E1826 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 12, 2014 has also been named to the Women’s Infor- HONORING SERGEANT MILTON pioneering families of Arizona. Mayor Driggs mal Network ‘‘List of the Most Influential Afri- MOORE passed away on December 11, 2014, sur- can American Women in Metropolitan Detroit’’ rounded by his wife Gail and his devoted fam- and CORP Magazine’s ‘‘95 Most Influential HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON ily. He leaves behind a history of public serv- Women in Michigan.’’ OF MISSISSIPPI ice to Phoenix that will be remembered for Mayor Lawrence is a member of the Oak- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES generations to come. His family and everyone land County Chapter of the NAACP, a mem- who had the opportunity to work with John ber of the Michigan Association of Mayor’s Ad- Thursday, December 11, 2014 Driggs will miss him beyond description be- visory Board, the U.S. Conference of Mayors Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- cause he was a man of integrity, with a strong Advisory Board, the American Heart Associa- er, I rise today to honor a remarkable veteran belief in civic responsibility. tion’s ‘‘Go Red For Women,’’ the Michigan and community servant, Sergeant Milton In addition to serving as Phoenix Mayor Suburbs Alliance Executive Board, Women Of- Moore. Sergeant Moore has shown what can from 1970–1974, John Driggs was a pas- ficials Network Board of Directors, Birmingham be done through hard work, setting goals, and sionate Arizona historic preservationist, and in YMCA Advisory Board, the Pepsi Community aiming high. 2005 was named ‘‘Arizona History Maker’’ by Advisory Board, MBN TV, Radio Advisory Sergeant Moore attended the Southern Re- the Arizona Historical Society. In 1969, John Board and the Board of Governors of the Ren- gional Public Safety Institute in Long Beach, Driggs spearheaded the successful Phoenix aissance/Skyline Club. MS where he graduated with honors in 2000. Growth Committee Bond Elected, which pro- Mr. Speaker, as a former city councilman, I He has completed training in: Clandestine Lab vided funding for the Phoenix Public Library know first-hand how communities benefit from Investigations, Interview and Interrogation, and other cultural venues. He then ran for dedicated elected leaders. Brenda’s years of Psychological Response to Active Shooter, Mayor of Phoenix and served for two terms. dedicated service to the residents of South- and numerous other training courses, includ- During his time in office, the Phoenix Mountain field is a testament to her character and I ing, FEMA Incident Command System Preserve was established, which he later de- know that her experience will serve her well ICS200, IC5300, IC5400, and IC5700. scribed as one of his most important accom- as a member of this legislative body. As I Sergeant Milton Moore was hired with the plishments. close, I can say with confidence that our com- City of Vicksburg in September 1999, as a John Driggs served in the U.S. Navy during munity is a better place thanks to the ongoing, firefighter. Deciding to follow the footsteps of World War II, he started the Second Harvest selfless service of people like Mayor and now his father, he became an employee of the National Food Bank Network, and he was the Congresswoman-Elect Brenda Lawrence. Vicksburg Police Department in March 2000. cornerstone of the 2012 Arizona Centennial f Since that time, he has served as a Patrol Of- Commission. Arizona State Senator Adam SUPPORTING AMERICA’S ficer and Field Training Officer. Driggs is one of Mayor Driggs’ five sons, and CHARITIES ACT Sergeant Moore was promoted to the rank I had the honor of serving with Adam in the of Sergeant in February 2010, scoring the Arizona Legislature from 2005–2012. The HON. BRAD SHERMAN highest of all candidates. Sergeant Moore is dedication and commitment to service that OF CALIFORNIA presently serving as a shift commander, where John Driggs instilled in Adam is apparent in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he currently has 9 officers under his com- everything that he does as a legislator, and I mand. am proud to call Senator Adam Driggs my Thursday, December 11, 2014 Sergeant Moore was only 6 years old when friend and colleague. Members, please join Mr. SHERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I voted his father joined the Vicksburg Police Depart- me for a moment of silence as we extend our against suspending the rules and adopting the ment in 1975. Being around law enforcement deepest condolences to the Driggs family and ‘‘Supporting America’s Charities Act.’’ I think all of his life, Sergeant Moore gained interest as we remember the remarkable life of John there are strong arguments in favor of this leg- and respect for the duties of law enforcement. Driggs—one of Arizona’s great leaders. islation and arguments of roughly equal weight He knew that one day he would be able to f that we should not at this time make these tax wear the uniform and follow his father’s foot- incentives permanent when they are not paid steps and become an officer at the Vicksburg HONORING MONROE COLLEGE’S for. Police Department. Most of the traits and val- WOMEN’S AND MEN’S SOCCER As I have stated in the CONGRESSIONAL ues that Sergeant Moore’s father instilled in TEAMS RECORD on many occasions, I believe that him he still practices daily. These attributes controversial matters should come up under have helped Sergeant Moore become a model HON. JOSE´ E. SERRANO regular order, allowing adequate debate time officer. OF NEW YORK and preferably allowing for amendments from February 19, 2014, Sergeant Milton Moore IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the floor. This legislation is controversial was honored as Officer of the Year by the Thursday, December 11, 2014 enough to warrant that attention. Vicksburg Homecoming Benevolence Club. Under these circumstances I could not vote Being a recipient of this award, was a very Mr. SERRANO. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to suspend the rules. I might well vote for this humbling experience for Sergeant Moore. The congratulate both the women’s and men’s soc- legislation if it came to the floor of the House award is named the ‘‘Artel Moore Award’’ after cer teams at Monroe College, based on Je- through regular order, particularly if members Sergeant Moore’s deceased father. rome Avenue in my district in the Bronx. were allowed to offer amendments. Sergeant Moore is a member of the Mis- On November 22nd, the women’s soccer f sissippi Homeland Security Task Force. Ser- team won the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Division 1 Championship HONORING CONGRESSMAN JIM geant Moore is a veteran of the United States in Melbourne, Florida, defeating defending MATHESON Armed Forces, serving in the U.S. Navy during the first Iraq war, Desert Storm, in 1991. champion Iowa Western. That same weekend, HON. BETTY McCOLLUM Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me the men’s team reached the finals of the in recognizing Sergeant Milton Moore for his men’s championship, and fought valiantly be- OF MINNESOTA fore losing in overtime to the Tyler (TX) Com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedication to serving our great Country and his community. munity College team. Thursday, December 11, 2014 f Monroe College first opened in the Bronx in Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, today I rise 1933, and over the years has expanded edu- to pay tribute to the career of Congressman THE HONORABLE JOHN D. DRIGGS cational opportunities for thousands of JIM MATHESON. JIM and I were both elected to Bronxites. Many of the beneficiaries are from the House in 2000. It has been a privilege to HON. KYRSTEN SINEMA my district, although with a campus in New work with him over the course of the past four- OF ARIZONA Rochelle, the College has students from all teen years. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES over the New York metropolitan area. JIM has been a tireless advocate for the The time, dedication, and effort of these stu- Thursday, December 11, 2014 people of his district and his voice in Congress dent-athletes to both their academic and ath- will be sorely missed. Ms. SINEMA. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to letic pursuits is truly impressive, and I have no Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring the ask my colleagues to join me in remembering doubt that the values they have gained service of Congressman JIM MATHESON in the the Honorable John D. Driggs, former Mayor through this experience will serve them well in United States House of Representatives. of Phoenix and a member of one of the early the future. I congratulate these young men VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:03 Dec 14, 2014 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00032 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A11DE8.076 E12DEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS December 12, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1827 and women on their achievements. They have HONORING THE 50TH ANNIVER- legislation creating the Conference into law in made the Bronx proud. SARY OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE 1964, and President George W. Bush reau- CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED thorized the Conference in 2008. Similarly, the f STATES Conference is supported by the private sector and advocacy groups across the political INTRODUCTORY REMARKS ON RES- HON. JOHN CONYERS, JR. spectrum. OLUTION ‘‘COMMEMORATING THE OF MICHIGAN United States Supreme Court Justices Ste- 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES phen Breyer and Antonin Scalia have testified WORLD WAR I CHRISTMAS before the House Committee on the Judiciary TRUCE OF 1914’’ Thursday, December 11, 2014 in support of the Conference and its work on Mr.
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