SAMPLE REPORT Admera Health, LLC 126 Corporate Blvd ā South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1-908-222-0533ā[email protected] PATIENT INFORMATION SAMPLE REFERRING PHYSICIAN Name: Smith, John Date Collected: December 29, 2016 Name: Jane Doe, MD DOB: April 22, 1973 Date Received: December 29, 2016 Institution: Local Hospital Age: 43 Case ID: PGXPL16-000267 Phone: 123-456-7890 Sex: Male Source: Buccal Swabs Address: 126 Corporate Blvd. South Plainfield, NJ 07080 Comprehensive Drug Information for Smith, John ICD-10: F32.9 Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified; F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecified; F31.9 Bipolar disorder, unspecified Clopidogrel CONSIDER Alprazolam DECREASE DOSE 3ODYL[ ALTERNATIVES ;DQD[ Folic Acid Buprenorphine 6XEXWH[ Risperidone 5LVSHUGDO Fentanyl 'XUDJHVLF Thioridazine 0HOODULO Hydrocodone 9LFRGLQ Venlafaxine (IIH[RU Methadone 0HWKDGRVH Sufentanil 6XIHQWD Aripiprazole NORMAL RESPONSE Alprazolam USE CAUTION $ELOLI\ EXPECTED ;DQD[ Aripiprazole Atorvastatin $ELOLI\ /LSLWRU Iloperidone Lovastatin )DQDSW 0HYDFRU Pimozide Simvastatin 2UDS =RFRU Buspirone Buprenorphine %XVSDU 6XEXWH[ Citalopram Fentanyl &HOH[D 'XUDJHVLF Only selected drugs are listed here due to limited space. Please refer to Patient Specific Genotype Results table for comprehensive illustration of drugs in each action category. PGxOnePlus Report for Smith, John /DERUDWRU\'LUHFWRU'U-DPHV'HUPRG\&/,6,'&/,$,'' Page 1 of 31 SAMPLE REPORT Admera Health, LLC 126 Corporate Blvd ā South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1-908-222-0533ā[email protected] Patient Specific Genotype Results and Comprehensive Drug Information for Smith, John ICD-10: F32.9 Major depressive disorder, single episode, unspecified;F41.9 Anxiety disorder, unspecified;F31.9 Bipolar disorder, unspecified Action Drug Impacted Clinical Interpretation Gene Genotype Phenotype Antiplatelets: CONSIDER CYP2C19 *1/*2 Intermediate Metabolizer &ORSLGRJUHO 3ODYL[ ALTERNATIVES (if no contraindication e.g., prasugrel, ticagrelor) Antipsychotics: CONSIDER CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer 5LVSHULGRQH 5LVSHUGDO ALTERNATIVES (e.g., quetiapine, olanzapine, clozapine) Antipsychotics: CONSIDER CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer 7KLRULGD]LQH 0HOODULO ALTERNATIVES Serotonin and CONSIDER CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer Norepinephrine Reuptake ALTERNATIVES Inhibitors (SNRIs): (e.g., citalopram, sertraline) 9HQODID[LQH (IIH[RU Supplements: CONSIDER MTHFR C677T/C677T/A1298 A1298C Heterozygous Folic Acid ALTERNATIVES C Mutation/C677T Homozygous Mutation (e.g., supplements containing methylfolate) due to significantly reduced folic acid conversion Tetracyclic DECREASE DOSE CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer Antidepressants: 0DSURWLOLQH /XGLRPLO Tricyclic DECREASE DOSE CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer Antidepressants: by 25% $PLWULSW\OLQH (ODYLO &ORPLSUDPLQH $QDIUDQLO 'HVLSUDPLQH 1RUSUDPLQ 'R[HSLQ 'HSWUDQ ,PLSUDPLQH 7RIUDQLO 1RUWULSW\OLQH 3DPHORU 3URWULSW\OLQH 9LYDFWLO 7ULPLSUDPLQH 6XUPRQWLO Benzodiazepines: DECREASE DOSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer $OSUD]RODP ;DQD[ OR USE CAUTION PGxOnePlus Report for Smith, John /DERUDWRU\'LUHFWRU'U-DPHV'HUPRG\&/,6,'&/,$,'' Page 2 of 31 SAMPLE REPORT Admera Health, LLC 126 Corporate Blvd ā South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1-908-222-0533ā[email protected] Action Drug Impacted Clinical Interpretation Gene Genotype Phenotype Opiates: DECREASE DOSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer %XSUHQRUSKLQH 6XEXWH[ )HQWDQ\O 'XUDJHVLF +\GURFRGRQH 9LFRGLQ 0HWKDGRQH 0HWKDGRVH OR 6XIHQWDQLO 6XIHQWD USE CAUTION due to the risk of increased exposure to the drug leading to adverse events Statins: DECREASE DOSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer $WRUYDVWDWLQ /LSLWRU to lowest necessary dose /RYDVWDWLQ 0HYDFRU daily due to Increased risk 6LPYDVWDWLQ =RFRU for myopathy and rhabdomyolysis OR USE CAUTION due to increased risk of adverse reactions Antipsychotics: USE CAUTION ANKK1 WT/c.2137G>A A1 Heterozygous &OR]DSLQH &OR]DULO due to increased risk of 2ODQ]DSLQH =DODVWD side effects including hyperprolactinemia and weight gain Antipsychotics: USE CAUTION HTR2C WT/WT rs1414334 C Allele Carrier &OR]DSLQH &OR]DULO due to increased risk of 2ODQ]DSLQH =DODVWD developing metabolic syndrome Selective Serotonin USE CAUTION CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer Reuptake Inhibitors due to elevated risk for (SSRIs): drug overdose resulting in )OXR[HWLQH 3UR]DF adverse events and drug interaction Selective Serotonin USE CAUTION HTR1A WT/WT rs6295 CC genotype/rs1800044 C Reuptake Inhibitors due to reduced response Allele Carrier (SSRIs): )OXYR[DPLQH /XYR[ 3DUR[HWLQH 3D[LO 6HUWUDOLQH =RORIW Smoking Cessation USE CAUTION ANKK1 WT/c.2137G>A A1 Heterozygous Agents: due to reduced %XSURSLRQ :HOOEXWULQ effectiveness Statins: USE CAUTION KIF6 WT/WT rs20455 AA genotype 3UDYDVWDWLQ 3UDYDFKRO due to poorer response to statin treatment resulted from decreased risk for adverse cardiovascular events Anti-anxiety Agents: NORMAL RESPONSE HTR1A WT/WT rs6295 CC genotype/rs1800044 C %XVSLURQH %XVSDU EXPECTED Allele Carrier PGxOnePlus Report for Smith, John /DERUDWRU\'LUHFWRU'U-DPHV'HUPRG\&/,6,'&/,$,'' Page 3 of 31 SAMPLE REPORT Admera Health, LLC 126 Corporate Blvd ā South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1-908-222-0533ā[email protected] Action Drug Impacted Clinical Interpretation Gene Genotype Phenotype Antimanic Agents: NORMAL RESPONSE ABCB1 WT/WT rs1045642 GG genotype /LWKLXP /LWKDQH EXPECTED Antipsychotics: NORMAL RESPONSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer $ULSLSUD]ROH $ELOLI\ EXPECTED Antipsychotics: NORMAL RESPONSE CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer $ULSLSUD]ROH $ELOLI\ EXPECTED ,ORSHULGRQH )DQDSW 3LPR]LGH 2UDS Antipsychotics: NORMAL RESPONSE CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer +DORSHULGRO +DOGRO EXPECTED Antipsychotics: NORMAL RESPONSE CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer 3HUSKHQD]LQH 7ULODIRQ EXPECTED Antipsychotics: NORMAL RESPONSE ANKK1 WT/c.2137G>A A1 Heterozygous 9DOSURLFDFLG 'HSDNRWH EXPECTED Benzodiazepines: NORMAL RESPONSE CYP2C19 *1/*2 Intermediate Metabolizer &ORED]DP 2QIL EXPECTED Benzodiazepines: NORMAL RESPONSE UGT2B15 *1/*2 rs1902023 non-AA genotype /RUD]HSDP $WLYDQ EXPECTED 2[D]HSDP 6HUD[ Selective Serotonin NORMAL RESPONSE GRIK4 WT/WT rs1954787 TT genotype Reuptake Inhibitors EXPECTED (SSRIs): &LWDORSUDP &HOH[D Selective Serotonin NORMAL RESPONSE HTR2A WT/WT rs7997012 non-GG genotype Reuptake Inhibitors EXPECTED (SSRIs): &LWDORSUDP &HOH[D Selective Serotonin NORMAL RESPONSE CYP2C19 *1/*2 Intermediate Metabolizer Reuptake Inhibitors EXPECTED (SSRIs): &LWDORSUDP &HOH[D (VFLWDORSUDP /H[DSUR Selective Serotonin NORMAL RESPONSE SLC6A4 LA/LA HTTLPR Long Form Reuptake Inhibitors EXPECTED (SSRIs): &LWDORSUDP &HOH[D (VFLWDORSUDP /H[DSUR Selective Serotonin NORMAL RESPONSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer Reuptake Inhibitors EXPECTED (SSRIs): 9LOD]RGRQH 9LLEU\G PGxOnePlus Report for Smith, John /DERUDWRU\'LUHFWRU'U-DPHV'HUPRG\&/,6,'&/,$,'' Page 4 of 31 SAMPLE REPORT Admera Health, LLC 126 Corporate Blvd ā South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1-908-222-0533ā[email protected] Action Drug Impacted Clinical Interpretation Gene Genotype Phenotype Selective Serotonin NORMAL RESPONSE CYP2D6 *4/*10 Intermediate Metabolizer Reuptake Inhibitors EXPECTED (SSRIs): 9RUWLR[HWLQH 7ULQWHOOL[ Serotonin and NORMAL RESPONSE CYP1A2 *1A/*1F Ultrarapid Metabolizer Norepinephrine Reuptake EXPECTED Inhibitors (SNRIs): 'XOR[HWLQH &\PEDOWD Serotonin and NORMAL RESPONSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer Norepinephrine Reuptake EXPECTED Inhibitors (SNRIs): Levomilnacipran )HW]LPD Serotonin and NORMAL RESPONSE ABCB1 WT/WT rs1045642 GG genotype Norepinephrine Reuptake EXPECTED Inhibitors (SNRIs): 1HID]RGRQH 1HIDGDU Serotonin and NORMAL RESPONSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer Norepinephrine Reuptake EXPECTED Inhibitors (SNRIs): 5HER[HWLQH (GURQD[ 7UD]RGRQH 'HV\UHO Statins: NORMAL RESPONSE SLCO1B1 *1/*1 Normal Activity 3LWDYDVWDWLQ /LYDOR EXPECTED 5RVXYDVWDWLQ &UHVWRU PGxOnePlus Report for Smith, John /DERUDWRU\'LUHFWRU'U-DPHV'HUPRG\&/,6,'&/,$,'' Page 5 of 31 SAMPLE REPORT Admera Health, LLC 126 Corporate Blvd ā South Plainfield, NJ 07080 +1-908-222-0533ā[email protected] Current Medication Information for Smith, John Action Drug Impacted Clinical Interpretation Gene Genotype Phenotype Antiplatelets: CONSIDER CYP2C19 *1/*2 Intermediate Metabolizer Plavix ALTERNATIVES (if no contraindication e.g., prasugrel, ticagrelor) Supplements: CONSIDER MTHFR C677T/C677T/A1298 A1298C Heterozygous Folic Acid ALTERNATIVES C Mutation/C677T Homozygous Mutation (e.g., supplements containing methylfolate) due to significantly reduced folic acid conversion Benzodiazepines: DECREASE DOSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer Alprazolam OR USE CAUTION Opiates: DECREASE DOSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer Methadone OR USE CAUTION due to the risk of increased exposure to the drug leading to adverse events Statins: DECREASE DOSE CYP3A4 *1A/*1B Intermediate Metabolizer Lipitor to lowest necessary dose daily due to Increased risk for myopathy and rhabdomyolysis OR USE CAUTION due to increased risk of adverse reactions Smoking Cessation USE CAUTION ANKK1 WT/c.2137G>A A1 Heterozygous Agents: due to reduced Bupropion effectiveness Vitamins: CLINICAL EVIDENCE MTHFR C677T/C677T/A1298 A1298C Heterozygous Niacin NOT SUFFICIENT C Mutation/C677T Homozygous Mutation Antibiotics: CLINICAL NA NA NA Clindamycin INTERPRETATION NOT AVAILABLE PGxOnePlus Report for Smith, John /DERUDWRU\'LUHFWRU'U-DPHV'HUPRG\&/,6,'&/,$,'' Page 6 of 31
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