2 Tim. 3 John 3 John 2 Corinthians 2 Cor. Titus Titus Jude Jude Galatians Gal. Philemon Philem. Revelation Rev. General Abbreviations A.C. After Christ Ac. Acres APA American Psychological Association BWA Baptist World Alliance c. about, approximately ch., chs. Chapter (s) CABA Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires CEMLA Centro de estudios migratorios para América Latina (Study Center for 5 Immigration in Latin America) Ch. Chapter d. died e.g. for example ESV English Standard Version etc. and so on EC-B Russian abbreviation: Evangeli Cristiani y Baptisti (Christian Evangelical and Baptist) HCJB Spanish: Hoy Cristo Jesús bendice. English equivalence: Heralding Christ Jesus Blessing KJV King James Version ND No date NIV New International Version n.p./n.pp. No page/s NT New Testament OT Old Testament No. Number p., pp. page(s) RFSSR Equivalent to Socialistic Federative and Soviet Republic of Russia (In Russian: Российская Советская Федеративная Социалистическая Республика, Российская PСФСР, between November 7th of 1917 to January 25th of 1918) SSSR Soyuz Sovietskij Sotsialicheskij Respublik (Soviet Socialistic
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