PA General Assembly Social Media Accounts (Facebook and Twitter) PA Senate Republicans: @PASenateGOP Delaware Valley Richard Alloway /SenatorAlloway @SenatorAlloway Association for the Education of Young David Argall /SenatorArgall @SenatorArgall Children Ryan Aument /SenatorAument @SenatorAument Lisa Baker /SenatorLisaBaker @SenLisaBaker Economy League of Greater Camera Bartolotta /SenatorBartolotta @SenBartolotta Philadelphia Michele Brooks No Facebook No Twitter Patrick Browne /SenatorBrowne No Twitter Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Jake Corman /SenatorJakeCorman @JakeCorman John Eichelberger /John.Eichelberger No Twitter Mission: Readiness Mike Folmer /SenatorFolmer @SenatorFolmer John Gordner No Facebook @SenatorGordner Pennsylvania Association for the Stewart Greenleaf /SenatorGreenleaf @SenGreenleaf Education of Young Scott Hutchinson /SenatorScottEHutchinson @SenHutchinson Children Thomas McGarrigle No Facebook @McGarrigle26 Pennsylvania Head Charles McIlhinney /SenatorChuckMcIlhinney @ChuckMcIlhinney Start Association Bob Mensch No Facebook @SenatorMensch Dominic Pileggi /SenatorPileggi @SenatorPileggi Pennsylvania Partnerships John Rafferty /SenatorRafferty @SenJohnRafferty for Children Joseph Scarnati /SenatorScarnati @SenScarnati Mario Scavello /senatorscavello @SenatorScavello Pittsburgh Lloyd Smucker /SenatorSmucker @SenatorSmucker Association for the Education of Young Patrick Stefano /SenatorStefano @SenatorStefano Children Robert Tomlinson No Facebook @SenTomlinson Patricia Vance No Facebook @SenatorVance Public Citizens for Children Elder Vogel /Senator.Elder.Vogel @SenElderVogelJr and Youth Randy Vulakovich /SenatorRandyVulakovich @Senvulakovich Scott Wagner /SenatorScottwagner @SenScottWagner United Way Kim Ward No Facebook @SenatorKimWard of Greater Philadelphia Donald White /SenatorDonWhite No Twitter and Southern New Gene Yaw No Facebook @SenatorGeneYaw Jersey PA House Republicans @PAHouseGOP William Adolph /RepAdolph No Twitter Matthew Baker /RepBaker No Twitter Stephen Barrar /RepBarrar @ParRep160 Kerry Benninghoff /RepBenninghoff No Twitter Stephen Bloom /RepBloom @RepBloom Delaware Valley Karen Boback /RepBoback No Twitter Association for the Education of Young Thomas Caltagirone /RepCaltagirone @RepCaltagirone Children Martin Causer /RepCauser No Twitter Becky Corbin /RepCorbin No Twitter Economy League of Greater Jim Cox /RepJimCox @RepJimCox Philadelphia Lynda Schlegel Culver /RepCulver @LyndaCulver Bryan Cutler /RepBryanCutler @RepBryanCutler Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Gary Day /RepGaryDay @RepGaryDay Sheryl Delozier /RepDelozier @RepDelozier Mission: Readiness Gene DiGirolamo /GeneDigirolamo No Twitter Russ Diamond /RepDiamond No Twitter Pennsylvania Association for the George Dunbar /RepDunbar @RepDunbar Education of Young Cris Dush /RepDush No Twitter Children Brian Ellis /RepEllis @repellis Pennsylvania Head Joe Emrick /RepEmrick No Twitter Start Association Eli Evankovich /RepEvankovich @RepEvankovich Garth Everett /RepEverett No Twitter Pennsylvania Partnerships Frank Farry No Facebook No Twitter for Children Mindy Fee /RepFee No Twitter Matt Gabler /RepGable No Twitter Pittsburgh Keith Gillespie /RepGillespie No Twitter Association for the Education of Young Mauree Gingrich /RepGingrich No Twitter Children Robert Godshall No Facebook No Twitter Keith Greiner /RepGreiner No Twitter Public Citizens for Children Glen Grell /RepGrell @grg87 and Youth Joseph Hackett /RepHackett @RepHackett Marcia Hahn /RepHahn No Twitter United Way Julie Harhart /RepHarhart No Twitter of Greater Philadelphia Kate Harper /RepKateHarper No Twitter and Southern New Adam Harris No Facebook No Twitter Jersey Doyle Heffley /RepHeffley No Twitter Susan Helm /RepHelm @RepHelm Tim Hennessey /RepHennessey No Twitter David Hickernell No Facebook No Twitter Rich Irvin /RepIrvin No Twitter James Lee /RepLeeJames No Twitter Barry Jozwiak /RepJozwiak No Twitter Warren Kampf /RepKampf No Twitter Aaron Kaufer /RepKaufer No Twitter Rob Kauffman /RepKauffman No Twitter Fred Keller No Facebook No Twitter Mark Keller /RepKeller No Twitter Delaware Valley Thomas Killion /RepKillion @repkillion Association for the Kate Klunk /RepKlunk No Twitter Education of Young Children Jerry Knowles /RepKnowles No Twitter Tim Krieger /RepTimKrieger No Twitter Economy League John Lawrence RepLawrence No Twitter of Greater Ryan Mackenzie /RepMackenzie @RepMackenzie Philadelphia John Maher No Facebook @RepJohnMaher Fight Crime: Sandra Major /RepMajor No Twitter Invest in Kids David Maloney No Facebook No Twitter Mission: Readiness Jim Marshall /RepMarshall No Twitter Ron Marsico No Facebook No Twitter Pennsylvania Kurt Masser /RepMasser No Twitter Association for the John McGinnis /RepMcGinnis No Twitter Education of Young Children Steven Mentzer /RepMentzer No Twitter Daryl Metcalfe /RepMetcalfe @PARepMetcalfe Pennsylvania Head Carl Walker Metzgar No Facebook @RepMetzgar Start Association Nick Miccarelli /RepMiccarelli @RepMiccarelli Pennsylvania David Millard /RepMillard No Twitter Partnerships Brett Miller /RepMiller No Twitter for Children Duane Milne /RepMilne @RepDuaneMilne Pittsburgh Dan Moul No Facebook No Twitter Association for the Thomas Murt /RepMurt No Twitter Education of Young Mark Mustio /RepMustio No Twitter Children Tedd Nesbit /RepNesbit No Twitter Public Citizens for Donna Oberlander /RepOberlander @RepDonna Children Jason Ortitay /RepOrtitay No Twitter and Youth David Parker /RepParker No Twitter United Way John Payne /RepPayne No Twitter of Greater Michael Peifer /Reppeifer No Twitter Philadelphia Scott Petri No Facebook No Twitter and Southern New Jersey Tina Pickett /RepPickett No Twitter Jeffrey Pyle /RepJeffPyle @RepJeffPyle Marguerite Quinn /RepQuinn No Twitter Jack Rader /RepJackRader No Twitter Dave Reed /RepReed @RepDaveReed Mike Regan /RepMikeRegan No Twitter Brad Roae /RepRoae @RepRoae Chris Ross /PA-State-Rep-Chris-Ross No Twitter Rick Saccone /RepSaccone No Twitter Tommy Sankey /RepSankey No Twitter James Santora /RepSantora No Twitter Stan Saylor /RepSaylor @RepStanSaylor Delaware Valley Paul Schemel /RepSchemel No Twitter Association for the Justin Simmons /RepSimmons @RepSimmons Education of Young Children Curtis Sonney /RepSonney No Twitter Todd Stephens /RepToddStephens @RepToddStephens Economy League John Taylor /RepTaylor No Twitter of Greater Marcy Toepel /RepToepel No Twitter Philadelphia Tarah Toohil /RepToohil @RepToohil Fight Crime: Jesse Topper /RepTopper No Twitter Invest in Kids Mike Turzai /RepTurzai @RepTurzai Mission: Readiness Mike Vereb /RepMikeVereb @RepVereb Judy Ward /RepJudyWard No Twitter Pennsylvania Ryan Warner /RepWarner No Twitter Association for the Katharine Watson /RepWatson No Twitter Education of Young Children Parke Wentling /repwentling No Twitter Jeff Wheeland /RepWheeland No Twitter Pennsylvania Head David Zimmerman /repzimmerman No Twitter Start Association Pennsylvania PA House Democrats @PAHouseDems Partnerships for Children Leslie Acosta /Leslie.Acosta @RepLeslieAcosta Bryan Barbin /RepBryanBarbin @RepBryanBarbin Pittsburgh Louise Williams Bishop /RepBishop @RepBishop Association for the Education of Young Ryan Bizzarro /RepRyanBizzarro @RyanBizzarro Children Kevin Boyle No Facebook @RepKevinBoyle Matthew Bradford /RepBradford @RepBradford Public Citizens for Tim Briggs /RepTimBriggs @RepTimBriggs Children and Youth Vanessa Lowery Brown /RepLoweryBrown @RepVanessaBrown Michelle Brownlee /RepBrownlee @RepBrownlee United Way Frank Burns /RepFrankBurns @RepFrankBurns of Greater Philadelphia Mark Cohen /Rep-Mark-B-Cohen @StateRepCohenPA and Southern New Dom Costa /RepDomCosta @RepDomCosta Jersey Paul Costa No Facebook @RepPaulCosta Angel Cruz No Facebook No Twitter Mary Jo Daley /RepMJDaley @RepMJDaley Peter Daley /RepDaley No Twitter Margo Davidson /RepDavidson @RepDavidson Tina Davis /RepTinaDavis @RepTinaDavis Jason Dawkins /RepDawkins @RepDawkins Pamela DeLissio /RepDeLissio @RepDeLissio Anthony DeLuca No Facebook No Twitter Madeline Dean /RepMadelineDean @RepMDean Daniel Deasy No Facebook No Twitter Frank Dermody /RepDermody @RepFrankDermody Delaware Valley Maria Donatucci /RepMariaDonatucci @RepDonatucci Association for the Michael Driscoll /RepDriscoll @RepDriscoll Education of Young Children Dwight Evans /RepDwightEvans @RepDwightEvans Florindo Fabrizio No Facebook No Twitter Economy League Frank Farina /RepFarina @RepFarina of Greater Marty Flynn /RepMartyFlynn @RepFlynn Philadelphia Dan Frankel /RepDanFrankel @RepDanFrankel Fight Crime: Robert Freeman No Facebook No Twitter Invest in Kids Ed Gainey /RepEdGainey @RepGainey Mission: Readiness John Galloway /RepGalloway @RepJohnGalloway Marc Gergely No Facebook @RepMarcGergely Pennsylvania Jaret Gibbons /RepGibbons @RepGibbons Association for the Neal Goodman No Facebook @RepNealGoodman Education of Young Children Ted Harhai /RepHarhai @RepTedHarhai Jordan Harris No Facebook No Twitter Pennsylvania Head Sid Michaels Kavulich /RepKavulich @RepSidKavulich Start Association William Keller No Facebook No Twitter Pennsylvania Stephen Kinsey /RepKinsey @RepKinsey Partnerships Thaddeus Kirkland No Facebook No Twitter for Children William Kortz /RepKortz @RepBillKortz Pittsburgh Nick Kotik No Facebook No Twitter Association for the Mark Longietti /RepLongietti No Twitter Education of Young Tim Mahoney /RepMahoney @RepMahoney Children Joseph Markosek /RepMarkosek @RepJoeMarkosek Public Citizens for Robert Matzie No work Facebook No Twitter Children Stephen McCarter /RepMcCarter
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