View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Elsevier - Publisher Connector Immunity, Vol. 7, 315±324, September, 1997, Copyright 1997 by Cell Press The CD38 Lymphocyte Differentiation Review Marker: New Insight into Its Ectoenzymatic Activity and Its Role as a Signal Transducer George Shubinsky and Michael Schlesinger* expression of p190, a high-molecular-weight oligomeric The Paul Ehrlich Center form of CD38 (Umar et al., 1996). The short cytoplasmic for the Study of Normal and Leukemic WBC domain of CD38 contains no known motifs (Src homol- The Hubert H. Humphrey Center ogy domain 2 or 3 [SH2 or SH3], antigen receptor activa- for Experimental Medicine and Cancer Research tion [ARAM], or pleckstrin homology [PH]) that could The Hebrew UniversityÐHadassah Medical School mediate interactions with other signaling proteins and Jerusalem 91120 seems to have no enzymatic activity. The cytoplasmic Israel portion of both murine and rat CD38 contains one tyro- sine residue that is not conserved in human CD38. The intracellular part of CD38 contains two conserved serine During the past two decades significant progress was residues within consensus sites recognized by cyclic made in understanding the molecular mechanisms of guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)±dependent protein intracellular signaling that control the growth and devel- kinases (Figure 1). cGMP-dependent serine/threonine opment of lymphocytes. Numerous cell surface recep- kinases in sea urchin eggs modulate the activity of ADP- tors were shown to trigger the phosphorylation of intra- ribosyl cyclase, an enzyme that displays a functional cellular proteins either via their intrinsic cytoplasmic homology to CD38 protein (Lund et al., 1996). The cyto- kinase domain or via associated intracellular protein ty- plasmic tail of CD38 might therefore serve as a regula- rosine kinases (PTKs). Protein phosphorylation plays a tory subunit of the CD38 ectoenzyme rather than as a key role in the initiation and propagation of various sig- tool for transduction of signals into the cell interior. naling cascades (Chan et al., 1994; Weiss and Littman, A number of CD38-related proteins, such as RT6, 1994; Kim et al., 1993a). The transmembrane signaling BST-1, and Yac-1, are GPI-anchored (Itoh et al., 1994; by surface receptors with ectoenzymatic activity and the Okazaki and Moss, 1996). In contrast, CD38 is a trans- mechanisms of their signaling function remain, however, membrane protein, and no GPI-anchored CD38 mole- poorly understood. Regulatory signals may be gener- cules have been found on the cell surface. The trans- ated by membrane-associated peptidases CD10/NEP, membrane domain of human CD38 includes 18 residues CD13/APN, CD26/DPPIV, and yBP-1. Glycosylphospha- of hydrophobic amino acids that are located between tidylinositol (GPI)±anchored ecto-59 nucleotidase (CD73), two short spacers that contain hydrophylic amino acids. which mediates lymphocyte-vascular adhesiveness, may Each of these spacers includes a triad of small amino also participate in the transduction of signals into the acids. It is noteworthy that analogous amino acid se- cell interior (Shipp and Look, 1993). quences determine GPI-cleavage/anchor sites and are A novel family of multifunctional membrane ectoen- found in the C terminus of primary translation products zymes has recently attracted attention. These ectoen- of all known GPI-anchored proteins (Englund, 1993). It zymes convert nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) remains to be seen, therefore, whether this site is impor- into cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADP ribose), tant for any functional property of CD38 protein. hydrolyze cADP ribose to ADP ribose, and in addition Analysis of the extracellular part of CD38 indicates display NAD:(amino acid) protein±ADP-ribosyl trans- that it may function in attachment to the extracellular ferase activity. The CD38 surface protein is a member matrix. Thus, human CD38 proteins contain three puta- of this family and seems to play an important but not tive hyaluronate-binding motifs (HA motifs). Two of these yet fully understood role in the regulation of lymphocyte HA motifs are localized in the extracellular domain of function. CD38 proteins were detected in humans, mice, CD38 (amino acid positions 121±129 and 268±276), and and rats (Reinherz et al., 1980; Howard et al., 1993; one in the cytoplasmic part of the molecule. Murine Koguma et al., 1994). This family also includes the hu- CD38 contains two HA motifs (Nishina et al., 1994). In man, murine, and rat bone marrow stromal cell surface addition, four asparagine residues in the extracellular molecule BP3/BST-1 (Hirata et al., 1994; Itoh et al., 1994; part of CD38 serve as potential carbohydrate-binding Furuya et al., 1995); the rat T cell differentiation marker sites. RT6 and its murine and human homologs; Yac-1 and The human CD38 molecule contains 12 conserved Yac-2 ADP-ribosyl transferases (Okazaki and Moss, cysteines, 11 of which are located in the extracellular 1996); ADP-ribosyl cyclase from sea molluscs (Tohgo domain. Purified human CD38 undergoes stable homo- et al., 1994); and other ADP-ribosyl transferases. oligomerization induced by thiol-reactive agents (Guida et al., 1995). It is tempting to speculate that thiol-depen- Functional Structure of CD38 dent interactions underlie the association of the extra- Human CD38 protein is a 45 kDa transmembrane glyco- cellular portion of CD38 with other receptors that may protein with a short N-terminal cytoplasmic part (21 be vital for the signaling function of CD38. Four cysteines amino acids) and a long extracellular domain (Jackson (Cys-119, Cys-160, Cys-173, and Cys-201) play an es- and Bell, 1990). The gene encoding human CD38 protein sential role in the cADP ribose synthetic and cADP ri- is located on chromosome 4p15 (Nakagawara et al., bose hydrolytic activity of CD38 (Tohgo et al., 1994). The 1995). Posttranslational modification may lead to the C-terminal part of CD38, including amino acid sequence 273±285 and particularly Cys-275, also contributes to * To whom correspondence should be addressed. the NAD glycohydrolytic activity of CD38 (Hoshino et Immunity 316 Figure 1. Functional Structure of the Human CD38 Molecule al., 1997). Reducing agents such as dithiothreitol, 2-mer- on neurons of human brain (Mizuguchi et al., 1995), pan- captoethanol, or reduced glutathione inhibit the enzy- creatic cells (Kato et al., 1995), epithelial cells of the matic activity of CD38, suggesting that the disulfide prostate (Kramer et al., 1995), and other cells (cf. Mehta bonds are important for the catalytic activity of the CD38 et al., 1996). In the hematopoietic system, CD38 proteins proteins (Tohgo et al., 1994; Zocchi et al., 1995). Com- can be detected on monocytes, myeloid cells, T and B puted analysis of the structure of murine Rt6 and its lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, follicular dendritic related proteins from rabbit, humans, and chickens cells, and even platelets (Alessio et al., 1990; Banche- showed that the amino acid sequence within the cata- reau and Rousset, 1992; Ramaschi et al., 1996). Dra- lytic domain and patterns of secondary structure motifs matic changes in the expression of CD38 correlate with predicted for different CD38-related NAD hydrolases the most critical events in the development of human were similar to those predicted for bacterial mono±ADP- hematopoietic cells. The early stage of maturation of ribosyl transferases (Koch-Nolte et al., 1996). In par- primitive CD341 human hematopoietic progenitors into ticular, the conserved pair of amino acids Glu-146±Asp- committed bipotent erythroid/megakaryocytic (burst- 147 seems to endow ADP-ribosyl transferase activity to forming unit±erythroid/megakaryocytic), unipotent my- the CD38 protein (Grimaldi et al., 1995; Okazaki and eloid (colony-forming unit/granulocyte±macrophage), and Moss, 1996). lymphoid precursors is associated with the expression A number of leucines within the transmembrane and of CD38 (Terstappen et al., 1991; Debili et al., 1996; extracellular domains potentially form leucine zipper Oertel et al., 1996). Early T cell precursors that migrate motifs that can provide association of CD38 with other to the subcortical area of the thymus are CD381, proteins. Two dileucine (LL) motifs are located in the and likewise the majority of CD41CD81 double-positive middle of human CD38 proteins. One of these motifs cortical thymocytes express this antigen. Further matu- (Leu-149±Leu-150) is conserved for human, murine, and ration into either CD41 or CD81 single-positive medul- rat CD38. Intracellular targeting and internalization of lary thymocytes and peripheral T lymphocytes isaccom- different transmembrane proteins requires the LL motif panied by a significant decrease in CD38 expression within the C terminus of their cytoplasmic domains (Reinherz et al., 1980). Mature human T lymphocytes, (Aiken et al., 1994). The LL motif that is located within with low or undetectable levels of CD38, can be induced the extracellular part of 45 kDa monomeric CD38 is, of to express CD38 molecules by antigenic and mitogenic course, not accessible to intracellular targeting. How- stimuli (Hercend et al., 1981). Thus, the modulation of ever, high-molecular-weight oligomers of CD38 might CD38 on the T cell lineage strikingly coincides with the contain monomeric subunit(s) within the cell interior, ren- two most important events during T cell ontogenesis. dering the LL motif accessible for intracellular targeting. T cells lose their surface CD38 molecules during the acquisition of antigenic specificity and intrathymic negative selection (von Boehmer, 1992), while mature T Pattern of the Expression and Immunoregulatory cells gain expression of CD38 in response to various Activity of CD38 stimuli. The expression of CD38 declines in parallel with Although CD38 was initially discovered as a differentia- the differentiation of activated CD45RA1 T cells into tion marker of T lymphocytes (T10), it is now clear that CD45RO1 memory lymphocytes (Prince et al., 1992). various levels of CD38 can be discovered in a large The distribution of murine CD38 among T cell subsets number of cells and tissues.
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