• • Spring Fashion Finds ID today's issue J The New Hampshire _I TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1984 -862-1490' Null. lt .. i.. -·1 ' t•,~.- l'.ud Vol. 74 No. 43 lh11h.ln1 . ' II 1\:,11111 ■ .\ft Students will replace . / : . fired bookstore staff . /. By John Gold to the New · York based however. Part-time student .eniployees corn pany, seven full time The staff presently cons·ists will take over many of the full- employees left voluntarily to of 15 full-time employees and time positions at the UN H seek new jobs, .according to 13 work-study students, down Boqkstore when Barnes and Whittemore. · . from the pre-December Noble Bookstores Inc. assumes Wil_liam Malone-,,.: vice number of 23 full - time management of the store in president of Barnes a~d Noble positions, _according to Maier. · May, according to one said many of these full-tiri1e "They came in ·and told the employee. positions will be replaced with people who wouldn't be Shipping c·lerk Ted part-time ~tudents. keeping their jobs, " said l Whittemore ·. said that on The company ha5 made 11 Whittemore, who lost his job. · i · Friday, March 30, Barnes and full-time job offers and two - "Then they gatherecl all the l Noble officials visited the s·tore part-time offers · to present other people and told them and announced the elimination employees, according to they ( Barnes and Noble) would .l of four full-time positions and . manager John Maier who has . be keeping their jobs.·~ the reduction of two others to accepted a job with Barnes and -- The cqmpany cut three part-time. Noble managing the new · shipping department positions - However, since ·the Dec. 19 bookstore. and one position in the supply . decision by the U riiversity . The co.mpany has not yet department. The two reduced System . of · New Hampshire signed a contract detailing the positions were in the supply trustees to lease the operati-on · agreement with the University, · department and general books department. Whittemore, who has Runoff candidate-·s · transferred to the University's cen_tral recieving department lost Friday, said his job officially ends at the bookstore · to debate inrematch o ·n April 30, despite -)Votking on a Rhonda Farrington spends a chilly afternoon .\ I '· ' Davis/ Eynon grabbed 38.7 · reassurances earlier this ,,ear By Michelle Evans drawing behind the MUB yesterday. (Scott Young photo) percent of the vote, topping the that his job was safe. ., Students \viii have a chance 26 .9 p~rcent gathered by Barnes · to sec the remaining candidates He said he contacted Fauske/ Landrigan. in Januarv to for Student Body - President and Noble The teams of Dan Carr/ about the security ~f his and Vice President battle it out inquire ·· General education Christine Guimont and Luke job and was told bv the . in - a head-to-head debate _o~ Kramer/ Jack Martin were of the academic Thursday; April 12. president -eliminated from the race. books division, Carlo Latinelli, As a prelude to the upcommg stiffened University regulations the company was '"very policy run-off election, the teams of require a student president to concerned about the human John Davis/Ted Eynon, and win with over 50 percent of the impact" of the take-over. Stan Fish, director of Fauske/ Dan Landrigan By Ken "Fish Chris vote. "He said, 'tell the people to admissions, voted against the will field questions from the - Students enrolling at UNH "If a student voted for Carr hang on ... We don't want to inotion, because, he said to audience at 12:30 in the may no longer take College or Kramer, we'd like to show throw people- out on. the exclude CLEP is to disallow Strafford Roo~. according to Level Examination Program them what the field is now," street'," Whittemore said. "He standard_s of _testing held by ele-ction coordinator · Craig tests {CLEP) to waive general Dickens said. "Thev can see told me explicity- ·we aren't Dickens. education requirements, TESTING, page 8 what the candidates, other then . going to fire people'". Aprii 6 . election, accord_ing to a motion passed In the the ones they've been However, in . February, a yesterday by the Academic follo~ing, are_all about." group of Barnes and Noble Senate. wins case DEBATE, page 23 BOOKSTORE, page 12 . Under the motion, College Splaine Advanced Placement exams will still qualify as general against UNH Herald education course credits. By Michelle Evans they made my . claims less -INSIDE- Students For A Better substantial." _ America · (SFBA) plea·ded The organization was placed guilty to three out of four on jeopardy of suspension for charges at a Student Senate one year, with suspension likely Judicial Board hear.ing last following a second violation Thursday, following accusa­ for copyright _law within one tions by photographer Daniel year. Splaine that they violated S FBA is also required to copyright law. write a formal letter of apology SFBA. represented by UNH and verification -of disconnec­ junior John Gammon: editor.:. tion of their org-anization from i·n-chief of the D NH Herald Splaine. which Splaine may at his discretion. defended claims that the publish I student newspaper pnnted a Oammon was unavailable r photograph 61" Evelyn Hand_ler. for comment yesterday, but former UNH President. was quoted in an article which Ario Guthrie appeared in without the photographer's appeared in Foster:Y Daily Thr! Granire S1a1e ffoom lasr pel'mission. Democrat ~s saying Splaine's 7hursclay nigh!. See inside, Splaine said he took the complaints are "definitely part page /6. of the growing pains" of --..-- photo of.Handler when he was photo ," editor of the 1983 . introducing a ne-w publication Calendar .................. page 5 Granite. but thanhe photo was on campus. Classified ................ page 25 reprinted in the February 6 Associate Dean of Students Comics ................... page 22 edition of The Herald without William Kidder, advisor to the Editorial ................. page 14 _ his consent. j udicial' board, would riot Features ................. page 16 ·Splaine said he "expected a comment on the actual trial The controversi~l photograph of Evelyn Handler for which Notices .................... page 6 tooth and nail battle," at the proceedings, due to the Dan Splaine charged copyright infringement.(Dan Splaine Spoi'ts ..................... page _28 hearing but was surprised to SPLAIN E, page 24 photo) find his opponents "apologetic PAGE TWO THE NEW J::iAMPSHIRE TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1984 ,UNH women condemned to life in a- meat:"rnarkef "Why don) you try the · yearning· · ~ass o t' l ust. .H e r:ea. d s c·a··n - b-oas·t · such -. c~-mp·__ lete By Becky Calder Second and-eight. I peer over bleached blonde over there in Cosmopolitan.; · · understanding · of the' female Life is a meatmarket. -mv drink, and with ·Joe the red leather minis.kirt and 'Tm · not -one of those libido. · We're animals, Don,- I'm ·not denying the existence M·ontana _ rogu-ishne-ss, wink. 'fishnet stockings'? She looks pn,idish, Victorian t~1pes," he and vou know it." of True Love, but let's face it, His eyes dilate and his jaw falls. very honest." assures me. ···1 rea 1·rze vour "Well, I ,-figure under- · there's a lot of -philandering He is in shock. · "She does seem to· have an . needs ate as real and powerful standing is the-first step toward going on in the ·fower ranks. Third- and five. I saunter open quality about her. · as mine." experiencing something fully." Barbaric? Degrac}ing? Maybe, across the' room, turn, and Thanks, lthink I will." · '\You're a rare man, Don." "Right. Maybe y_ou'll if you take it seriously. motion him over. I mentallv "No problem. ft was nice ,_ "All {po_rare. It's about time underStand what I'm ex- Picture a paunchy, middle- -- rehearse ilnes which will be m;• visiting with you." men stoppe d trea·, 1mg· you as peri_en_ _cing _now._ M,.) 1 sexual aged . mary wearing a white 01g pass, the long bomb. Face "Yeah. You too. If you ever . sexual objects, but as equal ~~~i-~~ is at an unuSually I_?_~ polyester shirt unbuttoned to · twitching, body stiff, he want a matu_re, up-front__ , · sexual partners." the navel. Enmeshed in fluff~d- · stumbles toward me. He arrives totally meaningless, sexual , "Sounds like you ' ve · b_ een "What?" up chest hair, a medallion with a sonhomoric 2:rin and a · relaiionsfiip, let me know, rea d mg. GI ona- -. St emam,. too.._,, "Y. eah_. _For about a month hangs from chunky gold links. iake-me.,.J'm-yours expression. oka,.,,?" _" Y e·a h . A n d· ·a b ou t - th 1s· now. And I've alwavs. been so He struts over and straddles the Touchdown! . "I'll do that." Cinderella Co_mplex. I can hot to trot, too." · I feel defeated. I haven't even .barstool next to you. Another interesting - ap- reallv relate." · , "Do you think you'll get it thrown the ball yet. The game 'Tm a Virgo. What's your ·proach is that of the Cosino -, . "Y.,. ou ' re JUS· ' t t oo goo· ct· to- be · back soon?" , was fixed. ' · sigp?" he purrs in a strained low · D A · thf10 d a "Didn't vou · i"ead last · All is ·. not lost, · however. Man. true, on. · pa · er, - month's Cosrifo? Helen Guriev voice. Don undersUinds me better trailbl-aze_r, ·a beacon -among There is plenty of challenge to· than I do mvself. He knows men.'' Brown said these thing~ can ·1a{t be found a s a d efensive that beneath delicate facade "Really'?" for years. We should Just 1et 1t lineman.
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