Page 2 Colby Free Press Monday, July 2, 2012 Area/State Weather Kansas schools expect less money Briefly Firm collecting for From “SCHOOLS,” Page 1 school year is 11.2 percent,” She reported the school dis- each. Milk prices will stay the said Harrison. “This equals $575 trict’s preliminary cash summary same. victims of Colorado fire More students are completing of the base state aid for Colby and year-end balance estimates • Decided that activity fees Toni Lindberg and HomeLand Re- high school than ever before and Schools.” to the school board, saying the and textbook fees for the 2012- alty and Auction are taking nonperish- Kansas schools have the high- This projection is $743 mil- general fund’s average balance 13 school year will remain the able donations for families affected by est college prep test scores and lion below the available revenue is about $6.194 million and same. Harrison said they were the Waldo Canyon Fire in Colorado participation rates on record. for fi scal year 2013, Tallman 2011-12 estimated expenditures both increased last year. Springs. A trailer will be stopping in Harrison said adult education reported. The drop is caused are $6.189 million. • Agreed to a request from Colby early Wednesday morning to col- attainment is at an all-time high, by expiration of the 1 percent DeYoung added that although Jarrod Spencer on behalf of the lect supplies and deliver them to the vic- with expanded opportunities sales tax increase enacted under her report shows the fund bal- Thomas County Ministerial Al- tims. She asks for items to be brought to available for girls, minorities, the previous governor, and the ances are -$263,000, they are liance to move the date for Bac- the HomeLand offi ce in Colby, 1055 S. special-education students, the income tax cut signed by Gov. expecting $406,000 in state aid calaureate next year to May 5, Range, by 5 p.m. Tuesday. For informa- disabled and low-income stu- Sam Brownback. To counter payments around Tuesday, July a week before graduation . He tion, call Lindberg at (785) 443-4032. dents. the major cuts, there are two 10. said graduation weekend is hec- “As a solution, three goals options, Harrison said. Schools “In supplemental state aid, we tic for many families already. have been identifi ed as 2012 either have to cut 11 percent of were expecting 82 percent of The school board agreed to try Hospital here plans priorities,” said Harrison. “They spending all at once or spread what was allocated,” she said. the new date for at least next childbirth ed classes are improving education, suit- the cuts over two years using “They came back with about 85 year. Citizens Medical Center will hold a able fi nance and local leader- their reserve balances. to 86 percent, which was a nice • Held a lengthy discussion four-week series of childbirth educa- ship.” “It’s important to know that surprise.” on the district handbook. Board tion classes at 7 p.m. Thursdays from Actions to improve education next year, we are fi ne,” Harrison • Heard Harrison say some member Angie Gaede, who this week through July 26 in the hospi- include a new accountability said, “but the cuts will take ef- tile is buckling due to expansion was not present, said before the tal’s conference room. This class is for system as part of the “No Child fect after next year and we must from heat and cold. She said meeting that she thinks some of women due to deliver before November Left Behind” waiver requested be very careful with balances someone is coming to look at it, the rules are too conservative. and their labor support partners. For in- by the state, she said, a new bill because we just don’t know noting that another a section had They discussed allowing stu- formation or to register, contact Jeanene to be passed outlining goals for what is going to happen in three to be replaced last year, too. dents to wear studs and some Brown at (785) 460-4850. The next se- college and career preparation, years. • Learned that a contractor body piercing and changing the ries of classes will begin Oct. 4. a focus on individual students “Thank goodness we have had will be here at the end of July length of shorts. However, no National Weather Service and strengthened teacher evalu- mill levies in place and the high to work on the track at Dennen changes were made. Tonight: Partly cloudy, with a ations. school will be paid off next year. Field. • Heard that a new substitute ‘Flying Debris Show’ low around 69. South wind be- The association, she said, We must also be very thankful • Appointed John Gatz of teacher handbook will be de- coming to library tween 5 and 15 mph. hopes to get more money with for capital outlay. We promised Colby as the attorney for the dis- veloped. Rogers reported some The Pioneer Memorial Library plans Tuesday: Sunny and hot, with the fi rst increase in base state aid the public that we wouldn’t raise trict. Harrison said his fees have substitutes have used their cell have author Richard Holmgren do his a high near 100. South wind be- since 2009, more equity in local the mill levy to 5 mills until the stayed the same for the last four phones during class, which is “Flying Debris Show” at 8 p.m. Thurs- tween 5 and 15 mph. funding, maintain the budget for school was paid off, and I want years, which is appreciated. prohibited unless permission is day on the east lawn. Bring chairs, blan- Tuesday Night: Partly cloudy, at-risk students and pushing for to keep that promise.” • Approved at agreement given for an emergency. kets and sunglasses. This is for individ- with a low around 70. South wind a tax policy to support high qual- In other business, the board: with the Kansas Department of • Heard that when students uals, couples or the whole family. Come between 5 and 15 mph. ity education and other needs. • Approved $207,000 in year- Education’s Child Nutrition and miss seven days of school, they experience comedy, zany stunts and lots Independence Day: Sunny She said Tallman reported end transfers. Business Manager Wellness program for 2013. It must get a note from their doctor of audience participation. For informa- and hot, with a high near 100. that Legislature has stopped Jo DeYoung explained the ad- is signed every year, said Har- to be excused for medical rea- tion, call Melany Wilks at 460-4470; South wind between 5 and 15 many expensive new mandates, ditional revenue received was rison. sons. Students can be excused she says she’s not sure what to expect mph. private school tax credits were above the budget authority and • Heard Harrison report that by the school’s nurse if the they except zany. Wednesday Night: Mostly rejected in the House and char- is not earmarked for placement. there are many new require- cannot make it to a doctor. State clear, with a low around 72. ter schools were kept under ac- The board voted to transfer ments for the lunch program. regulations force the school to Thursday: Sunny and hot and countable to school boards. the money to Capital Outlay. She said the district is below require doctor notes, Harrison Methodist Church breezy, with a high near 100. “If the governor’s plan doesn’t DeYoung reported the school’s the state average for prices. The said. plans Bible school Thursday Night: Mostly work, then the projected drop funds will end the year in the board decided to increase break- The Colby United Methodist Church clear, with a low around 72. in tax revenue for the 2013-14 black as expected. fast and lunch prices by 10 cents will hold a Bible School from 9 a.m. to Friday: Sunny and hot, with a 11:30 a.m. from next Monday to Friday, high near 99. July 13. Call Kim Chain at the church Friday Night: Mostly clear, Activities still on tap for July holiday offi ce, 460-2761, for information or to with a low around 71. register. Saturday: Sunny and hot, with a high near 100. From “HOLIDAY,” Page 1 been hard to put it on without the help of The club has been collecting money to Saturday Night: Mostly clear, the fi re department, since the members usu- pay for the display, he added, and still could All veterans invited with a low around 70. better,” he said. “The show will be the same ally set off the pieces. And chances of the use some contributions. People can send Sunday: Sunny and hot, with size. We asked them (the supplier) to keep fi remen being on a call are pretty high right checks to the club at Box 501, Colby, Kan., to be grand marshals All Thomas County veterans are in- a high near 100. the fi reworks for us.” now, he added. 67701, he said. Even if the county had made an exception “But we’re not cancelling it,” he said. vited to serve as Grand Marshals for the fair parade on Tuesday, July 31, riding Friday: High, 101; Low 69 for the public show, he added, it would have “We just going to postpone it.” on a fl oat leading the lineup. Veterans Saturday: High, 102; Low 63 will meet at the Senior Progress Center Sunday: High, 95; Low 68 at 4:45 p.m., hopefully wearing military Precip: Friday 0.Trace At least 18 dead after storms cut power in East uniforms or hats.
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