GOODMAYES HOSPITAL PRE-APPLICATIONDOCUMENT STATEMENT TITLE MONTH YEAR OCTOBER 2015 䜀漀漀搀洀愀礀攀猀 䠀漀猀瀀椀琀愀氀 一䔀䰀䘀吀 匀椀琀攀 倀氀愀渀 㨀㈀㔀 2 3 CONTENTS Key Design Team Members: Introduction 05 Existing Site Overview 06 Client/Applicant: NELFT Development Advisor: BNP Paribas Planning History 08 Architect/Masterplanner: Ingleton Wood LLP Planning Background 09 Planning Consulant: Ingleton Wood LLP Planning Policy Review 10 Highways Consultant: Peter Brett Associates Planning Analysis 14 Heritage Consultant: CGMS Planning Application Format 15 Flood Risk and Drainage: Rossi Long Consulting Wider Masterplan 16 Energy/Sustainability Consultant: Ingleton Wood LLP Existing Site Analysis 18 Arboricultural Consultant: Indigo Surveys LTD Exisiting Site Uses 22 Ecology: Indigo Surveys LTD Existing Scale and Fabric 23 Landscape: TBC Urban Grain 24 Topography 27 Site Constraints 28 Existing Site Access 31 Existing Built Heritage 32 Initial Proposals 35 Developing Built Form 36 Masterplan Evolution 38 Illustrative Masterplan 39 GOODMAYES HOSPITAL Summary of Proposed Alterations 42 Client - NELFT Principles of Conversion 46 Job No. 31123 IW 31123 PRE APPLICATION STATEMENT REV A01 Relevant Housing Typologies 48 Author: FP Checked: CS Principles of Neighbourhoods 50 Date: OCTOBER 2015 Proposed Quantum of Development 52 GOODMAYES HOSPITAL PRE APPLICATION STATEMENT INGLETON WOOD OCTOBER 2015 King George Hospital Goodmayes Hospital Seven Kings Water Seven Goodmayes Hospital Tantalon House Barley Lane Goodmayes Sports Field Introduction 1.0 Sunflower Court 4 5 The brief for the site seeks to facilitate the conversion of the opportunity to a range of would-be purchasers, whilst ensuring that redundant Goodmayes Hospital site into an attractive and significant any permission is embedded with the appropriate design quality residential address. controls to protect the unique character and status of the site. It is the intention of the Applicant, North East London Foundation Trust Initial studies indicate that the development quantum achievable (NELFT), to obtain planning permission for the areas of the estate no on the Goodmayes Hospital site is likely to be in the range of 200-300 longer deemed critical to the operation of its primary function as a residential units, distributed in a manner appropriate to the context publicly-funded healthcare provider. The Applicant recognises the and subject to a definitive mix of typologies to be established via a Barley Lane significance of the site both in terms of its physical contribution to future Reserved Matters application. The delivery of these housing Allotments the Metropolitan Green Belt and also its earmarked status as a Major numbers is likely to be achieved through a combination of new Developed Site with the potential to make a significant contribution build development and conversion of existing buildings. NELFT towards the London Borough of Redbridge’s (LBR) future housing owns further land on the wider site to the south which falls within growth. Early discussions with LBR have confirmed in principle the Adopted Development Plan for the area that is likely to offer a the suitability of the site as a location for significant residential future phase of primarily residential development, although it is not development. considered as part of this application process. Brookside Given the Applicant’s status as a public organisation, it does This document provides an overview of the physical, statutory, and not intend to develop the site itself moreover, upon the receipt political status of the site and offers a synopsis of the Applicant’s of planning consent, it intends to market the site to residential planning strategy alongside initial design studies that form the first developers in order to retain focus on its core activities. As such step of wider engagement in the formal planning process. it is the intention of the Applicant to seek a sufficiently flexible planning consent to ensure the site remains an attractive and viable Existing Illustrative Site Plan GOODMAYES HOSPITAL PRE APPLICATION STATEMENT INGLETON WOOD OCTOBER 2015 Aerial View looking North Site Ownership Extents SiteProposed Boundary Development Boundary Aerial View looking West Aerial View looking East Existing Site Overview 1.1 Tree Retained - Tree Survey Cat: A Tree Retained - Tree Survey Cat: B Tree Retained - Tree Survey Cat: C Trees Outside of Site 6 7 Tree to be Removed - Tree Survey Cat: B The wider Nelft site ownership covers an area of approximately 18.6 Barley Lane (B117) is located to the east of the site with established The topography of the Goodmayes application site is generally level, Proposed Development Area = 8.38 ha ha and is located in the eastern part of the Borough (see ‘Wider residential uses, including a recent development by Bellway Homes, although it sits on a plateau and the landscape falls away around Tree to be Removed - Tree Survey Cat: C Masterplan’ ). located to the south and east. Playing fields and open space, as the fringes, notably towards the west and south. well as allotments are located to the south and west of the site. Two A number of buildings are located on the site which are associated temporary car parks, which previously accommodated buildings There are a number of mature trees located across the site. A blanket Tree to be Removed - Tree Survey Cat: D with the site’s use as a hospital. A significant proportion of these used for health related purposes, are located toward the western Tree Preservation Order (TPO) covers the majority of the trees on the buildings are currently vacant, although the wider site continues boundary of the site, with open space beyond. site. to function as an operational hospital as well as providing an administrative base for NELFT. The buildings provided on the site of the Goodmayes Hospital cover The majority of the site falls with Flood Zone 1 where there is a a footprint of 18,182 m² and provide 248 car parking spaces. No low probability of flooding. A small section of the site’s western The site sits within the Metropolitan Greenbelt and the Goodmayes dedicated cycle parking is provided on the site. boundary falls within Flood Zone 2 (medium probability) and 3 (high Hospital and peripheral buildings are themselves locally listed. This probability) of flooding. designation covers the principal buildings, which are; the main Whilst a number of buildings on the site are no longer considered echelon buildings; the main hall; the water tower; the laundry and to be fit for purpose, Sunflowers Court, a new mental health facility, The principal access to the site is taken from Barley Lane and workshop blocks; the superintendent lodge; and the line of houses was opened in 2011 and provides a 91-bed campus covering 6,500 provides both access and egress. The site has a PTAL of 2. and cottages on Barley Lane. The buildings on the site range from m² of floor space, together with 120 car parking spaces and 42 one to three storeys in height, although the principal range of the cycle spaces. Further south within the wider site ownership is the perimeter echelon buildings is typically two story. Brookside Centre, an in-patient mental health facility for children and adolescents. King George Hospital is located to the north of the site and is connected via internal footpaths, a peripheral link road, and a small area of shared surface level car park. GOODMAYES HOSPITAL PRE APPLICATION STATEMENT INGLETON WOOD OCTOBER 2015 The Development Plan The adopted Development Plan in so far as it relates to the site, comprises the following documents. •The London Plan (2011) •London Borough of Redbridge, Local Development Framework Core Strategy Development Plan Document (March 2008) •London Borough of Redbridge, Local Development Framework Borough Wide Primary Policies Development Plan Document (2008) •London Borough of Redbridge, Crossrail Corridor Area Action Plan (2011) The key policies that have been used to inform the initial development proposals are summarised in ‘Planning Policy Review 2.5’. The Proposals Map which accompanies the Local Development Framework identifies that the entire site is identified as falling within the Metropolitan Green Belt. The site is, however, allocated as a Major Developed Site in the Green Belt. The allocation includes King George Hospital to the north, and playing fields and allotments to the south. A Site of Nature Conservation Importance runs to the west of the site, although a small part of the allocation extends into western part of the site. The area to the west is also identified as being part of the Blue Ribbon Network. The site is shown as being approximately 300 metres from Goodmayes Local Centre. The site is identified in the Crossrail Corridor Action Plan as an Opportunity Site which is considered to offer significant development opportunities within the plan period. The policy further advises that planning permission will be granted for proposals that use sites in a sustainable manner. Goodmayes Hospital, Barley Lane, Goodmayes is identified as site CC0S26 which extends to 15.05 ha. The document identifies the preferred future use as being health/residential/education and that it has the potential to provide 120 dwellings (approximately). The site isidentified as being delivered in phasing period 2 (2011-2016). The supporting text advises that sites identified within the policy are considered to be appropriate in principle for the development over the plan period and that the Council seek to achieve development which ensures the efficient use of land. Planning History 2.0 Planning Background 2.1 8 9 The following table provides as an overview of the Material Considerations major planning applications which have recently Planning Ref No. Descrpition Status been granted on the site. The following documents have also been considered in the preparation of 335/08 & 11/09/02 Goodmayes Hospital (development of two Approved the initial design proposals: storey mental health unit). 0121/99 Goodmayes Hospital (extension to existing Approved •The National Planning Policy Framework, 2012 hospital).
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