Page 2' TORRXNCE PRESS Thursday, February 16, 1956 Colorful Charter Rites fie/sy Ross Wilt (Advertisement) Meet for Sewing \Fireledies Set ITeenagers to Held For Kiwanis Club Betsy Ross club will meet Looking- forward to active participation in civic serv-: Tuesday, February 21, at the Social Eyents The Rescue ice, the Kiwanis club of Walteria received its charter dur­ home of Mrs. Florence Viclle- The regular meeting of the ing- colorful ceremonies held at the campus center of El nave, 2313 Torrance blvd., for Torrance Fireladies was held re­ Torrent Camino college recently. I sewing and a business meeting. In . President Joseph Bellante out­ « ^ v^ . cently at the home of Mrs. lavish function included Clyde Lach mcmbor has rcqucst- HarJan WTiitacre, 2240 West lined the aims of the club, in- A. Lheureux, lieutenant gover« 231st street. A calendar of .so- 1 Tin* torrents »>f c luding the establishment of a nor, division 19. who made the ed to bring her own sandwich j ciaJ events for the coming year| poured on the Torrance area] <liiving school for teenage introductions for the evening; and service, and the hostess will was adopted. -were enough to dampen the I \oungsters; a blood bank; part- and H. Park Arnold,interna­ serve dessert, 1ea, and coffee. employment program lor The next meeting will be held of I he most hearty, but nine tional trustee, welcomed, the 5. at the home spirit high school students; and the Monday. March Walteria club to the Fellowship VIRUS CRYSTALLIZED of Mrs. Jerry Loy, 2116 Middle?-; Mrs - Emni " Harris of 2813'i M-curing of athletic equipment. of the Kiwanis organization. brook road. ! Buckingham drive. Lo$ Angeles. The club also plans to work Gifts, including the bell, gavel, Crystallization of purified, A VaJnntineVi Day pot luck found that the spirit of a help- with the Walteria Business­ banner. American flag, Cana­ poleomyoiitis virus, the first Monte supper uas at men's club in civic affairs. brick yard on Monday evening in« hand is not dimi " i«lled by » dian flag (representing the in­ time a human or animal infect­ tide, Officer* ternational interests of Kiwan­ for the "A" .shift and on Tucs- little thing like a high Officers of the new Kiwanis ing virus has ever been crys­ the "B" shift. ; Mrs. Harris, a child carp at is), and the secretary's kit. were By Maude Millrr day evening for 'ub include Joseph Bellante, presented by Carl Arfwedson. tallized. has been reported by The parties were for all of Indent at the Harlan Sliocma- president; Charles Scott, first two scientists- from the Uni-< thc Firemen and their families... , , past lieutenant governor of divi­ 1 Each couple brought a covered I ker elcmcntary school for the * ice-president; Robert Owens, sion 19. verslty of California. and Don­ dish and their own table servJPnya'caJly handicapped In San econd vice-president; They were accepted by Don­ ald Whann, secretary-treasurer. ice. Coffee was provided by' Pedro. was driving north on ald Whann, secretary of thej Directors include Jack Wcin- I Dollar Days! -lu.' auxilia ' y'. ... _| Western when .she momentarily lein, Fred Stevens, Robert local organization. lost control of her car This, l.'.oyd, Hompton Fanchcr. M.D., Accepts Charter We're aJl agreed . it's tough as: coupled \sith a loss of brakes, .'. A. Beasley, Ha cold Human, Receiving the new charter everyday to sa\e B penny these days, lei as a gavel in honor of his The answers to put her in a lallu-r awkward uid W. J. Labit, D.C. well insurance problems* alone dollars. Which reminds Dignitaries attending the office was Joseph Bellante. pres­ us of a story. Seems (Here spot. ident. Making the presentation* By Les King just, complet­ was an old farmer once upon a Telephone FA'rfax 8-6375 North High had was Harold M. Heimbaugh. past who was the richest man ed its school day and students, governor of the California-Nc- time RCREATION vada-Hawail district. in the neighborhood. Jle was NOW — ENDS SATURDAY including Senior Al Legus. were JOHN AGAR beginning the wet trek home­ About 200 individuals wit­ \ isited one evening by a young MARA CORDAY ward. When Al spotted Mrs. BUILDING nessed the ceremonies and en­ jjjan who asked him the secret joyed the prime rib dinner. hi/* wealth. "Vvell. son. H's "Tarantula" Harris' ear with water already of —• The evening was arranged by — and high enough to enter doors, he PObHNS THE CHARTER ... Joe Bellante, pr.sidant of th» APPROVED a long story," replied the old MAMIE VAN, DOREN a charter program committee crabbed some of his buddies. newly chartered Walteria Kiwanis club, here posts the new char­ QUESTION: Does my Compre­ man, "and while I'm telling ye KEENAN WYNN from Walteria, Lomita and Tor­ hensive Personal- Liability In­ Lionel Gillespie, Enrol Guiliano ter in his office.—Press Photo. Acting at. the request of Sup- we might just as well put out Hardman and came t«i rance. Local men serving on surance really protect m« if "Running Wild" ;nid Dale wvisor Kenneth Halin the rny doR bites the paper bov the lamp and save the oil." the rescue. county board of supervisors this the committee included Charles Scott. Jack Weinstein. John and I'm sued for damages? Sat., 1 P.M. With .SllOCS Olf r'lld |>Hllt> a $21,791 con- can find no such coverage ifl "Thanks," said the young fel- Kiddie Show Tryout week approved Robert Owens. 6 CARTOON'S - 2 SERIALS rolled up above the knees, the Theatre Sets Public contract for the construction of Forsberg and the policy. lou, "but \ ou needn't tell me Kiwanis clubs attending the the story. I think F undor- boys looked more like grunion a community recreation building ANSWER: You arc protected hunters than car movers, in El Nido Park. gathering included, besides in the above circumstances. Ktand!'' SUN. - MON.- TUES. For Roles in 'Tender Trap' those from Walteria club, Her- In Cinrmatcope and Color car. mired in mud and water With construction of Uiis Your policy covers you for Tender Trap," three-act mosa "Beach, Palos Verdes, acts of animals for tvhiqh >ou Can't all be that thrifty, but two feet deep was difficult, to Initial try-outs lor "The modern new building greatly in­ "The Second eventually they comedy to be presented by ACCENT: Theatre! in May and facilities Lomita. Torrance, Gardena and are responsible. fry golly there's an easier way ... budge, but; creased recreational San Pedro. To shop Downtown turned the wheels in Hie Tight June, will be conducted tonight, February 16, ait the will be made available to the Greatest Sex" direction and Mrs. Harris was YMCA,^ * ^ * ' • * 2080"•—•*•••- Washington.- — • •• - -j^_— ..._„._... _. .-...„..__....._ ,,._,_ ..,_.___ people of a large area of El Nido if you'll address your own it always pays, to this of­ Especially on Dollar Days! with JEAN CRAIN again under way, very great- Persons interested in playing the southern section of Lawn- insurance questions BERT LAHR dale. North Torrance and Re- Chamber, Report fice, we'll try to give you the — plus — fill to the students from North one of the eight roles made Pretty bad poetry, hull,? But Republicans dondo Beach, Supervisor Hahn correct answers and there will SPENCER TRACY high and their spirit of consid­ famous by the movie, starring Henry Ely the, who was se- * good idea. So remember llie t« eration. said. <- be no charge or obligation of Frank Sinaira, David Wayne, | lected as a representative of the rta.tc», mates! Today, Thursday, Discuss Under terms of the contract, to act. in any kind. Reynolds, may come To Chamber of Commerce Feb. 16, and continuing through and Dcbbie the contractor. Walter Kropfli the current heart drive, has no­ 8 and 10:30 Construction Company, should Friday and Saturday. Feb. 17 any time between tified the chairman of Area V TORRANCE p.m., according to Jack Hudson, Endorsements begin work on tfce building dur­ for Los Angeles County Heart and 18. Torrance Dollar Days, HEY KIDS — LOOK ! ! 1 GENERAL director. ing March and the building association that his committee with bargain* galore juxt fat' A BIG KIDDIE SHOW Designed for the purpose of should be completed in four WEDNESDAY. There are roles for men from has been set up and is now func­ INSURANCE you! WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY I making pre-primary endorse- months time. tioning and going full speed 23 to 35 years of age. while con-i menls c'of--'Repl,b|i~an hopefuls. 1407 MARCELINA FA. 8-7102 SHOW STARTS 12 NOON Wed. thru Sat.. Feb. 15-16-17-18 The MICW recreation building ahead. 'siderably younger women can; members of the party's candi- will be located in El Nido park, "Ma and Pa be used or older, depending on'date committee for the Seven- set back approximately 200 feet .N SHIP: appearance and ability, Hudson! te*ntll <-ongressional district from Kingsdale avenue at the just, south of 182nd street. The Dollar Day < ominitte* Kettle At Home" said. will hold their first meeting curve — plus -- this Thursday. February 16, at Supervisor Hahn said that the Figure Your Own Deal ..Merchant* \n- of your Retail He also listed auditions for 8 p.m. in San Pedro's Hacienda j bujlding will be approximately Aociation seriously pledged "Francis Joins the olio entertainment which hotel. !60 by 120 feet and will contain themselves to make thi* the Tyron* JjClNlMASoDPE] will accompany "Lily, the Persons Interested In the!a large recreation room, a kit TRADE-IN ALLOWANCE POWER Felon's D a u g h t e r," old-fash­ greatest Torrarir* Dollar Day* The Wacs" THE LONG Sixty-eighth district assembly chenette, storage rooms, entry- Old R*fri9«rator——'Qualified Trade"—— Balance OF CARTOONS Maur««n ioned melodrama to be present­ AND LOADS LINE office or the congressional seat ways, and public toilet facilities.
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