No. RO/VJA/Mise24/B/Gas Pipeline/NH-165/Sr.no.56) | ( S E Government of India Ministry of Road Transport &Highways Regional O f f i c e , Vijayawada Door no, 38-2-3/2, G o r l e d a l a p a n n a Veedhi, Near A m e r i c a n Hospital, Punnammithota V i j a y a w a d a - 5 2 0 0 1 0 , Tele: 0866-2970220; Fax: 0 8 6 6 - 2 5 7 1 9 8 5 + Dated: 94.02.2021 Invitation of Public Comments Sub: P r o p o s a l for P e r m i s s i o n for laying o f 6 ” , API 5L Gr.X-52, P S L - 2 , 6.4mm thick, 3 L P E Coated c a r b o n steel Pipeline for service of Natural G a s across & along NH-165 in Bhimavaram, West Godavari (District), Andhra P r a d e s h - r e g . P l e a s e find enclosed h e r e w i t h the proposal in accordance with Ministry’s latest g u i d e l i n e s dated 22.11.2016 f o r w a r d e d b y Chief Engineer ( R & B ) , N H & CRF, A . P vide l e t t e r dated 28.12.2020 f o r l a y i n g of 6”, API 5 L G r . X - 5 2 , P S L - 2 , 6 . 4 m m thick, 3LPE Coated c a r b o n s t e e l Pipeline f o r service o f Natural Gas across a t k m 102/927 & km 9 1 / 5 8 6 and along from km 9 1 / 2 0 0 to km 103,052 of N H - 1 6 5 in B h i m a v a r a m , West Godavari (District), Andhra Pradesh. 2. A s per the guidelines, i s s u e d b y the Ministry v i d e Circular N o . R W / N H - 33044/29/2015/S&R(R) d a t e d 22.11.16, the proposat for a c c o m m o d a t i o n of utility services atong a n d a c r o s s National Highways shall be put out in the p u b l i c d o m a i n for 3 0 d a y s from | _ d a y of uploading for seeking claims and objections (on g r o u n d s of p u b l i c inconvenience, s a f e t y a n d general p u b l i c i n t e r e s t ) . 3. In view of the above, comments of the pubtic on the above mentioned proposal is invited on the address mentioned below: The Regional Officer, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, - Gorle Dalappana Veedhi, Near American Hospital, Punnami Theta, Vijayawada - 520010 Email id: [email protected] Encl: As above Yours faithfully, oh ee o\ 224 Ashutosh Gaur) Assistant Executive Engineer For Regional Officer, Vijayawada Copy to: 1) Senior Technical Director, NIC for uploading on the Ministry’s website. 2) The Chief Engineer (R&B), NH & CRF, AP. ~ 3) The Godavari Gas Private Limited, D.No.85-6-23/2, 2°¢ Floor, RTC Complex road, Near Morampudi Junction, Rajahmundry - 533107. GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH ROADS AND BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT From To Sri V. Ramachandra, M Tech., She Regional Officer, Chief Engineer (R&B) MoRT&H, National Highways & CRF, D. No. 38-2-3/2, Room No.412, 4" Floor, Gorle Dalapanna Veedhi, State HoD Offices Building, Near American Hospital, MG Road, Punnamathota, “ao Vijayawada — 520010 Vijayawada — 520 010 3,0\"" Letter No.NH165/GGPL/Bhimavaram/DCE(NH)EE/DEE1/AEE1/2019, Dt.28.12.2020 od) Sir, ry 72 Sub: (R&B) NH Circle, Vijayawada — Permission for laying of 6”, API 5L. Gr. X-52, CT PSL-2, 6.4mm Thick, 3LPE Coated Carbon Steel Pipe Line for service of rae we Natural Gas along NH-165 in Bhimavaram, West Godavari District, A.P - > Request for grant of NOC-— Compliance furnished — Reg. Ref. 1. This office letter No. NH165/GGPL/Bhimavaram/DC E(NH)/EE/DEE 1/AEE 1/ 2019, Dt.13.02.2020 2. RO/MORTH, Vijayawada letter No. Misc 24/Gas Pipeline/NH-165/Sr.no.56/ 2590, Dt.18.05.2020 3. SE/NH/VJA letter No. Road Cutting/Permission/GGPL/NH185/ AEE 1/2019 Dt:17,12.2020 eR Re It is to inform that in the ref. 1°' cited the proposals of grant of NOC were furnished to RO/MORTH/Vijayawada. In the ref. 2°° cited the RO, MORTH, Vijayawada has returned the proposals unapproved along with certain observations. Now, in the ref. 3° cited the SE(R&B), NH Circte, Vijayawada has submitted the compliance for the observations and are as follows: a Observations by RO/MoRTHVJA Compliance by SE/NH/VJA 1 | As per Ministry's Circular No.RW/NH- Pipeline shall be laid across | 33044/29/2015/S&R(R), Dt.22.11.2016, railway track at Km 91/067 as the utility services shall be permitted to per the requirement/standards cross the National Highway either of Railways. At the remaining through structure or conduits specially | Crossings i.e, at Km 102/927 | built for that purpose. However, it is seen and Km 91/586 also casing is that the applicant has proposed for proposed and the details are casing only at Km 91/067 and has not enclosed in the Annexure-l, | proposed for any casing pipe at the crossing location Km 102/927 and Km | 91/586 which may compromise the safety | of the high way and road users. 2 In the checklist, it has been mentioned | Pipeline shall not be crossed | that the utility line has not been proposed | out over the culvert locations through CD works. However, from the constructed for Nallas / line diagram, it is seen that there are Canals. However, the pipeline several nallahs across the project shall be laid through HDD highway. Also, as the proposed length of methodology below the culvert the utility line is 18.09 km, it is unlikely foundation by maintaining the that alignment of the utility line will not) depth of more than 25 mtrs pass over culvert locations on the | from the bed of Nal/ lCanal.a | National Highway. The same may be | HDD Profile Drawings for the Page Lof3 _checked by EE(R&B), NH Division | culverts are enclosed herewith Vijayawada as per site conditions and the | for your reference checklist may be reconciled accordingly. _(Annexure-Il) Check list The arrangement proposed by the reconciled according to the licensee for crossing of cross drainage above is enclosed herewith, structures may be furnished. as desired (Annexure-lll). | It is seen that only the authorization from Please refer the enclosed Petroleum and Natural Gas regulatory document of PESO, letter vide board has been enclosed with the | No. P-2 (4) Misc. / 2013 dated proposal. As per Clause 4 of Ministry's | 16.09.2014 issued to M/s | Circular dated 22.11.16, the various other) GAIL Gas Ltd (one of the safety clearances from the respective GGPL promoters) regarding| authorities such as Chief controller of | statuary permission for City explosives, State/Central Pollution board | Gas Distribution (CGD) | and any other statutory clearance as Network (Annexure- IV). | applicable must also be obtained by the Laying of pipelines by CGD applicant before applying for permission. companies for supplying PNG The same needs to be furnished. & CNG (public utilities} shall _be carried out as per the |regulations & safety/Engg. Standards of Regulatory | Board, PNGRB, Govt.of India. It is seen that the proposed utility is | Please refer enclosed| crossing the Railway line near Km | herewith the documents 91/067. The clearance obtained from | related to permission from the railways for crossing of the utility line also | Railways Authority | needs to be furnished. (Annexure-V}. Approval is awaited from the Railway Authorities. ' The existing ROW line has not been Sample strip plan indicating | indicated in the NH line diagram. The NH Line diagram and distance distance of the utility from the Centre line from the centre to extreme of the highway may be shown in the strip | edge of Road is attached as plan and it may be ensured that the utility desired (Annexure -VI}. services are located as close to the extreme edge of ROW as possible. The proposed length of the utility line is | BG Calculations reworked out 18.09 km. However, only 5.54 km length | as desired as per the has been considered while calculating | mentioned circular dated the performance bank guarantee | 22.11.2016 and attached charges. The performance bank | herewith as Annexure-VIL. guarantee charges should be based on | Revised BG Amount worked per route meter and calculated as per | out to be Rs.18,12,600/-. para-6 of the Ministry's circular No.| RW/NH-33044/2912015 /S&R(R) dated 22.11.2016. | | ' The outer diameter of the utility line is not Please refer the Typical indicated in the typical cross section Cross-Sectional Drawing — enclosed with the proposal. The same indicating Outer Diameter of needs to be shown for better appreciation the pipe as desired of calculation of license fee charges.
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