SECTION ONE SECTION ONE Pages 1 to 8 Pages 1 to 8 THIS ISSUE THIS ISSUE VOLUME 53, NUMBER 29 • ITY. MICHIGAN THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1959 TWELVE PAGES Available Locally 50 Hear Souder Hospital One-Third Tell Cookie Tree Speak at Lions Ladies' Night Completed-Hudson Recipes in Book Work on the new Cass City JL Community hospital is about a Many area residents will recall An estimated 50 Lions and their third completed, Oran Hudson, when an article telling of the un- wives were entertained Monday hospital administrator, an- From the iisual Christmas cookie tree of 1 night at Bush's Restaurant by nounced this week. Mrs. Louis LaGorce, mother of Paul Souder, vice-president of The mechanical and plumbing Drive-to Start Mrs. H. 0. Paul of Cass City, ap- the Michigan National Bank in work is about 40 per cent com- ditor's Corner peared in the National Geographic S'aginaw. pleted. The general contractor E magazine ... it was this article Mr. Souder, a delegate to Rus- estimates that about 32 per cent Today in County that touched off a wave of in- sia in connection with the foreign of his work is done and the elec- It was a quiet Halloween in terest in the project that has re- Cass City Saturday. Chief Bill exchange banking program spon- trical work is about 17 per cent sulted in a book about the pYoject sored by the government, showed Wood reports not one case of that was to have been released completed. The work of the ar- The annual Christian 'Rural vandalism in the community and this week. slides and told of his experiences chitect is three-quarters com- Overseas Program (CROP) on the trip. pleted. expressed appreciation for the If the book is a success it will drive in Tuscola County will be cooperation of area voungsters in help not only the persons who use He said that most Russians be- Grading of the area is about held Thursday and Friday, Nov. compiling the record. it to learn how to construct a lieve that they enjoy a standard finished and the top soil distri- 5-6. it was decided, at a meeting >;-. -Jf :H if. # cookie tree, but the National of living that is the best avail- buted. Erection of the roof is ex- held recently at Caro. Ubly has followed the lead of Epilepsy League of Chicago will able. The average take home pay pected this week. Boilers are in Last yea? $1,864,88 was col- Cass City. The school will hold an receive a royalty on every copy of a Russian worker is about $18' place, as is the hot water tank. lected and the goal this year is a week. open house Sunday afternoon to sold. The air conditioning and its cool- for $2;000: The government show off the new debt-free an- Mrs. LaGorce was persuaded to Women do much of the work in ing water unit have been in- matches the collections on a 20- nex that was built for $74,000 write the book by Mrs. Garvin the country. They run the rail- stalled. to-one basis, so the money Col- roads and do practically all of the without a bond issue. Fankersley, owner of the Chicago Footings for the emergency en- lected last, year was worth $37,- There are four classrooms in Tribune, after she received too store work, Mr. Souder said. 297.60 in surplus food. for; Ho also said that there is new trance canopy and for the vesti- the new building and the money many requests for further infor- bule entrance canopy are in place. starving persons overseas. > was raised through a five-mill rm^'on about the tree to answer. construction in the country, but The drive is being conducted that the buildings are poorly Hospital Beds building and site tax and a trans- The many patterns presented Meanwhile, the purchase of the bv the Farm Bureau, Grange, fer from operational levies. Cass in the book are the result of nine built. area churches, extension groups Members of the club said that latest type hospital beds has been City recently built its new band years of work on cookie trees. completed. The beds are of the and FFA chapters in the county. and shop addition without bene- The book tells how to make his experiences provided a pro- Last year the bulk of the funds gram of unusual interest Monday. newer adjustable height type that fit of a bond issue, using money the various designs and also tells allow patients to have their bed was collected by FFA members. saved from taxes. what pitfalls to avoid to have a Mrs, F'rances T. Clark, county :je * :K * %. at the same height which they successful cookie tree. are accustomed to at home. extension agent in home econ- Although about a third of the Because of its old-fashioned j District Zonta The new type bed eliminates the omics, is the publicity chairman. collections for this year's Com- originality, Mrs. LaGorce has ex- common hospital footstool and munity Chest drive have been hibited her tree in the greens the familiar intravenous stand. A Add Two Employees turned in, Chairman Willis Camp- show at the Corcoran Art Gal- Meeting Draws simple adjustable rod placed in bell reports it is still too early to lery in Washington and in the the beds performs this function. To Area Soil tell if the $7,000 goal will be lobby of the, Mayflower Hotel. Mattresses for the beds are of reached, The tree in the hotel was 15 feet 100 to Bay City the wetproof type, eliminating The United States Soil Conser- "We'll have a complete report tall and included 200 cookies. rubber or plastic sheeting and for next week that should estab- The myriad patterns used for vation Service has added two em- making a more comfortable bed ployees to the staff at Caro, L. lish a trend as solicitors finish the cookies are collected from for patients, Mr. Hudson ex- coloring books, magazines, greet- FUELGAS LOOTED—Manager Ken Eisinger Cass City and Bay City Zonta W. Kellogg, Work Unit Conserva- their assigned areas," the peren- ment Store in Bad Axe and state police from, thr plained. nial, chairman of the drive said. ing cards, newspapers, cloth ma- points to the safe that unknown bandits looted Bad Axe post theorized that the two breaking and clubs were co-hostesses Tuesday tionist, announced today. terials and linoleum. A few of the Wednesday night at Fuelgas Company of Cass City, enterings were by the same persons. evening, Oct 27, to a meeting of Ted Piwowar, soil conserva- Incidentally, we tip our, hat to outlines were drawn by Mrs. La- corner of M-81 and M-53. The bandits broke into Fuelgas by breaking a district five of the organization Accident Victim tionist, and Paul .Pawlowski, en-, Willis for accepting the job as Gorce, who says that it is not Besides escaping with some $450 in cash, the window into the company's office that faced to the at the Wenonah Hotel in Bay gineering- aid, are the new staff bandits took a deer rifle equipped with a scope, an rear of the building and was not visible from the City. members. drive chairman year after year necessary to be an artist to make automatic 12-gauge shotgun and an electric adding highway. Buried Tuesday .... it's work that most give up an outline for a new cookie form. About 100 persons were present, Mr. Piwowar transferred to machine. About a week previously, the Fuelgas plant in including Mrs. Thomas Wolcott, Caro from Allegan where he has after one year with a sigh of re- The book- will be available On the same night, thieves looted Lee's Depart- Flint was also broken into, Mr. Eisinger reported. lief. locally at Mac & Scotty Drug governor of district five ,and Mm Final rites for Mrs. Beatrice been assisting- the Allegan Soil ***** Store. Leon Harris, president of the Atfield, 51, a victim of a hit and Conservation District. Ted, his If Cass City defeats Franken- Bay City club, who was mistress run driver in Detroit Saturday wife Delores and daughter Re'gina muth Friday night, the Cass City Mrs* Dott Seeger of ceremonies. were Held at Little's Funeral j have moved from Allegan and are Community Hospital may be $35 It's Showdown Time for Cass Inter-city chairmen were Mrs. Home Tuesday at 2 p.m. living at 1338 E. Caro Road. richer. Seven Rotarians made a Arthur Higgs of Bay City and Mrs. Atfield was born June 23, Mr. Pawlowski transferred to pool of $5 each and sent a letter President of Local Mrs. W. E. Walpole of Cass City. 1908, in Cass City, the daughter Caro from Bad Axe where he has to the Frankenmuth News ask- Past Matrons' Club John Hoeltzel of Midland was of the late Mr. and Mrs. George been assisting with the Agricul- ing that the paper contact Rotar- City•/ and Frankenmuth Fridayj the featured speaker and he dis- Ackerman. tural Conservation Program in ians for a cover to the wager. If played and explained antique and She is survived by her husband, Huron County. Paul, his wife It's showdown time in the Th-? Hawks f^ed up for the yardage and touchdowns was ef- modern music boxes. Betty and son Timothy will move Frankenmuth wins the Franken- Eleven members of the Nellie Thumb B Conference. Friday the Glen, two sons and a daughter. M.
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