GABON USAT 3 pgs.qxd 21/2/11 16:39 Página 1 Distributed by USA TODAY Our World Thursday, February 17, 2011 9 GABON Fast forward emergence on extracting manganese, but Oil has made the the other is with Huazhou Mining, a subsidiary of Chi- small, sparsely na’s CITIC group. Chinese timber and logging compa- populated state nies are also very interested in Gabon’s timber. of Gabon one of Last year, which marked the fiftieth anniversary of Gabon’s the wealthiest in independence, saw a series of deals with companies in India Africa, but with and Singapore. Contracts worth US$4.5 billion have production in been signed for the con- struction of roads, housing decline new units and a refinery, and to expand timber and palm oil ways of securing production. Moves to develop the econ- the future must omy appear to be paying off. The IMF recently revised its be found growth projections following Gabon’s faster-than-expected nation of just 1.5 recovery from a setback in million people, 2009 caused by the global cri- oil-rich Gabon en- sis and low oil prices. High- joys a per capita lighting increased public income four times investment and the rebound in Athat of most nations of sub-Sa- mining, the IMF raised its haran Africa. One of Africa’s growth forecast for 2010 from largest producers of petrole- 5.1% to 5.7%, and for 2011 from um, it pumps out around 4% to 5.6%. 250,000 barrels of oil per day. President Bongo says the Gabon Emergent is the strat- When President Ali Bongo traveled to Washington in early March 2010, Secretary of State Clinton articulated U.S. support of Gabon’s efforts to diversify its economy case for investing in Gabon is egy initiated by President Ali strong. “Above all, we want to Bongo Ondimba to create an prove standards of governance, meaningful and lasting change Increased spending by the ing day and the establishment create an environment where emerging economy. Resting on eliminate corruption, and for the country,” the President government is aimed at con- of a national oil company to the question is no longer why three pillars – Green Gabon, modernize the workforce. has said. “One of our princi- solidating growth, with pri- consolidate the government’s invest in Gabon, but how will Service Gabon and Industrial “We have deliberately fo- pal areas of focus is on reform ority being given to agriculture stakes in the oil fields and we invest in Gabon? The an- Gabon – it aims to reduce re- cused on driving reform in to encourage and facilitate in- and infrastructure. One of the manage revenues. swer is responsibly, and for the liance on oil production, im- key strategic areas to deliver vestment.” most significant moves has Gabon has been aggressive- long term. Gabon is open for been the banning of the export ly pursuing private investment business and it is open to all.” of raw timber, which Presi- from abroad, and getting it not dent Bongo wants to see just from France, its former A UNITED WORLD processed locally to add val- colonial master and leading in- SUPPLEMENT PRODUCED CGC ensures trade fluidity ue to forest and wood prod- vestor, but also from Asia. IN GABON BY: ucts before export. At the Huge new manganese Clementine Hazeran and same time, there is strong em- mines are being built as a re- Jeremie Godreche that is safe, fast and guaranteed phasis on environmental sus- sult of deals signed last year. tainability. One is with the French met- This report is available at The Conseil Gabonais des Chargeurs (CGC), or Gabonese Loader Council, supervises the Other changes include the als company Eramet, which nation’s trade and freight sector to guarantee secure goods transportation introduction of a longer work- previously had a monopoly www.unitedworld-usa.com A new entrepreneurial spirit is pervading the nation’s business st sectors, unleashing a wealth of opportunities for any enter- Africa’s 1 universal healthcare prise looking to invest in Gabon. The country is now The Gabonese government the World Health Organiza- pulsory universal healthcare more than ever predisposed to is fighting poverty and social tion). This situation causes insurance,” says Michel welcome all types of invest- exclusion through broader global impoverishment that Mboussou, managing direc- ments, with the President cre- access to healthcare acts like a vicious cycle, crip- tor of CNAMGS. ating a liberal business partners are OPRAG and GPM, extended economic data on the pling the economy and slow- This new national health in- environment and throwing since 90% of the trade is done country’s exports and imports, The Health Insurance and ing development. surance will improve access to open Gabon’s trading doors to via Gabon’s maritime ports, but the organization transfers reli- Social Guarantee Office, or Over the past two years, health for nearly all social stra- the global business communi- it also interacts with aviation, able, up-to-date and decisive CNAMGS, was created in CNAMGS has been in ta of the population by light- ty. As such, international ex- rail and road companies to sup- data in real time to the govern- August 2007 in an effort to charge of ensuring health and ening individual charges, while ports and imports are both on port the remaining 10% need ment and shipping companies, tackle poverty and the ob- welfare coverage for ‘Eco- providing healthcare institu- the rise. for transportation. providing statistics and figures stacles many families have nomically Weak Gabonese’ tions with assured financial Optimizing the commercial The CGC works with major that help them to anticipate and in accessing healthcare. Cur- (EWG), and in the coming means. This mechanism is a flow is the raison d’être of the transportation companies, such manage trade traffic. rently, the majority of the year, it will spread coverage clear indication of Ali Bongo Conseil Gabonais des as Maersk and CMA CGM, as As regulators, the CGC tar- population in Gabon spends over to state workers and the Ondimba’s social policy, which Chargeurs (CGC), a regulating well as with the government. Its gets trade fluidity throughout the better part of their in- private sectors. “At the end of is based on the principle of entity that takes care of super- activities act as reliable indica- the country and makes sure the come on health services (an this process, Gabon will be “everyone contributes accord- vising all the players in the trade tors for the Gabonese econo- transportation chain is safe, fast average of 52.1% of house- the first country in sub-Sa- ing to his means, but receives and freight sectors. Its main my. Indeed, while gathering and guaranteed. hold income, according to haran Africa to settle a com- according to his needs.” Sogatra’s new fleet will be a Upgrading Gabon’s main boost for public transport access to world markets Following years of being Because Gabon’s economy depends on exports of raw materials – chiefly oil, overlooked, investing wood and minerals – Gabon’s ports are vital to the country’s development heavily in public transport is now a government priority The macro-economic analy- some of the planned im- delays. In order to complete sis has shown that ports were provements. “On the site of these operations, logistics Almost immediately upon en- Gabon’s real economic lungs. Owendo, we plan to increase zones have been created to tering office, President Ali Bon- As proof, 90% of the country’s the quay length: we will extend benefit the industries.” go Ondimba made good on his total trade passes through the our current quays up to 300 At Gabon’s ports, OPRAG pre-election promise to revive ports. For this reason, Gabon’s linear meters,” he says. “These works in partnership with the state-owned public trans- port authority (OPRAG) has quays will be equipped with Gabon Port Management, a portation company Sogatra by developed a strategic vision, in container cranes and should subsidiary of Singapore’s rapidly allocating significant line with the President’s Emer- be delivered at the beginning Portek International, which new funds to provide better gence Plan, that could be of 2013. was awarded the concession of equipment and around 100 summed up in five points: the “In the meantime, one of our port operations in 2007. new buses in his first year as reinforcement of the State’s priority actions is to overcome Philipe Gery, CEO of Gabon head of state. role and power, the will to be the absence of modern han- Port Management, describes “What is being done today at aligned to the international dling equipment with the ac- the idea behind the ambitious Sogatra in such an extremely norms, the improvement of quisition and operation, by upgrades to the Port of Owen- short time is something that we Sogatra’s secure transportation services are key to improving urban life the ports’ infrastructure, the June 2011, of two 100-ton mo- do: “The idea is to make the have never witnessed before,” development of the internal bile cranes. Another project is port evolve from a poor con- says Aloise Bekale Ntoutoume, vate hire, ideal for large func- also connects the capital city competencies to be more com- the construction of a truly dition, just reaching the de- managing director of Sogatra. tions such as weddings and with Ntoum, Kango and Lam- petitive, and to become a re- modern port authority build- mand of the Gabonese “In all, we will need at least 250 seminars. baréné. Its plans to spread fur- gional hub.
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