
t'' ,, .... ,. "',· 1952 27; :] .. ' '' .. ' . lTRE·· FROSH OFFICERS- . 1, 1952 · · --t'· . k New . personalities are always ;Th"e''-Demoera~~{~and the Repub:. .: · lic~s ·-have-<t:tteir '-_say--one··-day; ,. · ·- _ intef~sting. Th~ ~f:f;ice_rs ~f _the ·sday · _beforj! ·, ·the,. :ete~on. · Gerald · : . ~ :freshnian class, elected in last • 9:00 t a Bill' state . ":· :.. hn Ireland .Chan·dter·aii~ Whit~- _thl!ir cas~. on'. Page Thr~e;~-- : ... "t..· ~ . : "t'!~ ~'- q~~,}:~ ~---M~,, ~=':.. :~:P:~~··,.. UTH" ·.-.*-·-·* * * · ;- 9:00 Wake Fo~t-_Collece, ,Wake F'o..,_-_~~-~orth C~Yoliaa, No-rember 3; 1952 NUMBER 6 -.. • , • - ,•" r - ' . ' • '.... -' ·:: >LS" ..,, To The Victors aelong The Smiles_. -' 'i . ··-...... - .. ' riday • 9:00 k·Cravant -Who'siWho To Recognize 21 ~TE" II'L SHOW ie Bracken Today; IFCTo MakeA~ards E" i,' lA'S- Will_ Gel- 1951-52 • · One Law Student And D 11 P.M.- -TrophJ For Top Magazine Plans 21 Seniors Are in ' " ''· . ' MBUSH" '-1 W ak;,e. Forest :College's Homecoming crowd. of 10,­ Writing Contest who'• Am.•rican ooo· ·saw the ·Deacons score willKap~!~h!!t.rnitr receive the . 1951-52 · · €olleges ~~:c!~and Universities tiWo touehdo:wns in th¢. first . :, scholarShip-a:ward given by First- Issue To Come will induct 20 Wake Forest AVAGE" quarter. ·and on:e i~'lhe se- .. - the Inter-Fraternity Co-uncil From Printer In Colle•ge seniors and one ·law cond . to' fi~a~ th:e . ha'pless . during the chapel progra~ Two Weeks student during_the chapel State C.oll.¢ge'.~W:olfpack2l:-6 ·.-.: this mornin•g with Louten program this morning.. ::-. 9:00 here Saturday. -· · · _. · · Co-editors Tom Mezger and Donna Reed Britt. president, presiding. Charl~s Barham, president , · The State scot:e .came in Other awards to be made Blevyn Hathcock have. announced of the student body, will rec­ E:ET'' the second quarter. :w,hen the to the fraternities·· will be that the fall issue of the Student ognize the ne;w members. BaptiSts _seemingly split at athletic trophies for football, Magazine has gone to press. The They are: Ralph Brown, h k tb It 11 b 11 d magazine will be distributed to the seams to · play 'loose ball as e a ' vo ey a an the students in approximately two Charles Duckett, Est h e r IEATRE after th'ey .had taken a "fast softball. weeks. Ellen, Clara Ellen Francis, !7, 1952 lead: · · · · · · · 1 Athletic Wia:nen. Featured in the first issue of Hilda Jordan,·. Mary Lide, esday The first score came after. six· The-scholarship award is. given the magazine are short stories by Betty McAfee, Joe Mauney, to the fraternity having the high- 1 H bra Paget minutes of the first quarter. W,ake est._q'!lalit:r- point ratio taken·from B evyn athcock, Otis Gossman, Tom Mezger,. Wiley Mit- Forest receive_d~tne opening,kiclt " · .the~ s·cnolastic ·av~rages ~f all its and Afton Quinn·: ·feature· articles chell, Carol Moore. --- . ' W::S." ... ap4 .,controUe.d. t~~-: ]>.a}l' !o!.::!.9.u!: by Nancy. Crai.,;, Ida Kay Jordan, 0a d" s d tninu:tes, threatenmg ;to score but :mem,. hers and -pledges for-the year, Nan Leonard, anda Gossman. ·1 tstaa.... ' ....f .. ld tuN erita . d Kappa Alpha: posse!ising the high- v·1rg1 ~uoore 1e , o r w o o y - Friday :falliiig:Shorf."Kocli pli.nted -~ut ·of Poetry for -the ·issue was wri~ p L"bb. L All · s · est ratio for'-liist y·ear. · ope, 1 1e ou en tmes, I • 9:00 bounds on tne one fo'ot line and ten by Mezger and Gossman. Illus- R" h d T"dd F d U h Vera Miles -~t~_:was i~ :iJiek first~hole of 'till~ ·Pi Kappa Alpha, winners in the IC ar I y, re pc urch, fraternity league last fall, will re- trations for the cover and short R oger w arren, · ..,ulie~ Watson, stories have been drawn by Mez- B • ht" Wh'te L · ·11· ceive their second ·football tophy ng Ie I , onme W1 tams. rORY" ~~~,.~-_,: ~ -_ Firat.-5~~~~-~ < -~. ~ _ in as·many years. ger and Mrs. James O'Flaherty. (law student), L. M. Wright Jr. ·. Three · 'plays •by . the _'Pack . The basketball _trophy goes to . Sho_rt ~tory Contest Old me_mbers are: Charles Bar• .J!ouglit:~o''gain's 'and A.iex'Web:.- ·:· the Alpha Signia Phi· fraternity, . Of speCial mterest ·to. students ltam, Ken Bridges, Ed Christman, • 9:00 -~~ptinte~:on fourth·, down~··. On and the volleyball award will be Will be a short story. contest sp~n- ~arion. Davis, -B. T. Henderson, ie Bracken the second play from -scrimmage, given to Sigma Phi Epsilon. The so~ed by the m~gazme. The first Jac:K Lewis, W. E. (Doc) Mur­ - Wake's . Larry: Spencer .took a .Kappa Alpha's will take their se- prize of_ ~ 10 will go · to the :~tu.; phrey. :E" . pitchout :from f~ua'J:'terback· Sonny -cond trophy, won last year; when dent writmg the best .short story Students are nominated by a Geo-rge·and'.ran ar_ound''end for 82 · ,they receive the softball award. ~nd w~o has not .preVlously pub- faculty and student committee. yards and:;the score_ after six min-- . hshed ~n the Stu~ent. The sec- Who's W-ho is a private organiz­ : • 9:00 utes . of. play•. · .George .. converted ond prize of $5 IS open to all ation which publishes a book each eth Threatt and tlie-Wakem~.n~er~ a~j!ad 7-0. ..{chain~bandsh&ke. o"f.victory ~d f~ie.idablp w~: . by t~ the f;eeh· s~udents, w.hether. they have p~b- year recognizing their members. Sktaftef · Coltlh~e '. t~-~ --th ~;peda~ofn ·m~n clasa ~\ecti~_a,. President :Tom Hardi:n, c:enteri' ~th · Ito~ tie, . co~ . with fellow hshed prev10u~ly m the magazme Membership is restricted to juniors k1c o on-- etr own, 2 0 . --.an a • -, · h" - ... ·.a· · -·· ._._ s 1 · M · k ·s· · F" b · eli· t.--. -d ·. ·.. w· b"'t'" . ·. -.- ··•• • · o_fficers:·'C ar1 eac..n.ea.., once ·preaa ....:nt; Y 'n& USJC_ ,-secretary; rown1e ate; • .st- q; ·_Bio~d Unit .Gets ?r not. Deadhne for the contest and seniors who have been active _ er t 1uee owns,. e s er.wasagaxn, , : .. :. ,. -~- . · -- ·d · • ; (Ph · · ) ·-'· ·· · fcrced ,kick.. ;'l'li(r·ball :Was:;takeD: .atu 1 1a:ture · representatave. oto by ln:an · Gnc1r c- . _:, . _ . xs We~n.esday,. Novemb.er 28. in any phase of college work and to -:·anc!_;Ruffi~>;~o~aon, -~-n~_. e·~s Additional mformation ·regard- have a C average- · ing the contest may be obtained • .104--Pints At WF by contacting Mezger, Miss Hath­ -EleC±t cock. or Gossman at the Student !1ii&1Jt~!!'t'ilfls&if(la Haraut .. Magazine office on publications row.. Law Men Enter ,· ··_-~Regional Event Henderson And Allen Will Participate th!~~~~:~!~z~i:2~~!:r!, ~ oncer ~ ae~· ·e :=_~-.-.,~;::~~-:~~t::.:!~~ie-f ·· _·.:,ape_~_-~ anges !o~:!f!:o~:Jn~::ssbl:~e~ :~: · ·Greeksc·lent·tsts and Wake was'out~f~oht:-14-o;after _p· .. T' . w·n 8 Tommy Hardin, of Spindale, was Information Genter Is Bloodmobile was on campus en . In Trials ,. the seeo_nd_·-~c'oriv~rs.i__ on·,b_ ".:.-_:Ge.o. r,~e. ~-· ·1_ an.o . eam .. 1_' ·. e ele_cte_d_ president of the :freshman October 23 and 24. The quota was All b che 0 f th . By Boh Wilson - "' F Of Y 1 "p d T S set for .400 pints, and 475 students ran s e sciences with only ,._1 0 -minutes gone .in the ' · trst -ear.S · ca.ss· h ·242_m a run-offb votef Thursday_• - - rop·ose· :' 0 top had previously pledged to donate h a d . th exr. origin. m. Greece, ac- Wake Forest College School of Law will- be represented by two Entertainment . Announcements blood. Of the ones who pledged, cFordmtg to fDrss. c. 0Bf. EGarpk, Wahke0 q~;!iJ~:F~i-~~t·:-~~~he~-· i~i:si~te ·.· .,:_._ ... · · -· · _;!t_:5op-n::f~:r;~~,. Oth v:~~g~oreCh 1 85 were reJ'ected for various rea- ores pro e or ree • .w members of its student body, Roq­ 15-yard.~line,_«mce·oefore tlie·quai.,_ -- · '~SometimeS: people ·are afra!~: -~ . er ·posts wen~ to .. ares sons , -.· .addressed members of Eta Sxgma ert E. Allen, of Canton and Buford ter ended 'but 'the· threat .. was of:·good music; they qave a chtp R~Id, of Charlotte, w.ce prestdent; A student information center is • . Phi classical language fraternity T. Henderson II, of Winston-Salem stopped by' a fumble,'reoovered for. :on .. their shoulder;_ they are de- Sylvia Messic!t, o! W!nston-Salem;_ being -planned by the Student Ev~m wxth the addition of these Wednesday evening. in the regional round ~f the Nat­ State. --.. , ..... _.· · · ,_' 'ternuned to be bored-so we try secretary; Brown1e F1tch; of Chap- Chapel Committee to be used for 85 pmts ~o _the 304 that were Dr. Earp, introduced by Bill ional Inter-Law School Moot Court -state College the ball · to·make our concerts pleasant and el Hill, treasurer; the only office campus· announcements. actually- given. here on the cam- Rollins spoke on "Greek Scient- hiuf 0 n Competition. The contest will be their own 23-yard line at . the. personal," _says H!lrry Neal, hus- to be decided in the Tuesday vote; Virgil Moorefield, bead of the pus, the quota was still not ists" u~ing as his theme the con­ sponsored_ by the Bar Association quarter. From there. they gathered' bana:.nalf ·of the· ·duo-piano team and Ruffin Johnson, of Smithfield, Student Chapel Committee, states reached.
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