Calhoun: The NPS Institutional Archive Institutional Publications The Quarterdeck (publication) 1993-05-13 The Quarterdeck / 1993-05-13 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey Callifornia http://hdl.handle.net/10945/52064 NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL• Monterey, California ARMED ~ORCES DAY 'SATURDAY; MAY 15 IN THIS ISSUE: .. • ·-· ~ Employee awards ' :·: * ·MOARS course · !!~llii!!lll~11!J!!i!lii!l!:i!iii!if~!:!!i~!!i~lfl!!illl NAVY FLYING CLUB $18. Planes are checked out only to members who have a valid pilot' s license HOSTS 'OPEN HOUSE' and rental fees are charged for the planes. The new address for the club is 806 The Monterey Navy Hying Qub duty and retired military, DOD employ­ Airport Road. There is a secured access hosts an ''Open House" tomorrow, from ees and dependents. The members pay an gate into the airport. For more details and 1:30 - 4 p.m., at the Monterey Peninsula initiation fee of $30 and monthly dues of call 372-7033. Airport to conunemorate the opening of its newly constructed hangar. The club recently relocated to the :M©NTEREY>YMCA HONORs ·: sERVIGES north-east side of the airport and its new $55,000 facility. The new hangar, paid auR1NG ARMEo .. FoRces·wEEKf ·· MA v~ -1 :=g ··::: for by the flying club, provides more ·. Th~ YrttCA of' the M~n~~y Peninsula ~s~orting th/ liandicapped ai the room than the old facilities. Fuel costs honoftd five area service members dur- _,. Monterey County Fairgrounds; working will drop with the opening of the new irig their Military Appredatlon Awai-els > fo~ S«uriiJ and iDrormation ~nee hangar. The club now has its own fuel storage capability, allowing it to make bulk fuel purchases and meet pollution­ • control standards. The Navy Hying Club has 250 members. Membership is open to active NAVY RELIEF FUND DRIVE The 1993 Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society's Annual Call for contributions ~itiffr~~ist~~::~r;! has begun. vice { ... •··: a.id ··,·· ~;f~~~~~~~~~e.x~ange ·_ stu­ From now through June 13 campaign volunfo~r/ thCir .· "~~U>~;"~.~~~!:"".;;:.~ dent for three leaders will be canvassing all Navy­ timct0.10cJilcont ~~~~~ ~~~ '. ~~-· weeks.•> ... Marine Corps personnel for their munitypr()j~· ~~~"' ~·-~iO'Jol\~\P~~ · .. ''I am contributions by allotment, cash or . TheNaval Post- •"~.;~~~~\)f-.;.JJ\!~~ -' - ~\\\ very · ,ex· check. This years' goal for the graduate. School ~~~~t~~' ~~~"'~ dtedabOut Monterey area is $65,000. Other _ 1?92 . ,:'s~ulorof the .. -::~~""~~~~·~dtlTP"'~ ... ··. the award military members and civilian personnel Yea_r •.... P.ctty _, O_.· ffic~r ·\_ 6i~'~'°'. 4:-:...~-6~~.·. •: and . h_o_n- may contribute if they desire. First Cla~ Jesus C. • \~ ""~~~ •· . ·• ored to be The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Bertulfo, was selected~ . ,--~ ~~ . · seleCt~d." Society is a means for Navy and Marine the Navy's representative. ~'~ : · __ _. s a 1 d Corps personnel to take care of their Bertulfo,aPhilippinenative; ~'~ . ~~- Bertulfo. own by providing emergency financial joined tlieNa.'vy in"Augu5t1982.; . He has .. Bertulfo is assistance, budget counseling, been ,t.NPfsinee Janua_ry i991 with his .· being comidered for advancement tO the education loans and grants, and a variety wife, Belinda Lymi, aDd daughter Ciana · Navy's liext higher pay gracle. "I am up of other beneficial services. Contact the Mae. Berlulfo is the leading petty fficer for advancement for chief. This is my Navy-Marine Corps Fund Drive and manager ofthe NPS marina and swim· third time and the third time's a charm." Chairperson Ens. T. S. Sanders at 656- ming pool. Bertulfo's tour ends at NPS in January 2531 for more information. Portions of his volunteer work include 1994. Spotlight on ... l~,~~1ii!~1:~1~,i l't :I. , FIRE SCHOOL ~... NAfilX-- ' H~ '. -BXCtN.. ·. fi< .::-.·. The Red Cross is seeking volunteers for .AsslgDed k,: Joint C3 c~ oftlce .· this year's Wildland Fire School. The DUties: Ed tech. Children: Rlchai-cl, R~bert, Ronald, Chrlsdne, school will be conducted on June 4, 5 Cliarlene & Cbetjl Ann and 6. Volunteers are needed for all roles Hometown: San Pedro, CA from logistics to serving water on the fire Hobbles: Needlework, playing piano, aerobics lanes. Positions are open to active duty Pet Peeves! "Bad manners." · members and their dependents. Call Who are yoo most proud or. "My children and 242-7801 for details. grandchildren." . · What Is yoo most memorable m0fuent at NPS? AMATEUR RADIO "Winning the 1992 Asian AJiierlcan/Padftc The NPS Amateur Radio Club meets Islander Employee Recognlti~ A "ant·~ Thursday, May 13 in Spanagel - 400 at What do you eriJoy lnoetal>Outt.he Nll'vy? / ·. 7:30 p.m. For more details contact John "Interacting With our students and woridJ..g } ) . ·.,. \ · :, •. Benka at 394-1860. with nice supervison and stafhrounci NFS." < ···•· •=·.···'' . ) ' < X ' · What IS. yoor secret for success? "I tty t0 be pOsiti*e and friendly towanb everyoneY .•.. VETERANS BRIEF A Veteran's Representative will be at .....----------------,---------- --------, NPS on June 1 from 1to3 p.m. to give a briefing on veterans' benefits. The briefing takes place in Glasgow Hall, May15 Room 103. Call FSC at ext. 3060/3141 KIDS' FLEA MARKET for reservations. 646-3975 VOLUNTEER OF QUARTER Kids, clean out your toy boxes and Congratulations to Dr. Harry F. Stafford, • bedroom closets and sell your used toys, Col. USA (Ret.), for being selected as games, clothes, books and other items. the Family Service Center Volunteer of Table spaces are open to children from the Quarter. the ages of 6 to 17 years. The flea market is from 9 a.m to noon at Hilltop Park WORLD AFFAIRS COUNCIL Center, 871 Jessie Street, Monterey. "Bosnia: What to Do" is the title of a free presentation of the World Affairs May25 ARTY Council. The presentation takes place on PRE-SEPARATION BRIEFING Tuesday, May 18, at 6 p.m., at Irvine The Superintendent and his wife, 656-3060 Auditorium. MllS. A panel of experts Becky Mercer, invite anyone who will discuss the options for diplomatic "survived" the Mt. Pinatubo eruption or A Pre-Separation Briefing is and military action in the Balkan civil participated in the evacuation or scheduled for May 25, from 8:30 to 11 :30 war. recovery through withdrawal of Subic a.m., in Glasgow Hall, Room 103. This Bay to a "Pinatubo Party" on Friday, briefing is mandatory for those separating June 11, at 5 p.m. in Quarters 'A'. Bring from the Navy. For more information/ or wear memorabilia. Bring a guest. Call reservations, contact the FSC at 3060/ 656-2512/2513/251/4 to R.S.V.P. Dress 3141. is very casual. search firm. It is ideal for any officer considering separation or retirement in one to two years. Seminar discussion topics provide strategies and time lines to achieve a • successful transition to the civilian community after military service. Myths about private and public sector salaries are dispelled. Tips and traps on resumes, interviewing, corporate employment and franchise opportunities are presented by thought provoking guest speakers to help you f Ian for the future. .·· .. NPS :EMPLOYEES AWARD WINNERS 11le Flrst Annu81 Employee& · Recognition Awards Luncheon was held JaSt week hi the Barbara McNitt Ballroom. A ward winners are: Admhdstndve Employee Eleaaor Jackson, ;:::::::::::::;:·::::::: ...· Adaa Amtrlcaa/Padflc Islander .·.··-:···:···:-:·:···. restoration project coordinator. Zeaalda Bactad, Cowan said ice plants have been Black Employee · I removed from most of the areas to be Esther Dwut. 0 restored and over 8,000 native plants have Disabled Employee ... · : been put in the ground. The rains this . · : Jaime• R. t;aunc1o, . SWIM PROGRAM winter and spring have helped to establish . Oerlcill Employee ,.. :" · ,;, .: , ,: Claudia M.Sw&.ey, . GET IN THE POOL the new plants and sprout seeds from plants that were already in place. ··. Emploift! ·ortheYearf/ ···"·. Barracuda Aquatics of the Monterey '' : . ~Y*al~ 'AJltlenH, ) : The project is on-going with future ice Peninsula, or BAMP, is a local non-profit oi11s.-a1c EaiPlofee ·:,:: \L · :: · plant control and additional plantings Fruk~ ·-·· ·:·::::} • organization that operates a competitive planned. Signs are being installed that will swinuning program for the youths of the identify the areas being restored. - ~er~t..Y&~~. .I1I,;.'{ Peninsula area ranging in age from 6 to :::·N9tift AmCriCn ~ .{~: - :.:::::. ::::·:-~:::.. 18 years old. SUCCESSFUL c •·• ~<>llbr2i~d°~~· ~ Everyone is invited to visit any of the 'Profado1~ar~mplofft! ·ottlle' Ye.U:}. · daily practices held year round at 5 p.m. TRANSITION .. · · ..... .... .'· hof~~~e! l1-r.y.m., Monday through Friday at Carmel High SdflitHkEmplOjee:•o- ... :. · School. For more details call Head Coach MILITARY OFFICERS' .. s~ •• :i.:r:ce.~~~:: ,, '\::;::.· ·.. =. ===·f Larry Countryman at 624-6858. RETIREMENT SEMINAR An Officers' Retirement Seminar ' ~pe~:-:;~:-.;r,::;::' · ,: ·. , Lt. Julie~eryy; ,: sponsored by the Family Service Center ,\. :, THE BARNYARD Techiakal Employee ' will be held May 22, from 8: 15 a.m. to ·.· C.C. Reed, BOOK RELEASE PARTY 2: 15 p.m., in Spanagel Hall, Room Trades It 'Craftis '\:• •.·· There will be a book release party at lOlA. Registration deadline is May 13. '·. ' Job• E. Pbllllpe, Thunderbird Bookshop in The Barnyard, The seminar will be conducted by a . Woman of the Year ". ' Camtel on Saturday, May 15 from 1 to 3 Military Officers' Approaching . Jeane &e•to.. · p.m. Retirement or Separation team. A tax Robin A. White will be there with her deductible fee of $70.00 for reference GANGS! third technothriller release. The new material and textbooks will be collected WHO ARE THEY? novel is "The Sword Of Orion." at the door. Attendees can bring their spouses at no additional charge. Spouses What you always wanted to know are encouraged to attend Call 656-3060 about GANGS, but were afraid to ask. Today, at 6:30 p.m., in the La ENVIRONMENT to register . Both junior and senior officers say Mesa school multi-purpose room, DUNE RESTORATION this program is the one to attend. NPS Family AdVoaicy Committee The project to restore native vegetation MOARS is conducted by volunteer presents Tom Ludovico, President of • retiring and recently retired officers and Monterey Peninsula Gang lnvestiga· to the dunes at NPS is off to a good start, Call 656-3060 details.
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