The ROCKET - In Our 78th Year Serving The Slippery Rock University Community VOL. 78, NO. 5 FRIDAY* SEPTEMBER 2()» 1995 FAI.LSBMKSTKR In Brief Homecoming '95 Murder Update Let the Games Begin... SRU Students New C Notes to to Stand Trial By Kristen Gunter tage of it working for you." the crowning of the Homecoming ing, and bounce-boxing. Prevent Counterfeits "Be SRU's Guest." is a take-off on "The games in the Quad are geared News Editor a cartoon or Disney motif, according King and Queen and the annuncia- tion of Paint-The-Town and Yell- towards getting the students to take for June 19 Slippery Rock University's 1995 to Popek. Since February, the Home- advantage of the activities going on. The new $I(X) notes to be printed coming committee has been working Like-Hell winners. We are trying to make the event more Homecoming festivities begin today This year's Homecoming nomi- by the Treasury Department will at I p.m., as students participate in on the logo, which includes a scroll and more like a carnival atmosphere, Murder and features a frog on a lillypad. The nees arc: Lorali King, Lisa Hamilton, have a few changes. traditional games, a pep rally and so this year we will be giving away committee held a contest, and an ;mi Sheila Couch, Randi Lasher. Devin free cotton candy and popcorn for the By Dwight A. Chambers Among these are the enlargement contests in the Quad area in front of Crosby. Richard Ireland. Lenny Bailey Library. mated movie theme stemmed from students," Popek stated. Editor-in-Chief and the shifting of Ben Franklin's there. The logo was drafted by a Chan, and Brian Snyder. Paint-The-Town judging was fin- This year's theme is "Be SRU's graphics service in Slippery Rock, Yell-Like-Hcll winners will re- portrait more to the left, ink that Guest," and, according to this year's ished Tuesday, and the winners will Three Slippery Rock University changes from green to black and a and took two months to complete. ceive a cash prize, which was donated be announced at the Pep Rally. Popek students will stand trial for the June coordinator Marcie Popek, numbers by Alumni Affairs, and Paint-The- translucent thread embedded in the for all Homecoming activities are Popek added that using the words said 18 windows in Slippery Rock 19 murder of a Slippery Rock resi "Slippery Rock University Presents" Town winners will receive trophies. were painted by campus organiza- dent, ruled District Justice Clifford bill that turns red under ultraviolet expected to be on the increase com- FlrtWOrfcg will immediately follow pared to past years. above the logo text "Be SRU's tions, residence halls, and Greek fra- Woessner at a Sept. 19 hearing. light. Guest" provided a movie-type qual- these events, and WRSK radio will ternities and sororities. Popek was Charles Altman, 21, and Christo Popek explained, "I'm really ex- be broadcasting live from the Pep The first of the new bills will ap- cited for this year's Homecoming ity as an overall effect. impressed that ten of the campus or- pher Raydo, 19, sophomores, both pear in "early 1996," Treasury offi- Rally. ganizations were participating for the of Erie, and Stephen Bastian, 22. a because it's a fun theme and people Popek said approximately 250 cials said. The Treasury intends to are really getting involved. I hope FRIDAY first time this year. sophomore of Collingdale, Delaware people are expected to participate in SRU cheerleaders, the Marching County, are charged with the beat- redesign all currency down to the everyone comes out and has fun be- Scheduled for Friday are games in the Ycll-Like-Hell contest, and games cause the celebration is funded by the the Quad from I p.m. to 5 p.m., and Rockets band, and members of the ing death of 36-year-old Timothy L. $2 bill along the lines of the $100 in the Quad will include an inflatable Rape. activity fee, so you can take advan- a Pep Rally at 6:30 p.m.. including bungee-run, sumo wrestling, joust- SRU football team will be on hand to bills. celebrate at the Pep Rally. In addition, Rape's body was found along The fate of the dollar bill will be the University Choir will sing the Route 108 in Slippery Rock Town- decided, as Congress is debating SRU Alma Mater. ship around I a.m. Tuesday, June 20. legislation that would replace the According to reports, the victim was presumably beaten with a board paper bill with a $1 coin. SATURDAY Parade found at the crime scene, and he later Courtesy Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Homecoming '95 will officially died of a skull fracture. kick off Saturday morning when the Authorities allege that Rape was SRU Homecoming Parade will leave beaten because Altman and Raydo the Giant Eagle store and move suspected he had stolen $100 from a through dowtown Slippery Rock at wallet left on the seat in Altman's Burned Dog 10:30 a.m. van. "This is going to be one of the bet- Kelly Dombeck. Raydo's girl- Recuperating ter parades that we've had, for sev- friend, testified at the hearing that eral reasons, " said Popek, "First of Raydo told her he had hit Rape after all, the theme has been a fun one for Altman knocked Rape to the ground A Siberian Husky mix named organizations to work with, and be- and that Bastian told her he struck Granpa is eating and trying to walk cause Homecoming is earlier than in Rape on the side of the head, accord- after someone set him on fire in his past years, the weather should be ing to an article the Sept. 20 Butler Eagle. family's yard in New York. Family nicer, which means more people will come out to watch." Assistant District Attorney, David members, who did not want to be Fourteen floats and seven area Hepting, estimated the men, who are identified, say they believe street- bands will be participating in the pa- also being charged with conspiracy corner drug dealers did it because rade, including California University to commit murder, will stand trial Granpa's barking scared away cus- of Pennsylvania's band, Slippery sometime in January. tomers. The 11-year-old girl who Rock Marching Rockets, and the Slip- Hepting also said that since the pery Rock High School Band. Clowns natter is "a pending criminal inves- owns Granpa saw the dog in flames and banners will add to the fun. igation," he could only comment on and rushed to his aid. The 6-year- Popek said the Slippery Rock Uni- nformation of public record. old dog suffered burns to his legs, versity Marching Rockets have been Although the three SRU students neck and face and will need inten- working on Disney songs for the pa- were being held in the Butler County sive care for a month or two. "His rade and half-time at the football Prison, Raydo and Altman were re- leased in June after each paid hair was pretty much all singed off," game. This year's Grand Marshals wi/1 be Slippery Rock Mayor Howard $75,000 bail. Bastian remains in cus- said veterinarian Andrew Kaye. No Meyer and Slippery Rock University tody. one has been arrested. President Robert Aebersold. Barbecue luncheon Following the parade, which will end at the East/West Parking Lot on SRU's campus, will be a barbecue SADD No Peeking luncheon, being held in a large tent in the N. Kerr Thompson Stadium The University of Alabama parking lot. Founder to placed a sheet over a statue that has The luncheon, which is being un-' derwritten by First Western Bancorp, both male and female sexual fea- Inc., will be held to celebrate the tures. Officials put a notice on the university's success in its first Capi- Address artwork — in an exhibit that runs tal Campaign, which was headed by through Oct. 6 at the student center C. Bruce Rossiter, vice president for university advancement. on the Tuscaloosa campus — that University Tickets for the luncheon are avail- says it is "inappropriate for view- able from SRU dining halls, and will By Sharon Busch ing." That has not stopped people be available in the tent on the day of Staff Writer from lifting up the sheet and peek- the celebration. Cost will be $6 for ing underneath. adults and $4 for children and stu- and dents with a university meal plan. Kristen Gunter Courtesy USA Today The menu will include herb-mari- nated chicken, potato salad, barbe- News Editor cued beans, dessert and beverages, and the country-western band "Gash- Students Against Driving Drunk ouse" will provide entertainment. Alumni and SRU Football organization founder Bob Anastas According to Sally Lennox, direc- will be presenting his new program. tor of alumni affairs, 11 university "Check in to a Winnning Life" at departments will have tents and tables SRU on Wed., Oct. 4, at 8:30 p.m. set up for tailgating across Stadium The lecture will be held in the Animal Cruelty Sparks Drive before the football game, where Multi-Purpose Room of the Commentary University Union, and is free to SEE GAMES, PAGE 2 anyone who would like to attend. See Page 4 Ric Laudenslager and other PlanetKeepers cleaned up campus Sunday afternoon. Jan Krepps, health education coordinator in SRU's McLachlan Features Health Center, said a mandntpr) Board being Organized to Hear Student session will be held at 7 p.m.
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