Vol. 180 Wednesday, No. 7 4 May 2005 DI´OSPO´ IREACHTAI´ PARLAIMINTE PARLIAMENTARY DEBATES SEANAD E´ IREANN TUAIRISC OIFIGIU´ IL—Neamhcheartaithe (OFFICIAL REPORT—Unrevised) Wednesday, 4 May 2005. Business of Seanad ………………………………489 Order of Business …………………………………490 Visit of Isle of Man Delegation ……………………………493 Order of Business (resumed)……………………………494 International Interests in Mobile Equipment (Cape Town Convention) Bill 2005: Committee and Remaining Stages ……………………………………503 Maritime Safety Bill 2004: Report and Final Stages ……………………512 Immigrant Workers: Motion ……………………………526 Adjournment Matters: General Practitioner Services …………………………563 Health Services ………………………………566 Port Development ………………………………569 489 490 SEANAD E´ IREANN The need for the Minister for Education and Science to outline the internal policies which ———— resulted in a child (details supplied) who was sanctioned for two and a half hours’ weekly De´ Ce´adaoin, 4 Bealtaine 2005. resource teaching in November 2004 remaining Wednesday, 4 May 2005. without this support for 19 months; and the reason the sanctioned hours were not com- ———— municated to the school. I have also received notice from Senator Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar Morrissey of the following matter: 2.30 p.m. The need for the Minister for Health and ———— Children to extend the community mothers’ programme, which has been operating in the Paidir. Dublin area for the past seven years, to the Prayer. greater Blanchardstown area. I have also received notice from Senator Bannon ———— of the following matter: The need for the Minister for Health and Business of Seanad. Children to provide an update on phase 2B of An Cathaoirleach: I have received notice from the Mullingar Hospital development. Senator Wilson that, on the motion for the I have also received notice from Senator Tuffy of Adjournment of the House today, he proposes to the following matter: raise the following matter: The need for the Minister for Justice, The need for the Minister for Health and Equality and Law Reform to outline the Children to address the concern of the local present position on the visa application of a community at the level of general practitioner person (details supplied) and the need to give services at Shercock, County Cavan. compassionate consideration to the request. I have also received notice from Senator I regard the matters raised by Senators as suitable Cummins of the following matter: for discussion on the Adjournment and have The need for the Minister for Health and selected the matters raised by Senators Wilson, Children to put in place dedicated transport Cummins and Finucane which will be taken at the arrangements for radiotherapy patients in the conclusion of business. The other Senators may south east. give notice on another day of the matters they wish to raise. I have also received notice from Senator Finucane of the following matter: Order of Business. The need for the Minister for Communi- cations, Marine and Natural Resources to Ms O’Rourke: The Order of Business is No. 1, make a statement on the application for a fore- International Interests in Mobile Equipment shore licence from the Shannon Foynes Port (Cape Town Convention) Bill 2005 — Committee Company and the concerns of the local com- and Remaining Stages, to be taken on the con- munity in respect of this application and also clusion of the Order of Business and to conclude their concerns as to the intended removal of not later than 4 p.m.; No. 2, Maritime Safety Bill the existing public slipways at Foynes, County 2004 — Report and Final Stages, to be taken at Limerick. 4 p.m. until 5 p.m., to resume at 7.15 p.m. and to conclude not later than 8 p.m.; and No. 17, I have also received notice from Senator Coghlan motion 13, motion re immigrant workers, to be of the following matter: taken at 5 p.m. until 7 p.m. The need for the Minister for the Envir- onment, Heritage and Local Government to Mr. B. Hayes: The news of significant job losses ensure that a full and proper deer count of both from Waterford Crystal in Dungarvan and the native red and sika species is organised, Waterford city is devastating, particularly for the conducted and taken into account before any 490 people who have lost their jobs. Will the decision is taken regarding a deer cull in Killar- Leader organise a debate following today’s publi- ney National Park or the vicinity thereof. cation of the latest quarterly report from the Cen- tral Bank which shows that indigenous employ- ment in this country suffers from a lack of Mr. Ross: Hear, hear. competitiveness? Some 90% of additional export growth is generated by foreign-owned companies An Cathaoirleach: I have also received notice and not by the indigenous sector. from Senator John Paul Phelan of the following Waterford Crystal would be regarded by most matter: people as one of our premier indigenous busi- 491 Order of 4 May 2005. Business 492 [Mr. B. Hayes.] An Cathaoirleach: The Senator should not go nesses. We are losing our edge and pricing our- into such detail. selves out of the market and jobs are being lost. The issue should be debated at some stage over Mr. O’Toole: I will not outstay my welcome on the coming weeks, particularly in light of the find- the issue. I was trying to give some idea of it and ings of the Central Bank report. I will not go any further except to state that there Our hearts go out to those who have lost their were financial implications attached to a situation jobs today. I understand that approximately 5% where the college president questioned why the of the population of Dungarvan has been directly list of employed staff differed from the list of affected by the loss of the Waterford Crystal busi- actual staff. This led to questions which in turn ness there. This is particularly difficult for the led to total intimidation, abuse and bullying people in the area and the Government needs to which has ultimately led to a star of the Irish pri- respond. mary education system feeling the need to resign her position as college president. Much needs to I ask the Leader of the House to make time be discussed here and I want the opportunity to available for a debate on the issue of special do so. The events that are taking place are out- needs. We know from travelling throughout the rageous and the Department of Education and country that there are children and schools Science cannot wash its hands of it. It is more requiring additional help in terms of putting than it can tolerate. special needs assistance in place. It is therefore disgraceful and unbelievable that the Govern- Mr. Ryan: We would benefit from a reasonably ment should be taking 70 people out of the calm debate on what is the matter with much of system by the end of this month. An explanation our indigenous industry and what are its prob- is required. When there is such a dramatic need lems. Its “slash and burn” mentality was well for special needs assistants, why does the Govern- articulated by the Dungarvan workers that I ment intend to let go 70 people who are working heard being interviewed, who spoke about the in this area? They cannot be reallocated because enormous efforts they had made as well as the of the failure to put a reallocation scheme in suddenness and apparent brutality of the closure place. We need an explanation on this matter announcement. How is it that workers from the from the Government this week. same background and country can be among the most productive in the world when they are work- Mr. O’Toole: Hear, hear. ing for a properly-run multinational, paid roughly the same wages and subject to the same national Mr. B. Hayes: I ask the Leader to place this wage agreements? However, when they work for item on the Order of Business tomorrow. what is described as indigenous enterprise they become uncompetitive. There is a partnership Mr. O’Toole: The Leader of the House should approach in this country in which workers and facilitate the making of statements in the House trade unionists have an obligation to play their concerning the situation in Marino College of part. However, there are serious questions about Education. To the best of my knowledge, the the capacity of what is called native enterprise to board of governors should resign from office or rise to the challenge of a global economy. It is an even be dismissed. It is a worrying “States of issue in which the Government has a central role Fear” situation with intimidation, abuse and to play. questionable financial transactions taking place. The Government must educate employers who I want to have this situation examined from an have had a very easy time of it over the past ten educational point of view and because the Mini- years with a booming economy, who have sud- ster of Education and Science would have a view denly been confronted with the reality of world economics and who are taking the easiest, short- on why these matters have developed. est and most brutal way out of their difficulties. The college president and three other people These employers are de-skilling this country have challenged the authorities at various stages. because when the cut glass market turns around, One found himself sent to darkest Africa, as the industry will not be able to automatically might occur in feudal times. The college president recruit people because it is skilled work that takes and another individual were requested and years to master.
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