JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE - VICTOR I A INSTITUTE. VOL. XXI. SECTION NI;> I FROM SEA. COAST AT A.Sl(A,LA ~ H JERUSAlEM TO THE J,JR~AN IIIC.0 JEHi CH O." t<0~110,n·... lsc"lt3''"'EII -I,,..,;;": C.S. Wlc.Sw,a.~t,n,,,ofl'l,illutin., N. l. Nwri,.wlil,: .l,V,W,,tn,u,, C. l . Crct,rcc,,,,,, J.,,,.,,,.i,,,,..., _ N. 1.:. }Vu.blit.n. Sun.J&/.,)1.,. F. V, £,,1.~1,,,,~. SECTION N'? 2. FRO M T H E. T A.B LE · LANO Of' S ,JUD.EA TOT Mt PLAINS Of'MOA.B ~. oFKtRAH. 8YJEB£L USOUM. TA.SL£ L,.ND or MOAB SECTION N~ 7 !='ROM cuLr o F sun MEAFtTO R eY THE M OUNTAINS o, s 1ttA.1 ro-:-wt: PLAT EAU or TH£ TIH. No rt,h, G. &rcy !Jra..,,,i, t;,e, (F>1.r-i,.t(C11) a.n.d, 5,·'hi.tt. w.:.th. ·m.,,m.flr-OU.4 d.y1<.r f! , • ..,,po.-w,g s,uubto,.,, n,,d.Li,,,... •w,,.-B,:,i,, / S . 8 L j 11flRl20NTALSCALr 11MIL[ S• I INCH. J)y l~o;1nniu,on of th i:J Oommittce (•f the /'o,T,i:sti.1w E :cpluMtivn Fund. JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF ~ht lictoria Jnstitut~, <'lR l!gilosopgital cSotiet~ of ~reat Jritain. EDITED BY THE HONORARY SECRETARY, CAPTAIN FRANCIS W. H. PETRIE, F.G.fS., &c. VOL. XXI. LONDON: (tBublisbell n11 tbe Institute). INDIA: W. THACKER & Co. UNITED STATES: G. T.PUTNAM'S SONS, N.Y_. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND: G. ROBERTSON & Co., Lrn. CANADA: DAWSON BROS., Montreal. S. AFRICA: JUTA & Co., Cape Town. PARIS: GALIGNANI. 1888. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LONDON: WYllAlf A.ND SONS1 PRINTBRB, GBBJ.T QlJBBN S't:SBBT. LINOOLN's.nnr :rn,LJ?ll. CONTENTS. PREFACE ix GEOLOGICAL SECTIONS TO ACCOMPANY PROFESSOR HULL'S ADDRESS Fronti.~piece. ANNUAL MEETING Page 1 Tmi REPORT 1 SPEECHFil ... 8 Tm: ADDRESS. BY PROFESSOR E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., DIRECTOR OF THE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF IRELAND 11 SPEECHES ... 21 ORDINARY MEETING, MAY 17, 1886 23 ON "THE CONNEXION BETWEEN JEWISH, PH<ENICIAN, AND EARLY GREEK A.RT AND ARCHITECTURE." BY REV. J. LESLIE PORTER, D.D., LL.D., PRESIDENT OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE, BELFAST 23 DISCUSSION 41 THE SEPULCHRAL CHAMBERS AND THE SARCOPHAGI OF SiDON (BEING · A CONCLUDING N oTlll ON THE PREVIOUS PAPER, PART LXXXI.) 53 ORDINARY MEETING, JANUARY 3, 1887 54 THE EMPIRE OF THE HITTITES. BY THE REV. w. WRIGHT, D.D. 55 DISCUSSION ON THE ABOVE 65 NOTE ON THE HITTITES 71 b CONTENTS OF VOL. XXI. Pa,ge CANAAN, ANCIENT AND Mo.DERN, WITH REFERENCE To THE LIGHT THROWN BY RECENT REsEARCH ON THE MOVEMENTS OF THE HITTITF.S. BY PROJfESSOR TRISTRAM, D.D., F.R.S. 73 ORDINARY INTERMEDIATE MEETING, JANUARY 17, 1887 76 ORDINARY MEETING, FEBRUARY 21, 1887 77 ON CAVES. BY PROFESSOR T. McK. HUGHES, M.A., F.G.S. 77 DISCUSSION ON THE ABOVE 97 LETTERS FROM THE DUKE OF .ARGYLL, F.R.S., PROFESSOR HuLKE, F.R.S., Sm J. W. DAWSON, K.C.M.G., F.R.S., AND OTHERS. REMARKS BY Sm WARINGTON W. SMYTH, F.R.S., AND OTHERS 99 ORDINARY MEETING, MARCH 7, 1887 ..• 107 ORIENTAL ENTOMOLOGY. BY REV, F. A, WALKER, D.D., F.L.S. 107 DrscussioN 130 LETTERS FROM MR, SYDNEY T. KLEIN, F L.S., &c., MR. H. 0. DENT, F.L.S., REV. A. FULLER, F.E.S., REV. T. w. FOWLER, F.L.S., MR. A. H. SWINTON, F.E.S. GEOL&OICAL SECTION ACROSS MouNT HoR AND MouNT SEIR 138 ORDI1'ARY MEETING, MAY 2, 1887 139 PETRA, THE Rocx-liEWN CAPITAL oF InuM;r;iA, BY PROFESSOR HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., DIRECTOR OF THE .GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF 1RELAND 139 DisdtissioN ON THE .AJ!ovE 149 ORDINARY MEETING, MARCH 21, 1887' 155 KRISHNA AND Sow MYTHS. BY THE REV. R. COLLINS, M ..A. ... 155 NoTB oN BUDDHISM A.ND THE VEDA, BY Sm MONIER MoNIER- WILLI.uts 177 DISCUSSION 177 CONTENTS OF -VOL. XXI. vii. P<Jg, CoMlll:UNICATIONS FROM PROFESSOR F. l',fa)I: MiiI,LER, PROFESSOR E. B. COWELL. DR. LEITNER. DR. EDERSHEIM, PROFESSOR DOUGLAS. PROFESSOR TERRIEN DE LACOUJ'EIP~ 179 THE AUTHOR'S REPLY ... 187 ORDINARY MEF;TING, APRIL 4, 1887 , .. .... 195 ON TIQ1l PEDI9REE OF THE CORAi, REEFS OF ENG!,AND, BY s. R. PATTISON, Esq., F.G.S. 196 DISCUSSION 205 Colll:M:UNICATION FROM PROFESSOR • G. G. STOKES, F.R,S., J'HJ!: PRESIDENT 2()5 ORDINARY MEETING, APRIL 18, 1887 ... 2U ON PRACTICAL OPTIMIS)I[. BY THE R~. ,qANON w. SAUHAREf' SMITH, B.D. •n DISCUSSION 226 ORDINARY MEETING, DECEMBER 6 229 THE RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AND TRADITIONS OF THE ABORIGINES OF NoRTH AMERICA. BY THE REV. S. D. PEET (With, lllmtrations) AND DISCUSSION 229 O~DINARY MEETING, fEBRUARY 7, 1887 249 ON THE BEAUTY OF NATURE. BY THE RIGHT, lip:N.O,URAJILE "f.,o,R!} GRIMTRORPE, LL.D., Q.C., F.R.A.S. w !," 24,p DJiSCUSBION ... REMARKS BY THE REV. WILLIAM ARTHUR ORDINARY MEETING, DECEMBER 6, 1887 :J<;voLUTION A REVELATION; OR, THE UNIVERSE UNFOLDING IN THE P~ocESS OF TIM~ AN E~ERNAL PURP~SE AND AN ILLIM:IT.BLJ.!: PLAN. Br THE REV. H. J. CLARKE . 276 vui CONTENTS OF VOL. XXI. Page DISCUSSION ••• 294 REMARKS UPON THE FOREGOING PAPER BY SIR J. WILLI.AM DAWSON, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. 299 FURTHER REPLY BY THE AUTHOR 299 APPENDICES :- A. To THE P .APER ON KRISHNA .AND SoL.AR MYTHS 302 ON NoN-CHRISTI.AN RELIGIOUS SYSTKMS. BY SIR M. MoNIER-WILLI.AMs, K.C.I.E. ... 302 ·B. NOTES ON THE QUESTION OF THE OoMP.AR.ATIVE IMMUNITY OF THE JEWISH NATION FROM INFECTIOUS DISEASES ... 307 "C, RECENT EG;YPTIAN DISCOVERIES IN APRIL, ] 888 309 LisT OF MEMBERB... 312 LIBRARY LIST i RULES XXV OBJECTS A.ND CONTENTS OF ALL THE VOLUMES OF THE JOURNAL, .,_-11-~ The Institutts object being to investigate, it must not be held to endorse the various views expressed, at its Meetings. PREF ACE. rJ1HE Twenty-first Volume of the Journal of the Transactions _J_ of the VICTORIA INSTITUTE is now issued. It contains papers by the following authors :-The Rev. H. J. CLARKE, on "Evolution." The Rev. RICHARD COLLINS, M.A., on "Krishna, and Solar Myths/' the paper being a careful investigation as to the historical character of the story of Krishna, and an inquiry into the truth of the view advanced by certain modern writers,-that the narrative of Christ's life had a connexion with and was, at least in a measure, derived from the story of Krishna, and that the latter had in:(luenced Christianity. The Institute is indebted to those who took part in considering this subject, and specially to Professor F, MAx MuLLER, and to Professors E. B, OoWELL, M.A. (Pro­ fessor of Sanscrit at Cambridge), R. K DouGLAS, M.A., A. EDERSHEIM, D.D., TERRIEN DE LACOU.PERIE, M.A., and Doctor G. W. LEITNER, Principal of the Oriental College: some important remarks by Sir MONIER MONIER-WILLIAMS, KC.LE., have been added in the Appendix to the Volume. This whole subject has now been so thoroughly sifted as to have entirely disposed of the question. The Right Honourable Lord GmMTHORFE contuibutes a paper on "The Beauty of Nature," to which the Rev. WILLIAM .ARTHUR, M.A., has added some remarks of high value. Professor T. McKENNY HUGHES, M.A. (Woodwardian Professor of Geology at Cambridge), gives a paper on "Caves," which is followed byremar~s by Sir WARI~(}TON W .. SMYT~; F.R.S., and . X PREFACl!l. others; and a communication from Sir J. WILLIAM DAWSON, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. Professor E. HuLL, LL.D., F.R.S. (Direc­ tor of the Geological Survey of Ireland), contributes two papers, one on " Some Results of a scientific Expedition to Arabia Petrrea and Western Palestine,"the other on "Petra, the Rock-hewn Capital of Idumrea." Mr. S. R. PATTISON, F.G.S., a paper on " The Pedigree of the Coral· Reefs of England." The Rev. S. D. PEET, a paper on "Th~ Religious Beliefs and Traditions of the Aborigines of Noz,th .America," upon which subject it would be difficult to find one more competent to speak. The Rev. J. LESLIE PORTER, D.D., LL.D., President of Queen's College, Belfast, a paper on " The Connexion between Jewish, Phoonician, and Early Greek Art and Archi­ tecture" ; to this is added ~ report upon the discoveries at Sidon. The Rev. Canon SAU,MAREZ SMITH, B.D., a paper on "Practical Optimism." T)ie ;Rev. F. A. WALKER, D.D., F.L.S., a paper on "Oriental Entomology." The Rev. W. WRIGHT, D.D., a paper on "',rhe Empire of the Hittites," a subject which is peculiarly his own; this is followed by an interesting statement as to the Hittites, and a short description of " Canaan, Ancient and Modern," by the Rev. Canon H. B. TRISTRAM, D.D., F.R.S. Some Notes of importance wi}J be found in the Appendix. To all who have added to the value of the present Volume, the best thanks of the Members anq. Associates are due. During the past-Jubilee-;rear, the VICTORIA INSTITUTE presented to her Majesty the follmying Address :- T.o THE QuEEN's MosT ExcELLENT MAJESTY. MAY IT PLEASE You& MAJESTY, We, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal 1mhjects, the President, Coun­ cil, .and Members of the Victoria Institute, gladly embrace the opportunity of once more approaching Your Majesty, and tendering our heartfelt con­ gratulations on the completion of the Fiftieth year of Your Majesty's Reign over)aJree and loyal people.
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