August 20, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1061 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO THE WASATCH FRONT IN HONOR OF CHIEF OF STAFF, GUNNERY SGT. SCOTT A. REGIONAL COUNCIL TIM WALSH KOPPENHAFER HON. BEN McADAMS HON. JUAN VARGAS HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON OF CALIFORNIA OF UTAH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, August 20, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Mr. VARGAS. Madam Speaker, I rise today Tuesday, August 20, 2019 to honor my departing Chief of Staff, Tim Mr. MCADAMS. Madam Speaker, I would Walsh, and his years of dedication to our Mr. TIPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today like to congratulate the Wasatch Front Re- country and the communities of California’s to honor the life and service of Marine Gun- gional Council on the occasion of its 50th an- 51st Congressional District. After eight years nery Sgt. Scott A. Koppenhafer of Mancos, niversary, celebrated this year on March 28, of service as my Chief of Staff, first at the Colorado. Gunnery Sgt. Koppenhafer was 2019. California State Senate and later in the United killed in combat on Saturday, August 10, 2019 WFRC is the Metropolitan Planning Organi- States House of Representatives, Tim Walsh while serving alongside the Iraqi Security zation for the majority of the Wasatch Front is departing my office with a track record of Forces in a planned operation in northern Iraq. Region in Utah. It is a collaborative body com- success and leaving behind an unparalleled Instead of pursuing a job in business fol- prised of city and county officials, transpor- team reflective of his dedicated leadership. lowing his degree completion at Adams State tation agencies, and other stakeholders, who Tim Walsh is a native of California and a University, Gunnery Sgt. Koppenhafer decided work together to plan for the future of the Re- proud San Diegan. His professional experi- to enlist in the U.S. Marine Corps. His deci- gion. As a convener, WFRC works with its ence spans the public and private sector as sion to serve was made during an intense pe- partners to build consensus and enhance the founding member of two companies at the riod of war against radical terrorists who con- quality of life by developing and implementing highest levels of public management as well tinue to threaten our nation’s liberties and visions and plans for a well-functioning multi- as an adjunct university professor. Coinciden- freedom. Knowing the dangers that accom- modal transportation system, livable commu- tally, we are both Magna Cum Laude grad- pany serving in war, Gunnery Sgt. nities, a strong economy, and a healthy envi- uates of the University of San Diego with Koppenhafer heroically put aside his civilian ronment. Bachelors of Arts in Political Science. Tim is also a graduate of the inaugural class of the life ambitions and instead chose to serve his The Region’s geography is unique. Bounded country. east and west by mountains and lakes, the lin- Master of Arts in Peace and Justice Studies ear metropolitan area extends 100 miles north Program of the University of San Diego, where As one of the world’s most lethal fighting to south, along the Wasatch Mountains. The he was awarded a Gandhi Fellowship, as well forces, Marines are also well-known for their majority of Utah’s population lives in the Re- as a graduate of the Price School of Policy, motto, Semper Fidelis, or always faithful. Gun- gion. Since 1969, Utah’s population has grown Planning and Development at the University of nery Sgt. Koppenhafer adhered to this motto from just over 1 million to over 3 million today, Southern California. and perhaps best exemplified it during his time and it is projected to top 5 million by 2050. As you may know, in 2016, I was named in service which spanned nearly 14 years and This growth presents challenges, but also tre- one of the ‘‘Hardest-Working Members of Con- three deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He mendous opportunities, on which WFRC gress.’’ While I am proud of that recognition, built an impressive resume over that period seeks to capitalize through proactive, collabo- every Member of Congress relies on a dedi- which includes two Bronze Stars, a 2018 Ma- rative planning and implementation. cated team. I would not have received this rine Corps Forces Special Operations Com- award, garnered nearly one billion dollars of Utah is widely referred to as the Crossroads mand’s Critical Skills Operator of the Year infrastructure funding for my district, or accom- of the West. The multi-modal transportation award, honor graduate for the special oper- plished many other things for this wonderful system that distinctively serves the broader ations training school, and dozens of other country and my district, without Tim’s dedi- Wasatch Front Region—and the nation—found prestigious military medals and decorations. cated leadership. its birth in the WFRC plans. These plans were Gunnery Sgt. Koppenhafer set himself apart If asked, Tim will share that his greatest also fundamental in development of Utah’s from his peers by setting the example with his source of pride is his family. As the youngest Unified Transportation Plan, the first com- remarkable record and dedication to putting of six children in a proud Irish Catholic clan, prehensive, coordinated, multimodal statewide country over self. he credits his parents, Bill and Penny Walsh, transportation plan in the nation, which has re- with providing a secure foundation leading all Madam Speaker, Gunnery Sgt. ceived recognition as a national best practice his brothers and sisters to lives of great oppor- Koppenhafer’s life was taken all too soon. His from the U.S. Department of Transportation tunity. As a new father, he is excited about the death not only impacts his brothers and sisters and others. opportunity to spend more time with his baby in the Corps, but he also leaves behind two On transportation and other quality of life girl, his remarkable wife, and the rest of their children, his wife, and his parents Gerald and issues such as land use, housing, and eco- loving family. Carla. Among his fellow Marines and family nomic development, WFRC and its partners Madam Speaker, I would like to echo the members, his hometown of Mancos bears the have kept an eye to the future and a coopera- teachings of John Wooden who said, ‘‘It is immense weight of his loss. With a population tive spirit. This has been instrumental to devel- amazing how much can be accomplished if no the size of many high schools across the oping and maintaining one of the top-rated one cares who gets the credit.’’ Tim truly lives country, the loss of one from our small com- economies and most enviable places to live, by this motto. I am certain that Tim Walsh’s munity is felt by all who live there. It is with a work and play in the nation. future success will eclipse his significant past heavy heart that I, along with so many from The Wasatch Front Regional Council is a accomplishments. the area, say goodbye to such an upstanding fine example of how collaborative efforts will On behalf of California’s 51st Congressional citizen and a true American hero. I send my continue to shape plans looking ahead to District, I would like to formally honor Tim deepest condolences to Gunnery Sgt. 2050 and beyond, helping to ensure high qual- Walsh on his years of dedicated service to the Koppenhafer’s family and pray that God’s ity of life for Utah’s current residents and gen- nation and California’s 51st Congressional grace provides them with the comfort they erations to come. District. need to heal. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:54 Aug 21, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A20AU8.001 E20AUPT1 E1062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 20, 2019 CONGRATULATING KOBY BRACK- On June 13, 1959, Rose married the love of the Center continued operations in rented fa- ENMEYER FOR HIS WIN AT THE her life, Marvin Hanshaw, who died June 4, cilities until a beautiful new building opened STATE FINALS BOYS’ TRACK 2018, and during their 58 years together, they two years later. AND FIELD TOURNAMENT IN enjoyed the love and joy that family brought to The new Center was built nearly for free by THE 4X800 METER RELAY them. contractors who wanted to give back to their She will be deeply missed by three sons, community. One of those contractors grew up HON. CHERI BUSTOS Deacon Michael Hanshaw and his wife, in the neighborhood served by the Southwest Community Center. The Center’s services and OF ILLINOIS Stacey, of Liberty, David Hanshaw of caring atmosphere helped him thrive and suc- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lordstown and Frank Hanshaw and his wife, Jessica, of Howland. ceed, which is also true for hundreds of other Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Her grandchildren brought much joy and men, women, and children from this Santa Mrs. BUSTOS. Madam Speaker, I rise today pride into Nana’s life, as she was affection- Ana neighborhood. to recognize Koby Brackemeyer, a junior from ately known as, and she delighted in sharing Ms. Jones’ receipt of the ‘‘Lifetime Achieve- Morrison High School, for winning the Illinois in all of the significant moments of their lives ment Award’’ from the Community Action Part- High School Association’s Class 1A State from school sporting events to high school nership of Orange County is a true testament Finals Boys Track and Field Tournament in graduations.
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