EgeEge Coğrafya Coğrafya Dergisi, Dergisi 26 /228 (201 (1),7 201), 1-91,9 3, 3İzmir-50, İzmir-TÜRKİYE AegeanAegean Geographical Geographical Journal, Journal, 26/2 2 (208 (117),), 201 1-19,, Izmir33-5—0,TURKEY İzmir-TURKEY ARAŞTIRMA MAKALESİ / RESEARCH ARTICLE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF MODERN AND POSTMODERN ACCOMMODATION SUPPLY: A CASE STUDY OF İZMİR (TURKEY) Modern ve postmodern konaklama arzlarının coğrafi dağılışı: İzmir (Türkiye) örneği Ersin DEMİR 1 Gözde EMEKLİ Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Ege Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Coğrafya Bölümü Coğrafya Bölümü [email protected] [email protected] ORCID: 0000-0003-3772-8567 ORCID: 0000-0001-8528-5209 (Teslim: 26 Mart 2019; Düzeltme: 10 Temmuz 2019; Kabul: 10 Temmuz 2019) (Received: March 26, 2019; Revised: July 10; Accepted: July 10, 2019) Abstract In this study, the geographical distribution of modern accommodation facilities and postmodern sharing residences in Izmir are compared. First, the geographical distribution of traditional facilities was observed by using the data of Izmir Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. Afterwards, the locations of local residents who included their living spaces in CouchSurfing and Airbnb were determined. In this respect, 392 CouchSurfers were selected by random sampling method and they completed an online survey. The spatial data of Airbnb residences, on the other hand, were obtained from Airdna. According to the findings, modern supply is concentrated in districts such as Çeşme (96-35%), Selçuk (19-7%) and Menderes (15-5%) which are characterized by sea-sun-sand and material, whereas postmodern supply is concentrated in Karşıyaka (181-12%), Bornova (161-11%), and Buca (61-4%) which are outside the traditional accommodation corridor and focus on non-material culture. On the other hand, the supply of Airbnb provides accommodation in the districts such as Çeşme (339-32%), Urla (46-4%) and Karaburun (44-4%) where traditional facilities are generally concentrated. The geographical distribution of modern (69-25%) and postmodern (235-16%) supply in central Izmir shows parallelism only in Konak. When this similarity on the district is examined on a quarter levels however, it turns out that the facilities are concentrated in central and coastal quarters and adjacent quarters whereas the residences are more dispersed and are located in the outskirts. In conclusion, the opening of residences in tourism by individuals, adopting the sharing culture, has brought about more balanced distribution of accommodation within the destination. It has provided a range of locations and prices as well as creating an alternative accommodation possibility and this situation allows post-tourists to go outside of tourist bubble and transition to areas in the back regions which are the actual residential areas. Keywords: Postmodern tourism, network society, sharing economy, CouchSurfing, Airbnb, Izmir. 1 Sorumlu Yazar/ Corresponding author: Ersin DEMİR / [email protected] EGE COĞRAFYA DERGİSİ Aegean Geographical Journal, VOL. 28 (1), 33-50, (2019) 34 Ersin DEMİR & Gözde EMEKLİ Öz Bu çalışmada, modern turizmin geleneksel konaklama tesisleri ile postmodern turizmin paylaşım konutlarının coğrafi dağılışı ve bu dağılışın nedenleri İzmir ölçeğinde ele alınmıştır. İlk olarak, İzmir İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü verilerinden yararlanılarak, geleneksel konaklama tesislerinin coğrafi dağılışı yapılmıştır. Daha sonra, yaşam alanlarını CouchSurfing ve Airbnb platformlarına dâhil eden yerel sakinlerin kümelendiği lokasyonlar tespit edilmiştir. Bu bağlamda, CouchSurfing platformu üzerinden rastgele örneklem yöntemiyle belirlenen 392 kişiye çevrimiçi anket uygulanmış, Airbnb konutlarının mekânsal verileri ise Airdna aracılığıyla elde edilmiştir. Çalışma kapsamında, modern arz unsurlarının; deniz-kum-güneş ve maddi kültür öğeleriyle karakterize olan Çeşme (96-%35), Selçuk (19-%7), Menderes (15-%5) gibi ilçelerde, postmodern arz unsurlarının ise Karşıyaka (181-%12), Bornova (161-%11), Buca (61-%4) gibi geleneksel konaklama koridorunun dışarısında kalan ve maddi olmayan kültür öğeleri merkezli destinasyonlarda yoğunlaştığı saptanmıştır. Ayrıca, Airbnb arz unsurları ağırlıklı olarak geleneksel konaklama tesislerinin kümelendiği; Çeşme (339-%32), Urla (46-%4), Karaburun (44-%4) gibi diğer ilçelerde alternatif konaklama imkânı sağlamaktadır. Modern (69-%25) ile postmodern (235-%16) arz unsurlarının kent merkezindeki coğrafi dağılışı, sadece Konak’ta paralellik göstermektedir. İlçe bazındaki bu benzerlik, mahalle ölçeğinde irdelendiğinde ise geleneksel tesislerin merkez kıyı ve bunların çeperinde yoğunlaştığı, paylaşım konutlarının ise çok daha saçaklı bir özellik sergileyerek arka mahallerde kümelendiği bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak, paylaşım kültürünü benimsemiş ağ toplumunca kişisel konutların arz unsuru olarak turizme açılması, konaklama olanaklarının daha dengeli dağılışını beraberinde getirmiş, lokasyon ve fiyat çeşitliliği sağlamış ve alternatif konaklama imkânı oluşturmuştur. Bu durum ise post-turistlerin turist balonu dışarısına çıkmasını ve kurgulanmış ön bölgelerden, yerel sakinlerin yaşam alanları olan arka bölgelere geçmesini sağlamıştır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Postmodern turizm, ağ toplumu, paylaşım ekonomisi, CouchSurfing, Airbnb, İzmir. become one of the biggest industries in the modern 1. Introduction world. The emergence, diversification and Adoption of an industrial character by globalization of tourism activities are products of a modern tourism has resulted in emergence of historical process. In the body of literature of similar destinations in different locations as well as tourism, this process is separated in three periods as ecological, social, cultural and economic problems. pre-modern, modern and postmodern (Akoğlan These conditions caused paradigm shifts in tourism Kozak et al., 2013). The pre-modern tourism and paved the way for alternative tourism. Another activities are characterized by the long term travels breaking point in the history of tourism has to do of wealthy classes and educated professionals, who with postmodern tendencies developing into an made up only a small fraction of societies, to alternative to modern tourism industry by means of important cultural capitals and these ended with the information and communication technologies. socio-cultural, economic and technological Specifically, the effective use of social media tools developments triggered by the Industrial by locals and tourists alike as a way of replacing the Revolution. The development of a mid-class travel traditional stakeholders accelerated the creation of a culture especially since the 1950s and the structure which is considerably different than the emergence of popular destinations based on sea- one before. sun-sand and material cultural atractions have brought about short term and entertainment-based The transition from organized capitalism mass movements. In this era, tourism has turned into towards unorganized capitalism, in other words, a business sector which is organized professionally from Fordism to post-Fordism in modern societies by stakeholders; in a short period of time, it has accelerated the transition from mass consumption to personalized consumption structures (Lash and Urry, 1994; Shaw and Williams, 2004). The reflection of these production and consumption changes in tourism were summed up by Mowforth EGE COĞRAFYA DERGİSİ Aegean Geographical Journal, VOL. 28 (1), 33-50, (2019) Geographical Distribution of Modern and Postmodern Accommodation Supply: A Case Study of İzmir (Turkey) 35 Modern ve Postmodern Konaklama Arzlarının Coğrafi Dağılışı: İzmir (Türkiye) Örneği and Munt (1998) in these three steps: First of all, the different reasons and forms, occur between the Fordist production model has turned into the post- members of network society who has gained a Fordist model; secondly, the modern has turned into global scale that is independent from time and postmodern; thirdly, these changes set off a space. transition from the package tourism into a flexible Today's online communities produce, share and personal tourism. The postmodern era has and consume all kinds of goods and services. These diversified, increased and personalized the demand circumstances feed the members of network society and supply of tourism in terms of quality and to practice the culture of "join, connect and share" quantity. Alternatives for traditional stakeholders in their lives (Nicholas, 2014) and it creates a new were created and this has caused changes in terms cultural and economic system that allows the of the relations between destinations, locals and production, distribution and consumption of tourists. In this way, practices in production and traditional goods and services (Tussyadiah and consumption in tourism changed and a new and Pesonen, 2015). By this way, new supply methods flexible structure of organization found room to are being provided by creating alternatives to thrive. supplying the goods and services which are under While Smith (1977) and Cohen (1979) lay the monopoly of traditional structures and a sharing emphasis on the feature of modern tourism economy is being founded (Schor and Fitzmaurice, experiences that separates it from the everyday life, 2015). MacCannel (1973) highlights that mass tourism has In sharing economy, transactions of no access to backstages which are the real living bartering, lending, gifting, renting and swapping areas of locals and that it experiences a performance between peers are carried out without
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